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View Full Version : BTW, does anybody think Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is actally a woman?

06-11-2015, 10:41 AM
There's a strange lack of curiosity about this question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.

06-11-2015, 11:08 AM
He's a man and always will be, despite his protests to the contrary.

The whole thing is a freak show.

"Just call me Caitlyn"... I think I'll just call him a weirdo.

06-11-2015, 11:23 AM
She identifies as a woman.

You may console yourself with 'facts of biological sex' to call her a man.

However, you can not pretend that someones gender, pro-nouns, or name is anything other that what they tell you it is.

06-11-2015, 11:38 AM
She identifies as a woman.

You may console yourself with 'facts of biological sex' to call her a man.

However, you can not pretend that someones gender, pro-nouns, or name is anything other that what they tell you it is.

Just because you tell me that an Apple is an Orange doesn't make it so.

The fact is he is a man and no amount of drugs, surgery, makeup and protestations otherwise will change that.

06-11-2015, 11:58 AM
Not my circus. Not my monkeys. Not my business. A person's expression of gender identity is no concern of mine unless they are part of my family and friends. I do applaud the spirit that says live your own life and not someone else's. Frankly unless I plan tobecome intimately involved with a person, their naughty bits ain't any concern of mine. I simply take them as they present themselves.

06-11-2015, 12:12 PM

06-11-2015, 12:17 PM
Not my circus. Not my monkeys. Not my business. A person's expression of gender identity is no concern of mine unless they are part of my family and friends. I do applaud the spirit that says live your own life and not someone else's. Frankly unless I plan tobecome intimately involved with a person, their naughty bits ain't any concern of mine. I simply take them as they present themselves.

Generally speaking, I agree with you.

However, what I have a problem with is a guy who is pretending to be a woman insisting that he can use the public ladies' room when my wife or daughter are in there. Not cool and I don't want him anywhere around my girls that I'm responsible for.

I really don't care what he does in his home, but people like this are never satisfied & continually push to break down basic decency boundaries in their quixotic quest to be 100% accepted in their lifestyle, and even better if they legally force their views on anyone who disagrees with them.

06-11-2015, 05:40 PM
I agree with Wiccan. NONE OF MY (OUR) BUSINESS.

But...The OLYMPIC COMMITTEE should demand the FORMER Bruce...return the GOLD medals.

He/She has made them the awards to a FRAUD.

06-11-2015, 05:45 PM
Just because you tell me that an Apple is an Orange doesn't make it so.

The fact is he is a man and no amount of drugs, surgery, makeup and protestations otherwise will change that.

Hell I am a president Regan, ready to kick the crook out of the WH. As long as we are playing make believe and all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2015, 05:45 PM
There's a strange lack of curiosity about this question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.

The Wheaties man went to being the Panties man--key word being--MAN....
If I lost my precious tool due to an accident would I become a woman?
Silly claiming that I would. huh?
So why does so many believe the guy, he has not even offered proof that his willy is gone.
Guy is insane but hey such reality is denied these days..Tyr

06-11-2015, 05:47 PM
Not my circus. Not my monkeys. Not my business. A person's expression of gender identity is no concern of mine unless they are part of my family and friends. I do applaud the spirit that says live your own life and not someone else's. Frankly unless I plan tobecome intimately involved with a person, their naughty bits ain't any concern of mine. I simply take them as they present themselves.

I agree, but this has been thrown in all our faces for weeks now, I don't believe anyone you meet wouldn't know this story. Had (it) done this and went about (it's) merry way I wouldn't of thought twice about it, because I wouldn't even of known about it.

Old ridge Runner
06-11-2015, 05:49 PM
He;s as weird as Tiny Tim tiptoeing through the tulips.


06-11-2015, 06:28 PM
I agree with Wiccan. NONE OF MY (OUR) BUSINESS.

But...The OLYMPIC COMMITTEE should demand the FORMER Bruce...return the GOLD medals.

He/She has made them the awards to a FRAUD.

She still did accomplish those things. Unless you're insisting that somehow, she cheated, there's really no cause to take the medals. Same thing with the whole moronic Michael Phelps thing where they DID take his medals cause it turned out he did pot, and they tried to say it was a "performance enhancer".

the only place where pot could be considered a performance enhancing drug is a hot dog eating contest.

06-11-2015, 06:31 PM
I agree, but this has been thrown in all our faces for weeks now, I don't believe anyone you meet wouldn't know this story. Had (it) done this and went about (it's) merry way I wouldn't of thought twice about it, because I wouldn't even of known about it.

