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View Full Version : 29 mind-blowing photos that show you how badly liberalism has ruined Detroit

red states rule
06-07-2015, 06:14 AM
If you click on the link, you will see photos that anyone would think were taken in Iraq or Syria. This is the legacy of the labor unions and this is normally what happens to any city and company they infest

Also, liberalism played a major role in the death of Detroit as well. Look at the success it has had in Baltimore and it may headed to the same fate as Detroit

Detroit represents nothing less than progressivism in its final stage of decadence: Worried that unionized public-sector workers are looting your city? Detroit is already bankrupt, unable to provide basic services expected of it — half the streetlights don’t work, transit has been reduced, neighborhoods go unpatrolled. Worried that public-sector unions are ruining your schools? Detroit’s were ruined a generation or more ago, the results of which are everywhere to be seen in the city. Worried that Obamacare is going to ruin our health-care markets? General-practice physicians are hard to find in Detroit, and those willing to accept Medicaid — which covers a great swath of Detroit’s population — are rarer still. Worried about the permissive culture? Four out of five of Detroit’s children are born out of wedlock. Worried that government is making it difficult for businesses to thrive? Many people in Detroit have to travel miles to find a grocery store. This is the endgame of welfare economics: What good is Medicaid if there are no doctors? What good are food stamps where there is no food? What good are “free” schools if you’re so afraid to send your children there that you feel it prudent to arm them first?

Detroit is what Democrats do. The last Republican elected mayor of Detroit took office during the Eisenhower administration. The decay of Detroit is not the inevitable outcome of the decline of the automotive industry: The automotive industry is thriving in the United States — but not in Detroit. It isn’t white flight: The black middle class has left Detroit as fast as it can. The model of Detroit politics is startlingly familiar in its fundamentals, distinguished only by its degree of advancement: Advance the interests of public-sector unions and politically connected business cronies, expand the relative size of the public sector remorselessly — and when opposed, cry “Racism!” When people vote with their feet, cry “Racism!” When the budget just won’t balance, cry “Racism!” Never mind that the current mayor of Detroit is the first non–African American to hold that job since the 1970s, or that, as one Detroit News columnist put it, “black nationalism . . . is now the dominant ideology of the [city] council” — somewhere, there must be a somebody else to blame, preferably: aged, portly, white, male, and Republican. No less a fool than Ed Schultz blamed the straits of this exemplar of Democratic single-party rule on “a lot of Republican policies.” Melissa Harris-Perry, “America’s leading public intellectual,” blames Detroit’s problems on its conservatism and small government, oblivious to the fact that Detroit maintains twice as many city employees per resident as do larger cities such as Fort Worth and Indianapolis, and three times as many as liberal San Jose.

06-07-2015, 07:30 AM
If you click on the link, you will see photos that anyone would think were taken in Iraq or Syria. This is the legacy of the labor unions and this is normally what happens to any city and company they infest

Also, liberalism played a major role in the death of Detroit as well. Look at the success it has had in Baltimore and it may headed to the same fate as Detroit

The best part Red is some call these places home, and even though they could pick themselves up and get out, they would rather cry how unfair it is and wallow in the filth.

red states rule
06-07-2015, 07:36 AM
The best part Red is some call these places home, and even though they could pick themselves up and get out, they would rather cry how unfair it is and wallow in the filth.

True. In most cases they vote Dem over and over hoping THEY will improve their lives instead of getting off their ass make improve their lives on their own

Also, I wonder how many of these losers are form union goons. They murdered the auto industry with their greed and thug like tactics. I love it watching union goons lose their jobs when the company goes bankrupt or closes up and moves

Then they whine and cry over how they are the victim. Remember Hostess? Unions goons screwed their own asses. Now the same products are back on the store shelf only they are not union made. Know what? They still taste just as good and they now cost less

06-07-2015, 12:55 PM
If you click on the link, you will see photos that anyone would think were taken in Iraq or Syria. This is the legacy of the labor unions and this is normally what happens to any city and company they infest

Also, liberalism played a major role in the death of Detroit as well. Look at the success it has had in Baltimore and it may headed to the same fate as Detroit

The high cost of union labor (always run by leftist libs) has driven off most of America's manufacturing industry. And even now, they (like the SEIU) still have a lot of stroke and power....despite the fact that by now, they shouldn't have.

06-07-2015, 01:39 PM

And this is taking place all over the country as we speak!

06-07-2015, 04:19 PM
My photos of the area -








It's really sickening - during community clean up events with a local charity, sometimes residents come out and say things like "Thanks for cleaning up this trash-filled lot! We were wondering when somebody was going to come by!"

Whole time we're thinking..."don't YOU live here? Why haven't you done it??"

Old housing. Yup - I got it. People don't want to invest in populations who tear shit up. Nobody can do anything about living in an old place; they CAN do something about ensuring they live in a clean place. Hard to change mindsets of those who refuse to know any better.

06-07-2015, 04:23 PM
My photos of the area -

It's really sickening - during community clean up events with a local charity, sometimes residents come out and say things like "Thanks for cleaning up this trash-filled lot! We were wondering when somebody was going to come by!"

Whole time we're thinking..."don't YOU live here? Why haven't you done it??"

Old housing. Yup - I got it. People don't want to invest in populations who tear shit up. Nobody can do anything about living in an old place; they CAN do something about ensuring they live in a clean place. Hard to change mindsets of those who refuse to know any better.

Wonder where Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are on this? Too busy trying to FRAME, and EXTORT from cities and their police forces?
This is really sad when we think we are in 2015, and HONESTLY....nothing has changed since before the LBJ days of that great promise of GREAT SOCIETY from the Democrats who now..RUN cities like Detroit?

06-07-2015, 04:35 PM
I have posted pictures and articles on Detroit for years...

The first picture in the article is the William Livingstone Mansion in the Brush Park section of Detroit.

Here is a picture of it in better times.... It completely collapsed in 2007.


06-07-2015, 05:09 PM
And the problem is NOT liberals. Nor Liberalism.

The problem is US. We. Us. Society. People. Human nature. This isn't a virus nor bacteria. Humans are hard wired to choose something-for-nothing. We strive for 'easier'. Hell, we give our money to big-business (then, ironically, protest big-business for then HAVING our money) in the name of 'easy'.

Detroit's problem is this: More often than not, people believed the things people told them. "If we raise taxes on BUSINESS we can then re-invest into 'programs' to help the poor" instead of letting businesses hire the poor and give them the money directly, govt steps in and 'provides services'.


06-07-2015, 05:44 PM
And the problem is NOT liberals. Nor Liberalism.

The problem is US. We. Us. Society. People. Human nature. This isn't a virus nor bacteria. Humans are hard wired to choose something-for-nothing. We strive for 'easier'. Hell, we give our money to big-business (then, ironically, protest big-business for then HAVING our money) in the name of 'easy'.

Detroit's problem is this: More often than not, people believed the things people told them. "If we raise taxes on BUSINESS we can then re-invest into 'programs' to help the poor" instead of letting businesses hire the poor and give them the money directly, govt steps in and 'provides services'.


I respectfully disagree DMP.

The problem in Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Camden and other decayed, bankrupt and blighted cities are well Documented.

1) Single Party Rule since the 1940's - Democrats/Liberal Progressives have controlled all major cities in the USA for 70+ Years. They have pandered to every Union in order to maintain their grip on Power. In Detroit it was the UAW and the Teachers unions. The insane demands of the UAW drove away the Big-3 with Pension/Benefit/Contract demands. Those 100's of thousands of Jobs are now in Mexico and Canada. There are almost no Automobile Jobs in Detroit today. The biggest employers are Municipal Unions. Increasing Taxes on Industry and Business drove away most viable companies years ago. There has not been a republican elected to the city council in Detroit for 70 years. Who else can you blame? It is a single party system so you can only blame one party and it's associated Cronies... That Party is the Democrats. They made the deals, raised the taxes, cut the police, increased the welfare state, drove away the business and created an atmosphere of racial hatred that boils over constantly. It was the greed of the ruling party and their attempts to maintain a stranglehold on power that made things the way they are today.

