View Full Version : Obama (yup, him)

Abbey Marie
06-19-2015, 11:06 AM
So, our illustrious leader decides to make a gun control speech before these poor people are even buried. Always one to wrench a political point out of any issue.

Could he be any more divisive? It is getting so bad, that I could actually see our country turning to a civil war under his "leadership". Black vs White, Rich vs. Poor, Gun Owners vs. Liberals, etc.

The only time that I can see him NOT being similarly divisive, is if a 9/11-type Muslim attack happens. I believe in that case he would no doubt rush to downplay the incident, and any attendant political bonanza to be achieved.

(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2015, 11:17 AM
So, our illustrious leader decides to make a gun control speech before these poor people are even buried. Always one to wrench a political point out of any issue.

Could he be any more divisive? It is getting so bad, that I could actually see our country turning to a civil war under his "leadership". Black vs White, Rich vs. Poor, Gun Owners vs. Liberals, etc.

The only time that I can see him NOT being similarly divisive, is if a 9/11-type Muslim attack happens. I believe in that case he would no doubt rush to downplay the incident, and any attendant political bonanza to be achieved.

(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )
Another one well deserving of a -- :beer: :salute: :beer:
Brilliant observation but and yes there is a but...
My friend, never apologize when you are dead on right. It leads to the "street urchins" to start erroneously thinking that they are suddenly great defenders of all that is truth.
And some of them already have a head swollen to the size of a basketball prior to reading such . ;)-Tyr

06-19-2015, 12:50 PM
(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )

Why should you have to apologize for bringing up BO and Muslims in the same thread when you make it about BO and Muslims... no matter how far you had to stretch. :poke:

Nevertheless I do have an over/under on how many posts until until someone brings up BO in an pro-football thread. :slap:

06-19-2015, 01:15 PM
So, our illustrious leader decides to make a gun control speech before these poor people are even buried. Always one to wrench a political point out of any issue.

Could he be any more divisive? It is getting so bad, that I could actually see our country turning to a civil war under his "leadership". Black vs White, Rich vs. Poor, Gun Owners vs. Liberals, etc.

The only time that I can see him NOT being similarly divisive, is if a 9/11-type Muslim attack happens. I believe in that case he would no doubt rush to downplay the incident, and any attendant political bonanza to be achieved.

(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )

Nice rant. How bad is it when you can get under fj's skin?:laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-19-2015, 01:51 PM

Abbey Marie
06-19-2015, 01:52 PM
Why should you have to apologize for bringing up BO and Muslims in the same thread when you make it about BO and Muslims... no matter how far you had to stretch. :poke:

Nevertheless I do have an over/under on how many posts until until someone brings up BO in an pro-football thread. :slap:

Actually, no stretch at all.

06-19-2015, 04:02 PM
Actually, no stretch at all.

You're right, my mistake, it's never a stretch around here.

06-19-2015, 04:07 PM
You're right, my mistake, it's never a stretch around here.

Dude, you KNOW you're letting me know what gets under your skin. right? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-19-2015, 04:08 PM
Dude, you KNOW you're letting me know what gets under your skin. right? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Nothing gets under my skin... except ignorance of course. ;) And bad logic, ooh, that's just the worst. :eek:

Abbey Marie
06-19-2015, 06:35 PM
You're right, my mistake, it's never a stretch around here.

Here's some logic:

I am not everyone else.
Unrelieved sarcasm gets old

06-20-2015, 01:09 AM
Wow, Abbey is a Knucklehead now ? Cool welcome to the folks with some common sense Abbey. :laugh:

fj you really don't see how Obama is trying his damnedest to pull this country apart anyway he can, religion, race, politics you name it and if it can divide he will use it, all the while he runs with anything he wants as the country is to busy fighting with their enemy.

OOO and by the way I am voting for Abbey to be the leader of the knuckleheads, being as her name is in those pretty red letters. :thumb:

06-20-2015, 03:46 AM
How long should he have waited before making this speech?

06-20-2015, 06:23 AM
How long should he have waited before making this speech?