Except, she couldn't. Price of celebrity and the internet. There's no possible way this would've been able to be kept private, or do you really think that the paparazzi was going to let this be their one time where they don't sell the photos. One way or the other, we were going to hear about this, so I'm sorry, but that's really not a legitimate criticism.

She had no more chance of keeping this quiet than a paraplegic has of beating out a Kenyan running marathon.

06-11-2015, 07:01 PM
There's a strange lack of curiosity about this question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.

I really could not care less....nor give a crap about the Kardshian <sp> clan.

Media, especially Huff Po, loves to glamorize this tripe.

Those that cling to this B.S. have really got to be strange.

06-11-2015, 07:05 PM
She identifies as a woman.

You may console yourself with 'facts of biological sex' to call her a man.

However, you can not pretend that someones gender, pro-nouns, or name is anything other that what they tell you it is.

Noir....you are simply strange...

One day you will pass 25 and realize there are older and wiser people on earth...

Safe Paths.

06-11-2015, 07:05 PM
He;s as weird as Tiny Tim tiptoeing through the tulips.



Good to see you old friend...:beer:

06-11-2015, 09:19 PM
Except, she couldn't. Price of celebrity and the internet. There's no possible way this would've been able to be kept private, or do you really think that the paparazzi was going to let this be their one time where they don't sell the photos. One way or the other, we were going to hear about this, so I'm sorry, but that's really not a legitimate criticism.

She had no more chance of keeping this quiet than a paraplegic has of beating out a Kenyan running marathon.

Honestly I don't think the Paparazzi could give a rats butt about Bruce, the only time I have heard anything about him in years was when they spoke of him and the Kardashians, I believe he could of stayed out of the lime light, in fact I think 3/4 of the fact that it hit the media the way it did was just another publicity stunt. Do you really believe the Paparazzi was hanging out at a over the hill Athlete's house ? If that is the case guys like Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw , Marino to just name a few would have the paparazzi living with them.

06-11-2015, 09:22 PM
He's a man and always will be, despite his protests to the contrary.

The whole thing is a freak show.

"Just call me Caitlyn"... I think I'll just call him a weirdo.

Just don't call him "Johnson", or say he has a "Johnson".


06-11-2015, 10:29 PM
There's a strange lack of curiosity about this question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.

His mother still calls him Bruce.....

so....no. He's a male.

06-11-2015, 10:50 PM
His mother still calls him Bruce.....

so....no. He's a male.

Momma knows !!!

Max R.
06-11-2015, 11:35 PM
I agree, but this has been thrown in all our faces for weeks now, I don't believe anyone you meet wouldn't know this story. Had (it) done this and went about (it's) merry way I wouldn't of thought twice about it, because I wouldn't even of known about it.

It's a sensation only because people (other people, not me) tune in or buy the magazines. My own wife loves that sh*t. I'm fine with her watching it as long as I'm in the other room.

I'm not going to get wrapped around the axle about Bruce/Caitlyn, medals, Kardashians, Vogue or any other related happy horse pucky because I've got better things to do than pay attention to someone who is very mixed up.

06-12-2015, 06:08 AM
Noir....you are simply strange...

One day you will pass 25 and realize there are older and wiser people on earth...

Safe Paths.

Wait, you mean i'm not the oldest and wised person on earth? You must be mistaken.

Hell I am a president Regan, ready to kick the crook out of the WH. As long as we are playing make believe and all.

If someone gets their name changed to Ronald Regan by deed poll, then is their name not Ronald Regan?

06-12-2015, 06:50 AM
Wait, you mean i'm not the oldest and wised person on earth? You must be mistaken.

If someone gets their name changed to Ronald Regan by deed poll, then is their name not Ronald Regan?

OK how about if I decide to be Nancy Reagan ???

Seriously Noir I agree with this, but I don't agree if ya lop your joint off you are now a woman, nope you where born male and will die male no matter how you mutilate your body.

06-12-2015, 07:17 AM
OK how about if I decide to be Nancy Reagan ???

Seriously Noir I agree with this, but I don't agree if ya lop your joint off you are now a woman, nope you where born male and will die male no matter how you mutilate your body.

If you change your name by deed poll to Nancy, is your name then Nancy?

06-12-2015, 07:21 AM
And Perianne identifies as a fire truck, so a fire truck it is. :)

06-12-2015, 07:41 AM
OK how about if I decide to be Nancy Reagan ???

Seriously Noir I agree with this, but I don't agree if ya lop your joint off you are now a woman, nope you where born male and will die male no matter how you mutilate your body.

I think getting you to lop off your junk would be the easy part.