Detroit is a DEAD CITY.. 690,000 people in the space designed for 3.5 million. less than 20% of kids graduate High School, Murder and Major Crime are rampant, Drugs are everywhere, teenage mothers , an atmosphere of racial hatred... all brought to you by the only party to control the city for nearly 3/4 of a century.


06-07-2015, 05:52 PM
I respectfully disagree DMP.

The problem in Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Camden and other decayed, bankrupt and blighted cities are well Documented.

1) Single Party Rule since the 1940's - Democrats/Liberal Progressives have controlled all major cities in the USA for 70+ Years. They have pandered to every Union in order to maintain their grip on Power. In Detroit it was the UAW and the Teachers unions. The insane demands of the UAW drove away the Big-3 with Pension/Benefit/Contract demands. Those 100's of thousands of Jobs are now in Mexico and Canada. There are almost no Automobile Jobs in Detroit today. The biggest employers are Municipal Unions. Increasing Taxes on Industry and Business drove away most viable companies years ago. There has not been a republican elected to the city council in Detroit for 70 years. Who else can you blame? It is a single party system so you can only blame one party and it's associated Cronies... That Party is the Democrats. They made the deals, raised the taxes, cut the police, increased the welfare state, drove away the business and created an atmosphere of racial hatred that boils over constantly. It was the greed of the ruling party and their attempts to maintain a stranglehold on power that made things the way they are today.

Detroit is a DEAD CITY.. 690,000 people in the space designed for 3.5 million. less than 20% of kids graduate High School, Murder and Major Crime are rampant, Drugs are everywhere, teenage mothers , an atmosphere of racial hatred... all brought to you by the only party to control the city for nearly 3/4 of a century.


And who voted those people into office? Other PEOPLE. SOCIETY voted them in. WE are society. You, me, others. Yes - the wounds are largely self-inflicted, but to cure it we have to treat the cause - human nature. Human nature who'd rather shoot an arrow at food than have to run up to it and stab it with a knife.

06-07-2015, 06:14 PM
And the problem is NOT liberals. Nor Liberalism.

The problem is US. We. Us. Society. People. Human nature. This isn't a virus nor bacteria. Humans are hard wired to choose something-for-nothing. We strive for 'easier'. Hell, we give our money to big-business (then, ironically, protest big-business for then HAVING our money) in the name of 'easy'.

Detroit's problem is this: More often than not, people believed the things people told them. "If we raise taxes on BUSINESS we can then re-invest into 'programs' to help the poor" instead of letting businesses hire the poor and give them the money directly, govt steps in and 'provides services'.


dmp. You are right, everybody who is posting on this topic is right about this. But. As I have tried to say many, many times about this Obama/Liberal/Democrat problem that has persisted since I can remember is. EDUCATION, and the real, honest to goodness...LACK OF IT.
As long as SOCIETY...namely our Society today is prevented from becoming knowledgeable, giving Honest information, tempted by Promises that HAVE NEVER BEEN KEPT from Politicians. EDUCATION will be the primary reason so many Americans, from all races, faiths, and creeds will continue to vote DEMOCRAT.
That's HONESTLY it. Not only in my opinion. But there are REAL, DOCUMENTED facts to back it up. IF people are willing to search on their own, and comprehend the hidden Lies they have learned to believe.

06-07-2015, 06:21 PM
And who voted those people into office? Other PEOPLE. SOCIETY voted them in. WE are society. You, me, others. Yes - the wounds are largely self-inflicted, but to cure it we have to treat the cause - human nature. Human nature who'd rather shoot an arrow at food than have to run up to it and stab it with a knife.

no... it is not SOCIETY..

In Detroit, Democrats outnumber Republicans almost 4 to 1.

83% of people in the City of Detroit are African American. almost 100% of whom vote Democrat.
10% are White -

Democrats continually vote in their crony candidates. From the school boards to the Mayors office.

No... It wasnt SOCIETY... It was Democrats voting for other Democrats.

You cant blame Republicans

06-07-2015, 07:29 PM
no... it is not SOCIETY..

In Detroit, Democrats outnumber Republicans almost 4 to 1.

