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06-23-2015, 12:22 PM
I have read stuff about another Civil War in America. How would it start?

06-23-2015, 12:41 PM
I have read stuff about another Civil War in America. How would it start?

All Civil Wars begin with robberies, murders and violence, resulting a complete devastation and pauperization. So, you'd better do not start playing these games. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/nea.gif

06-23-2015, 01:55 PM
Civil War, race/social issues war, same thing. This type of talk is inflammatory to those that aren't ok. Much like ISIS recruitment, IMO. Most read, think 'huh?' or 'how assinine' or just ignore. Then there's the one...

06-23-2015, 01:58 PM
Civil War, race/social issues war, same thing. This type of talk is inflammatory to those that aren't ok. Much like ISIS recruitment, IMO. Most read, think 'huh?' or 'how assinine' or just ignore. Then there's the one...

Do you think the "one" was thinking he would start a true civil war with his actions?

06-23-2015, 01:59 PM
Do you think the "one" was thinking he would start a true civil war with his actions?
Only if you believe what he wrote. Do you think those joining ISIS see it realistically?

06-23-2015, 02:05 PM
Only if you believe what he wrote. Do you think those joining ISIS see it realistically?

I think ideology overcomes sensibility sometimes.

06-23-2015, 02:09 PM
I have read stuff about another Civil War in America. How would it start?

Perianne. Honestly. Just look around. In many ways...it already has started. Everybody wants to just laugh at the thought, or pretend it can't happen because AMERICA IS TOO RICH, and TOO BIG for something like that to happen. But...it doesn't have to be Obvious...like Balu...the propaganda expert is successfully trying to convince us here.
We are well on our way. Combine all of the symptoms....Anti-military, govt control over healthcare, failing financials...Banks being closed by govt, govt telling us as citizens what to eat, where to live, what we can earn, where they say we can work, taxing every aspect of our life.
Think about it. How comfortable are we these days? Can we honestly GO ANYWHERE without wondering whether we will be safe?
If you drive. How many people on the highways, and streets actually pay attention to the laws, signs, lights, or speeds?
We are living under the starting grounds of near anarchy. If anyone doubts that. How comfortable would ANYONE BE...walking through Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, or even LA in known, gang areas at night?
Why does it have to be limited to those area's?
Be honest. Obama and company have happily DESTROYED this nation.

06-23-2015, 02:15 PM
Perianne. Honestly. Just look around. In many ways...it already has started. Everybody wants to just laugh at the thought, or pretend it can't happen because AMERICA IS TOO RICH, and TOO BIG for something like that to happen. But...it doesn't have to be Obvious...like Balu...the propaganda expert is successfully trying to convince us here.
We are well on our way. Combine all of the symptoms....Anti-military, govt control over healthcare, failing financials...Banks being closed by govt, govt telling us as citizens what to eat, where to live, what we can earn, where they say we can work, taxing every aspect of our life.
Think about it. How comfortable are we these days? Can we honestly GO ANYWHERE without wondering whether we will be safe?
If you drive. How many people on the highways, and streets actually pay attention to the laws, signs, lights, or speeds?
We are living under the starting grounds of near anarchy. If anyone doubts that. How comfortable would ANYONE BE...walking through Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, or even LA in known, gang areas at night?
Why does it have to be limited to those area's?
Be honest. Obama and company have happily DESTROYED this nation.

It will start when we are attacked from without, and those of us with some 'nads say "enough" while the weak whimper and hide in their inner city tenements. When it comes down to action time, all they want to do is flap their gums when they should be learning to use GUNS.

It'll happen. The 1820s and the late 1850s were no worse politically than we are now.

And you know what started all this hateful shit? The Dems trying to pin Iran-Contra on Reagan and one badass Marine who said "f*ck you, I ain't saying shit".

red state
06-23-2015, 02:20 PM
Since the 60's, we've been under attack from those who rule over Balu. They even bragged about destroying us without firing a single shot. What they didn't count on, however, was a REAGAN who successfully dealt THEM a blow right out of the blues. Things have gone back to "normal" since then and we're now seeing the final stages. Next stop.....the $#!T hittin' the fan!!! Their contempt has now sprouted wings and they boldly walk right over us and tromp on the Constitution (quite literally in some cases).

red state
06-23-2015, 02:26 PM
It will start when we are attacked from without, and those of us with some 'nads say "enough" while the weak whimper and hide in their inner city tenements. When it comes down to action time, all they want to do is flap their gums when they should be learning to use GUNS.

It'll happen. The 1820s and the late 1850s were no worse politically than we are now.

