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View Full Version : The Last Rebels: 25 Things We Did as Kids That Would Get Someone Arrested Today

06-18-2015, 06:11 AM
How true is this, as I read the list I can remember doing everyone of them, and heck had lots of good thoughts as I read it. Yes Today we are making kids in America soft, the computer generation. When we where younger we went out and explored, we grew with nature, today the only nature kids see is on a computer screen or in a game. And we have the Government screaming about everything that was fun, did kids get skinned knee's and heck even some had stitches or broken bones yup, but we survived, but back then it took a village to raise a child and that is exactly what my neighborhood was. We would leave as soon as our chores where done in the morning ( unless we could sneak out without being told to do any) somewhere around noon one of the parents in the neighborhood ( where ever we where hanging that day ) would come out with some lunch, and yes your butt better be home by the time the street lights came on ( that was a winter signal, in summer you counted on someone telling you the time. :laugh: )

With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.
Here’s the problem with all of this babying: it creates a society of weenies.
There won’t be more more rebels because this generation has been frightened into submission and apathy through a deliberately orchestrated culture of fear. No one will have faced adventure and lived to greatly embroider the story (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0451234197/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0451234197&linkCode=as2&tag=rev0303-20&linkId=PJOOJX5XA5AFDO32)http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rev0303-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0451234197.
Kids are brainwashed (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/03/08/government-indoctrinate-children/) – yes, brainwashed – into believing that the mere thought of a gun (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/12/22/dont-feel-safe-gun-house-gun-control-psa-tells-kids-steal-parents-guns-turn-school/) means you’re a psychotic killer waiting for a place to rampage.


06-19-2015, 03:01 PM
`Did many of those things as a kid...enjoyed the hell out of it...nice share Jeff....Understand....`