View Full Version : My Story

06-24-2015, 11:54 AM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

06-24-2015, 12:11 PM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

I read the whole thing, very nice! Congrats on 1000! I'll send rev a pm after work, but that's not for another 6.5 hours. )

06-24-2015, 01:18 PM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

Where to start?:laugh:

WTF is a Finn? I thought it was something on a fish.

Next: You're older than ME? :laugh::laugh:

Everyone likes you just like you are. If you offend the goofs around here, big deal. Rev is the dictionary definition of PC. I wouldn't be judging myself by anything he has to say. It's usually a cut n paste.

Give yourself a break, ma'am.

06-24-2015, 01:24 PM
Great example of hardworking people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

06-24-2015, 01:26 PM
Also, just noticed this is in the Steel Cage... did you intend on posting it here? Would you rather it be in the lounge?

06-24-2015, 01:27 PM
Also, just noticed this is in the Steel Cage... did you intend on posting it here? Would you rather it be in the lounge?

No, I posted it here on purpose. I have my own reasons, but thanks.

06-24-2015, 01:28 PM
Also, just noticed this is in the Steel Cage... did you intend on posting it here? Would you rather it be in the lounge?

I was wondering that too. The Lounge would probably be more appropriate, IMO.

06-24-2015, 01:30 PM
No, I posted it here on purpose. I have my own reasons, but thanks.

You looking to pick a fight, or what? :laugh:

I hope it ain't with me. I get in enough trouble without your help, thanks.:laugh:

06-24-2015, 01:31 PM
I was wondering that too. The Lounge would probably be more appropriate, IMO.

I kinda figured people would have hateful things to say. Some here view me as a horrible racist. In real life, I distrust blacks and other brown people just as they do me. All I ever ask from anyone is that they treat me with the same respect with which I give them.

06-24-2015, 01:35 PM
You looking to pick a fight, or what? :laugh:

I hope it ain't with me. I get in enough trouble without your help, thanks.:laugh:

To be honest, Gunny, I really didn't like it when I discovered you were here. I have run into you on another forum and you were a bad boy. In the meantime, I have come to like you. I believe you are a good, solid American. And you are Southern. And you served to defend little ol' ladies like me. Yep, I like you now. But don't cross me! I am little like a honey badger.... very mean and tough! lol

06-24-2015, 01:50 PM
Aww, Gunny is just a big ol Teddy Bear.

06-24-2015, 01:50 PM
I kinda figured people would have hateful things to say. Some here view me as a horrible racist. In real life, I distrust blacks and other brown people just as they do me. All I ever ask from anyone is that they treat me with the same respect with which I give them.

It's not people of color that are the problem. It's the race baiters that egg them on. These people have made an entire living off of pointing fingers at others to hide their own weaknesses.

Race baiters are no better than Middle Eastern terrorists. Both make a living off of hate and the last thing they want is peace. They'd have to get real jobs.

I'm from South Texas and I lived in South Miami for 9 years. I won't go into Perrine, FL. And I won't go on the SW side of San Antonio after dark. That's called not being shot.

I don't see that as racist. Common sense, yes.

And btw, tell that jerkoff vet you're married to he IS allowed to post here.

06-24-2015, 01:52 PM
To be honest, Gunny, I really didn't like it when I discovered you were here. I have run into you on another forum and you were a bad boy. In the meantime, I have come to like you. I believe you are a good, solid American. And you are Southern. And you served to defend little ol' ladies like me. Yep, I like you now. But don't cross me! I am little like a honey badger.... very mean and tough! lol

Let me guess ... it was one I was banned from?:laugh:

Some people can't handle the truth.

06-24-2015, 01:53 PM
Aww, Gunny is just a big ol Teddy Bear.

You're in trouble.

06-24-2015, 02:01 PM
And btw, tell that jerkoff vet you're married to he IS allowed to post here.