Until the bodies cooled off would of been a good start. :rolleyes:

Or how about maybe he should quit the BS, if his laws had passed last year this kid still would of gotten the gun and did the same thing, I don't believe tragedies should ever be used for political gain, but especially when it is complete BS.

06-20-2015, 07:12 AM
How long should he have waited before making this speech?

The part about memorializing the folks who were killed, anytime is ok. Using the opportunity to make a political speech?

How would you like it if a family member were killed, and then someone gave a eulogy and used the opportunity to not speak about your family member, but rather about politics to his/her advantage? Wait, never mind, you would probably like it!

And worse, this wasn't someone making a private speech at a church or funeral, but rather used to speak to the entire nation.

There is NO time acceptable that someone's death should be used as a tool.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2015, 08:11 AM
Wow, Abbey is a Knucklehead now ? Cool welcome to the folks with some common sense Abbey. :laugh:

fj you really don't see how Obama is trying his damnedest to pull this country apart anyway he can, religion, race, politics you name it and if it can divide he will use it, all the while he runs with anything he wants as the country is to busy fighting with their enemy.

OOO and by the way I am voting for Abbey to be the leader of the knuckleheads, being as her name is in those pretty red letters. :thumb:

OOO and by the way I am voting for Abbey to be the leader of the knuckleheads, being as her name is in those pretty red letters.

As the official leader of the knuckleheads I will gladly give up my gold throne and knucklehead Scepter to Abbey The Great! My purple crown toooooooo! :laugh:
That is , iffin she ever wanted such a dubious honor..;)
One created from the imagination, envy and stupidity of its original accuser.
We Southern boys like our badges of honor.. -Tyr

06-20-2015, 06:58 PM
The part about memorializing the folks who were killed, anytime is ok. Using the opportunity to make a political speech?

How would you like it if a family member were killed, and then someone gave a eulogy and used the opportunity to not speak about your family member, but rather about politics to his/her advantage? Wait, never mind, you would probably like it!

And worse, this wasn't someone making a private speech at a church or funeral, but rather used to speak to the entire nation.

There is NO time acceptable that someone's death should be used as a tool.

Deaths are always used to justify actions or intentions.
This forum will jump on Obama when he does it of course.

06-20-2015, 07:33 PM
Deaths are always used to justify actions or intentions.
This forum will jump on Obama when he does it of course.

No. Blame the gun. Blame the flag. Blame the blacks. Let's blame everything but the truth ... the guy's a loser and he and you won't hold him accountable for his action. There's got to be some reason, right? Yeah, it's called being a pussy. He's one, you're one, and so is anyone else giving him an excuse.

There's NO excuse for what he did. He walked into a church and murdered people who were there to worship. The didn't bring their guns, nor their knives ... just their Bibles.

You disgust me.

06-20-2015, 07:47 PM
No. Blame the gun. Blame the flag. Blame the blacks. Let's blame everything but the truth ... the guy's a loser and he and you won't hold him accountable for his action. There's got to be some reason, right? Yeah, it's called being a pussy. He's one, you're one, and so is anyone else giving him an excuse. There's NO excuse for what he did. He walked into a church and murdered people who were there to worship. The didn't bring their guns, nor their knives ... just their Bibles. You disgust me.

Almost got half way through a post before throwing an insult, almost.

You're welcome to highlight what i said that excuses the murders actions, when i've only been discussing Obamas comments.

06-20-2015, 08:12 PM
Noir this guy was bound and determine to commit murder, he sat there watching and listening to the bible study and then opened fire, he is a mental patient plain and simple. If he didn't have a gun maybe he would of used a car, maybe he would of made a home made bomb, no telling, all we know for sure is he was going to kill people. The problem isn't the weapon these nuts use, rather the nuts themselves.

06-20-2015, 08:29 PM
Almost got half way through a post before throwing an insult, almost.

You're welcome to highlight what i said that excuses the murders actions, when i've only been discussing Obamas comments.

You deserved it this time, junior.

