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04-21-2015, 09:32 PM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-21-2015, 09:38 PM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

Not vote for???

Any damn POS dem ......
Or that fatass POS that hugged obama and helped give him some cred , aiding in his getting a second term, Christie.

That POS is one sorry bastard IMHO.. --Tyr

04-21-2015, 09:40 PM
Not vote for???

Any damn POS dem ......
Or that fatass POS that hugged obama and helped give him some cred , aiding in his getting a second term, Christie.

That POS is one sorry bastard IMHO.. --Tyr

What he said ^^^^^:cool:


04-21-2015, 09:44 PM
To be clear, I meant which Republican you have already decided you won't vote for.

So far, Jeb Bush (1), Chris Christie (2).

Who are you warming up to?

04-21-2015, 09:57 PM
To be clear, I meant which Republican you have already decided you won't vote for.

So far, Jeb Bush (1), Chris Christie (2).

Who are you warming up to?

To be clear...I would vote for Donald Duck before I vote for any stinkin Liberal...This means I will always vote and ****never ever...EVER...`EVA` sit out an election "and let" the Cancer of Liberalism take hold again...

There is plenty of good options beside jeb Bush...No Bush

1) Ted Cruz...2) Scott Walker....the only two worth a damn...

04-22-2015, 04:02 AM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.
From what you wrote, I'm assuming in the primary? ;)

I know in IL you have to ask for partisan ballot. I don't think that's true everywhere.

I think Fiorina is shaking things up, making people think. That's a good thing. She has a hell of a resume and aquits herself well in response to critics. Unfortunately I think only political junkies have a clue to who she is.

04-22-2015, 05:12 AM
Not vote for???

Any damn POS dem ......
Or that fatass POS that hugged obama and helped give him some cred , aiding in his getting a second term, Christie.

That POS is one sorry bastard IMHO.. --Tyr

What he said ^^^^^:cool:


Add me to the list of Christie haters !!

AS for who I will, not real sure just yet.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-22-2015, 06:23 AM
To be clear, I meant which Republican you have already decided you won't vote for.

So far, Jeb Bush (1), Chris Christie (2).

Who are you warming up to?

Walker and Cruz as of now... I want no damn part of Jeb Bush but if forced would cast a vote for him against Hillary.
I'd vote for a blind monkey over her.. --Tyr

04-22-2015, 08:41 AM
My answer is Jeb Bush.

Like Democratic presidents do ya?

04-22-2015, 09:23 AM
The one's I'm against in this order:
1. Christie - New Jersey sucks and so does he
2. Bush - The amnesty and Common Core candidate
3. Santorum - Amateur Hour
4. Cruz - for the lose. He's never had to defeat a serious Democrat.
5. Rubio - Soft on amnesty

I'm "all in" for Scott Walker. In 2012, I was all in for Rick Perry, oops!

04-22-2015, 09:25 AM
"Amateur hour" :laugh:

04-22-2015, 09:30 AM
The only one I really like is Walker.

I think my least favorite is Christie.

Abbey Marie
04-22-2015, 09:54 AM
Like Democratic presidents do ya?

Hey fj, which potential Republican candidates, if any, would you vote for? Given all the posts about you being liberal, I think this answer would be very interesting.

04-22-2015, 11:23 AM
Hey fj, which potential Republican candidates, if any, would you vote for? Given all the posts about you being liberal, I think this answer would be very interesting.

:laugh: Any of them because they are going to be better than whomever the Dems put up. I'm undecided at this point about the primaries. Let's see who is best able to explain conservatism.

04-22-2015, 12:27 PM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.
I agree on Jeb Bush. Not gonna happen.
I'm warming to Ted Cruz but he has to show some nation wide momentum, not just from his base, for me to take him seriously.

Carly Fiorina is going to have a rough campaign if she jumps in. Her biggest claim to fame was a very rocky term as CEO for HP where she was forced to resign. I could see democratic attacks claiming she was "impeached" during her first term in a chief executive office. She had a failed bid for Senate in 2010. She was also an advisor to McCain during his failed 2008 presidential run. She's going to need a strong, resonating message to get out from under a string of failures like that.

04-22-2015, 03:13 PM
I really haven't eliminated anyone yet. I'm leaning towards Cruz or Rubio thus far. I'll need to hear a lot more from all of them before I can truly decide. Christie and Paul are at the bottom of my list, and Bush not far away (many will avoid voting or vote against just because of the name, and then we're stuck with Hillary).

04-22-2015, 03:31 PM
I agree on Jeb Bush. Not gonna happen.
I'm warming to Ted Cruz but he has to show some nation wide momentum, not just from his base, for me to take him seriously.

Carly Fiorina is going to have a rough campaign if she jumps in. Her biggest claim to fame was a very rocky term as CEO for HP where she was forced to resign. I could see democratic attacks claiming she was "impeached" during her first term in a chief executive office. She had a failed bid for Senate in 2010. She was also an advisor to McCain during his failed 2008 presidential run. She's going to need a strong, resonating message to get out from under a string of failures like that.

I agree with you totally on Fiorina's history. That is why I am just now warming up to her. I don't really think she has much of a chance, but I like what she is saying so far.

04-22-2015, 03:36 PM
I'm not sure on this one at all. Starting with the backward question.:laugh:

The only thing I'm sure of is Christie might as well pack his seabag right now. :laugh:

I'm not ready to ditch Bush. He has more experience than anyone else in the field. His name is his biggest detractor.

04-22-2015, 05:02 PM
There is one, very important thing ALL OF US who support any Republican, or Conservative running for President is...We must keep in mind. The longer WE all disagree, and fail to fall behind, or support ONE candidate that IS capable of replacing Obama, and Beating Hillary...the more Hillary enjoys remaining in the SILENT BACKGROUND...not answering any questions, and allowing the Untrained, Immature, Self-centered Media to do all of her talking...AND CHASING:laugh:

Like we have all seen several times since the end of the Last Bush presidency. Republicans have HELPED Liberal, Democrats move into office by drawing attention to the FIGHTING R's, which all of the UNEDUCATED, UNINFORMED, TYPICAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS always end up voting for Democrats in elections.