Who are you talking about? I am not married to a veteran.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2015, 02:54 PM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

We ALL have our biases, do not let anybody tell you otherwise. As humans we are ALL weak and not any one of us is perfect no matter what skin color that person may be.
You came from poor roots but made good, a big bravo on that!
Myself, Ive had no problem with how you post and saw honesty in those posts.
I ask no more for me to respect a person as a poster here. -Tyr

06-24-2015, 02:55 PM
*Thanks for the full share Perianne...My mother and I landed in Texas....got my citizenship in abline Texas

(mother married an American Military man) married her adopted me... But I have been back to the old

country many times over the years (old Yugoslavia) for different reasons.

06-24-2015, 03:01 PM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

Perianne. You are still young. 58 isn't the end at all. I've had ten years to remember 58:laugh: But you have been far more healthy...I suspect, than I. So, enjoy life. I thank God every morning for another day with my eyes open. And thanks to my Life Partner of 46 years..my wife, our sons, and the beautiful SIX grandchildren....I still have many reasons to enjoy life.
You will be remembered. You have no reasons to apologize for being WHO YOU ARE. Only those who practice hatred, in their own..miserable ways...need to hear someone apologize for telling them the truth.
So..carry on Lady. Smile, and Enjoy every day. You've earned it. No matter what anyone else says.:laugh:

06-24-2015, 04:41 PM
My 1,000th post.

Sometimes I make posts leaning towards bad taste, as in racist stuff. Personally, I don't have any problem with it. I suspect I am the only 100% Finnish-blooded person here. If someone wants to make lighthearted fun of Finns, go ahead. I am a blue-eyed natural blonde. How many blonde jokes have been posted here? I chuckle and move on. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is some truth to we blondes being a bit ditzy: I don't always get jokes that other people tell. I tend to think the world revolves around me. It takes me over an hour after my shower to get ready for work. Everything has to look as good as possible. Yes, typical blonde. Go ahead, make fun of that. I don't care. Blondes have always been assumed to be goofy. Big deal. If I do something silly at work, someone commonly calls out "BLONDE!!!". I smile and move on. Imagine if you said "BLACK" when a black person at work does something silly.

Nonetheless, despite the adage "where there is smoke there is fire", some people take offense to racial comments that are not uplifting and supportive. I suspect many have been conditioned by the PC crowd, though they will deny it.

Anyway, I make a pledge here as my 1,000th post: I will make all reasonable attempts to stop with the racially-charged comments and jokes. Some here do not find it funny and I make this pledge out of respect to them. It bothered me that Revelarts said he had me on "ignore" because of my "racism". And he has a point. I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities. So, what happens typically? Within minutes of meeting each other, they pick up that I am respectful to them and they in return are respectful to me. I am a nurse and treat all my patients, white or other, with 100% respect, as a professional will and should do.

When my mother brought us to America, we landed (so to speak) in Cleveland. There my mother met a black men who was very nice to her. My mother was lonely and in a strange place. She didn't know that blacks and whites were not to mix in those days; it was not accepted. She married him very soon after meeting him. Shortly after that we moved to Columbus. Even though I was young, I still remember being called the "little nigger girl", even though I am as white as anyone can be. Other children in the neighborhood would not play with me. Such were race relations at the time. Oddly, the racism against my family only let up when we moved to the racist southern state, Kentucky.

We were very, very poor when I was a child. My mother worked for a family who lived down the road. My mother did their laundry, cleaned their house, cooked their meals.... typical maid stuff. I remember my mother taking me with her and me playing in the back yard while she worked. Sometimes the woman she worked for let my mother bring home leftovers. Sometimes that was all we had to eat. I remember eating popcorn for supper. I remember eating homemade biscuits with bacon grease poured on. It was all we had. My mother made our clothes. I had two different dresses that I wore to school. And I had a Sunday dress for church.