06-20-2015, 08:32 PM
You deserved it this time, junior.

Gunny you have such a way with words, I am going to nominate you for board greeter, you are such a nice guy everyone will be thrilled to see ya. :laugh::laugh:

06-20-2015, 08:57 PM
You deserved it this time, junior.

I'm sure.
Still awaiting you highlighting what i said to excuse the murderers actions.

06-21-2015, 02:09 PM
Here's some logic:

Here's some better logic: Exactly who dragged me into this thread?

Wow, Abbey is a Knucklehead now ? Cool welcome to the folks with some common sense Abbey. :laugh:


Who said either of you were knuckleheads? :confused: And BO sucks. He's a leftie and lefties generally suck when they get in decision making positions.

06-21-2015, 03:12 PM
Deaths are always used to justify actions or intentions.
This forum will jump on Obama when he does it of course.

Obama rode on the back of an atrocity / tragedy to advance a political agenda, and he did it at, arguably, THE worst, most raw, most callously cynical time he could have done so.

Disgusting - it truly is. And YES, Noir, that sort of timing is just as vile on our side of the Pond, too, whenever it happens.

06-21-2015, 03:23 PM
He's a leftie and lefties generally suck when they get in decision making positions.

When a Leftie decides - and in the absence of ANY supporting evidence - that terrorists are not only 'humans', but deserving of having their 'human rights' protected (!!), suddenly you're perfectly OK with their 'decision making positions'.

... Or had you forgotten ?

I look forward to the day, FJ, when you represent yourself HONESTLY on this forum !

06-21-2015, 03:25 PM
So, our illustrious leader decides to make a gun control speech before these poor people are even buried. Always one to wrench a political point out of any issue.

Could he be any more divisive? It is getting so bad, that I could actually see our country turning to a civil war under his "leadership". Black vs White, Rich vs. Poor, Gun Owners vs. Liberals, etc.

The only time that I can see him NOT being similarly divisive, is if a 9/11-type Muslim attack happens. I believe in that case he would no doubt rush to downplay the incident, and any attendant political bonanza to be achieved.

(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )

Abbey. Based on Obama's past. IF (God forbid), we get another 9-11 with Muslim/Islamic/ISIS members taking credit. Obama will just side with them...agreeing that they are merely protecting themselves from the GREAT SATAN he leads!

06-21-2015, 03:25 PM
I'm sure.
Still awaiting you highlighting what i said to excuse the murderers actions.

Excusing them ?

How about belittling them .. seeing that it could be OK for Obama to use them, and at such a raw, insensitive time, for an excuse to advance a political agenda ?

06-21-2015, 03:35 PM
Excusing them ?

How about belittling them .. seeing that it could be OK for Obama to use them, and at such a raw, insensitive time, for an excuse to advance a political agenda ?

Don't forget Billary. She jumped on that crap like it was the last Twinkie in the box.

06-21-2015, 03:45 PM
Let's blame the gun ... let's blame the flag ... let's blame the color of their skin ... by BY GOD let's don't blame the idiot.

Billary thinks this problem needs to be addressed? Got news for you and it's called a choice. Choose between being PC and calling a nutcase a nutcase. The math isn't that hard. Want to be a left wing moron? Then live with your conflicting decisions.

Abbey Marie
06-21-2015, 04:42 PM
Here's some better logic: Exactly who dragged me into this thread?

Who said either of you were knuckleheads? :confused: And BO sucks. He's a leftie and lefties generally suck when they get in decision making positions.

I never thought of my 1 point font sized-joke as "dragging you in", but if you see it that way, my apologies. I guess my humor is too opaque.

I will make sure not to mention you in future.

As for Obama, I KNOW you are not a fan, and I know you are not a liberal. I think I have said at least twice that you are a Contrarian.


06-21-2015, 05:38 PM
I never thought of my 1 point font sized-joke as "dragging you in", but if you see it that way, my apologies. I guess my humor is too opaque.

I will make sure not to mention you in future.