In other words. Liberals LOVE watching Conservatives, and Republicans Do all of the DIRTY WORK the Dems enjoy.
So...until we agree on ONE Candidate that CAN BEAT Hillary...hands down. WE ALL STAND TO GET ANOTHER OBAMA!

Anyone who doubts that fact. Probably Won't be voting anyway. But that's how I SEE IT.
Ignore me if you like. Never take any advice, then find yourselves asking "What happened?" Again?

04-22-2015, 06:35 PM
There is one, very important thing ALL OF US who support any Republican, or Conservative running for President is...We must keep in mind. The longer WE all disagree, and fail to fall behind, or support ONE candidate that IS capable of replacing Obama, and Beating Hillary...the more Hillary enjoys remaining in the SILENT BACKGROUND...not answering any questions, and allowing the Untrained, Immature, Self-centered Media to do all of her talking...AND CHASING:laugh:

Like we have all seen several times since the end of the Last Bush presidency. Republicans have HELPED Liberal, Democrats move into office by drawing attention to the FIGHTING R's, which all of the UNEDUCATED, UNINFORMED, TYPICAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS always end up voting for Democrats in elections.

In other words. Liberals LOVE watching Conservatives, and Republicans Do all of the DIRTY WORK the Dems enjoy.
So...until we agree on ONE Candidate that CAN BEAT Hillary...hands down. WE ALL STAND TO GET ANOTHER OBAMA!

Anyone who doubts that fact. Probably Won't be voting anyway. But that's how I SEE IT.
Ignore me if you like. Never take any advice, then find yourselves asking "What happened?" Again?


05-04-2015, 02:34 PM
Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

I just now watched Dr. Ben Carson's speech as he was announcing for his candidacy for President. Nice speech. Smart man. I would not at all mind having a sensible black man as President.

I am right now watching Carly Fiorina's campaign announcement. I would happily accept her as President, too.

05-04-2015, 03:11 PM
There is one, very important thing ALL OF US who support any Republican, or Conservative running for President is...We must keep in mind. The longer WE all disagree, and fail to fall behind, or support ONE candidate that IS capable of replacing Obama, and Beating Hillary...the more Hillary enjoys remaining in the SILENT BACKGROUND...not answering any questions, and allowing the Untrained, Immature, Self-centered Media to do all of her talking...AND CHASING:laugh:

Like we have all seen several times since the end of the Last Bush presidency. Republicans have HELPED Liberal, Democrats move into office by drawing attention to the FIGHTING R's, which all of the UNEDUCATED, UNINFORMED, TYPICAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS always end up voting for Democrats in elections.

In other words. Liberals LOVE watching Conservatives, and Republicans Do all of the DIRTY WORK the Dems enjoy.
So...until we agree on ONE Candidate that CAN BEAT Hillary...hands down. WE ALL STAND TO GET ANOTHER OBAMA!

Anyone who doubts that fact. Probably Won't be voting anyway. But that's how I SEE IT.
Ignore me if you like. Never take any advice, then find yourselves asking "What happened?" Again?

Been saying that since 2007. It's a lose/lose deal. Stand on whatever "principle" you love most and don't vote, we got 8 years of Obama. Hold your nose and vote against the Dems and you compromise your principles voting for a GOP that isn't much different than the DNC.

I look at it this way: The GOP doesn't do ANYTHING. The Dems are always screwing crap up. I'll take the former over the latter every time. I had to hold my left wrist with my right hand and make myself vote for McCain.

05-04-2015, 04:11 PM
I just now watched Dr. Ben Carson's speech as he was announcing for his candidacy for President. Nice speech. Smart man. I would not at all mind having a sensible black man as President.

I am right now watching Carly Fiorina's campaign announcement. I would happily accept her as President, too.

But what are there positions on issues?

05-27-2015, 04:21 PM
I am watching Rick Santorum announcing his candidacy for President. I love him.

05-27-2015, 04:41 PM
I am watching Rick Santorum announcing his candidacy for President. I love him.

Perhaps. But his not being "the chosen one" is what led a LOT of people on the right to not vote. The result of that was making racist speeches against white cops earlier today.

05-28-2015, 09:11 AM
Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

Wise move, Peri.

CARLY FIORINA, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard who has an 0-1 record running for elective office, is running for President of the United States as a non-politician.

“Our founders never intended for us to have a professional political class,” she said in her campaign announcement video. In interviews and speeches, she criticizes “professional politicians,” as she did during her Politics & Eggs speech in Bedford in February.

But “professional politician” rivals who underestimate this newbie do so at their own peril. She is extremely good at the presidential candidate thing.

In a sit-down interview on Tuesday, Fiorina was impressive even by the standards of Union Leader editorial interviews. Most candidates, seasoned or not, struggle to stay on message. The temptation to stray, to elaborate, to explain is too great. To overcome the impulse, they memorize talking points, after which they sound robotic... then they stray. - See more at: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20150528/LOCALVOICES03/150529233#sthash.0b95MClX.dpuf

06-23-2015, 05:27 PM
I kinda like Trump, too. Can you imagine Trump and Hillary in a debate??? lol

He’s dismissed by the political professionals, but there is no denying that the appetite for Donald Trump among Republican primary voters is real.

The New York developer and reality television star is second among 2016 presidential candidates in a new Suffolk University poll of New Hampshire Republicans – behind only former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

The poll of 500 likely GOP presidential primary voters found 14% back Mr. Bush. Mr. Trump is right behind at 11%. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio come next, with 8% and 7%, respectively. The poll tested 19 GOP candidates – a rare survey that included ultra-longshots like Mark Everson and former Govs. Bob Ehrlich (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/06/02/also-also-ran-mark-eversons-lonely-bid-for-gop-nomination/) and Jim Gilmore (http://www.wsj.com/articles/open-gop-field-draws-long-shot-bids-1417390219).

While Mr. Trump is experiencing a bump in popularity after announcing the launch of his campaign last week (http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-to-unveil-plans-for-2016-presidential-race-1434448982) (he filed formal Federal Elections Commission paperwork Monday (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/06/22/donald-trump-files-paperwork-making-2016-run-offficial/)), he remains the most disliked GOP candidate in the field. Suffolk found he is the only GOP candidate with a net unfavorable rating in New Hampshire — 37% of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of Mr. Trump, compared to 49% who had an unfavorable view.


06-23-2015, 05:38 PM
I would love to see Ted Cruz win the GOP nomination. He would get trounced in the general election.

06-23-2015, 05:39 PM
I would love to see Ted Cruz win the GOP nomination. He would get trounced in the general election.

Maybe not trounced, but I agree that he probably wouldn't win.

06-23-2015, 06:30 PM
Maybe not trounced, but I agree that he probably wouldn't win.

What is your reasoning ?...are you saying there are more anti Americans ...brain-washed / indoctrinated ...Illegal and voting dead out there than Americans:laugh:

06-23-2015, 07:10 PM
There is one, very important thing ALL OF US who support any Republican, or Conservative running for President is...We must keep in mind. The longer WE all disagree, and fail to fall behind, or support ONE candidate that IS capable of replacing Obama, and Beating Hillary...the more Hillary enjoys remaining in the SILENT BACKGROUND...not answering any questions, and allowing the Untrained, Immature, Self-centered Media to do all of her talking...AND CHASING:laugh:

Like we have all seen several times since the end of the Last Bush presidency. Republicans have HELPED Liberal, Democrats move into office by drawing attention to the FIGHTING R's, which all of the UNEDUCATED, UNINFORMED, TYPICAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS always end up voting for Democrats in elections.

In other words. Liberals LOVE watching Conservatives, and Republicans Do all of the DIRTY WORK the Dems enjoy.
So...until we agree on ONE Candidate that CAN BEAT Hillary...hands down. WE ALL STAND TO GET ANOTHER OBAMA!

Anyone who doubts that fact. Probably Won't be voting anyway. But that's how I SEE IT.
Ignore me if you like. Never take any advice, then find yourselves asking "What happened?" Again?:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I'm with LongTermGuy in my support for this !!

SURELY, in simple terms, the real order of business is to get consolidation of votes behind WHATEVER has the best chance of kicking Obama's mob out of power.

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 07:19 PM
I agree with AT, and the others, and have been saying this for years.

06-23-2015, 07:23 PM
I agree with AT, and the others, and have been saying this for years.

Been saying it too. Get their butts out of office and THEN fix stuff.

Abbey Marie
06-23-2015, 07:57 PM
Been saying it too. Get their butts out of office and THEN fix stuff.

Yes! Hold Republicans' feet to the fire if they want a second term, for one. And for goodness sake, get a USSC appointment or two in before they go.

red state
06-23-2015, 08:55 PM
There is one, very important thing ALL OF US who support any Republican, or Conservative running for President is...We must keep in mind. The longer WE all disagree, and fail to fall behind, or support ONE candidate that IS capable of replacing Obama, and Beating Hillary...the more Hillary enjoys remaining in the SILENT BACKGROUND...not answering any questions, and allowing the Untrained, Immature, Self-centered Media to do all of her talking...AND CHASING:laugh:

Like we have all seen several times since the end of the Last Bush presidency. Republicans have HELPED Liberal, Democrats move into office by drawing attention to the FIGHTING R's, which all of the UNEDUCATED, UNINFORMED, TYPICAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS always end up voting for Democrats in elections.

In other words. Liberals LOVE watching Conservatives, and Republicans Do all of the DIRTY WORK the Dems enjoy.
So...until we agree on ONE Candidate that CAN BEAT Hillary...hands down. WE ALL STAND TO GET ANOTHER OBAMA!

Anyone who doubts that fact. Probably Won't be voting anyway. But that's how I SEE IT.
Ignore me if you like. Never take any advice, then find yourselves asking "What happened?" Again?

Spot on!!! I agree 100% but with all the varying views and strong character of conservatives, we just about have to fight among ourselves. Don't we? I mean if AT likes Walker and Gunny likes Bush and Tyr like Cruz and I can only hope Allen West jumps in......where do we stand? There's things I don't like about any of those mentioned but two or three of them are most certainly better than a Mittens or McSHAME.

What we need, and I hate to say this, is a tragedy or a turning point. I'm talking militarily or another major terror attack. I'm not sure that would even do it but my example is Stormin' Norman Schwartz, that guy had PRESIDENT written all over him if he had wanted it. I'm not saying he would have been a good one or that I would have even liked him BUT he had the old school popularity that got folks elected years ago. If that "magic" still exists, we would need a sure enough HERO from a tragedy, who talked the talk and walked the walk. It certainly beats any of the so-called "experienced" professional politicians we have running around. I believe any one of the candidates mentioned (even the good ones) have egg on their face from tip-toeing around certain things. Yep, we need an war hero who did something AMAZING during and after a major event. Someone who is true-blue......(or RED). And really......does any of the candidates mentioned have a REALLY cool nick-name? There's the old school thing again.

Thanks for the wisdom AT.....I truly understand but don't know how it can be fixed. If most say Rubio is the man YET I know or can read that he isn't the best for the job.....should I drop my candidate and jump on board with the majority who are dead wrong? Good Lord, the past three or four presidents have goofed things up so badly that we need a Washington or Reagan to at least apply the breaks....we certainly don't need a candidate that is greasing the tracks with only a small amount of tracks till we go over the cliff.

06-24-2015, 05:55 AM
They're pretty heavy-handedly trying to suggest that Jeb Bush wants to distance himself from association with George W Bush.

That's Lefties for you, of course.

Its been said in this thread that Jebs surname is his biggest detractor.

That's just leftie DP for you, ofcourse.

06-24-2015, 03:47 PM
Thread fixed...

06-24-2015, 05:16 PM
I am watching Rick Santorum announcing his candidacy for President. I love him.

In my capacity as a 'foreign git', I can't claim to know much about any of them. But Rick Santorum .. he was the senator who had the guts to lift the lid on the actual TRUTH about what WMD's had been found in Iraq, in a Press conference. In it, he disclosed the two pages of a newly-declassified portion of an American Intelligence report, which revealed that in excess of 500 had been discovered.

The media did a fairly good job of muzzling him. European media did a better job. Not ONE outlet broke ranks to allow that truth to emerge.

The Republicans need a candidate who'll do what is right, and take principled stands .. regardless of whether or not they play well in media circles. Santorum qualifies !!

06-24-2015, 05:19 PM
Its been said in this thread that Jebs surname is his biggest detractor.

That's just leftie DP for you, ofcourse.

OR, Noir, are you just picking up on the fact that the BBC has been running with that very same piece of propaganda ? I've seen it (repeatedly). No doubt, so have you .. ?

06-24-2015, 05:22 PM
In my capacity as a 'foreign git', I can't claim to know much about any of them. But Rick Santorum .. he was the senator who had the guts to lift the lid on the actual TRUTH about what WMD's had been found in Iraq, in a Press conference. In it, he disclosed the two pages of a newly-declassified portion of an American Intelligence report, which revealed that in excess of 500 had been discovered.

The media did a fairly good job of muzzling him. European media did a better job. Not ONE outlet broke ranks to allow that truth to emerge.

The Republicans need a candidate who'll do what is right, and take principled stands .. regardless of whether or not they play well in media circles. Santorum qualifies !!

Perianne. I want to agree with you about what the R's need. Trouble is. After seeing how dedicated the Senate R's are to prolonging their political careers...over the wishes of their constituents this week with the Obama Trade JOKE. I must once again state how LITTLE I personally Trust ANY politicians. We all know Santorum, and others who Expose the Truth...do so without the blessings of their fellow 'R's who still....Like Obama, and the Dems....Talk from BOTH sides of their Lying Lips.

06-26-2015, 03:29 AM
NO to Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rand Paul

Walker, Cruz, Rubio are MAYBE's as of now....

06-26-2015, 09:12 AM
The Republicans need a candidate who'll do what is right, and take principled stands .. regardless of whether or not they play well in media circles. Santorum qualifies !!

Santorum would lose in the General and won't make it anyway IMO. Jindal, Graham, and Kasich will be out before the end of the year.


06-26-2015, 09:47 AM
I favor Rubio but I will vote Bush over Clinton

06-26-2015, 09:52 AM
I favor Rubio but I will vote Bush over Clinton

Olivia, I remember you kinda liked Bush. Do you still feel that way? I personally have serious doubts about him, though I know he was a good governor for Florida.

Trivia, Jeb is actually John Ellis Bush... JEB (I am certain you already knew that, Olivia)

06-26-2015, 10:10 AM
Spot on!!! I agree 100% but with all the varying views and strong character of conservatives, we just about have to fight among ourselves. Don't we? I mean if AT likes Walker and Gunny likes Bush and Tyr like Cruz and I can only hope Allen West jumps in......where do we stand? There's things I don't like about any of those mentioned but two or three of them are most certainly better than a Mittens or McSHAME.

What we need, and I hate to say this, is a tragedy or a turning point. I'm talking militarily or another major terror attack. I'm not sure that would even do it but my example is Stormin' Norman Schwartz, that guy had PRESIDENT written all over him if he had wanted it. I'm not saying he would have been a good one or that I would have even liked him BUT he had the old school popularity that got folks elected years ago. If that "magic" still exists, we would need a sure enough HERO from a tragedy, who talked the talk and walked the walk. It certainly beats any of the so-called "experienced" professional politicians we have running around. I believe any one of the candidates mentioned (even the good ones) have egg on their face from tip-toeing around certain things. Yep, we need an war hero who did something AMAZING during and after a major event. Someone who is true-blue......(or RED). And really......does any of the candidates mentioned have a REALLY cool nick-name? There's the old school thing again.

Thanks for the wisdom AT.....I truly understand but don't know how it can be fixed. If most say Rubio is the man YET I know or can read that he isn't the best for the job.....should I drop my candidate and jump on board with the majority who are dead wrong? Good Lord, the past three or four presidents have goofed things up so badly that we need a Washington or Reagan to at least apply the breaks....we certainly don't need a candidate that is greasing the tracks with only a small amount of tracks till we go over the cliff.

How many more tragedies than the Supreme Court rulings the last two days do we need?

I think quite a few GOP candidates have a lot to offer if they can back their words with some action.

06-26-2015, 12:15 PM
Olivia, I remember you kinda liked Bush. Do you still feel that way? I personally have serious doubts about him, though I know he was a good governor for Florida.

Trivia, Jeb is actually John Ellis Bush... JEB (I am certain you already knew that, Olivia)

Bush believes in States rights. But, he's too lenient when it comes to illegal immigration but yes he did do a great job as Gov. Of Florida. Left office with a 67% approval rating.

06-26-2015, 12:19 PM
Bush believes in States rights. But, he's too lenient when it comes to illegal immigration but yes he did do a great job as Gov. Of Florida. Left office with a 67% approval rating.

That is the conclusion I came to yesterday. I spent an hour or so looking up the immigration stances of the GOP candidates. It wasn't a complete look as I soon tired of it, but Jeb was at the bottom of the list. I don't trust Rubio, either, though he is now saying the right things. I wonder if Rubio is saying whatever needs to be said to get elected.

Actually, if you read enough, all of the candidates at one time or another have made statements in support of illegals. My head started spinning from reading it all.

red state
06-26-2015, 12:29 PM
How many more tragedies than the Supreme Court rulings the last two days do we need?

