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View Full Version : Why aren't we talking about the mental illness

06-22-2015, 01:38 PM
Start any discussion of the recent shooting in SC, and you'll have only one of two discussions:

1. How the Confederate Flag should be stricken from every pole, or people going into its history.

2. Screaming about gun control.

No one on either side of the journalistic debate, is talking about how we keep missing these people who are insane to the point of mass murder. Or making the point that whether he was a racist or not is immaterial to the point of his insanity.

Every debate is purely race vs. gun control. This is a serious problem, because that isn't the root of the troubles. Why are we getting this weird up-tick of mass murderers the past 10 years or so? What are we missing in these situations?

06-22-2015, 01:46 PM
Dragon. Nobody wants to touch that subject because..if they are politicians, it is a THIRD RAIL to their destruction of their political careers. Both sides of the Political aisle in Washington are to Blame for authorizing the release of Mentally disturbed individuals. The Justice Department, and Congress are torn between being Politically Correct, and actually identifying MENTAL PATIENTS who belong in custody in hospital settings.....COME TO THINK OF IT....Most Politicians would end up there too!:laugh:

06-22-2015, 02:18 PM
Dragon. Nobody wants to touch that subject because..if they are politicians, it is a THIRD RAIL to their destruction of their political careers. Both sides of the Political aisle in Washington are to Blame for authorizing the release of Mentally disturbed individuals. The Justice Department, and Congress are torn between being Politically Correct, and actually identifying MENTAL PATIENTS who belong in custody in hospital settings.....COME TO THINK OF IT....Most Politicians would end up there too!:laugh:

There's no excuse. This guy's a loser. He can't stand being a loser so he blames everyone else. He murdered 9 God-fearing people at prayer meeting. I'd love to get my hands on him. Just call me Bubba and put me in a cell with him.

Disgusting, slimy ass dirtbag. The least he could do is pick on someone that'll fight back.

06-22-2015, 02:27 PM
There's no excuse. This guy's a loser. He can't stand being a loser so he blames everyone else. He murdered 9 God-fearing people at prayer meeting. I'd love to get my hands on him. Just call me Bubba and put me in a cell with him.

Disgusting, slimy ass dirtbag. The least he could do is pick on someone that'll fight back.

Gunny. I doubt you'd find anyone who disagrees with you on that but...It still doesn't answer Dragon's question. NOBODY seems willing to actually talk about the Mental Illness aspects...much like NOBODY seems willing to actually, and honestly talk about racism.
Everything becomes THREATS, NAME CALLING, ACCUSATIONS, and MORE HATRED. Meanwhile...more idiots like that Murdering SCUMBAG seem oblivious to everything....IMO because they get their inspiration from LAWLESS, WANNABE LEADERS..who pretend, like Obama, and Ignore the Constitution.

EVERYTHING...IMO, points back to WASHINGTON. And how those in that city depend on HATRED, and the IGNORANCE of Americans to prolong their tenure in office. NOTHING MORE.

06-22-2015, 02:29 PM
Start any discussion of the recent shooting in SC, and you'll have only one of two discussions:

1. How the Confederate Flag should be stricken from every pole, or people going into its history.

2. Screaming about gun control.

No one on either side of the journalistic debate, is talking about how we keep missing these people who are insane to the point of mass murder. Or making the point that whether he was a racist or not is immaterial to the point of his insanity.

Every debate is purely race vs. gun control. This is a serious problem, because that isn't the root of the troubles. Why are we getting this weird up-tick of mass murderers the past 10 years or so? What are we missing in these situations?

Is Roof insane? Or just weak-minded, easily manipulated, and experiencing side-effects from the drugs he's apparently on? Let's not jump to conclusions, lest he get off of the death penalty via an insanity defense.

Why is nobody, especially in the lamestream media, addressing the drugs/meds most of these mass-murderers were on? Drugs that list as side effects even worse conditions than they are supposed to cure? Because they're too busy using these incidents to further their anti-gun-ownership agenda.


