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View Full Version : Gutfeld: Why it's a good time for crime

06-12-2015, 07:25 AM
Yes Obama and his band of Racist have done a great job, yes the police don't wish to do their jobs, the thugs know this as well they know what ever they do Obama and others like him will step forward and explain why it is anybodies fault but their own. Yes Laws where made for a reason, but Obama has found away to divide the country and is doing it, yup keeps going this way and we will no longer have Ghetto's we will be a Ghetto.

Wow watch into the video and the black dude explains it, it is all do to the lack of black fathers being in the house hold, see when the cops come they are the first male authority figure they see so the poor young thugs rebel because they are mad their daddy left :rolleyes: my God quit making excuses.

Jun. 11, 2015 - 7:45 - Police know that every disturbance now leads to a filmed conflict, complete with a live audience

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