As for Obama, I KNOW you are not a fan, and I know you are not a liberal. I think I have said at least twice that you are a Contrarian.


We can agree that he's a Contrarian. His claims for his beliefs / allegiances run contrary to each other, as I've maybe not only pointed out, but proved, on too many occasions.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-21-2015, 08:07 PM
I never thought of my 1 point font sized-joke as "dragging you in", but if you see it that way, my apologies. I guess my humor is too opaque.

I will make sure not to mention you in future.

As for Obama, I KNOW you are not a fan, and I know you are not a liberal. I think I have said at least twice that you are a Contrarian.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Abbey again.

:beer: :clap: :beer:, best come back post I've seen all year! Bravo!!!! -Tyr

Max R.
06-21-2015, 08:23 PM
Why should you have to apologize for bringing up BO and Muslims in the same thread when you make it about BO and Muslims... no matter how far you had to stretch. :poke:

Nevertheless I do have an over/under on how many posts until until someone brings up BO in an pro-football thread. :slap:
Abbey's not the President of the United States of America. Holding her to the same standard as we should be holding our elected leadership just goes to prove our elected leadership is no better than Joe the Plumber or anyone here.

I, too, was disgusted that our President would quickly move to stand on the still-warm, unburied bodies of 9 innocent Americans to launch a political agenda.

Abbey Marie
06-21-2015, 09:36 PM
We can agree that he's a Contrarian. His claims for his beliefs / allegiances run contrary to each other, as I've maybe not only pointed out, but proved, on too many occasions.

That is not exactly what i meant by contrarian...

06-22-2015, 08:43 AM
... Or had you forgotten ?

Hey F*wit. Of course I remember your utterly stupid and moronic arguments you tried to pass of as having any sort of veracity (you ran at full speed from your own definition). As to your trolling in this thread I fully expect it from such a proven hypocrite as you.

06-22-2015, 08:53 AM
I never thought of my 1 point font sized-joke as "dragging you in", but if you see it that way, my apologies. I guess my humor is too opaque.

I will make sure not to mention you in future.

As for Obama, I KNOW you are not a fan, and I know you are not a liberal. I think I have said at least twice that you are a Contrarian.

I've not denied that I'm a contrarian. And I applaud your recognition of truth. That's why you're not a knucklehead. :)

FWIW, I can't keep you from mentioning me but I also get to respond. :martian:

We can agree that he's a Contrarian.

Hey F*nut. Read much?

As for Obama, I KNOW you are not a fan, and I know you are not a liberal.

That is not exactly what i meant by contrarian...

He's not really smart enough to know or understand. :)

06-22-2015, 02:06 PM
Hey F*wit. Of course I remember your utterly stupid and moronic arguments you tried to pass of as having any sort of veracity (you ran at full speed from your own definition). As to your trolling in this thread I fully expect it from such a proven hypocrite as you.

fj. When will you finally grow the hell up? You sound like you just got out of elementary school, if not pre-school here with every post.

Now that you are on your Summer vacation. Hang your Undeserved Pre-school Sheepskin on your bathroom door, and try to become somewhat of a grownup who doesn't know much more than how to sound like a little kid, whining to mommy all the time.
Nobody cares WHO or WHAT you are.
This forum has to suffer the stupidity, and ignorance. And you seem to be the primary teacher of such antics. Hope you are someday Impressed with being whatever you think, or pretend you are.

06-22-2015, 02:21 PM
That is not exactly what i meant by contrarian...

Be that as it may, Abbey, my reply was an appropriate one, all considered ....

06-22-2015, 02:29 PM
Hey F*wit. Of course I remember your utterly stupid and moronic arguments you tried to pass of as having any sort of veracity (you ran at full speed from your own definition). As to your trolling in this thread I fully expect it from such a proven hypocrite as you.

Something worrying you, FJ ? Oh dear ...:laugh:

The only 'running away at full speed' I've seen of late is your NOT facing up to the fact that what you say you support has become so diverse as to not make any sense.