My mother never took one penny from the government. Neither have I. After leaving Mom a note, I left home the day after my 18th birthday. I had about $50, got on a bus, and disappeared. (My abusive "daddy" died of colon cancer the next year.) I wound up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I spent two nights sleeping behind a trash bin until I found a church that would take me in. I worked, like my mom, for a family as a maid and baby sitter. They gave me a room to stay in and that was my condition for a few years. The dad and mom of that family divorced and I was on my own again. I found a job serving drinks in a topless bar. I was heading down the wrong path. One day a young man showed up at the bar, looked into my eyes and fell in love. He took me away from that situation and married me. He was as poor as I was, but we both had dreams of doing better. I started to Nursing school while he worked odd jobs, making whatever he could earn. I worked 60-70 hours per week in a convenience store even while in college and even while pregnant with our daughter. I gave birth to her in November and graduated Nursing school in December. All the while his work ethic got him noticed and he landed a permanent job in a construction crew, building houses. Many years later, he started his own business building houses and other construction. Through hard work and determination, we had achieved the American dream. All the while we never took one penny from the government. Today I am a successful Registered Nurse, making a good living. My husband died a few years ago of peritonitis related to pancreatitis.

If I can make it, why can't others? There is nothing special about me. I wasn't born with special cerebral gifts. I worked and studied and succeeded so that I can pay taxes to support people who won't work and study and succeed. My daughter is now pursuing a doctorate in Nursing. She will do better than I did, but I take credit in supplying to her the foundation of succeeding in life, a lesson that my mother passed on to me. RIP Mom, and thank you.

I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me. But I want to leave behind memories of a caring nurse, a caring wife, and mostly a supportive and caring mother.

I also want to be remembered here as a good member of this forum. As stated earlier, I will make great efforts to restrain from making racial jokes and posts, even though most of them are tongue-in-cheek.

Well, this has been a long post and probably no one has read it, but I wanted to share my story. If someone has read it, would they be kind enough to send a PM to relevarts and tell him I am sorry for offending him and that I will refrain from making racial comments?

Peerianne we all have our on journeys.
I'm glad you you and your husband were able to help create a better latter half than your beginnings.

I just want to say that up front UNDILUTED.

06-24-2015, 05:03 PM
I will be 58 on Sunday. My days are drawing to an end. My best years are behind me.

You poor thing! Gee, I wish I was only 58 with a full life ahead of me. You're only problem is the way you are looking at life.

Example: Talking to the roofer working on my 88 year old's roof today he remarked: I was last here 3 years ago and didn't think the old guy would still be around now.

Talking to my 88 year old neighbor while watching the guy repair the roof he said: I've been out looking at new vans and I'm gonna buy one next year.

It's all in your outlook of life.

06-24-2015, 06:04 PM
Concerning, my ignoring you Perianne, that came after you repeatedly followed my serious post of deaths and abuses of blacks -now and in the past- with stupids racist remarks. If you'd made 1 or 2 reasonable replies to my post I probably wouldn't have done it. And i wasn't going to start slinging similar random BS in your direction. So you were ignored so i could keep my cheerful demeanor.

I'm glad you can just laugh about jokes about dumb blonds.
but if we all made jokes about "DEAD dumb blonds" and "Raped Dumb Blonds", "Beaten dumb blonds", innocent "blond animals" being fed to dogs,
In the news and as you we're trying to help a friend who had just been rapped and attacked by a dogs. also trying to understand why it's happened... again. Plus a picture of your blond grandma who was killed because she was blond was on the wall in front of you.
i think you might not think it was worth laughing at very much.

Do you know a German or Arab who repeatedly and ONLY makes oven jokes when Jews brings up the Holocaust or recent Anti-semitism or terror attacks? NEVER taking it seriously, or just blaming them for their troubles. ---Maybe Jews Roast Better! lol!, can't you Jews take a joke? your so PC---
But ready to jump in with both feet and complain seriously with examples and personal experience when talking about the dirty rich JEWS?