Getting you down to Nancy's fighting weight of 90 lbs. would be pretty damn hard. :laugh:

06-12-2015, 08:47 AM
If you change your name by deed poll to Nancy, is your name then Nancy?

A name is much different than ones Gender Noir, Hell I have been and will be called all different names but I am and always will be a man.

06-12-2015, 08:48 AM
I think getting you to lop off your junk would be the easy part.

Getting you down to Nancy's fighting weight of 90 lbs. would be pretty damn hard. :laugh:

You would have to lop off much more than well you know for me to get down to that. :laugh:

06-12-2015, 02:49 PM
Honestly I don't think the Paparazzi could give a rats butt about Bruce, the only time I have heard anything about him in years was when they spoke of him and the Kardashians, I believe he could of stayed out of the lime light, in fact I think 3/4 of the fact that it hit the media the way it did was just another publicity stunt. Do you really believe the Paparazzi was hanging out at a over the hill Athlete's house ? If that is the case guys like Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw , Marino to just name a few would have the paparazzi living with them.

Really? Have you not... seen tabloids in the last twenty years? Think of the most inane, idiotic nothing article you've seen posted on this site. Or how about when they leaked actress's private nude photos, or when they were ready to lynch Paula Deen because sometime in the 60s she may have used the N-word in rural Alabama.

It doesn't matter if they're hanging out. If one famous person she knows blabs, they get it. Period, could be a friend of a friend, or someone deciding to cheer her on, doesn't matter. There was no way we weren't going to end up hearing about it.

If you really think we aren't the sort to give serious air time to people who shouldn't get one second, I say: Honey Boo-Boo.

06-12-2015, 05:38 PM
Really? Have you not... seen tabloids in the last twenty years? Think of the most inane, idiotic nothing article you've seen posted on this site. Or how about when they leaked actress's private nude photos, or when they were ready to lynch Paula Deen because sometime in the 60s she may have used the N-word in rural Alabama.

It doesn't matter if they're hanging out. If one famous person she knows blabs, they get it. Period, could be a friend of a friend, or someone deciding to cheer her on, doesn't matter. There was no way we weren't going to end up hearing about it.

If you really think we aren't the sort to give serious air time to people who shouldn't get one second, I say: Honey Boo-Boo.

I have seen many and the idiotic nonsense is always about a popular person a person that is fresh in every ones mind, if Bruce hadn't been with the Kardashian crew he would of been forgotten, that Wheaties box was ages ago, Paula Dean was on TV at the time her story broke, I didn't watch her but I guess some did.

I hear what you are saying Deagon but again if Bruce was never with the Kardashians and didn't want things public it never would of took off like this, hell their are thousands of has bins that I am sure have done some stupid sheot and yes some will make the tabloids but most never does, and Bruce claim to fame was over quicker than a lot.

06-12-2015, 07:33 PM
She identifies as a woman.

You may console yourself with 'facts of biological sex' to call her a man.

However, you can not pretend that someones gender, pro-nouns, or name is anything other that what they tell you it is.

I will cross the Aisle with you on this one Noir.

If Caitlyn Jenner identifies as a female... a Female SHE is..

X/Y Chromosomes are a physical marker...

They dont indicate what is in a persons heart or soul...

06-12-2015, 07:38 PM
Personally, I don't care. It's not like I will ever meet Jenner or have Jenner have much influence on my life either way.

Max R.
06-12-2015, 07:49 PM
....If someone gets their name changed to Ronald Regan by deed poll, then is their name not Ronald Regan?
I'm guessing a simple DNA test will prove they aren't Ronald Reagan.

06-13-2015, 02:38 AM
A name is much different than ones Gender Noir, Hell I have been and will be called all different names but I am and always will be a man.

Exactly but we're taking this in baby steps. Lets start with the name and then we'll get on to gender.

So, you decided to get your name legally changed to Nancy Regan. Would you then agree that your name would be Nancy Regan?

06-13-2015, 06:54 AM
Got a question, Noir. Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP leader in Washington, is a white woman who made herself look black. No one knew this of course. (there's a few threads on this board). So she made her skin look darker and did her hair differently, and was accepted as a black woman and hired as a black woman (even on her application). She states SHE IDENTIFIES as a black woman.

Is this woman black or white?

06-13-2015, 07:19 AM
Got a question, Noir. Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP leader in Washington, is a white woman who made herself look black. No one knew this of course. (there's a few threads on this board). So she made her skin look darker and did her hair differently, and was accepted as a black woman and hired as a black woman (even on her application). She states SHE IDENTIFIES as a black woman. Is this woman black or white?

