View Full Version : Child sacrifices by occultists in Uganda

06-17-2015, 08:39 PM
Snatched on their way to school then castrated or decapitated: Horrifying rise in child human sacrifice in Uganda at the hands of witch doctors.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3126758/Snatched-way-school-castrated-decapitated-Horrifying-rise-child-human-sacrifice-Uganda-hands-witch-doctors.html#ixzz3dNDtsLKi
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'Hundreds' of Ugandan children are being sacrificed every year by witch doctors who have convinced the country's superstitious elite that mutilating them will make them even richer.Shockingly, these 'gruesome crimes against children' are 'expected to rise' with the 2016 Ugandan elections fast approaching.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-17-2015, 08:54 PM
'Hundreds' of Ugandan children are being sacrificed every year by witch doctors who have convinced the country's superstitious elite that mutilating them will make them even richer.Shockingly, these 'gruesome crimes against children' are 'expected to rise' with the 2016 Ugandan elections fast approaching.

So, muslims mutilate their girls by cutting off their clitoris etc. They also have religious sanctioned rape of children as well as marriage of child brides to old men!
Where is your outrage and/or posts about that ffing shat?
Kind of selective about what badness you think to condemn, I guess Islam and your co-workers bought your outrage and silence on their massive atrocities. -Tyr

red state
06-17-2015, 10:56 PM
Exactly, Tyr......and what of the "witch doctors" sacrificing their daughters in the name of allah or some so-called honor killings? Does anyone remember that thread that showed all the women who had been severely scarred by accid or burned? I do......there were so many that it made me sick *(literally) so I stopped. Very enlightening thought and anyone who supports or hides their head in the sand should take another look at that thread. I'm sure Jim can possibly dig it up.

Abbey Marie
06-17-2015, 11:41 PM
So, muslims mutilate their girls by cutting off their clitoris etc. They also have religious sanctioned rape of children as well as marriage of child brides to old men!
Where is your outrage and/or posts about that ffing shat?
Kind of selective about what badness you think to condemn, I guess Islam and your co-workers bought your outrage and silence on their massive atrocities. -Tyr

I thought of the exact thing, Tyr.

Great minds, etc. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 07:45 AM
I thought of the exact thing, Tyr.

Great minds, etc. :cool:

:beer: :beer: -thanks my friend.

I suspect you and I both had parents and teachers that themselves had high moral standards thus we chose to adopt and live by those higher standards.
America's problem now not only is the education system ruined by lib/dem policies but a majority of the parents are by and large the results of have 5 decades of each decade teaching more trash and less morals.

For some strange reason the damn 800 pound gorilla in the room is defended in so many way by those spinning, lying and appeasing it for whatever reason.
TF chooses to condemn witchdoctors(the few) but not billion people that practice daily savagery upon the weak and the innocent.
That he does so clearly points to his attempting to yet again help (Jafar's) cause.
I myself , am a relentless enemy of this murdering cult..--Tyr

06-18-2015, 08:52 AM
So, muslims mutilate their girls by cutting off their clitoris etc. They also have religious sanctioned rape of children as well as marriage of child brides to old men!
Where is your outrage and/or posts about that ffing shat?
Kind of selective about what badness you think to condemn, I guess Islam and your co-workers bought your outrage and silence on their massive atrocities. -Tyr

Simple: The occult is ALWAYS a full-strength conduit to Satan, inviting his demons to bring misery. Islam is SOMETIMES extremely violent and a committer of atrocities.

06-18-2015, 09:50 AM
Screwing with a child? I'll refrain.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 09:53 AM
Simple: The occult is ALWAYS a full-strength conduit to Satan, inviting his demons to bring misery. Islam is SOMETIMES extremely violent and a committer of atrocities.

1400+ years hardly rates as a "sometimes", and with an estimated 240 million people its murdered during its existence.
And does not include the numbers that had body parts cut off for various crimes not body mutilations simply because they were women!
Perhaps you could try Google to get up to speed on those you try to defend or deflect proper criticisms away from.
Spouting uninformed and ignorant rhetoric based upon insufficient info should be a big no/no to a guy like you that prides himself on his great intelligence.
Or is that pride suppressed by the fear you have of presenting TRUTH when it come to these specific murdering animals?
Son, get a damn job that doesn't force you to kiss ass so damn much is my unsolicited advice.. And wake the hell up too..... -Tyr

06-18-2015, 09:58 AM
1400+ years hardly rates as a "sometimes", and with an estimated 240 million people its murdered during its existence.
And does not include the numbers that had body parts cut off for various crimes not body mutilations simply because they were women!
Perhaps you could try Google to get up to speed on those you try to defend or deflect proper criticisms away from.
Spouting uninformed and ignorant rhetoric based upon insufficient info should be a big no/no to a guy like you that prides himself on his great intelligence.
Or is that pride suppressed by the fear you have of presenting TRUTH when it come to these specific murdering animals?
Son, get a damn job that doesn't force you to kiss ass so damn much is my unsolicited advice.. And wake the hell up too..... -Tyr

Take a trip to Africa.

06-18-2015, 10:44 AM
One would think we could have one outrage-against-the-occult thread against the hundreds of outrage-against-Islam threads without having to simultaneously outrage against Islam while we're outraging against the occult. :confused:

06-18-2015, 10:54 AM
One would think we could have one outrage-against-the-occult thread against the hundreds of outrage-against-Islam threads without having to simultaneously outrage against Islam while we're outraging against the occult. :confused:

See what you get for thinking? :laugh:

Since you opened the door ... I don't give a rickety rat's ass what anyone's excuse is. If your religion brings harm to children and I have a chance, you're dead. D-E-D dead. You want to sacrifice something? Sacrifice yourself. Do us all a favor and spare us a bullet.

Why is it that all these supposed tough guys prey on the children, women and the old? No balls to stand up man on man is my best guess.

06-18-2015, 11:11 AM
Take a trip to Africa.

After my sons are of age, I hope to visit Angola and Zimbabwe. It would be wrong to risk making my sons fend for themselves before they turn 21 should I experience a fatal event. Say what you will about Russia, but I think the worse they would to do a visiting troublemaker is throw them in jail.

06-18-2015, 11:19 AM
One would think we could have one outrage-against-the-occult thread against the hundreds of outrage-against-Islam threads without having to simultaneously outrage against Islam while we're outraging against the occult. :confused:

I was waiting for the Muzzies in the vacation thread but only got D's & Globalists instead. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-18-2015, 02:41 PM
It's ok to be against both types of atrocities. Even, dare I say it, all atrocities.

Really, it is.


06-18-2015, 02:47 PM
It's ok to be against both types of atrocities. Even, dare I say it, all atrocities.

Really, it is.


Agreed. Doesn't matter who is doing it or why.

Tell that to the media. They've already made this about race. If this loser didn't have race to blame for his loserville-ness, he'd find another excuse.

06-18-2015, 04:12 PM
It's ok to be against both types of atrocities. Even, dare I say it, all atrocities.

Really, it is.


Then we must be against all atrocities in every thread in which any atrocity is raised. :slap:

OMG what did we do to the indians.
OMG what did the Nazis do to the Jews.
OMG what did the Nationalist Japanese do to the Chinese at Nanking.
OMG what's happening in Darfur.

List your favorite atrocities below.

Abbey Marie
06-18-2015, 07:28 PM
Then we must be against all atrocities in every thread in which any atrocity is raised. :slap:

OMG what did we do to the indians.
OMG what did the Nazis do to the Jews.
OMG what did the Nationalist Japanese do to the Chinese at Nanking.
OMG what's happening in Darfur.

List your favorite atrocities below.

No, we don't. We can care about whatever the hell we feel moved to care about. And not about what we don't. You in charge of everyone's feelings?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 07:44 PM
No, we don't. We can care about whatever the hell we feel moved to care about. And not about what we don't. You in charge of everyone's feelings?

:beer: :clap: :beer:.....

I bez in charge of my own feelings and certainly need no overseer for any of that.
In fact, such people bore the living hell out of me, as most of the time, they are arrogant and clueless chums that think far too highly of themselves and their own imagined superior intelligence. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 07:49 PM
Take a trip to Africa.
Why? I already know its savage past, savage present day realities and some of its future darkness that will not be defeated by mere words , sightseeing or even deeds unless they are true Christian victories.
Human nature (evil) and savagery is not an enemy one can kill with guns IMHO.-Tyr

06-18-2015, 08:28 PM
No, we don't. We can care about whatever the hell we feel moved to care about. And not about what we don't. You in charge of everyone's feelings?

Here's what Carol Burnett had to say about it.



06-18-2015, 10:49 PM
No, we don't.

Which is why the forum looks ridiculous when every little thread boils down to, "Aack, Muzzies!"