I appreciate the gesture and sentiment of not trying to make so many comments along those lines. And i've removed the ignore. No hard feeling on my part Perianne. But i wonder , if i can say so frankly, based on what you've shared of your life and sad abuse from a step-father who was black, if your comments aren't a bit of uncouncious payback. -It'd be silly of me to psychoanalyzes you over the internet, even if i were dr,-- But just human to human hypothetically if that were the case, I'd understand that kind of response. You may not even be aware of how offensive your comments are. You say that you think it's because of my or other blacks "PC" background that we "can't take a joke". That says to me your not sensitive to how your words effect others on this issue.
So, well, anyway that's my take.

And there's one thing that you said that i must comment on.

"I do think I am better than many blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... well, most anyone with dark skin. To me, someone with dark skin has to prove themselves to me before I trust them. I am certain black people feel the same way about us whities."

well I don't feel that way about "whitie" so your certitude is miss placed. Frankly when i'm out and about i'm not sizing people up by race assuming they are racist or untrustworthy because of their race. Or waiting for them to prove themselves to me.
Sheesh that must be exhausting. I assume they are generally decent folks until they prove otherwise. In the Reagan sense of "trust but verify" across the board.

And the part about thinking you're better than others by default because of race is part of the problem.
that's text book racism, same as Roof, same as the Nazis. it's ugly and destructive to us all. i hope your daughter hasn't picked up to much of it.

All the best to you.

06-24-2015, 06:36 PM

I agree I indeed have issues with people of color. In reality, you and I would get along very well because I NEVER say racist things. When you pointed out my racism on here, it made me think. Why do I feel free to say things on a forum that I wouldn't say in real life? I have always hated when other people do that.

My black daddy took away my ability to have additional children. My daughter was a miracle child. I love her dearly and I thank God every single day for her. But I wanted more children. The scarring he left me with took that away from me. I have lived with that all my life. I wanted other children so badly I even cheated on my husband and tried another man, thinking maybe another man might have more determined sperm. (My husband was not agreeable with adoption.) I have cursed the man for what he did to me. Maybe I do take it out on all blacks, even though they are not in any way responsible. i don't know.

Not that it matters in the big picture, but we have a black aide at work who I love and she loves me. She has told me many times how much she loves working with me. Sometimes when I am talking with her I think about my feelings in general toward blacks and I feel guilty. She is a good woman who is just trying to make it through life, just like me.

You are correct. Comparing blonde jokes is not the same as the torture blacks have been through. But with all respect, blacks bring some of it on themselves. You yourself have to notice that. I remember my "daddy" yelling at me and threatening me to make me cooperate with him. When I see angry blacks on TV it takes me back to those times and I become afraid. I still have bad dreams of him.

Anyway, thank you for your comments. I apologize and certainly intend to do better.

06-24-2015, 06:42 PM

I agree I indeed have issues with people of color. In reality, you and I would get along very well because I NEVER say racist things. When you pointed out my racism on here, it made me think. Why do I feel free to say things on a forum that I wouldn't say in real life? I have always hated when other people do that.

My black daddy took away my ability to have additional children. My daughter was a miracle child. I love her dearly and I think God every single day for her. But I wanted more children. The scarring he left me with took that away from me. I have lived with that all my life. I wanted other children so badly I even cheated on my husband and tried another man, thinking maybe another man might have more determined sperm. (My husband was not agreeable with adoption.) I have cursed the man for what he did to me. Maybe I do take it out on all blacks, even though they are not in any way responsible. i don't know.

Not that it matters in the big picture, but we have a black aide at work who I love and she loves me. She has told me many times how much she loves working with me. Sometimes when I am talking with her I think about my feelings in general toward blacks and I feel guilty. She is a good woman who is just trying to make it through life, just like me.

