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View Full Version : Humor or not? Putin plot? Russia spreads 'Free Texas' mantra.

06-23-2015, 09:15 AM
<!-- Masonry --><noscript><div style="display:none;">< img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> </noscript><noscript>https://d5nxst8fruw4z.cloudfront.net/atrk.gif?account=nnBqk1aUy100E7</noscript><header class="postmeta wnd author"><hgroup>Putin plot? Russia spreads 'Free Texas' mantra

Kremlin fingered in calls for state to secede

<time class="updated" pubdate="" datetime="2015-06-23T14:09:22+00:00">Published: 3 hours ago</time></hgroup>http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/Putin.png (http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/Putin.png)Russia President Vladimir Putin
Russians, already angered at the West in general and America in particular for criticizing President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine, have been quietly pressing for Texans to secede from the country – a sort of political pay-back for the negative public relations image, one nationalist advocate said.

Nathan Smith, a self-dubbed “foreign minister” for the Texas Nationalist Movement, said he attended a recent St. Petersburg, Russia, event that included the participation of fascists and neo-Nazis, all decrying the demise of Western culture, Politico reported. A local newspaper, Vzglyad quoted Smith on the prospect of a Texas secession from the United States.
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And the newspaper, characterizing the TNM as “hardly a marginal group,” gave substantial wings to the idea. The author wrote of the group’s 250,000 supporters – as claimed by Smith – and the fact they all “identify themselves first and foremost as Texans,” but are forced by an overreaching federal government to remain Americans. The article also furthered Smith’s claims the United States “is not a democracy, but a dictatorship,” Politico (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/vladimir-putin-texas-secession-119288.html?hp=t1_r#.VYk9ovlViko) reported.
The Russian article was picked up by several other sources, and social media went wild with tweets about “Free Texas,” Politico reported.
The “Free Texas” campaign is only the latest in what Politico found is a uptick in Russian interest in America’s southern border states in the last year-and-a-half – an uptick that’s included several suspected Kremlin-approved calls for the state to secede. Russia’s government-run media outlets have also been calling for similar secession movements in Venice, Scotland, Catalonia, and other areas allied with the West.
“Since the destabilization of the West is on Russia’s agenda, they may try to reach out to the U.S. separatists,” said Anton Shekhovtsov, a researcher on Moscow’s ties to radicalized campaigns weaving through Europe, to Politico. “[Russia wants a] deepening of social divisions in the American society, destabilizing the internal political life.”
Politico reported there are no sure links between the secession campaign and high-ranking Russian officials. But indirect evidence abounds. Russian President Vladimir Putin, for instance, has spoken out harshly about what he calls the West’s hypocrisy about Ukraine criticisms.

In a recent public statement, Putin said of the West: “As soon as they succeed in putting [our bear] on a chain, they will rip out his teeth and claws. We have heard many times from officials that it’s unfair that Siberia, with its immeasurable wealth, belongs entirely to Russia. Unfair, how do you like that? And grabbing Texas from Mexico was fair.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/putin-plot-russia-spreads-free-texas-mantra/#VyqzwmuSH3ybOQmV.99
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06-23-2015, 09:32 AM
<!-- Masonry --><noscript><div style="display:none;">< img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> </noscript><noscript>https://d5nxst8fruw4z.cloudfront.net/atrk.gif?account=nnBqk1aUy100E7</noscript><header class="postmeta wnd author"><hgroup>Putin plot? Russia spreads 'Free Texas' mantra

Kremlin fingered in calls for state to secede

<time class="updated" pubdate="" datetime="2015-06-23T14:09:22+00:00">Published: 3 hours ago</time></hgroup>http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/Putin.png (http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/Putin.png)Russia President Vladimir Putin
Russians, already angered at the West in general and America in particular for criticizing President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine, have been quietly pressing for Texans to secede from the country – a sort of political pay-back for the negative public relations image, one nationalist advocate said.

Nathan Smith, a self-dubbed “foreign minister” for the Texas Nationalist Movement, said he attended a recent St. Petersburg, Russia, event that included the participation of fascists and neo-Nazis, all decrying the demise of Western culture, Politico reported. A local newspaper, Vzglyad quoted Smith on the prospect of a Texas secession from the United States.
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And the newspaper, characterizing the TNM as “hardly a marginal group,” gave substantial wings to the idea. The author wrote of the group’s 250,000 supporters – as claimed by Smith – and the fact they all “identify themselves first and foremost as Texans,” but are forced by an overreaching federal government to remain Americans. The article also furthered Smith’s claims the United States “is not a democracy, but a dictatorship,” Politico (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/vladimir-putin-texas-secession-119288.html?hp=t1_r#.VYk9ovlViko) reported.
The Russian article was picked up by several other sources, and social media went wild with tweets about “Free Texas,” Politico reported.
The “Free Texas” campaign is only the latest in what Politico found is a uptick in Russian interest in America’s southern border states in the last year-and-a-half – an uptick that’s included several suspected Kremlin-approved calls for the state to secede. Russia’s government-run media outlets have also been calling for similar secession movements in Venice, Scotland, Catalonia, and other areas allied with the West.
“Since the destabilization of the West is on Russia’s agenda, they may try to reach out to the U.S. separatists,” said Anton Shekhovtsov, a researcher on Moscow’s ties to radicalized campaigns weaving through Europe, to Politico. “[Russia wants a] deepening of social divisions in the American society, destabilizing the internal political life.”
Politico reported there are no sure links between the secession campaign and high-ranking Russian officials. But indirect evidence abounds. Russian President Vladimir Putin, for instance, has spoken out harshly about what he calls the West’s hypocrisy about Ukraine criticisms.

In a recent public statement, Putin said of the West: “As soon as they succeed in putting [our bear] on a chain, they will rip out his teeth and claws. We have heard many times from officials that it’s unfair that Siberia, with its immesasurable wealth, belongs entirely to Russia. Unfair, how do you like that? And grabbing Texas from Mexico was fair.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/putin-plot-russia-spreads-free-texas-mantra/#VyqzwmuSH3ybOQmV.99
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We'll free ourselves from this country about the time we get done whoopin' your commie ass. You know what that "Marine Corps" says in front of it? "United States". You and that dumbass leader of yours can kiss our asses.

Putin talks out his commie ass, just like you.

Do you think we grabbed Texas from Mexico or France? And, just in case your ignorant ass is unaware, we didn't "grab" anything. We came in under a deal that Santa Ana reneiged on. So we whipped his ass and sent him packing. That's kinda' how we do shit. Or did Mexico grab Texas from France?

Take your ignorance and shove it. Learn some history before you start flapping your gums.

06-23-2015, 10:18 AM
Not humor, just a silly article and a great example of "clickbait" full of nonsense.

And to address your bolded, no one has ever suggested that Russia give up Siberia because it's loaded with vast natural resources... that idea is so far out there that it's funny. It's probably on an equal footing with Alaska because the two regions are neighbors and I'm sure it is loaded, but this is the first time I've heard someone say that Russia should give it up.:laugh: