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06-18-2015, 03:17 PM
So I pick up a vase full of roses at the store. The 3 guys behind me in line are like " Did we miss something? Are we in trouble?" I was LMAO. Unlike everyone else who is offended by being made fun of .... guys are so f-ing dumb. :laugh:

red state
06-18-2015, 03:57 PM
I literally take the time each morning to pick my wife a fresh bouquet (daily) and there are some times that visitors or passer by's seem to think I'm a sissy (or maybe that is my insecurities peeking through) but I'm still man enough to do the RIGHT thing and kick my own insecurities @$$ and do the daily duty everyday REGARDLESS of who's watching or who's thinking whatever....

red state
06-18-2015, 04:00 PM
Every guy should, on occasion, put their better half on alert and do something special so that she (if not for a second or two) wonders if she forgot a special occasion or something. Then there are those times when women think that the guy did something really bad just because he was being nice.

People in general are so VERY stupid....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 04:48 PM
I am a guy, a man's man but I write poetry.
Any man that is insecure about his being macho or a man's man isnt gonna write poetry and present it for others to see.
One has to be extremely secure in their own skin to do that. I am.
And I back ever play I make both here and in real life. Damn sure got some scars to prove it too.
Flowers? Yep, have bought 'em in person for my wife many times and nobody dared make any quips at or about me.. -Tyr

red state
06-18-2015, 04:54 PM
I am a guy, a man's man but I write poetry.
Any man that is insecure about his being macho or a man's man isnt gonna write poetry and present it for others to see.
One has to be extremely secure in their own skin to do that. I am.
And I back ever play I make both here and in real life. Damn sure got some scars to prove it too.
Flowers? Yep, have bought 'em in person for my wife many times and nobody dared make any quips at or about me.. -Tyr

Now bringing flowers to another man.....that's another story and ONLY on Father's Day could I even contemplate it being OK.........OK but not entirely "normal". HA! Ya'll guys on Debate Policy.....please get your old man a pipe, some ammo or an Outdoor Life. You'll worry him all day and possibly the rest of the year if ya bring the old man flowers. HA!!!

By the way.....HAPPY DAD's Day everyone here privileged enough to have kids!!!!

06-18-2015, 05:09 PM
I literally take the time each morning to pick my wife a fresh bouquet (daily) and there are some times that visitors or passer by's seem to think I'm a sissy (or maybe that is my insecurities peeking through) but I'm still man enough to do the RIGHT thing and kick my own insecurities @$$ and do the daily duty everyday REGARDLESS of who's watching or who's thinking whatever....

You ARE a sissy. What's that got to do with anything? :laugh:

06-18-2015, 05:11 PM
I am a guy, a man's man but I write poetry.
Any man that is insecure about his being macho or a man's man isnt gonna write poetry and present it for others to see.
One has to be extremely secure in their own skin to do that. I am.
And I back ever play I make both here and in real life. Damn sure got some scars to prove it too.
Flowers? Yep, have bought 'em in person for my wife many times and nobody dared make any quips at or about me.. -Tyr

Yeah. You and your "poetry". :laugh:

06-18-2015, 05:28 PM
https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11137140_876105725809583_1244826838434685840_n.jpg ?oh=6e5f39ab908bdd4ab935f1349a29775b&oe=56311250

06-18-2015, 06:08 PM
V4R has always been the sort to bring flowers just because he thought of it. Doesn't have to be a special day. We never do the Valentine's Day thing. We call it the Hallmark holiday. But I have gotten flowers on all sorts of days just because I'm special and have a special man who knows it.

06-18-2015, 06:26 PM
Flowers? I never buy flowers to my wife. I find other ways and opportunities to show my attitude towards her, pamper her, take care of her, to make her feel that for me only she is the most loved and the only one. May be I became too indurate. Don't know. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

red state
06-19-2015, 01:36 AM
You ARE a sissy. What's that got to do with anything? :laugh:

I'll wear that badge...if it's kinda a "get loved by a fantastic woman & get out of the dog house" kind of badge. And I've found that it is. Besides, flowers are a heck of a lot cheaper than diamonds.....especially if they're the hand picked kind. HA!