You are correct. Comparing blonde jokes is not the same as the torture blacks have been through. But with all respect, blacks bring some of it on themselves. You yourself have to notice that. I remember my "daddy" yelling at me and threatening me to make me cooperate with him. When I see angry blacks on TV it takes me back to those times and I become afraid. I still have bad dreams of him.

Anyway, thank you for your comments. I apologize and certainly intend to do better.

Perianne i have no words ...
there are no hard feelings on my part.
God bless you,
God's peace on your heart

06-24-2015, 07:02 PM
Starts with a great 1,000th post and ends up with Peri and Rev making up. Well done to both of you. :)

And Peri, thanks for sharing with us, and opening up with us.

06-24-2015, 07:40 PM

I agree I indeed have issues with people of color. In reality, you and I would get along very well because I NEVER say racist things. When you pointed out my racism on here, it made me think. Why do I feel free to say things on a forum that I wouldn't say in real life? I have always hated when other people do that.

My black daddy took away my ability to have additional children. My daughter was a miracle child. I love her dearly and I think God every single day for her. But I wanted more children. The scarring he left me with took that away from me. I have lived with that all my life. I wanted other children so badly I even cheated on my husband and tried another man, thinking maybe another man might have more determined sperm. (My husband was not agreeable with adoption.) I have cursed the man for what he did to me. Maybe I do take it out on all blacks, even though they are not in any way responsible. i don't know.

Not that it matters in the big picture, but we have a black aide at work who I love and she loves me. She has told me many times how much she loves working with me. Sometimes when I am talking with her I think about my feelings in general toward blacks and I feel guilty. She is a good woman who is just trying to make it through life, just like me.

You are correct. Comparing blonde jokes is not the same as the torture blacks have been through. But with all respect, blacks bring some of it on themselves. You yourself have to notice that. I remember my "daddy" yelling at me and threatening me to make me cooperate with him. When I see angry blacks on TV it takes me back to those times and I become afraid. I still have bad dreams of him.

Anyway, thank you for your comments. I apologize and certainly intend to do better.
Perianne, I've only read this far at this point, I recognized I did not need to pm Rev. ;)

I notice lots of folks saying 'you should keep going as you are, no changing.' Well I'd like to say to everyone that they should post what they are thinking, with reflection. Perianne said to the effect, 'I posted things I'd never say in real life. I hate when people do that, I'm going to try and change it.' That is what caring, thinking people do, they think when someone says something that brings questions to mind.

I don't want to jump into Perianne's topic on HER, (I've got the HOT one), but I want to use myself as an example of what she is talking about. Months ago, she posted something I found offensive-if it was just my own sensibilities, I'd have moved on probably ignoring her future posts. However, I try to think of how things reflect on the board, to those visiting and hopefully joining. I know this may shock some folks, but I got snarky. Not 'chase her away snarky,' but 'I don't like what you are doing right now. I kept it up for a bit. I also was surprised she'd been here for a long while, posting pretty darn often. I looked at those posts. I agreed with the vast majority of them, especially how she cared for family and her patients. I was finding it hard to reconcile her posts that pissed me off, with all those that showed this other side.

I finally spoke to her, 'Let's start over, I think I may have misjudged, we seem to have more in common than not.' Needless to say, neither of us have changed our thinking, but I've dropped the snarky in favor of just questioning when something rubs me wrong. Likewise, her tone of most posts that do 'rub me wrong' has changed to some degree, there's more thought. She was one of the first to point out how well the family victims of the Charleston shooter were reacting to a horrendous wrong.

Perianne is like anyone else that has had more than her share of adversities and been dealt bad hands, she's coped the best she can. Even with the worst things that happened, she's evaluating what's 'her' and 'who's responsible.' She may never totally get past what happened, for many reasons and that's ok. What she does seem to be doing though is recognizing that not 'all folks' are the same as those that look like her monster from the past. She realizes that her words could and maybe have hurt people that don't deserve that wrath.