I have been considering 'trans-ethnic' along with 'trans-abled' for the past week or so since the stories broke. I have yet to decided upon an answer.

06-13-2015, 07:20 AM
I have seen many and the idiotic nonsense is always about a popular person a person that is fresh in every ones mind, if Bruce hadn't been with the Kardashian crew he would of been forgotten, that Wheaties box was ages ago, Paula Dean was on TV at the time her story broke, I didn't watch her but I guess some did.

I hear what you are saying Deagon but again if Bruce was never with the Kardashians and didn't want things public it never would of took off like this, hell their are thousands of has bins that I am sure have done some stupid sheot and yes some will make the tabloids but most never does, and Bruce claim to fame was over quicker than a lot.

Like you said, he was with the Kardashians, it was over right there. It was just never going to be quiet. How would he have done it? Cut off friends and family, maybe go to the middle of nowhere, and disappear? Well, that wouldn't have worked either, cause then we'd have been hearing about how Bruce Jenner disappeared without warning. There would be investigations, and so on. What was the out?

Paula Deen had a very niche audience, and it was basically the southern home-cooking crowd. For popular cooks, you have to look to Alton Brown and Ramsay. Yeah, most people generally know who she is, but then, most people kinda know who Bruce Jenner was at the time. Until someone starts drafting laws that protect, instead of impugn privacy, there's no chance for anyone in the public eye to do something like this without it being on stage, and if they get caught trying to do it quietly, they're basically asking for it be blown up, or do you not think we'd be reading this headline:

"Jenner's Secret Surgery!!!"

Then they basically spin and twist from there, and bam, we're here, but worse, cause she tried to "hide" it, which means there's something to hide, and the search begins, whether or not there's anything else to find.

06-13-2015, 07:38 AM
I have been considering 'trans-ethnic' along with 'trans-abled' for the past week or so since the stories broke. I have yet to decided upon an answer.

And what if down the road someone states they identify as a dog, then maybe they are "trans-species"? Where does it end? How many other recorded cases of "trans-ethnic" or whatever or there out there? Is it even remotely possible that she did so in order to gain an edge in a career path? I'm too lazy to go over all of the possibilities, but do we just give a label now to anyone who claims to identify with something else? And how far do we go in catering to such persons, if at all? Outside of this job, I would LOVE to know if this woman received any other types of perks for being black.

06-13-2015, 07:47 AM
Got a question, Noir. Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP leader in Washington, is a white woman who made herself look black. No one knew this of course. (there's a few threads on this board). So she made her skin look darker and did her hair differently, and was accepted as a black woman and hired as a black woman (even on her application). She states SHE IDENTIFIES as a black woman.

Is this woman black or white?

I have been considering 'trans-ethnic' along with 'trans-abled' for the past week or so since the stories broke. I have yet to decided upon an answer.

Just noticed you didn't really answer the questions. Is this woman black or white?

06-13-2015, 07:52 AM
AND this woman has a brother, who she tells everyone is her son. In reality, her family adopted a black son years back, who became her brother of course. Now as part of her plan he is suddenly her son when convenient.

IS he perhaps trans-coloredbrother?

06-13-2015, 08:18 AM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11536345_593485894126736_7439112449605841223_n.jpg ?oh=6172046606f1cd09cf6a8869e7a8f11a&oe=55F06583

06-13-2015, 08:29 AM
Just noticed you didn't really answer the questions. Is this woman black or white?

As i said i do not yet have an answer at present that I feel stands up to reasonable questioning. I accept that's not a satisfactory answer, but it's all you will presently get.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 08:29 AM
I have always known that I am a God from ANOTHER UNIVERSE.
Now bow down to me and give ME my due!
At least all you people buying that Bruce became a woman by cutting his dong off and dressing the insane part should bow down to me!
All you decent and intelligent folks just laugh at my proclamation and you'd be right to do so..

Whats next in this parade of stupidity, perversity and insanity?? --Tyr

06-13-2015, 08:40 AM
As i said i do not yet have an answer at present that I feel stands up to reasonable questioning. I accept that's not a satisfactory answer, but it's all you will presently get.

Good enough, I suppose.

And now HER answers thus far is that she says it's "personal", and she feels she doesn't need to explain herself. I disagree. She's going to stall as well, for now.

Btw, I heard there was a guy who grew up on the outskirts of a small town in Africa. His parents were busy workers and he played at home, quite often with the monkeys that were in the forest around his home. He now identifies as a monkey. They took away his citizenship though, as monkeys have no rights. Yet.



06-13-2015, 08:42 AM
I have always known that I am a God from ANOTHER UNIVERSE.
Now bow down to me and give ME my due!
At least all you people buying that Bruce became a woman buy cutting his dong off and dressing the insane part should bow down to me!
All you decent and intelligent folks just laugh at my proclamation and you'd be right to do so..

Whats next in this parade of stupidity, perversity and insanity?? --Tyr

The more and more I watch the sc-fi shows, and movies, the more I am starting to identify as well with folks from other planets. I feel as if I was raised by Dr. Spock. I now identify as a Vulcan.

06-13-2015, 08:58 AM
Seems to me If he's allowed to Imagine himself a female.
then I'm allowed to use my own standard to judge that he's a MAN who calls himself a female. My convictions are as strong as his. Plus they are based on objective biological and physical standards that are universal among all animals.

A "transgendered" man worked in our IT dept.. and i didn't call HIM "Her" or "she". i used his name mostly.
Others said it hurt his feelings. Not my intent. but i just don't recognize the strong desire or mental orientation as trumping a biological fact.

There are certain physical and biological facts that supersede emotional/intellectual desires.
The designations of human being, of male and female, OLD and YOUNG.

just because an 80 year old get a face lift, boob job and hair coloring doesn't mean she's 21.
no matter how young she FEELS on the inside. Or How emotionally committed she is to the concept.
she may have Justin Breiber posters on the wall, and read teen blogs, and go to night clubs every night.
sorry she's still 80 years old.

But Culture and law might ALLOW her to pretend that it's not the case but the foundational physical and biological facts have not changed.
And I don't want to play the cultural game. IMO In the long run it's damaging in several ways.
One way .. in the extreme... is that it makes nothing about our labels of humanity or the world physically objectively based.
It becomes primarily emotionally and intellectually culturally based. it's a science killer. No objective standards finally based on physical or material attributes.
If a man believes he's a talking horse then I guess he's a talking horse. who's to deny him?
It's his DEEP emotional intellectual self perception.
Others should not only Acknowledge it but CELEBRATE it.
It's not really the fact that a large number of others have the same self concept. It's mainly that HE has such a strong conviction and sense of horse-self that's the arguments turn on.

mental illness? i'm not a dr i can't say. but he's not a talking horse. Even if they physically graft a tail on him.

So, no Jenner is a confused man. period

And the woman who is pretending to be black, can pretend, that's fine. but she's not.
And an able bodied person who FEELs like they should not be has a mental problem.
thats just it. dr or no they have mental issues. but are in fact able bodied.
Until a physical loss of body function. THEN they are in fact disabled.

I have to say that It's also odd that some atheist and non-chrsitains who claim science and proven objective material reality as the only real basis for living life would be open to people's FANTASIES of reality that are clearly contrary to verifiable physical, biological, material reality.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 09:29 AM
Good enough, I suppose.

And now HER answers thus far is that she says it's "personal", and she feels she doesn't need to explain herself. I disagree. She's going to stall as well, for now.

Btw, I heard there was a guy who grew up on the outskirts of a small town in Africa. His parents were busy workers and he played at home, quite often with the monkeys that were in the forest around his home. He now identifies as a monkey. They took away his citizenship though, as monkeys have no rights. Yet.



Perhaps she just likes to bang with the black guys and not be attacked as a "white bitch" while doing so. You know, just be accepted .....:rolleyes:-Tyr

06-13-2015, 09:47 AM
Perhaps she just likes to bang with the black guys and not be attacked as a "white bitch" while doing so. You know, just be accepted .....:rolleyes:-Tyr

That's perhaps what her next lie will be. I guarantee you that others will be called racists for questioning this.

At least she IS getting some heat from some in the black community, at least online thus far. Some blacks say that she should have been raised black, dealt with black issues and such, not "become" black one day. I'll be curious as to see what other leaders have to say about this.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 09:58 AM
That's perhaps what her next lie will be. I guarantee you that others will be called racists for questioning this.

At least she IS getting some heat from some in the black community, at least online thus far. Some blacks say that she should have been raised black, dealt with black issues and such, not "become" black one day. I'll be curious as to see what other leaders have to say about this.

I just wonder how much financial "profit" has she gotten by running this littler scam.. You know those hundreds of government minority breaks we whiteys never get! Those vote buying freebies...
She may be a smart cookie getting the black action she loves and paid(for it) as well by Federal government..
I suspect that she is just a lowlife scammer that finally got caught. -Tyr

06-13-2015, 02:13 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11214213_10206724821022270_6719060357429542980_n.j pg?oh=7c6e2d4ef8f73f9b617f7a4a674e5a21&oe=55E66A4D

06-13-2015, 05:10 PM
The more and more I watch the sc-fi shows, and movies, the more I am starting to identify as well with folks from other planets. I feel as if I was raised by Dr. Spock. I now identify as a Vulcan.

