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06-09-2015, 01:00 PM
She's so inept.....that the gag order she filed trying to keep witnesses from discussing the Freddie Gray case....

was filed in the wrong court. You can't make this stuff up...lol. Offhand, I'd have to say that is a wee bit of karma, baby!

Marilyn Mosby Filed Gag Order Motion IN THE WRONG COURT

Baltimore city state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby’s motion for a gag order in the Freddie Gray case was denied Monday because the prosecutor filed paperwork in the wrong court.

Mosby’s May 14 motion, filed in Baltimore’s circuit court, was intended to block witnesses, attorneys and police from speaking publicly about the Gray case. Six officers have been indicted on a total of 28 felony charges related to Gray’s April 12 arrest. The 25-year-old Gray died April 19. His death was ruled a homicide.

Judge Charles Peters slapped down Mosby’s motion, citing jurisdictional issues, The Baltimore Sun reported. The cases for the six officers charged were still on the district court’s docket when the motion was filed. The cases were only moved to the circuit court on May 21, after a grand jury indicted the officers.

It is unclear whether Mosby’s office will file a new request in circuit court.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/06/09/marilyn-mosby-filed-gag-order-motion-in-the-wrong-court/#ixzz3caaNEiqs

06-09-2015, 02:12 PM
Sounds like the state atty. works for our State Department.

She must have taken lessons from.....http://icansayit.com/images/shesconfused.jpg

06-09-2015, 02:14 PM
"How incompetent and inept is Baltimore's state attorney?"....Very!


06-09-2015, 02:16 PM
Sounds like the state atty. works for our State Department.

She must have taken lessons from.....http://icansayit.com/images/shesconfused.jpg

*Based on "her actions and what comes out of her racist mouth".....I doubt it...she is to Proud to "take advice" from whitey ....She owns stupid all by herself....

06-09-2015, 02:18 PM
"How incompetent and inept is Baltimore's state attorney?"....Very!


Sad to say. But, I remember watching her make that long speech about the six cops being indicted. And something struck me, right from the start about how angry she looked, and pretended to be...as she became the Instant Judge, Jury, and HANGMAN for those cops. Just looking at her photo reminds everyone (honestly), of others we have seen with such a scowl on their face..after being arrested for Denial of Stealing, Shoplifting, or other crimes...CAPTURED ON TAPE...that DOESN'T LIE.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2015, 07:12 PM
"How incompetent and inept is Baltimore's state attorney?"....Very!


Very likely in her case it is a combination of -- who she knows and who she blows. :laugh:

And in the messed up world today they could be either male or female. ;)--Tyr