I think quite a few GOP candidates have a lot to offer if they can back their words with some action.

Exactly....and with your short, ACTION statement, I'll keep mine short to say: They are talkers and not doers and we need both right now. I want a candidate who will BLAST the left for the scum they are, reach out to those who consider themselves undecided or independent and go after the business at hand in both BOLD words and a FIRM cane.....preferably one made from de-barked HICKORY. Does anyone besides Tyr know what that means?

red state
06-26-2015, 12:37 PM
As for those talking about how Jeb, Rubio and a few others MAY POSSIBLY be OK to consider......I say that they pussy-foot around too much and we've got enough of that in DC and everywhere now. We need an old iron side (aka someone willing to adhere directly to the Constitution) and go after those guilty of treason. I'll not list their names cuz those with REAL sense know who would be on the top ten list. I had always hoped that one would slip up and be escorted out of OUR house (not his) but that seems to be and will be the shame of America for not only putting him in office but placing him behind the wheel TWICE and without so much as a whimper for what he has done and the blatant animosity he obviously has for OUR Nation (not his).

YEP....I deserved and am issuing myself at least three for that one but I'll take at least two more from someone else.


06-26-2015, 03:55 PM
Based on the TWIN decisions from the SCOTUS over the last two days.

Can anyone now not fully understand what I said several times, when I said WE ARE SCREWED?

What more does it take? Other than how I fully understand. The Americans who voted for Obama, TWICE, have succeeded in helping Obama, the Dems, and the SCOTUS destroy this nation because IGNORANCE, and a REAL LACK OF HONEST EDUCATION....is ruling this nation into 3rd World Status.

06-26-2015, 03:57 PM
Based on the TWIN decisions from the SCOTUS over the last two days.

Can anyone now not fully understand what I said several times, when I said WE ARE SCREWED?

What more does it take? Other than how I fully understand. The Americans who voted for Obama, TWICE, have succeeding in helping Obama, the Dems, and the SCOTUS destroy this nation because IGNORANCE, and a REAL LACK OF HONEST EDUCATION....is ruling this nation into 3rd World Status.

I'm as pissed as anyone, but don't forget what happened with the vast majority of FDR's programs, including his attempt to pack the court. The other day, 70 years after the SCOTUS undid another of his programs. Just a perspective reminder.

06-26-2015, 04:22 PM
Well, if this story is true then I'll add Bobby Jindal to the list of people I will not vote for.

In short, he's not happy with the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage and thinks we should just get rid of the court.
What's next Bobby? Get rid of the Legislative branch of government when they pass laws you don't like?
Then what are we left with? That's right, the very thing we fought a war of independence to get away from.

06-26-2015, 04:25 PM
I like Jindal, but not for president, at least until he learns to control his off the cuff remarks. He's had this type of problem before.

06-26-2015, 04:27 PM
Well, if this story is true then I'll add Bobby Jindal to the list of people I will not vote for.

In short, he's not happy with the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage and thinks we should just get rid of the court.
What's next Bobby? Get rid of the Legislative branch of government when they pass laws you don't like?
Then what are we left with? That's right, the very thing we fought a war of independence to get away from.

His star has fallen too far and I think he's trying to keep up with the crowded field.

06-26-2015, 05:12 PM
Well, if this story is true then I'll add Bobby Jindal to the list of people I will not vote for.

In short, he's not happy with the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage and thinks we should just get rid of the court.
What's next Bobby? Get rid of the Legislative branch of government when they pass laws you don't like?
Then what are we left with? That's right, the very thing we fought a war of independence to get away from.

Thunderknuckles. Ya know. When you consider how Obama, and the Dems have been constantly ignoring the Legislative Branch, and abusing the Judicial because they do not like the Constitution. Jindal may actually have a point! Though I would never vote for him. I do believe he's trying to make a point about how the SCOTUS has nearly been Loaded...much like FDR tried to do so many years ago.
Just look at the decisions that have come down from them. Jindal can see the writing on the wall, much like most Americans, who care for this nation are seeing the same writing.
Our nation is being downgraded daily, into a future 3rd World nation where the MOB will soon rule, and LAWS will merely be Terrible memories for those who ABUSE the Constitution.

06-29-2015, 08:34 PM
I gave up Amazon and Wal-Mart over this stuff. Now I give up Jeb. If he is the nominee, I will vote 3rd party.

Jeb Bush said Monday that the Confederate flag has become a "racist" symbol and applauded efforts to remove the flag outside the South Carolina State Capitol after a racially motivated church shooting.


06-29-2015, 09:41 PM
I gave up Amazon and Wal-Mart over this stuff. Now I give up Jeb. If he is the nominee, I will vote 3rd party.



06-30-2015, 05:14 PM
I certainly am not for him, but I hope he runs.

The newest indication that the vice president could jump into the race comes from a Wall Street Journal report, which cites friends and advisers who say Biden, 72, received encouragement to do so from sons Beau and Hunter. Beau Biden died last month after a long battle with brain cancer.

Hillary Clinton, who served as secretary of state during President Obama’s first term and worked closely with Biden, is the overwhelming frontrunner to become her party’s standard-bearer, but many Democratic insiders say Biden could present a formidable challenge should her campaign falter.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/06/29/efforts_to_draft_biden_for_2016_gain_steam_127175. html

06-30-2015, 05:17 PM
I certainly am not for him, but I hope he runs.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/06/29/efforts_to_draft_biden_for_2016_gain_steam_127175. html

Perianne. Agreed. I think almost everyone hopes he will run. We need something to laugh at these days. And who best can fill that bill?

08-04-2015, 07:37 PM
Here are the group who will make the main debate:


I listed them in the order that I want them to succeed.

08-04-2015, 07:39 PM
Here are the group who will make the main debate:


I listed them in the order that I want them to succeed.

It's odd, being the racist that I am often accused of being, that I picked a Hispanic and a black as my two favorites.