And you know what started all this hateful shit? The Dems trying to pin Iran-Contra on Reagan and one badass Marine who said "f*ck you, I ain't saying shit".

Yeah...when we need an OLIVER NORTH, WEST or WASHINGTON, they're gonna lump in a TRUMP, a Rubio or Walker. Heck, I liked Cruz OK but I'd lump him in with the others now. Give me a TREY GOWDY over the last four mentioned. Man, what a ticket NORTH & WEST would make. Both do what is best for others (REGARDLESS) of what is good for them.

Gunny, you are on a role today...to bad I can't agree with you more often. If only you were more conservative I might even like you. :rolleyes:

06-23-2015, 02:29 PM
Since the 60's, we've been under attack from those who rule over Balu. They even bragged about destroying us without firing a single shot. What they didn't count on, however, was a REAGAN who successfully dealt THEM a blow right out of the blues. Things have gone back to "normal" since then and we're now seeing the final stages. Next stop.....the $#!T hittin' the fan!!! Their contempt has now sprouted wings and they boldly walk right over us and tromp on the Constitution (quite literally in some cases).

Correction, the Cold War started circa 1949. We just weren't alive yet.:laugh:

Putin is writing checks his ass can't cash. All we need is a CinC with some balls and he's going down. And yeah, you're right. As long as whimpy-doodle is CinC, they can do what they want.

As an aside, all this stir the left made over Iran-Contra ..... didn't their fearful leader just swap 5 hardened criminals for one traitor?

06-23-2015, 03:06 PM
I think ideology overcomes sensibility sometimes.

Indeed. Like calling for another Civil War or race war. Not sensible. There were too many good men on both sides that lost their lives in the bloodiest war this country has ever seen. The scars are with us today.

06-23-2015, 03:18 PM
Indeed. Like calling for another Civil War or race war. Not sensible. There were too many good men on both sides that lost their lives in the bloodiest war this country has ever seen. The scars are with us today.

The problem is our government officials and the media stir this crap. These idiots who won't win a war outside the US are more than willing to wage one within. Theey keep us so distracted with petty crap that doesn't mean a thing, and people buy off on it. They've blamed everything for this murder spree but the guy who did it.

06-23-2015, 03:19 PM
It will start when those ignorant enough to still believe in racial inequality spend enough time looking for it that they finally find it.

The comparisons with ISIS are valid. If you read the stories of the converts, and read the militant hate sites themselves, they appeal to the downtrodden and feeble-minded few who need a cause to believe it. The sites fan the flames of hate and ties them to despair and disenfranchisement. Young people looking a cause are led to believe them.

There is little difference between racial and religious hatred. Both use the past to dictate the present. They create a caste system where all those who fail to meet their standards are inferior. They use fear to create fear.

I have read militant Islamic sites. I have read vintage Nazi propaganda. I have read Stormfront and its ilk. There is little difference between them. Hatred is hatred.

06-23-2015, 03:26 PM
Yeah...when we need an OLIVER NORTH, WEST or WASHINGTON, they're gonna lump in a TRUMP, a Rubio or Walker. Heck, I liked Cruz OK but I'd lump him in with the others now. Give me a TREY GOWDY over the last four mentioned. Man, what a ticket NORTH & WEST would make. Both do what is best for others (REGARDLESS) of what is good for them.

Gunny, you are on a role today...to bad I can't agree with you more often. If only you were more conservative I might even like you. :rolleyes:

I'd go for Trey Gowdy. He used to be a DA in SC. IIRC, he was the DA in the Susan Smith case.

The problem with lumping these goofs together is they're destroying each other, and the GOP. They're giving the Dems every bit of ammo they need without them having to say a word.

I actually like Walker and Bush in this election, unless the guy with the "yaut" (spelled "fishing boat") from Miami comes up with something.

06-23-2015, 03:26 PM
Correction, the Cold War started circa 1949. We just weren't alive yet.:laugh:

Putin is writing checks his ass can't cash. All we need is a CinC with some balls and he's going down. And yeah, you're right. As long as whimpy-doodle is CinC, they can do what they want.

As an aside, all this stir the left made over Iran-Contra ..... didn't their fearful leader just swap 5 hardened criminals for one traitor?

Gunny. I was 2 years old in 1949. But I remember Ike, and Kennedy very well. Both of them...even in their graves...are more able to be leaders than the Dunce/Pretender we have today.

06-23-2015, 03:31 PM
Gunny. I was 2 years old in 1949. But I remember Ike, and Kennedy very well. Both of them...even in their graves...are more able to be leaders than the Dunce/Pretender we have today.

