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06-23-2015, 04:24 PM
Drummond, you know I love you. That is why I ask you to calm your people down!

Piers Morgan: Let’s face it, white people who use the N-word should be in jailIf the left ever fully commits to trying to ban "hate speech", Morgan’s idea is their strongest play, a potential foot in the door of First Amendment jurisprudence. Get one word banned successfully and then everything afterward is a simple matter of analogy. If people deserve jail time for the N-word, why doesn’t a cartoonist deserve it for a Mohammed drawing? Hate is hate, right?

I know people who would get a life sentence!!! lol


06-23-2015, 04:38 PM
This guy kinda irritated me when he had his own show, and he always harped about guns. Now he says he would jail people who would simply use a word? Tsk Tsk. What a dummy. He wants the freedom of speech to condemn what he wants though, to have a platform. I hope a wolf spider with all it's babies moves into his ear while he sleeps tonight. :)

06-23-2015, 05:01 PM

06-23-2015, 05:04 PM
How bout we just cut to the chase here?

Morgan is a piece of Sh(ei)T. Even CNN (the liberal bastion of stupidity) found reasons to fire him.

06-23-2015, 05:05 PM
<center>http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/inlineimage/2014-10-02/hate3.png</center> However, opposition to laws like this may not only be based on free speech concerns. There is a political component as well. Half of Democrats support such laws; half of Republicans and independents do not. African-Americans are in favor; whites are not. There is opposition in the South.


06-23-2015, 05:10 PM
I think a name change is in order. MY name is Morgan. Shi*bags don't rate to wear it.

Tell you what I think ... people who want to tell everyone else what to think need to go into the same cell as Roof. And change your name, POS M-fer.

06-23-2015, 05:12 PM
I think a name change is in order. MY name is Morgan. Shi*bags don't rate to wear it.

Tell you what I think ... people who want to tell everyone else what to think need to go into the same cell as Roof. And change your name, POS M-fer.

My name is Perianne. People call me Perianne. :)

06-23-2015, 05:41 PM
Drummond, you know I love you. That is why I ask you to calm your people down!I know people who would get a life sentence!!! lolhttp://hotair.com/archives/2015/06/22/piers-morgan-lets-face-it-white-people-who-use-the-n-word-should-be-in-jail/

Hello ... somebody call ??

Perianne, I love you too. But I can't do the impossible ...Piers Morgan is a Leftie. He's typical of the breed.

If he had his way, he'd censor any thought that didn't first come with Left-wing approval. To him, a legitimate worldview is one which came pre-approved by those 'thinking correctly'

I actually have posted on this before, so maybe you know this already. Fact is, though, that before Piers Morgan tried to make a name for himself in America (.. and my understanding is that he earned several ??) .. he was a disgraced newspaper editor, one who was the chief editor of a British tabloid Left-wing paper called the Daily Mirror.

Why 'disgraced' ? Well ... his paper ran, as an 'exclusive', supposed photos of British troops abusing terrorist detainees.The photos were BOGUS .. entirely fraudulent. But, even AFTER they'd been exposed for what they were, Morgan insisted that they were genuine.

It got to the point where the Mirror had to see Morgan as a liability to them. They sacked him. If I recall correctly, they even had him thrown out of the building.

Piers Morgan was committed to advancing the newspaper's agenda, naturally. But because the photos were a very neat way of discrediting part of our own commitment to acting as our part in the War on Terror, he became too enthusiastic about making sure they succeeded in their hoped-for effect. He ceased to separate fact from fiction, hoping instead to make the falsehood stick just through the force of his own, ahem, 'personality'.

See ... from the Leftie Guardian ...


Morgan refuses to apologise after Iraqi abuse pictures are shown to be fakes.

Piers Morgan was last night sacked as editor of the Daily Mirror as the newspaper apologised "unreservedly" for publishing photographs of Iraqi prisoner abuse that were faked. Morgan's nine-year reign came to an end after the Queen's Lancashire Regiment proved that pictures of its soldiers allegedly torturing Iraqi captives were staged and launched a strong campaign denouncing the Mirror's handling of the images. Shareholders in the Daily Mirror's parent company, Trinity Mirror, made the editor's position untenable after making it clear to executives that action needed to be taken.