08-04-2015, 07:40 PM
What an impressive Clown Car that debate will be. :laugh:

08-04-2015, 07:43 PM
What an impressive Clown Car that debate will be. :laugh:

Actually, I am looking forward to it. I was supposed to work on Thursday night, but I persuaded the clinical manager to switch the schedule for me so I could watch it. She asked me why I wanted to watch it as all they do is tell lies? I know, but I am too danged old to change my ways now. I have always watched the debates, even if it is a "Clown Car". :)

08-04-2015, 09:22 PM
I'll be able to catch the main debate, though I'll miss the earlier one due to work. I think the first may be more interesting...

08-04-2015, 09:23 PM
I'll be able to catch the main debate, though I'll miss the earlier one due to work. I think the first may be more interesting...

Yeah, me too. I look forward to hearing Carly Fiorina.

08-04-2015, 09:24 PM
Yeah, me too. I look forward to hearing Carly Fiorina.

Me too. I hope the main debate doesn't turn into the Trumpfest.

08-04-2015, 09:26 PM
Me too. I hope the main debate doesn't turn into the Trumpfest.

I suspect and hope he will behave and appear to be more of a statesman.

08-04-2015, 09:57 PM
Wont vote for, Scott Walker, Christie, Hillary Clinton

I dont have a clue who im voting for yet. They havent lied enough to me yet to make me happy.

08-06-2015, 01:35 PM
It's odd, being the racist that I am often accused of being...

It's not really an accusation when you admit to being one.

08-06-2015, 05:51 PM
I watched the first debate. Go Carly Fiorina!!!!!!

I loved her outfit, too!

08-06-2015, 07:08 PM
http://images.politico.com/global/2015/08/06/150806_carly_fiorina_performance_gty_1160_1160x629 .jpg

08-06-2015, 07:33 PM
http://images.politico.com/global/2015/08/06/150806_carly_fiorina_performance_gty_1160_1160x629 .jpg

She is very good !!!....Good luck to her...

08-10-2015, 05:31 PM

08-10-2015, 05:34 PM
The above came from https://www.conservativereview.com/2016-presidential-candidates/. (https://www.conservativereview.com/2016-presidential-candidates/)

Clicking on the link takes you to each candidate's stances on the issues.

08-10-2015, 05:35 PM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

I'd vote for Bush. He's probably the overall best candidate.

Definitely Carly. She'd be in my government somewhere. I think she'd be an awesome Secretary of State.

Who I WON'T vote is anything with a (D) after its name.

08-10-2015, 05:41 PM
I'd vote for Bush. He's probably the overall best candidate.

Definitely Carly. She'd be in my government somewhere. I think she'd be an awesome Secretary of State.

Who I WON'T vote is anything with a (D) after its name.

I have never voted for a (D) and I'm too old to change now.

I still dislike Bush, though I think Rubio has surpassed him in my view as the worst of the worst.

See Gunny, we can agree to disagree and still be friends! :)

08-10-2015, 05:51 PM
I have never voted for a (D) and I'm too old to change now.

I still dislike Bush, though I think Rubio has surpassed him in my view as the worst of the worst.

See Gunny, we can agree to disagree and still be friends! :)

Bush was actually a very good Governor. As far as Rubio, no more Senators. Rubio is however a good Senator. I just don't think they make good presidents.

Governors have to run states. Senators vote en masse. Not saying I don't like Rubio. I actually do. I'm looking at the experience thing.

I'm actually hoping Carly pulls this off. If she's as good as her word, she's got MY vote.

08-10-2015, 06:18 PM
Sitting around today with nothing better to do, I went to one of those sites that matches the GOP candidates with their established stands on a number of current issues.
Decided that the only candidate that I wanted to hear more from is Carly Fiorina. She has developed a significant business acumen, knows how to deal with important people with grace and decorum and is not a loose cannon.

An electoral choice between Fiorina and Clinton would be greatly troubling.
I am still holding out hope that Elizabeth Warren will entered the Dem race.

08-10-2015, 06:31 PM
Sitting around today with nothing better to do, I went to one of those sites that matches the GOP candidates with their established stands on a number of current issues.
Decided that the only candidate that I wanted to hear more from is Carly Fiorina. She has developed a significant business acumen, knows how to deal with important people with grace and decorum and is not a loose cannon.

An electoral choice between Fiorina and Clinton would be greatly troubling.
I am still holding out hope that Elizabeth Warren will entered the Dem race.

YOu mean the lying criminal that's your front-runner? Better hope we don't all vote. We outnumber your weak, limp, sucking off the government asses by 2/3ds.

08-10-2015, 07:01 PM
YOu mean the lying criminal that's your front-runner? Better hope we don't all vote. We outnumber your weak, limp, sucking off the government asses by 2/3ds.

Let's get this straight, here on the board. Disclosing classified information over unclassified media is a CRIME. Punishable under USC Tiles 15 and 17. All these leftwing f*ckwits pretending they don't know are lying. Depending on the level of security you breach depends on your punishment.

So Walker goes to prison for life in 1986 and you lefties give Hitlery a pass.

I have/had a Top Secret Clearance and my Ex had a Cosmic clearance. You want to play this game with me? I know mt technical and legal shit and all you know is being a dumb leftwinger.

08-12-2015, 03:06 PM
I started this thread four months ago. Here I will take it and tell why I WON'T vote for which candidate.

I stated right off that I would not vote for Jeb Bush. Considering that my #1 issue is illegal immigration, here is why I will NOT vote for Jeb:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/jeb-bush/), a talked-about candidate for the White House (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/white-house/) in 2016, gave an interview over the weekend in which he bluntly said illegal immigrants are only trying to better themselves and should not be treated as felons.

“Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony,” Mr. Bush (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/jeb-bush/) told Fox news’ Shannon Beam at a Sunday town hall event at the George Bush Presidential Library Center, CNN reported. “It’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family.