06-19-2015, 06:08 AM
Flowers... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hell y'all are sissy's, three with flowers one with poetry and my commie buddy just being so dam sweet, bunch of dam sissy's. :laugh:

Bilgerat crack open another cold one, I think it may be a lonely night. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

red state
06-19-2015, 08:19 AM
https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11137140_876105725809583_1244826838434685840_n.jpg ?oh=6e5f39ab908bdd4ab935f1349a29775b&oe=56311250

Yeah, my son found one like that. Toughern nails and not scared of a thing! Saw her on a number of occasions scamper up a tree to sit in mosquito season with a young man who thought enough of her to take her bow huntin' with him. He even thought enough of her to take her for a week to the cabin at Bent Creek Golf Resort (by Lindsey Mill and the ole Lindsey Cemetery - in/on the Smoky Mountains between Cosby and Gatlinburg). My mom even liked her and told my son that just months before she lost her battle with cancer (just days before Christmas). That boy was real good to her and heck....I even told him that she was a keeper. But she wasn't. He's seen two others since then and after they simply didn't pan out, he brought that "KEEPER" back to the house Sunday nite.....they had been muddin' on his four wheeler and he had even (purposely) did a lil' pop-wheely-thing and through her in a heck-of-a mud hole but she laughed it off and threw mud right back at him. Like I said, she's as tough as nails, a college dancer (pretty but short) and I'm hoping he'll not see her again cuz she ain't the type that I'd personally bring flowers to (as I do my VERY sissy wife who's always been more of a city gal). Still, that "keep" is making it hard as she also took my son out for a make-up birthday party from his 21st that she missed due to their breaking up just after my mom's death in Christmas. They went in her car and at at one of the best sushi bars I've ever been in....all on her dime. It looks bad ya'll cuz she's even agreed that to his not wanting to date and all....so, she's also very smart and conniving and I see right through it. AND, don't even get me on my daughter (who is a $30,000.oo scholarship recipient and pretty enough to be a model (literally & has done a bit of modeling). She has a boyfriend whom I have named "birdboy" and I don't see how I can 'smartin' up a girl who shouldn't be that stupid......HELP!!!! Truly, I'm venting.....all because of that poster Bilgerat attached. My son is 6'2" or 3" EXTREMELY handsome and is one of the BEST shots I've ever seen in real life or on TV. I do pretty good at minding my own business BUT I'm getting a little antsy because of the situations. My youngest daughter's boyfriend.....I like him. He plays football, baseball, hunts and not only walks her to the door at the end of an evening but actually comes up to shake my hand and tell me good night and hugs my wife and tells her thank you for letting my daughter go out......then he gets back in the car where his mom is waiting and leaves. He's tall, outgoing and funny....just like my youngest daughter and for the life of me, I can't figure out why my other extremely beautiful and scholarly daughter has decided to settle on a 5'9" 150 lbs long haired, rap listening WEAK punk who doesn't hunt, isn't athletic and isn't outgoing....at all when he's around me. She's old enough and my son is definitely old enough to know better. Heck, as I type, my daughter dating the birdboy is already getting ready to leave for a Friday of lounging around with the lil' punk till we all meet back up for my dad's 70th birthday at his favorite restaurant....which sparked much of this rant. It is simply too early for me to deal with and expect a cup of coffee to settle. Heck, I've even started to smoke my pipe heavily again. My girls and wife say that I'm getting very grey now and I say; Yeah, and you guys have put every one of them on my head.

Sorry for the rant guys....but now you know. And in a FLOWERS thread of all things!!!

06-19-2015, 11:03 AM
My girls and wife say that I'm getting very grey now and I say; Yeah, and you guys have put every one of them on my head.

I feel for you Brother. My current bride has two "youts", male and female.

The lad wasn't given any male programming by his biological father, pretty much ignored in fact. He started by sort of tagging along with me and pretty soon we had him on the straight and narrow. We got him into a college program that cued into a job at a nuke plant for Florida Plunder & Loot at 6 figures a year.

The lass was another story. Lots of teenage angst and drama and the bio dad (the Boss refers to him as the "donor") literally allowed her to do whatever she wanted at his house.

On this one we just rode out the storm and allowed her to know her bio for what he was. Took some time (and more than a little graying) but she's come about. Went to College, got a fine job and good husband (he did some time in the Nat. Guard). We're expecting a grandson next month!