06-22-2015, 02:39 PM
Is Roof insane? Or just weak-minded, easily manipulated, and experiencing side-effects from the drugs he's apparently on? Let's not jump to conclusions, lest he get off of the death penalty via an insanity defense.

Why is nobody, especially in the lamestream media, addressing the drugs/meds most of these mass-murderers were on? Drugs that list as side effects even worse conditions than they are supposed to cure? Because they're too busy using these incidents to further their anti-gun-ownership agenda.


medically-induced insanity is still insanity. Just as my sister's medications for bi-polar disorder induced certain states, the effects of drugs and meds would still be a part of the issue, if that is the case. Whether the insanity of these people was there before, or a result of the wrong drugs, we still need to examine that root point if we have any hope of preventing another incident.

But then we also have to look at why he was on those drugs and meds in the first place. It was likely not due to him being a well-adjusted, model citizen.

06-22-2015, 02:41 PM
personally I don't have a problem talking about mental illness, but so far I don't see any evidence for it.

I don't like to give the perps in these things an out on an insanity plea. Also the mentally ill have enough to deal with and few to defend their rights without lumping every murderer into their group.

And we don't say that the muslim terrorist and beheaders must be crazy. We do spend a fair amount of time talking about their ideology and religion. i for one don't believe all muslims are terrorist or potential terrorists. But their religion especially the Saudi influenced Wahhabist Sunni brand of islam is a foundational factor in driving these young men to murder. When the Klan killed people it's not assumed they were crazy but that they were ideologically driven. When Nazis committed their atrocities we didn't allow them an insanity plea. When our own U.S. soldiers tortured people water boarding, strangling to death, force feeding through the rectum, or supervising the hanging backwards from chains and putting coke bottles in rectums. We didn't automatically assume these people are crazy. some cheered the actions. And we didn't even prosecute most of them.

But I think many of us are uncomfortable thinking that "sane" people can commit horrifically evil acts.

Of course it is an option and should be investigated. But at this point, the kid just sounds like a bit of an oddball personality wise but not insane. To make that THE excuse for his actions at this point i think is premature. The shooter at the theater, the one that shot the congress woman, and the college shooter ALL seem to have been mental cases or drug and mental cases.

But I get the impression that this kid is more like Anders Breivik, the Norway Shooter, and Timothy McVeigh, the OKC bomber. More ideologically driven than crazy.

however i could be wrong.

06-22-2015, 02:50 PM
personally I don't have a problem talking about mental illness, but so far I don't see any evidence for it.

I don't like to give the perps in these things an out on an insanity plea. Also the mentally ill have enough to deal with and few to defend their rights without lumping every murderer into their group.

And we don't say that the muslim terrorist and beheaders must be crazy. We do spend a fair amount of time talking about their ideology and religion. i for one don't believe all muslims are terrorist or potential terrorists. But their religion especially the Saudi influenced Wahhabist Sunni brand of islam is a foundational factor in driving these young men to murder. When the Klan killed people it's not assumed they were crazy but that they were ideologically driven. When Nazis committed their atrocities we didn't allow them an insanity plea. When our own U.S. soldiers tortured people water boarding, strangling to death, force feeding through the rectum, or supervising the hanging backwards from chains and putting coke bottles in rectums. We didn't automatically assume these people are crazy. some cheered the actions. And we didn't even prosecute most of them.

But I think many of us are uncomfortable thinking that "sane" people can commit horrifically evil acts.

Of course it is an option and should be investigated. But at this point, the kid just sounds like a bit of an oddball personality wise but not insane. To make that THE excuse for his actions at this point i think is premature.

the shooter at the theater, the one that shot the congress woman, and the college shooter ALL seem to have been mental cases or drug and mental cases.

But I get the impression that this kid is more like Anders Breivik, the Norway Shooter, and Timothy McVeigh, the OVC bomber. More agenda, ideologically driven than crazy.

however i could be wrong.