Old fart.:laugh:

And I agree. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy could easily walk circles around what we have now. The sad thing is, Kennedy was a democrat and more conservative than most conservatives are now. He'd NEVER be able to run on a Dem ticket now. They had balls back then. Kennedy backed Kruschev down so fast it wasn't even funny.

Now we got O-blah-blah backing water for a thug.

red state
06-23-2015, 05:40 PM
Heck, Gunny, I thought you were an old fart but it is sounding more and more like you are closer to my age or in between AT and me. Does that simply make you a fart or a younger one?

As for your comments, you are correct in how the GOP provides the Dims ammo but only because the Dims will side with one another no matter what because they have no character. I disagree with having any loyalty or support for another Bush (particularly that one) and I don't think there's anything RubiO can do to convince me that he's anything other that what he's proven himself to be.

06-23-2015, 05:55 PM
Heck, Gunny, I thought you were an old fart but it is sounding more and more like you are closer to my age or in between AT and me. Does that simply make you a fart or a younger one?

As for your comments, you are correct in how the GOP provides the Dims ammo but only because the Dims will side with one another no matter what because they have no character. I disagree with having any loyalty or support for another Bush (particularly that one) and I don't think there's anything RubiO can do to convince me that he's anything other that what he's proven himself to be.

Sounds like I'm about 12 years younger than AT. :laugh:

Walker, Bush, Rubio ...what's it matter? They aren't Billary who is catering to Obama's people. I'm voting against her, PERIOD.

I sat here in 2008 and 2012 and listened to a bunch of rightwingers not vote for anyone that wasn't "their boy". And look what we got. An idiot who sides with Palestinians, Iranians and Putin. He can't handle foreign policy, which is his job, but he can comment on state issues which isn't.

I don't care which Republican I'm voting for. I'm voting AGAINST the Dems. My choice, I'd take Bush or Walker. Now you tell me if the media gets to pick our next candidate like they did McCain -- a sure loser.

06-23-2015, 05:57 PM
Sounds like I'm about 12 years younger than AT. :laugh:

Which makes both of you elderly. :cool:

06-23-2015, 05:59 PM
Old fart.:laugh:

And I agree. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy could easily walk circles around what we have now. The sad thing is, Kennedy was a democrat and more conservative than most conservatives are now. He'd NEVER be able to run on a Dem ticket now. They had balls back then. Kennedy backed Kruschev down so fast it wasn't even funny.

Now we got O-blah-blah backing water for a thug.

Thanks gunny. I see farting...and my meds make me do lots of it....as mere Obama prayers. Every time I am called an old fart, or flatulate (:laugh:) I think of how Obama is just as important. As for what I loosely call our CIC. He's just wasted gas that never seems to completely go away.

06-23-2015, 06:03 PM
Which makes both of you elderly. :cool:

So that would make you a young, doesn't know shit punk, wouldn't it?

06-23-2015, 07:01 PM
Which makes both of you elderly. :cool:

Not something you need to worry about gabby. Since you are willing to allow the criminals to just come to your home, and take whatever they want...the result of your liberal gun control???

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 07:06 PM
It will start when we are attacked from without, and those of us with some 'nads say "enough" while the weak whimper and hide in their inner city tenements. When it comes down to action time, all they want to do is flap their gums when they should be learning to use GUNS.

It'll happen. The 1820s and the late 1850s were no worse politically than we are now.

And you know what started all this hateful shit? The Dems trying to pin Iran-Contra on Reagan and one badass Marine who said "f*ck you, I ain't saying shit".

I think I've said this before, but when things go to hell, I'm looking for you and Darin to stay with. :cool:

And maybe Kathianne, 'cuz she doesn't take crap from anybody!

06-23-2015, 07:09 PM
I think I've said this before, but when things go to hell, I'm looking for you and Darin to stay with. :cool:

And maybe Kathianne, 'cuz she doesn't take crap from anybody!

06-23-2015, 07:15 PM
I think I've said this before, but when things go to hell, I'm looking for you and Darin to stay with. :cool:

And maybe Kathianne, 'cuz she doesn't take crap from anybody!

That's not funny. Kath is mean. What do me an darin need to do? Reload weapons for her, or what?

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 07:17 PM
That's not funny. Kath is mean. What do me an darin need to do? Reload weapons for her, or what?

:laugh2: That would be my job!

06-23-2015, 07:33 PM
That's not funny. Kath is mean. What do me an darin need to do? Reload weapons for her, or what?
Oh! Mean? I'll show you mean! ;) You guys can carry, load, shoot, follow orders. LOL! Natural order of things. Abbey will work on the terms, she's actually nicer than any of us and a lawyer to boot!