06-19-2015, 12:34 PM

06-19-2015, 02:53 PM
I'll wear that badge...if it's kinda a "get loved by a fantastic woman & get out of the dog house" kind of badge. And I've found that it is. Besides, flowers are a heck of a lot cheaper than diamonds.....especially if they're the hand picked kind. HA!

How about "just because ...." ?

red state
06-19-2015, 02:56 PM
I feel for you Brother. My current bride has two "youts", male and female.

The lad wasn't given any male programming by his biological father, pretty much ignored in fact. He started by sort of tagging along with me and pretty soon we had him on the straight and narrow. We got him into a college program that cued into a job at a nuke plant for Florida Plunder & Loot at 6 figures a year.

The lass was another story. Lots of teenage angst and drama and the bio dad (the Boss refers to him as the "donor") literally allowed her to do whatever she wanted at his house.

On this one we just rode out the storm and allowed her to know her bio for what he was. Took some time (and more than a little graying) but she's come about. Went to College, got a fine job and good husband (he did some time in the Nat. Guard). We're expecting a grandson next month!

I truly appreciate that! I can only hope.....OR PRAY!

What really bothers me is that the lad and I have NOTHING in common and when I see him pass a pickle jar to my youngest daughter (not his girl friend....that's Megan). My youngest is a tall & skinny 16 yr but she can open it....he can't. I really get irked when I see the many things he can't do and I'll have to confess that I do have a lot of vanity about myself as it is embarrassing form me to see him....a squirrley looking lil' punk, with my absolutely gorgeous daughter with a figure and brains (book smarts anyway) to go hand in hand with "THAT". My son is a different matter as I do trust him to kinda be smart about his situation. As for why I'm ranting.....TEXAS Evangelist Bro. Dennis Erwin's second son just got married last Sat. and with his three VERY tall and talented sons, I thought something may happen there at one time but with my daughter bringing "THAT" to church, they soon lost interest. Heck, I even think that Bro. Dennis had the same plans that I did but none of it panned out. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want my daughters on the road all the time but those boys were the LEVEL that I had hoped for my daughters. So, YOU HEAR THAT GUNNY. Some TEXAS boys found quality women to marry in MISSISSIPPI. HA!!!! I'll accept a boy from NY over what my daughter is seeing right now......(IF) that young man is on the same level as the Erwin boys. Bro. Dennis has one more (the youngest) son. Still, I wouldn't want my daughters to have to travel as much as they do.

Below is the Rose among the three thorns....better known as the ERWINS. They were a bit nervous here but did a GREAT job (even for TEXANS).


06-19-2015, 02:57 PM
Flowers... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hell y'all are sissy's, three with flowers one with poetry and my commie buddy just being so dam sweet, bunch of dam sissy's. :laugh:

Bilgerat crack open another cold one, I think it may be a lonely night. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

That's those purty little things that grow in the ground? Girl like that crap for some reason. You ain't got to understand it, just go get some.

Hell, tyr thinks he's a f-ing poet, so why can't I like flowers?

red state
06-19-2015, 02:58 PM
How about "just because ...." ?

Yep....that too.

06-19-2015, 03:58 PM
Flowers work guys.... trust me.... :smackface:

06-19-2015, 04:17 PM
Flowers work guys.... trust me.... :smackface:

06-19-2015, 04:20 PM

Go play with your RPG-7 and stop trolling

06-19-2015, 04:42 PM
Go play with your RPG-7 and stop trolling
May be better playing with my RPG-32, Sir?
Or my gliding bombs capable to detect "free-or-foe" TANK targets in battle field, launched at distances over 100 km.?
Tasty? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2015, 05:38 PM
That's those purty little things that grow in the ground? Girl like that crap for some reason. You ain't got to understand it, just go get some.

Hell, tyr thinks he's a f-ing poet, so why can't I like flowers?

You can and I am....
Truth is truth regardless of who shall reject it.
I write poetry that has been admired, praised, stolen , celebrated and published thus I am a poet.
You like flowers, thus you are a pansy lover. ;)
See how that works? ;)
We both be pansies.. :laugh:---Tyr