Apparently he was on some sort of meds, but that's the thing, NO ONE is talking about this weird chain of mass murderers we've been getting, other than to scream about gun control, or in this case, racism. It just isn't a narrative anyone is even considering, not the cops, not the media, nobody.

Whether he gets and insanity plea or not should be irrelevant to people looking into whether or not it is due to insanity. The entire purpose of there being an insanity consideration is because it needs to be considered. What's the other option? He goes in general pop? If he's insane, he becomes a possible threat to other inmates who may only be in for a pot possession rap. Putting him in solitary really only says, "Well sure, he's batshit, but we could really do better."

And if he is insane, especially if it was a side effect from a drug he was on, to where he might not have been in control of his own actions, then using the death penalty isn't achieving justice, which is what the aim should be.

06-22-2015, 02:54 PM
Apparently he was on some sort of meds, but that's the thing, NO ONE is talking about this weird chain of mass murderers we've been getting, other than to scream about gun control, or in this case, racism. It just isn't a narrative anyone is even considering, not the cops, not the media, nobody.

Whether he gets and insanity plea or not should be irrelevant to people looking into whether or not it is due to insanity. The entire purpose of there being an insanity consideration is because it needs to be considered. What's the other option? He goes in general pop? If he's insane, he becomes a possible threat to other inmates who may only be in for a pot possession rap. Putting him in solitary really only says, "Well sure, he's batshit, but we could really do better."

And if he is insane, especially if it was a side effect from a drug he was on, to where he might not have been in control of his own actions, then using the death penalty isn't achieving justice, which is what the aim should be.

Dragon. A perfect example of exactly what I was saying previously, about the THIRD RAIL, was just presented by rev.
Not daring to face the problems is why we have the problems, and everyone seems happy to just look the other way, and lay blame somewhere else. It's OBVIOUSLY...the SAFEST thing to do.
Anyone who thinks a SANE, politically correct way of saying this is a good excuse. Is willing to just LOOK THE OTHER WAY.
Who, in their RIGHT MIND would walk into a lovely, peaceful church, and start shooting?????

06-22-2015, 03:06 PM
As many people know, I have problems with blacks who misbehave. But I can tell you from personal experience that it is not typical of most blacks to be anything but people trying to make their way through life and to try to make a better life for their younguns. You have good, solid people and American citizens praying to God the Father when Satan exhibits his strength: evil. I am not sure evil in itself is the same as insanity. Some people are just bad to the bone.

What Roof did was no different from what ISIS is doing in the Middle East. They are not all insane; they are evil.

06-22-2015, 03:39 PM
As many people know, I have problems with blacks who misbehave. But I can tell you from personal experience that it is not typical of most blacks to be anything but people trying to make their way through life and to try to make a better life for their younguns. You have good, solid people and American citizens praying to God the Father when Satan exhibits his strength: evil. I am not sure evil in itself is the same as insanity. Some people are just bad to the bone.

What Roof did was no different from what ISIS is doing in the Middle East. They are not all insane; they are evil.

Perianne. Agreed, as do we all. Even those Black Americans who are responsible people despise blacks, and whites who misbehave.
None of us are making BLANKET statements about race like Obama does. But we all have learned (the hard way) that Obama is dead-set on continuing the divide between Americans of all colors. That is the one, and only way he, and his Hypocrite Democrat friends can convince those UNEDUCATED, EASILY LED Black Americans who voted for him...to just be the Noisy, Rioting Sheep he, and the Dems need to lead them to the TROUGH of freebies everybody else has to pay for.

06-22-2015, 03:46 PM
Apparently he was on some sort of meds, but that's the thing, NO ONE is talking about this weird chain of mass murderers we've been getting, other than to scream about gun control, or in this case, racism. It just isn't a narrative anyone is even considering, not the cops, not the media, nobody.

Whether he gets and insanity plea or not should be irrelevant to people looking into whether or not it is due to insanity. The entire purpose of there being an insanity consideration is because it needs to be considered. What's the other option? He goes in general pop? If he's insane, he becomes a possible threat to other inmates who may only be in for a pot possession rap. Putting him in solitary really only says, "Well sure, he's batshit, but we could really do better."