I always thought that men were from Mars, women were from Venus and you were from Uranus. :martian: Jim, you left yourself wide open.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 05:16 PM
The more and more I watch the sc-fi shows, and movies, the more I am starting to identify as well with folks from other planets. I feel as if I was raised by Dr. Spock. I now identify as a Vulcan.

If so, I believe ya JIM.. ;)--TYR

Max R.
06-13-2015, 06:30 PM
I just wonder how much financial "profit" has she gotten by running this littler scam.. You know those hundreds of government minority breaks we whiteys never get! Those vote buying freebies...
She may be a smart cookie getting the black action she loves and paid(for it) as well by Federal government..
I suspect that she is just a lowlife scammer that finally got caught. -Tyr
She has four black siblings.

She went to and graduated from black universities. It's not all that surprising she identifies with being black. Odd? Yes, but understandable. Her choice.

Dolezal's parents are Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal. She has an older brother, Joshua.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-13)When she was a teenager, her parents adopted four black babies.[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-benbrumfieldandgregbotelho.2Ccnn-14) She was home-schooled and then went to Jackson, Mississippi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson,_Mississippi) for college, receiving her bachelor's degree from Belhaven University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belhaven_University) in 2000 and her master of fine arts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_fine_arts) degree from Howard University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_University), a historically black college (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historically_black_colleges_and_universities) in Washington, D.C. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C.) in 2002.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 08:11 PM
She has four black siblings.

She went to and graduated from black universities. It's not all that surprising she identifies with being black. Odd? Yes, but understandable. Her choice.

Dolezal's parents are Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal. She has an older brother, Joshua.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-13)When she was a teenager, her parents adopted four black babies.[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-benbrumfieldandgregbotelho.2Ccnn-14) She was home-schooled and then went to Jackson, Mississippi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson,_Mississippi) for college, receiving her bachelor's degree from Belhaven University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belhaven_University) in 2000 and her master of fine arts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_fine_arts) degree from Howard University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_University), a historically black college (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historically_black_colleges_and_universities) in Washington, D.C. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C.) in 2002.

What she identifies with and reality are at odds. As is her reaping gain based upon a lie, she has no black genes/blood. One does not get to be anything they desire by merely wishing it and lying about it--except in her case and thats why most criticize her.
Just look at the changes she made in her appearance just to be able to pull it off.
I may wish to be a NFL QUARTERBACK BUT THAT IS NOT REALITY. TRUTH carries its own absolute merits.. -Tyr

06-13-2015, 08:39 PM
The more and more I watch the sc-fi shows, and movies, the more I am starting to identify as well with folks from other planets. I feel as if I was raised by Dr. Spock. I now identify as a Vulcan.

Understand...at least you know what is logical or illogical ....especially...when looking at planet Earth as its going through its regressive change..

Max R.
06-14-2015, 07:24 AM
As i said i do not yet have an answer at present that I feel stands up to reasonable questioning. I accept that's not a satisfactory answer, but it's all you will presently get.

Hint: What would a genetic test reveal?

That said, I have no problem if she wants to live as a black woman. She's not hurting anyone, so I fail to see the problem.

06-14-2015, 07:25 AM
Like you said, he was with the Kardashians, it was over right there.

This is what I originally said, if he hadn't been in that clan this wouldn't be a story, he was all but forgotten when he poped back up on the radar with a family that does stupid stuff just for publicity, that is why I said and still feel the entire thing is some kind of publicity stunt.

It was just never going to be quiet. How would he have done it? Cut off friends and family, maybe go to the middle of nowhere, and disappear? Well, that wouldn't have worked either, cause then we'd have been hearing about how Bruce Jenner disappeared without warning. There would be investigations, and so on. What was the out?

Again JMO but no Kardashians no one cares if he is alive or dead.

Paula Deen had a very niche audience, and it was basically the southern home-cooking crowd. For popular cooks, you have to look to Alton Brown and Ramsay. Yeah, most people generally know who she is, but then, most people kinda know who Bruce Jenner was at the time. Until someone starts drafting laws that protect,

Honestly I knew the name Paula only because of the scandal. and yes I am in the south. :laugh:

instead of impugn privacy, there's no chance for anyone in the public eye to do something like this without it being on stage, and if they get caught trying to do it quietly, they're basically asking for it be blown up, or do you not think we'd be reading this headline:

"Jenner's Secret Surgery!!!"