That my friends, takes courage. So does revealing so much about herself. Perianne, thank you.

06-24-2015, 08:24 PM
I hope this didn't come across as "poor Peri". I didn't mean it that way. I have a lot to be thankful for. For many years I was angry with my mom for what she unwittingly had put me through. After the pid, the abuse stopped dead cold. I suspect my mother had everything to do with that. No one ever mentioned the situation and my mom never asked how I got in the situation I was in at ten years old. She had to know, though. My life started out as hell, but I overcame. I don't consider myself as a model of how to do it. I used the brain God gave me and somewhat moved on.

In the year 2003 I was back in college, my mother died, I broke my back (L5), and I got physically assaulted by a home invader...all within a few months. My psyche exploded. It was during counseling that I first mentioned to anyone about the abuse I had as a little girl. My husband of 18 years was absolutely shocked. He was wonderfully supportive. He actually took several weeks off from work and stayed with me while I emotionally recovered. My friend Erin became my BFF at that time. I had wonderful support from everyone and I feel blessed that I did. Anyway, I have been in counseling on and off over the years and especially when my husband, at 49 years of age, died. The counselor picked up on issues I had kept to myself. He advised that I talk about things when I feel the need to. So, I shared today. Maybe it's not the right place, but I feel a friendship with others here. And we are all, in some way, anonymous, so it's safe.

Please don't anyone feel sorry for me. I am fortunate beyond all imagination. I truly believe I have the most wonderful daughter there ever could be. I have a great job, making a very good amount of money for the work I do. I am okay. I just have to work on a few things.

06-24-2015, 08:49 PM
I hope this didn't come across as "poor Peri". I didn't mean it that way. I have a lot to be thankful for. ...

....Please don't anyone feel sorry for me. I am fortunate beyond all imagination. I truly believe I have the most wonderful daughter there ever could be. I have a great job, making a very good amount of money for the work I do. I am okay. I just have to work on a few things.

Take a lots to move though the things you have.
And sometimes it helps to have people just ACKNOWLEDGE what you've been though.
And get gilmse of life through your eyes.
Not as you say so that folks think "poor Peri". just hey this is where i'm coming from, this is me. I think i hear you.

So anyway, i may have to look up some blond jokes just so you don't think you're going to get any special treatment.

Truth Detector
09-09-2015, 01:24 AM
I kinda figured people would have hateful things to say. Some here view me as a horrible racist. In real life, I distrust blacks and other brown people just as they do me. All I ever ask from anyone is that they treat me with the same respect with which I give them.

So your black step dad was abusive and didn't make enough to keep your mother from working as a maid??? Your mom did not pick well.

09-11-2015, 05:55 AM
I kinda figured people would have hateful things to say. Some here view me as a horrible racist. In real life, I distrust blacks and other brown people just as they do me. All I ever ask from anyone is that they treat me with the same respect with which I give them.

I honestly view you the same as anyone else. I agree with you sometimes, and sometimes I don't. Sorry, but I had to quit taking this stuff as personal as I did. It cost me a LOT. And if there is a person on this board I have NOT offended, I want to know who the Hell they are.:laugh: Makes me feel like a slacker. :laugh:

09-11-2015, 06:41 AM
I hope this didn't come across as "poor Peri". I didn't mean it that way. I have a lot to be thankful for. For many years I was angry with my mom for what she unwittingly had put me through. After the pid, the abuse stopped dead cold. I suspect my mother had everything to do with that. No one ever mentioned the situation and my mom never asked how I got in the situation I was in at ten years old. She had to know, though. My life started out as hell, but I overcame. I don't consider myself as a model of how to do it. I used the brain God gave me and somewhat moved on.