06-23-2015, 07:42 PM
Oh! Mean? I'll show you mean! ;) You guys can carry, load, shoot, follow orders. LOL! Natural order of things. Abbey will work on the terms, she's actually nicer than any of us and a lawyer to boot!

Yes. I like it when men do as they are told to do.

06-23-2015, 07:46 PM
Yes. I like it when men do as they are told to do.


06-23-2015, 07:54 PM
Yes. I like it when men do as they are told to do.

Perianne. Just joking here but....when you say that about men doing what they are told to do.

Take it a little further, and...in a strange way, you'll find you approve of Obama...doing whatever his race-baiting assistants, like Jarrett, and the Muslim Brotherhood tell him to do.

Can't agree with ya on that at all. But when you think about it. OBAMA IS...doing what he's been told.:laugh:

06-23-2015, 07:56 PM
Oh! Mean? I'll show you mean! ;) You guys can carry, load, shoot, follow orders. LOL! Natural order of things. Abbey will work on the terms, she's actually nicer than any of us and a lawyer to boot!

Yes ma'am. :salute:

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 07:59 PM
Oh! Mean? I'll show you mean! ;) You guys can carry, load, shoot, follow orders. LOL! Natural order of things. Abbey will work on the terms, she's actually nicer than any of us and a lawyer to boot!

Sure, just don't expect me to cook!

I could also be good at hurling verbal abuse at the enemy, lol. I'd just make believe I'm driving my car, and the goodies would just come pouring out.

Now, don't I sound indispensable?

06-23-2015, 08:04 PM
Sure, just don't expect me to cook!

I could also be good at hurling verbal abuse at the enemy, lol. I'd just make believe I'm driving my car, and the goodies would just come pouring out.

Now, don't I sound indispensable?
I'll cook, you do eat fish, right? :laugh: Gunny and Darin can build fires, between shooting, reloading, and carrying other stuff. ;)

06-23-2015, 08:04 PM
Sure, just don't expect me to cook!

I could also be good at hurling verbal abuse at the enemy, lol. I'd just make believe I'm driving my car, and the goodies would just come pouring out.

Now, don't I sound indispensable?

If you can't cook, that's a deal breaker.:laugh:

06-23-2015, 08:05 PM
Old fart.:laugh:

And I agree. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy could easily walk circles around what we have now. The sad thing is, Kennedy was a democrat and more conservative than most conservatives are now. He'd NEVER be able to run on a Dem ticket now. They had balls back then. Kennedy backed Kruschev down so fast it wasn't even funny.

Now we got O-blah-blah backing water for a thug.

That was a fake show. Go ask some the old men playing checkers in Little Havana if you want the truth. JFK was a traitor. He sent Brigade 2506 to it's death. Abajo Fidel. Socialismo o es muerte.

06-23-2015, 08:06 PM
Perianne. Just joking here but....when you say that about men doing what they are told to do.

Take it a little further, and...in a strange way, you'll find you approve of Obama...doing whatever his race-baiting assistants, like Jarrett, and the Muslim Brotherhood tell him to do.

Can't agree with ya on that at all. But when you think about it. OBAMA IS...doing what he's been told.:laugh:

Ya definitely got a point there, sir.

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 08:16 PM
If you can't cook, that's a deal breaker.:laugh:

Oh ****, now I've done it! :laugh2:

06-23-2015, 08:22 PM
That was a fake show. Go ask some the old men playing checkers in Little Havana if you want the truth. JFK was a traitor. He sent Brigade 2506 to it's death. Abajo Fidel. Socialismo o es muerte.

I just had to ask my dad.

06-23-2015, 08:24 PM
That was a fake show. Go ask some the old men playing checkers in Little Havana if you want the truth. JFK was a traitor. He sent Brigade 2506 to it's death. Abajo Fidel. Socialismo o es muerte.

tailfins. You really do hate just about everything, don't you?

Bet you are one of the conspiracy theory junkies who also think the Moon landing was done in La La Land too!

Let's try this. You so easily call JFK a traitor. How bout if I do the same for you? No proof needed. You just are!?

Abbey Marie
06-24-2015, 06:14 PM
I think I've said this before, but when things go to hell, I'm looking for you and Darin to stay with. :cool:

And maybe Kathianne, 'cuz she doesn't take crap from anybody!

Anyone mind if I add Nightrain to the group? I think he's bad-ass, and
I'm pretty sure he knows a thing or two about survival.


08-26-2015, 11:03 AM
All Civil Wars begin with robberies, murders and violence, resulting a complete devastation and pauperization. So, you'd better do not start playing these games. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/nea.gif

I miss Balu. He was yet another. I suppose only Noir remains of our foreigners?