Then they basically spin and twist from there, and bam, we're here, but worse, cause she tried to "hide" it, which means there's something to hide, and the search begins, whether or not there's anything else to find.

Again Dragon I believe if Bruce never got with the Kardashians this is a no story, lets face it kids now a days have no idea of his accomplishments, they only know him from the publicity whores Kardashians, and yes I honestly believe if he doesn't hook up there this isn't a story, and the reason for that is with so many not knowing him now a days and others like myself knowing him but not ever thinking of him I just don't see it as a big story, if he wasn't in the headlines than he it wouldn't sell. Again this is just my opinion but if you look at all the aging super star athletes and think, some of them have got to have some personnel scandals that went on in their families but we haven;t heard of them.

Max R.
06-14-2015, 07:26 AM
AND this woman has a brother, who she tells everyone is her son. In reality, her family adopted a black son years back, who became her brother of course. Now as part of her plan he is suddenly her son when convenient.

IS he perhaps trans-coloredbrother?
My understanding is that her parents adopted four black children.

06-14-2015, 07:37 AM
She has four black siblings.

She went to and graduated from black universities. It's not all that surprising she identifies with being black. Odd? Yes, but understandable. Her choice.

Dolezal's parents are Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal. She has an older brother, Joshua.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-13)When she was a teenager, her parents adopted four black babies.[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal#cite_note-benbrumfieldandgregbotelho.2Ccnn-14) She was home-schooled and then went to Jackson, Mississippi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson,_Mississippi) for college, receiving her bachelor's degree from Belhaven University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belhaven_University) in 2000 and her master of fine arts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_fine_arts) degree from Howard University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_University), a historically black college (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historically_black_colleges_and_universities) in Washington, D.C. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C.) in 2002.

And she has these "How To" books to help her!


06-14-2015, 07:39 AM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11214213_10206724821022270_6719060357429542980_n.j pg?oh=7c6e2d4ef8f73f9b617f7a4a674e5a21&oe=55E66A4D


Know that's funny !!!

06-14-2015, 07:41 AM
My understanding is that her parents adopted four black children.

That's correct, I had thought it was just one adoption... But that doesn't make her any more black. Her family can adopt all of Africa and she'll still be a white woman. And she's welcome to do so, like you said, but when she lies about it, and gets a job out of it, and lies that her brother is her son, and some other guy as her Dad... I believe she stepped over the line.

And now Sharpton is already claiming racism and he's offended that the parents outed her. Too bad someone else did so, and the reporters only went to her parents when she refused to answer questions. There's no racism here or any of that crap. We have a young lady that lied, and is white, for whatever her reasons are. But no matter what anyone states, she is white, and her "son" is her adopted brother.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 07:53 AM
That's correct, I had thought it was just one adoption... But that doesn't make her any more black. Her family can adopt all of Africa and she'll still be a white woman. And she's welcome to do so, like you said, but when she lies about it, and gets a job out of it, and lies that her brother is her son, and some other guy as her Dad... I believe she stepped over the line.

And now Sharpton is already claiming racism and he's offended that the parents outed her. Too bad someone else did so, and the reporters only went to her parents when she refused to answer questions. There's no racism here or any of that crap. We have a young lady that lied, and is white, for whatever her reasons are. But no matter what anyone states, she is white, and her "son" is her adopted brother.

Lies beget more and more lies.
Her brother is her son. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Her mom is her grandpa and her Dad is her uncle. No harm Jim, lets just say, she has a right to be a lying bitch that is working the system like other blacks do- no damn wonder that ole Al the lying sharpster defends her. :laugh:
I suppose next she will claim to be MLK reincarnated!!! She gots a dream.... its called milking the system and dating black guys for fun methinks..
while making mulla doing so.. -Tyr

06-14-2015, 08:00 AM
Lies beget more and more lies.
Her brother is her son. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Her mom is her grandpa and her Dad is her uncle. No harm Jim, lets just say, she has a right to be a lying bitch that is working the system like other blacks do- no damn wonder that ole Al the lying sharpster defends her. :laugh:
I suppose next she will claim to be MLK reincarnated!!! She gots a dream.... its called milking the system and dating black guys for fun methinks..
while making mulla doing so.. -Tyr

I don't know if she's working the system or if she's a tad psycho in the head. All I know for sure is that she isn't black, no matter how much she claims so. You can't adopt a few people and then go to a black school and suddenly "be" black.

And the NAACP supporting her, I still don't get that. Sure, maybe she fought for some good causes, but it also seems she laid down some serious lies over time. Her credibility is in the shitter. I wouldn't trust a single word she said at this point. But hey, it's their ship to steer, not mine.

I wonder, going forward, now that her ruse has been made public - will she continue to alter her skin and hair?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 08:06 AM
I don't know if she's working the system or if she's a tad psycho in the head. All I know for sure is that she isn't black, no matter how much she claims so. You can't adopt a few people and then go to a black school and suddenly "be" black.

And the NAACP supporting her, I still don't get that. Sure, maybe she fought for some good causes, but it also seems she laid down some serious lies over time. Her credibility is in the shitter. I wouldn't trust a single word she said at this point. But hey, it's their ship to steer, not mine.

I wonder, going forward, now that her ruse has been made public - will she continue to alter her skin and hair?

Dabiatchh bez crazy, she will carry on as before. You just can't fix that kind of crazy.
We that criticize the liar will soon become the target. For our insensitivity and savagery. :laugh:
We old dinosaurs got to go, nobody wants we that support truth over fantasy and insanity of the lib/left/dem new world my friend.--TYR

04-21-2017, 11:43 PM
BTW, does anybody think Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is actually a woman?

There's a strange lack of curiosity about this question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit (hormones).

04-22-2017, 09:42 AM
Jenner will have always been born a man. And technically speaking, "he" still is and always will be.

When he first switched and was dressing as a woman, I swore up and down that it made no difference whatsoever, as having a penis makes him a man. And having a penis means he uses the mens room, no need for ladies to see a mans penis in their bathrooms.

And I know he's still a man. But I also said that if someone born a man, wants to be a woman, that they need to go for the entire surgery. Well, Bruce "manned" up and went through with it. I'm willing to call him and let him be a woman now, even though inside I know he was and is a man.

No penis and one can't see a penis if he/she uses another bathroom. No more tucking. I can't say he even technically has anything womanly related down there, as I haven't seen it - NOR DO I!

I dunno. I don't like it, and still think it's disgusting and abnormal... but I'm willing to bend a little if someone pays and goes through with it.

04-22-2017, 10:12 AM
I dunno. I don't like it, and still think it's disgusting and abnormal... but I'm willing to bend a little if someone pays and goes through with it.

There is just something very odd and abnormal about the whole thing. I'll just sit back and think
"What the F*** Ever". It does not affect me at all, so why the big sensation over it?

04-22-2017, 11:34 AM
Caitlyn Jenner has X and Y chromosomes in every cell of his body. That makes him a man, when it comes down to it. No amount of hormone treatments or surgeries can change that fact. Indulging him in the delusion that he is actually a woman does no good.

It's just like people with Anorexia who consider themselves fat when, in reality, they are walking skeletons.

What really is a tragedy is that the mental health profession is either being held hostage by the LGBTQ lobby or has become complicit in neglecting to provide meaningful help to individuals with this illness.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Black Diamond
04-22-2017, 01:18 PM
There is just something very odd and abnormal about the whole thing. I'll just sit back and think
"What the F*** Ever". It does not affect me at all, so why the big sensation over it?
The problem for me is the sensation over it. I want to study the fall of the Roman Empire and figure out a timeline. When did the weird sex stuff start to be so rampant and when did the fall begin? May be parrallels to America.

04-22-2017, 03:02 PM
No doubt, I know that Jenner is still a male in every sense, just one that decided to cut his manhood off. I'll never understand, but whatever. But too many want to just place women's clothing on and demand rights. Or take some hormones and demand rights. While I know this really doesn't change anything, he made the full change. I of course don't want to date him. Shit, I wouldn't even want to meet him if I ran into him (and 20 years ago I would have asked for his autograph and picture). I really don't know what I'm saying. I just see him differently than the majority of "transgender", as he actually went for the full deal.

I always said in the past "If they want to truly be seen as the opposite sex, and truly feel that way, then go for the entire surgery. Most don't but he did. I'm confused now, just not like Jenner! LOL I want to respect him more, and give him more leeway than the others...

Male to Female - 18 percent get breasts augmented. Only 20 percent get the vaginoplasty? 21 percent remove the testes. (do 1% get the vaginoplasty and keep their family jewels?) :)

Female to male - only 2 percent opt for the genital surgery.

And all told, that we know of from studies - up to 20 percent end up dealing with what they call "sex change regret"

04-22-2017, 05:59 PM
Look at how many of us are commenting, writing, and offering our opinion about Jenner; much like all of the MSM, and talk radio/tv shows.

Jenner is constantly getting all of the FREE advertising, and FREE attention with every day that passes.
The only real way he would suffer in any way would be...IF WE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT HIM.