83% of people in the City of Detroit are African American. almost 100% of whom vote Democrat.
10% are White -

Democrats continually vote in their crony candidates. From the school boards to the Mayors office.

No... It wasnt SOCIETY... It was Democrats voting for other Democrats.

You cant blame Republicans

In detroit's society, Democrats outnumber republicans...

Dude - The blame is human nature; the human condition of choosing the easy path. Until we fix that (we = society) nothing will change.

06-07-2015, 07:53 PM
In detroit's society, Democrats outnumber republicans...

Dude - The blame is human nature; the human condition of choosing the easy path. Until we fix that (we = society) nothing will change.

No... It isn't human nature.

It is Government maintaining a persistent underclass that they provide services to in order to keep getting elected. The Detroit model shows this to be true. Detroit is a Welfare City. The vast Majority of those living in the city live below the Poverty level.

Their income comes from Welfare, Section 8, food stamps, WIC and any number of social welfare programs that provide something for nothing. Those that receive these benefits form the biggest single voting block in the city. They will vote for the Money. They have no incentive to change. The Liberals that run the city want them ignorant, uneducated, easily swayed and perpetually unhappy. This secures their vote in every election. All they incumbent liberal/Democrats have to say is "REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR BENEFITS" and the die is cast....

If Republicans were allowed to come in and promote Jobs, If the Teachers Unions were held accountable and not allowed Tenure, If Business wasn't taxed to the point where they are forced to flee, If Municipal Unions were not given Golden Parachute retirement packages that bankrupt the city... they might have a chance.

Promote Industry, Clean up the Schools, End Single Party Rule and offer incentive to get people off Welfare....

Thats a recipe for success.

Right now Liberals can only blame themselves for 70 years of Urban Decay.

06-07-2015, 08:04 PM
No... It isn't human nature.

I have proof.

See: Fire. See: Weaponry. See: Wheel. See: Just about ALL of biology capable of discernment.

People would rather take the path of least resistance. Some - most? half? Eleventy-four percent? understand what is 'easy' now could mean 'death' later. Doesn't change the fact human nature and fluid dynamics are linked in at least one way - path of least resistance.

It is Government

...which is chosen from people within society.

maintaining a persistent underclass

of society

that they provide services to in order to keep getting elected.

by society

The Detroit model shows this to be true. Detroit is a Welfare City. The vast Majority of those

(that's society)

living in the city live below the Poverty level.

Their income comes from Welfare, Section 8, food stamps, WIC and any number of social welfare programs that provide something for nothing. Those

within that society

that receive these benefits form the biggest single voting block in the city. They will vote for the Money. They have no incentive to change.

because that society is unwilling to look beyond their desire to take the path of SEEMINGLY least resistance.

The Liberals from and elected by society
that run the city want them society
ignorant, uneducated, easily swayed and perpetually unhappy. This secures their vote by society
in every election. All they incumbent liberal/Democrats have to say is "REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR BENEFITS" and the die is cast.... because society believes them.

If Republicans were allowed by society
to come in and promote Jobs, If the Teachers Unions were held accountable by society
and not allowed Tenure, If Business wasn't taxed by society-elected liberals
to the point where they are forced to flee, If Municipal Unions were not given Golden Parachute retirement packages that bankrupt the city... they might have a chance. They = society.

Right now Liberals can only blame themselves for 70 years of Urban Decay.

And...wait for it...the Liberals are in power because SOCIETY elects them. Society IS people. It's everyone. Liberal, Conservative, or too-weak-to-pick-a-side "Moderates".

That's us bro. You and me. AND everyone at democraticunderground.

We're fucked because we let our kids get mind-fucked by progressives in schools. We're weak because we let our kids be fooled into 'everyone is a WINNER!' and "losing is bad! yuk!"

Only chance? or one chance?

Do what they did. Begin indoctrinating our children in the ways of Liberty (which are counter to today's liberalism). Expose them to Guns, Guts, Glory. Make our lives harder for awhile. Learn to appreciate honest work because without honest work people die of starvation.

Rewind the clock 200 years then hope and pray the "Educated" don't do it again.