In the year 2003 I was back in college, my mother died, I broke my back (L5), and I got physically assaulted by a home invader...all within a few months. My psyche exploded. It was during counseling that I first mentioned to anyone about the abuse I had as a little girl. My husband of 18 years was absolutely shocked. He was wonderfully supportive. He actually took several weeks off from work and stayed with me while I emotionally recovered. My friend Erin became my BFF at that time. I had wonderful support from everyone and I feel blessed that I did. Anyway, I have been in counseling on and off over the years and especially when my husband, at 49 years of age, died. The counselor picked up on issues I had kept to myself. He advised that I talk about things when I feel the need to. So, I shared today. Maybe it's not the right place, but I feel a friendship with others here. And we are all, in some way, anonymous, so it's safe.

Please don't anyone feel sorry for me. I am fortunate beyond all imagination. I truly believe I have the most wonderful daughter there ever could be. I have a great job, making a very good amount of money for the work I do. I am okay. I just have to work on a few things.

Nah. Came across to me as you're just another one of us. We're more just one dysfunctional family than anything else here. We've all got our issues. One thing I've learned about the people on this board is tolerance. For the most part, they're all good people. Which is a bit different than other boards because we've known each other for so long no one really bothers trying to posture for appearance except newbies. Well, them and rev and FJ who will argue with you about what color the sky is.:laugh:

Life's a dance. I've been on about 10 different boards, ran 3, and I'm here. These people are the salt of the Earth. Don't try to out-guess what they think of you.

I just wish people would quit necro-ing threads. I don't read every word in every thread so I end up answereing to crap that was said months ago.:laugh:

09-11-2015, 07:28 AM
Perianne, I just noticed the date this was posted, OK so I sent you a PM wishing a Happy B day, make that a belated :laugh: anyway what you have been through in life helps make us who we are today, someone very close to me went through the same as you did about the same age by her step Dad, well he skated for years, until I found out, no one has a right to do these things nor do i believe anyone should use these things as a crutch, but it sure in hell makes us who we are. You just keep being you, I personally clean up what I say on here, I am much more vocal with my thoughts in person, if I feel like calling a blond a blond ( some joke per say ) or a black dude a racial slur I do, I try and keep my feelings to a minimum here because I believe most have earned that respect, I like most everyone here and they have earned respect, in R/L I trust no one, so I say what I feel, once I have accepted that person many times I will unleash my thoughts even worse, because lets face it, only a racist gets upset over stupid words, I don't carry with me a hatred for anyone but I do tend to say what I am thinking, and like I do here ( have fun ) I go threw life that way, so sometimes the racial junk comes out, and most will laugh along with me, I am sure others may get upset but I am not worried about that, they will get over it, or not, either way I will go on about my business. :laugh:

09-11-2015, 10:14 AM
Perianne, I just noticed the date this was posted, OK so I sent you a PM wishing a Happy B day, make that a belated :laugh: anyway what you have been through in life helps make us who we are today, someone very close to me went through the same as you did about the same age by her step Dad, well he skated for years, until I found out, no one has a right to do these things nor do i believe anyone should use these things as a crutch, but it sure in hell makes us who we are. You just keep being you, I personally clean up what I say on here, I am much more vocal with my thoughts in person, if I feel like calling a blond a blond ( some joke per say ) or a black dude a racial slur I do, I try and keep my feelings to a minimum here because I believe most have earned that respect, I like most everyone here and they have earned respect, in R/L I trust no one, so I say what I feel, once I have accepted that person many times I will unleash my thoughts even worse, because lets face it, only a racist gets upset over stupid words, I don't carry with me a hatred for anyone but I do tend to say what I am thinking, and like I do here ( have fun ) I go threw life that way, so sometimes the racial junk comes out, and most will laugh along with me, I am sure others may get upset but I am not worried about that, they will get over it, or not, either way I will go on about my business. :laugh:

Like I said, life's a dance. Or was that Michael Montgomery? My step-dad is the coolest guy I ever met besides my grandfather. I consider him more my dad than the idiot who is on my birth certificate. Bad people jade other's reasoning.