'Libertarian' ... or, 'The One True Thatcherite'. WHICH is, ahem, 'true' of you (if either, of course)?

Just think, FJ. If you'd honestly represented yourself on this forum, such a question need not have been asked. Now, or ever. So responsibility for its reappearance rests with you.

Get ready to run away from answering, yet again .... or, just ANSWER, and be done with it !

06-22-2015, 02:33 PM
fj. When will you finally grow the hell up? You sound like you just got out of elementary school, if not pre-school here with every post.

Now that you are on your Summer vacation. Hang your Undeserved Pre-school Sheepskin on your bathroom door, and try to become somewhat of a grownup who doesn't know much more than how to sound like a little kid, whining to mommy all the time.
Nobody cares WHO or WHAT you are.
This forum has to suffer the stupidity, and ignorance. And you seem to be the primary teacher of such antics. Hope you are someday Impressed with being whatever you think, or pretend you are.

I agree, Aboutime. All being equal, I don't really care who or what FJ is. Indeed, in truth, I already know all I need to know.

That said - a bit of honesty from FJ, even if ridiculously belated, could be useful. For self-therapy.

06-22-2015, 02:37 PM
Hey F*nut. Read much?

Ever the flatterer, I see ... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

My answer: from you, rather TOO much.

Unless you'd care to regale us with a display of honesty, FJ ? What do you think ... worth doing, or, do you prefer just another abusive rant, instead ?

06-22-2015, 02:39 PM
Nothing gets under my skin... except ignorance of course. ;) And bad logic, ooh, that's just the worst. :eek:

Soooo....you annoy yourself a lot then, eh? Good to know. But don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. :laugh:

06-22-2015, 02:42 PM
So, our illustrious leader decides to make a gun control speech before these poor people are even buried. Always one to wrench a political point out of any issue.

Could he be any more divisive? It is getting so bad, that I could actually see our country turning to a civil war under his "leadership". Black vs White, Rich vs. Poor, Gun Owners vs. Liberals, etc.

The only time that I can see him NOT being similarly divisive, is if a 9/11-type Muslim attack happens. I believe in that case he would no doubt rush to downplay the incident, and any attendant political bonanza to be achieved.

(fj- apologies for bringing up both Obama and Muslims ;) )

And notice that....while Obama demonizes gun owners, whitey cops, Fox News, folks on the right, and the eeevil rich....

it's perfectly OK for Obama to use the "N" word....since he's half black. So many leftist rules and double-standards. So little time to care enough to memorize them.

06-22-2015, 02:48 PM
Soooo....you annoy yourself a lot then, eh? Good to know. But don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. :laugh:

DLT. I learned many lessons from being around all kinds of people during, and after my 30 years in the navy. And, I can confidently say that I can identify some people more easily, by their constant need to use gutter language to impress others. Sadly. Those who feel the need to always use obscenities, street language, and swear words to replace Common, Educated speaking humans...just jumps out as the need for them to hide their ignorance with bad language.

Whenever anyone...and I do mean, anyone, who uses trash, gutter, and replacement language for actual English...as we have all been seeing here. That is the most identifiable means of PROFILING we all need to determine the lack of respect, and personal responsibility those using it demand, but haven't the intelligence to use.

In other words. Let them talk their trash talk as much as they need to do. It helps the rest of us silently PROFILE them, and it takes all the mystery out of their misery.

06-22-2015, 03:14 PM
DLT. I learned many lessons from being around all kinds of people during, and after my 30 years in the navy. And, I can confidently say that I can identify some people more easily, by their constant need to use gutter language to impress others. Sadly. Those who feel the need to always use obscenities, street language, and swear words to replace Common, Educated speaking humans...just jumps out as the need for them to hide their ignorance with bad language.

Whenever anyone...and I do mean, anyone, who uses trash, gutter, and replacement language for actual English...as we have all been seeing here. That is the most identifiable means of PROFILING we all need to determine the lack of respect, and personal responsibility those using it demand, but haven't the intelligence to use.

In other words. Let them talk their trash talk as much as they need to do. It helps the rest of us silently PROFILE them, and it takes all the mystery out of their misery.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

[You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to aboutime again.]

06-22-2015, 03:18 PM
Soooo....you annoy yourself a lot then, eh? Good to know. But don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. :laugh:

You're more than welcome to point out an example of such. I suspect you won't. :)

06-22-2015, 03:27 PM
LibertarianThatcherite .... or, just ANSWER, and be done with it !

Hey DipS*, Which imagination driven question are you blathering about while you're being a hypocritical troll? This one? Are you an ignorant fool being led around by your ridiculous imagination? Of course you are.


... I don't really care who or what FJ is.

:laugh: You don't care??? You whine more than anyone ever could for someone who doesn't "really care." :laugh:

Nevertheless, a banana and a F*wit trying to keep each other relevant. Keep the comedy rolling. ;)

Be that as it may, Abbey, my reply was an appropriate one, all considered ....

Of course you'll never admit to being wrong. You'll just continue to lie in the face of all evidence. How's your hypocrisy coming? Silly question I know, you're hypocrisy has never been better.

06-22-2015, 03:29 PM
Unless you'd care to regale us with a display of honesty, FJ ?

I'm always honest, like now: You're an ignorant fool with an overactive imagination.

06-22-2015, 03:35 PM
You're more than welcome to point out an example of such. I suspect you won't. :)

No need for anyone to point anything out since JUST you responding, said it all. You proved the point everyone has been laughing at YOU about anyhow.

So. You can further prove us all correct by....replying to this. Or, just staying mum. Works both ways fj.

06-22-2015, 03:52 PM
Hey DipS*, Which imagination driven question are you blathering about while you're being a hypocritical troll? This one? Are you an ignorant fool being led around by your ridiculous imagination? Of course you are.


By 'this one', FJ, I do not refer to your weird semi-posting of it. I refer to this ACTUAL question, which ... surprise, surprise .. you're RUNNING AWAY FROM, AGAIN !

'Libertarian' ... or, 'The One True Thatcherite'. WHICH is, ahem, 'true' of you (if either, of course)?

I don't know why I've bothered to repost it. It's not as though you'll directly answer it. Too busily running away from it, eh, FJ ...

You don't care??? You whine more than anyone ever could for someone who doesn't "really care."

You'd rather I stayed silent. But, of course you would. Your evasions must be embarrassing even YOU, by this point ....:laugh:

Nevertheless, a banana and a F*wit trying to keep each other relevant. Keep the comedy rolling. ;)

... but you've always got time for a bit of anti-Conservative attacking, eh ? Something you claimed you 'don't do' .....

Of course you'll never admit to being wrong. You'll just continue to lie in the face of all evidence. How's your hypocrisy coming? Silly question I know, you're hypocrisy has never been better.

We have a saying over here - maybe you know it ? Pot calling the kettle black ..

You're a 'Libertarian'. Or, you're a 'Thatcherite'. Or, you're a 'Conservative' who attacks other Conservatives, yet claims NOT to, despite people here having seen that you do, with their own eyes ...

You argue for terrorist 'human rights'. Suggestions that they aren't human, you have called 'disgusting'. And what are your views on abortion ? You repeatedly attacked the British Conservative Party's flagship policy on austerity measures. Have you ever supported any argument where discussion of Obama's deservedness of impeachment was put forward ?

Tell me about my supposed 'imagination', FJ, and how much of the above is 'imaginary'.

Of course, you'll never admit to being wrong. You'll just continue to lie in the face of all evidence. How's your hypocrisy coming? Silly question, I know ...:laugh:

06-22-2015, 04:00 PM
I refer to this ACTUAL question, which ... surprise, surprise .. you're RUNNING AWAY FROM, AGAIN !

I thought you were referring to an actual question from this thread and not your obvious trolling from your many previous failures you frigging idiot. Besides, I've already pointed out the many similarities between the two that you don't understand because you're an idiot. Once you realize the obvious that Libertarians are not of the left then you might be able to move beyond your ignorant blatherings. BTW you restating failed arguments is not proof of your posit, actual links are but we all know you can't find them otherwise you already would have.