And if he is insane, especially if it was a side effect from a drug he was on, to where he might not have been in control of his own actions, then using the death penalty isn't achieving justice, which is what the aim should be.

I've read abut mentioned the possibility of drug induced aggression as a consistent factor in many of these mass shooting going back to Columbine. Few people have taken note. the past 15-20 years the younger generation has been medicated like it's candy. The media should explore it more you're right. But what TV channel is going to really dig into that when the the next 5 ads are for --VEXIUM AZ for your prostate, anxiety, reflux, goiter bladder, depression, control... ask your doctor---. Even though they admit (by LAW) the side effect may include --...anger, aggression, paranoia, inability to drive, work, breath, think clearly, worse anxiety, worse depression, delusions and death. if you experience any of these symptoms... ---. What politician is going to question the pharmaceutical companies on this without media or public backup backup? Pharmaceuticals already own the FDA with revolving door top positions in an out of there. But certainly it should be a very real factor of investigation in Roof's and all cases going backwards and forwards. the pharmaceutical companies and Pysh drs need to be scrutinized for sure.

06-22-2015, 03:55 PM
No one on either side of the journalistic debate, is talking about how we keep missing these people who are insane to the point of mass murder. Or making the point that whether he was a racist or not is immaterial to the point of his insanity.

Every debate is purely race vs. gun control.

The 2nd part answers the first

On the left, it's all about "Control" and divisiveness. Not gun control, just control, period.

And let's not forget the adage, divide and conquer. If you bleed your enemy, bit by bit, they'll eventually cede the issue bit by bit.

For both, it's money

The left wants money to attack, the right wants money to defend

06-22-2015, 03:56 PM
I'm with Rev on this one, I see little that leads to think 'mental illness' save perhaps depression. He seemed to have drank vodka, often and a lot. He was unemployed, yet seemed to have more money to spend that would be good for a 21 year old, with no job and a drinking problem.

He seems to have spent a lot of time on Stormfront type sites, which could lead to his conclusion that 'they were killing and raping white women' and had to be stopped.

He said he was going to kill himself, he stopped the car and surrendered.

He talked of shooting up a university, changed tactics due to security. He also seemed to have contemplated going to the 'ghetto' but decided he wouldn't be able to 'prove' anything. He chose a church Bible study group instead.

Irrational? Doesn't appear to be.

06-22-2015, 04:10 PM
Gunny. I doubt you'd find anyone who disagrees with you on that but...It still doesn't answer Dragon's question. NOBODY seems willing to actually talk about the Mental Illness aspects...much like NOBODY seems willing to actually, and honestly talk about racism.
Everything becomes THREATS, NAME CALLING, ACCUSATIONS, and MORE HATRED. Meanwhile...more idiots like that Murdering SCUMBAG seem oblivious to everything....IMO because they get their inspiration from LAWLESS, WANNABE LEADERS..who pretend, like Obama, and Ignore the Constitution.

EVERYTHING...IMO, points back to WASHINGTON. And how those in that city depend on HATRED, and the IGNORANCE of Americans to prolong their tenure in office. NOTHING MORE.

What is the mental illness? A person filled with hate for his own shortcomings?

It not only points to Obama, but it points to the rest of the race-baiters.

Here's my take on mental illness: ANYONE who believes in the ideals behind the Constitution of the United States that vote for a Democrat is mentally ill.

06-22-2015, 05:08 PM
What is the mental illness? A person filled with hate for his own shortcomings?

It not only points to Obama, but it points to the rest of the race-baiters.

Here's my take on mental illness: ANYONE who believes in the ideals behind the Constitution of the United States that vote for a Democrat is mentally ill.

And, as most of us have seen. That mental illness comes from the Liberal, Untrained, Under-educated mindset that only government that leads the easily-led..can do all of the decision making for them.
They are afraid to discuss mental illness because it will EXPOSE them, and their MENTAL challenges.