The Daily Mirror said in a statement that it would be inappropriate for Morgan to continue as editor and acknowledged the damage it had done to the reputation of the British army." The Daily Mirror published in good faith photographs which it absolutely believed were genuine images of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi prisoner," the newspaper said. "However there is now sufficient evidence to suggest that these pictures are fakes and that the Daily Mirror has been the subject of a calculated and malicious hoax. The Daily Mirror therefore apologises unreservedly for publishing the pictures and deeply regrets the reputational damage done to the QLR and the army in Iraq."

Colleagues of the former editor said Mr Morgan had been called to the office of Trinity Mirror's chief executive, Sly Bailey, in Canary Wharf yesterday afternoon and ordered to issue a public apology. It is understood that he refused and was immediately escorted from the building by security.

Some commendably honest reporting from another Leftie publication, this .. even THEY didn't try to twist the story into something pro-Morgan.

But here's the point. Morgan was so very pigheaded about the whole issue, that even when disgraced (!!), he could never concede the truth and take responsibility for it.This, I suggest, is a characteristic Leftie trait 'mirrored' in others ! ...

[By the way, as an aside .. does anyone recall the fictional witchcraft series, called 'CHARMED' ? The character 'Phoebe' went to work for a newspaper called 'The Bay Mirror'. I'd defy anyone to tell any difference to the style of the newspaper logo they used, against the one actually used by our own 'Daily Mirror'.]

06-23-2015, 05:45 PM
Drummond, I thought maybe you knew him personally. England is such a small place. :)

Anyway, thanks for a great reply.

06-23-2015, 06:16 PM
With any justice in the world Peirs will serve time in jail over phone hacking, rather than "N-word" violations.
Though he will no doubt weasel his way through. I'm just glad he's spending as much time as he is away from the UK.

06-23-2015, 06:28 PM
My name is Perianne. People call me Perianne. :)

People call me Morgan. Or asshole. Kind of works like that. :laugh:

06-23-2015, 06:30 PM
Drummond, I thought maybe you knew him personally. England is such a small place. :)

Anyway, thanks for a great reply.

Granted, England is small compared with America. But it can't be THAT small ... Noir managed to visit Cheltenham without bumping into me, in fairly nearby Hereford, recently ...

That you can't walk a handful of miles in England without running the risk of encountering a mosque, equally, has little to do with the size of the place, and more to do with the fact that there really ARE that many mosques over here .....:rolleyes:

06-23-2015, 06:37 PM
With any justice in the world Peirs will serve time in jail over phone hacking, rather than "N-word" violations.
Though he will no doubt weasel his way through. I'm just glad he's spending as much time as he is away from the UK.

Well, Noir, in that case, I've a question for you. What did America ever do, to deserve having Piers Morgan pollute its airwaves with all his self-opinionated rot ?

And this from an already disgraced Leftie, whose reputation in England is pretty much shot to pieces !

Morgan's a classic case of a Leftie who can't accept personal culpability for his actions, and say the word 'sorry'. Whose ego outstrips such 'questionable' concepts (to a Leftie) such as 'honour' and 'decency' ....

06-23-2015, 06:52 PM
Just for the hell of it, folks, here's a comparison between the Bay Mirror logo, from 'Charmed' ... and the UK's most notorious Leftie tabloid, the Daily Mirror.



Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 06:59 PM
Words, flags, etc., where will it end?


06-23-2015, 07:08 PM
Words, flags, etc., where will it end?


Abbey. After they succeed, or get what they want with the words, flags, religion, and military. Only the 1st, and 2nd amendment will make their Agenda complete. Just watch.

06-23-2015, 07:22 PM
In today's world, people who use outdated verbal epithets to refer to those different from them are fools if they do so in public. But we are all entitled to be fools in our own way. Bad words may be unpleasant but they have never really seriously hurt someone, except perhaps the person using them when someone comes after them for it. My thought is people need to grow thicker skin and let the fools babble. Arrest someone for bigoted speech?? Who's gonna pay the tax bill to build all the new prisons we will need.

06-23-2015, 07:43 PM
In today's world, people who use outdated verbal epithets to refer to those different from them are fools if they do so in public. But we are all entitled to be fools in our own way. Bad words may be unpleasant but they have never really seriously hurt someone, except perhaps the person using them when someone comes after them for it. My thought is people need to grow thicker skin and let the fools babble. Arrest someone for bigoted speech?? Who's gonna pay the tax bill to build all the new prisons we will need.

So where exactly does you telling people what they are allowed to believe end?

A symbol is the belief behind and ideal. And don't tell me you witches don't have any. I'm Scot by blood. I know about the Picts and Celts.