06-22-2015, 04:01 PM
Moved to cage.

06-22-2015, 04:22 PM
I thought you were referring to an actual question from this thread

Indeed I was, FJ. I have posted it in this thread. Please try and keep some focus.

If it'll help you, I'll post you a link to the very post ...

and not your obvious trolling from your many previous failures you frigging idiot.

Yet more of your NON-attacking flattery, FJ ?? :laugh:

In calling them 'failures', do you refer to my failures to get you to answer ?

Besides, I've already pointed out the many similarities between the two that you don't understand because you're an idiot.

The similarity between Libertarianism, and Margaret's repeated use of State powers (to curb freedoms used destructively) ?? Do tell !

Once you realize the obvious that Libertarians are not of the left

UTTER ROT. Even leaving aside that the British know otherwise, tell me of the opposing differences between what Libertarians say are core values of theirs, and what our LEFT WING Trade Unionists say THEY represent !!

Or better yet ... how about this. Try answering the question I put to you, instead of diversionarily evading it, YET AGAIN.

'Libertarian' ... or, 'The One True Thatcherite'. WHICH is, ahem, 'true' of you (if either, of course)?


06-22-2015, 04:28 PM

I'm doing you a favor. I already made you look like an idiot in the actual thread about that topic, I don't feel like doing it again. Besides, I pretty much already answered you.

BTW you restating failed arguments is not proof of your posit, actual links are but we all know you can't find them otherwise you already would have.

You frigging moron.

06-22-2015, 04:43 PM
I'm doing you a favor.

Yes, I suppose you are. You're doing me the favour of proving, time and again, that you cannot resolve your divergent claims about yourself.

I already made you look like an idiot in the actual thread about that topic, I don't feel like doing it again.

Translation: you know when you're beaten, but wild horses can't extract a confession from you that you are. And that's despite the fact that it'd be, by this point, a statement of the bleedin' obvious !!!

Besides, I pretty much already answered you.

In a perverse sort of way, I think I can agree. Your many evasions, in the face of truth you can neither face nor explain, DO answer me.

You frigging moron.

Nope. You are a very poor, ungracious LOSER.

06-22-2015, 05:03 PM
I'm doing you a favor. I already made you look like an idiot in the actual thread about that topic, I don't feel like doing it again. Besides, I pretty much already answered you.

You frigging moron.

Thanks again fj, for proving how you enjoy the name calling, and verifying your need to share your ignorant misery with everyone else. You should move to S.Carolina, and join the Roof club.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2015, 06:10 PM
Since my poor old thread ended up in the cage (but Obama still sucks!), I will leave with this deep thought:


06-22-2015, 06:26 PM
Since my poor old thread ended up in the cage (but Obama still sucks!), I will leave with this deep thought:


Good one ! I'll happily leave that one for FJ to ponder .....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2015, 09:20 PM
Since my poor old thread ended up in the cage (but Obama still sucks!), I will leave with this deep thought:


If a person places no true value on truth, then attempting to reason with that person will always fail as the person has already judged "evil to be good" and "you his opponent" to be wrong for not supporting his/her insanity.
Evil never accepts reason and morality as proof of its need to cease to exist.
People are both good and evil , just a matter of degree. Some are so far on the dark side they can no even see a glimpse of daylight methinks.
Generally speaking here, no specific person mentioned -just "types". -Tyr

06-23-2015, 02:17 AM
Since my poor old thread ended up in the cage (but Obama still sucks!), I will leave with this deep thought:


TROUBLE MAKER....:laugh::laugh:

06-29-2015, 01:51 PM
Yes, I suppose you are.

If you have any questions regarding Libertarians and Margaret Thatcher I happily point you to the Libertarian thread. :)

Good one ! I'll happily leave that one for FJ to ponder .....

I have pondered and I have attempted and come to the conclusion that there is no answer. :)