Last spring, in a television interview with Charlie Rose, [Jeb] said: “You have to deal with this issue. You can't ignore it. And so, either a path to citizenship — which I would support and that does put me probably out of the mainstream of most conservatives — or a path to legalization, a path to residency of some kind.”

By contrast, in the book, he wrote that “those who violated the laws can remain, but cannot obtain the cherished fruits of citizenship.” He would allow those brought illegally to the U.S. as children to become citizens, however. His proposal would not greatly beef up border security.


Then there is immigration. As has been true since before his brother was president, there’s an elite consensus behind “comprehensive immigration reform” that would provide legal status and a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. Bush is a particularly impassioned spokesman for this consensus.


I could go on and on about Jeb's tolerance for lawbreaking immigrants.

He is also a big proponent of Common Core.

This past week, possible GOP 2016 presidential contender Jeb Bush doubled down on his support for the Common Core standards, scolding conservative critics of the controversial education reform by stating that he had “lost patience (http://online.wsj.com/articles/jeb-bush-details-political-vision-1417494300)” with them and telling them they were not needed (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/12/02/Jeb-Bush-Republicans-Don-t-Need-Conservatives-to-Win-White-House-Should-Not-Defund-Exec-Amnesty) by moderate Republicans to win the White House.


08-12-2015, 03:26 PM
Why I will NOT vote for Rubio:

[Rubio] backs a path to citizenship—the current situation, he says, amounts to “de facto amnesty”—but only if the borders are secure and an employment-verification system is in place first, and then only if it isn’t quicker or easier than the path for applicants who play by the rules. And while he is willing to grant probationary legal status to undocumented immigrants who register and pay fines, he insists they go to the back of the line for green cards and refuses to allow them to collect food stamps or other federal benefits.


Rubio routinely votes with the Democrats on giving the illegals a break.

Rubio was a member of the Gang of Eight that drafted immigration reform legislation that passed the Senate in 2013. As one of the sponsors of the bill, Rubio voted in favor of the legislation and actively lobbied his Senate colleagues to do the same.

During the debate on the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio voted against several amendments designed to improve the bill, including:

An amendment that would require the border is secure before any amnesty is granted;
An amendment implementing a visa tracking system before any amnesty is granted;
An amendment requiring a congressional vote affirming the border has been secured before granting temporary legal status;
An amendment that would require the completion of a reinforced double-layered border fence.


08-12-2015, 03:47 PM
Why I will NOT vote for Rubio:


Rubio routinely votes with the Democrats on giving the illegals a break.


Want to rethink that? There a couple of facts here ... one, Rubio is Cuban and they escape to live in Miami. He might not quite understand the illegal thing as people who live on the Mexican border do. He probably sees more the opportunity his was family was given.

Two, we can't deport all the illegals here. We can and should deport the asshole crappy ones. I'm not for denying anyone an opportunity. Once our unemployed are all working, then we can hand out leftovers. And you come through the gate, not across the river.

Point is, because of the numbers, this is a complex issue. Hell, I give Rubio creds for having a plan that's more than "I have a plan".

08-12-2015, 03:51 PM
I would never vote for Bush or Rubio, they're both sellouts IMHO

I like Fiorino, she 's a very smart woman, I like her stance on many issues. Walker also has my vote. If either of these two don't get on the ballet, I'm going to have a hard time getting excited about the presidential race. I'm getting tired of voting republican just to keep people out of office.

Obviously Hillary needs to go away.

08-12-2015, 03:59 PM
I would never vote for Bush or Rubio, they're both sellouts IMHO

I like Fiorino, she 's a very smart woman, I like her stance on many issues. Walker also has my vote. If either of these two don't get on the ballet, I'm going to have a hard time getting excited about the presidential race. I'm getting tired of voting republican just to keep people out of office.

Obviously Hillary needs to go away.

I agree, though I would add Cruz to the group.

08-12-2015, 04:02 PM
I would never vote for Bush or Rubio, they're both sellouts IMHO

I like Fiorino, she 's a very smart woman, I like her stance on many issues. Walker also has my vote. If either of these two don't get on the ballet, I'm going to have a hard time getting excited about the presidential race. I'm getting tired of voting republican just to keep people out of office.

Obviously Hillary needs to go away.

Let's talk about something important .... how are you doing since your father passed? I always thought he was awesome. He was just too grumpy to talk to. He was one of my favorite people ever on message boards. I wish I could have told him but we're guys ... we don't say that kind of stuff to each other.

I hope all is well.

08-12-2015, 05:08 PM
Let's talk about something important .... how are you doing since your father passed? I always thought he was awesome. He was just too grumpy to talk to. He was one of my favorite people ever on message boards. I wish I could have told him but we're guys ... we don't say that kind of stuff to each other.

I hope all is well.
Thanks for that. Gaffer was a good example of how to argue without being a douche. Everyone liked him, except a few trolls.

08-12-2015, 05:26 PM
Some hours ago, I tried checking to see how Carly Fiorino stacked up against the other candidates, in terms of her commitment to Conservative values and the policy commitments you'd expect to see as a result. My impression was that she was weaker than is desirable, especially on international issues. Good in some areas, but with a pervading weakness overall.

So I thought I'd check on her stance regarding illegal immigrants. I found this ...


Unlike former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, all of whom have expressed some degree of openness to creating a framework that would allow undocumented immigrants to eventually obtain citizenship, Fiorina said she would draw the line at offering "legal status."

"Half the people here illegally came on a legal visa–we just never bothered to follow up," Fiorina said. "But for those who came here illegally and stayed here illegally, I think they may earn legal status over time, but not citizenship, because I know too many people, as do you, who worked to earn the right of citizenship, the privilege of citizenship, and I think we're fair-minded people."

All this SOUNDS good. Even so, check this out:

1. Fiorina said she would draw the line at offering "legal status."

2. "But for those who came here illegally and stayed here illegally, I think they may earn legal status over time"

A contradiction ? Yes, or no ? Is Fiorina softer on those people than she'd like people to believe?

Logically, to say illegals 'may earn legal status over time' surely says that she'd give them the CHANCE to ?

What would she be prepared to do, to give them that chance ? She must surely have it in mind to arrange it, otherwise, how does any of this make sense ???

08-12-2015, 05:32 PM
There will be many people declare for the Republican nomination for President. Who do you know you will NOT vote for?

My answer is Jeb Bush.

Who are you warming up to?

My answer is Carly Fiorina.

I will not vote for Jeb Bush,

I am already warm to John Kasich. I have always thought he would be a good President. I was surprised that he threw his hat in the ring.

I am not discounting Trump at all, in fact I like him. I agree with much of what he says, and think he is genuine in his love for his country. I find his honesty and candor to be quite refreshing.

08-12-2015, 05:38 PM
Some hours ago, I tried checking to see how Carly Fiorino stacked up against the other candidates, in terms of her commitment to Conservative values and the policy commitments you'd expect to see as a result. My impression was that she was weaker than is desirable, especially on international issues. Good in some areas, but with a pervading weakness overall.

So I thought I'd check on her stance regarding illegal immigrants. I found this ...


All this SOUNDS good. Even so, check this out:

1. Fiorina said she would draw the line at offering "legal status."

2. "But for those who came here illegally and stayed here illegally, I think they may earn legal status over time"

A contradiction ? Yes, or no ? Is Fiorina softer on those people than she'd like people to believe?

Logically, to say illegals 'may earn legal status over time' surely says that she'd give them the CHANCE to ?

What would she be prepared to do, to give them that chance ? She must surely have it in mind to arrange it, otherwise, how does any of this make sense ???

I think that is either a typo or a misstatement.

During a wide-ranging interview with Yahoo's Katie Couric, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO was asked if she favored providing a path to citizenship for the roughly 11 million immigrants in the country illegally.

"I do not. Not for those who came here illegally and who have stayed here illegally," said Fiorina...

08-12-2015, 05:47 PM
I think that is either a typo or a misstatement.

From what I have read, it may very well be a typo


08-12-2015, 06:02 PM
I think that is either a typo or a misstatement.

A misstatement is possible. I don't think a typo is, because the statement, in its own terms, remains consistent.

If it's a misstatement, though, I think it's of Carly's own making. From another source, I've seen this ...

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/06/15/carly_fiorina_if_you_came_here_illegally_you_dont_ get_a_path_to_citizenship.html

SCARBOROUGH: Is there a pathway to citizenship?

FIORINA: Well, in my view, we also have to fix the illegal immigration system, which has been broken for about 25 years now. No one's -- everyone talks about comprehensive solutions but nobody starts with the basics. My own view is, if you have come here illegally and stayed here illegally, that you don't get a path to citizenship. Perhaps legal status --

SCARBOROUGH: What about legalized status?

FIORINA: Well, I think legal status is a possibility, for sure. I think their children maybe can become citizens. But my own view is it isn't fair to say to people who have played by the rules -- and it takes a long time to play about it rules -- that, you know, it just doesn't matter.

You see, I'm left with the question I had before. If she can see that illegals can be granted legal status, then she MUST be saying that, on her watch, they'd have a means available to them of becoming recognised as legal.

I find myself wondering if she's start handing out versions of amnesties to them, and working from there to convert their former illegality to full-fledged LEGALITY. It's difficult to see how else it'd work !!

It's basically like saying, if you defy the law for long enough, you can get to the point where your doing that can become legally acceptable. This SHOULD be a nonsense, and to be blunt, I don't even recognise it as proper Conservative thinking AT ALL.

I suspect that, if or when tested, Fiorina would prove to be an equivocator when it mattered NOT to be.

08-12-2015, 06:18 PM
Most of them will need to clarify down the line on this issue, which isn't as easy as President Perianne would like:



Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday, host Joe Scarborough asked Trump what he would do about the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the country once America secured its southern border. After arguing the real number of illegal immigrants is much higher and saying the first thing America needs to do is “take the bad” illegal immigrants and “get them the hell out,” Trump sounded like he was open to providing some type of pathway to legalization for the remainder.

“And then the other ones — and I’m a very big believer in merit system, I have to tell you,” Trump said. “Because some of these people have been here, they’ve done a good job, you know, in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows.”

“We have to do something,” he continued. “So whether it’s merit or whether it’s whatever, but I’m a believer in the merit system. If somebody’s been outstanding, we try and work something out.”

08-12-2015, 06:23 PM
Most of them will need to clarify down the line on this issue, which isn't as easy as President Perianne would like:


Mark Trump off my list.

08-12-2015, 06:26 PM
From what I have read, it may very well be a typo


Thanks, but I don't think this answers the issue.

It's clear from both your link, and mine, that actual citizenship is regarded differently to the simple recognition of legality. Fiorina foresees their children becoming citizens .. which itself recognises the prospect of illegals being allowed to remain in the US.

Allowing illegals to remain doesn't make a lot of sense, unless you're willing to say that either illegality is PERMISSIBLE, or, that a path to legality is made open to them (or you just purposely 'look the other way').

But check out the wording in all the links, mine and yours. I think Fiorina is consistent. She wouldn't grant citizenship, as such. She WOULD accept a status quo where LEGALITY could be conferred upon them.

She just ducks the description of exactly how she'd do that, but short of handing out amnesties, how else could it be done ?

08-12-2015, 06:28 PM
Mark Trump off my list.
LOL! Unfortunately and I'm NOT defending all the do nothings in Washington, some of these issues aren't as easy to solve as they first appear.

Building a wall and providing humans to enforce the boundary shouldn't be hard.

What to do with, much less how to identify all that are here illegally? Another kettle of fish.

08-12-2015, 06:40 PM
LOL! Unfortunately and I'm NOT defending all the do nothings in Washington, some of these issues aren't as easy to solve as they first appear.

Building a wall and providing humans to enforce the boundary shouldn't be hard.

What to do with, much less how to identify all that are here illegally? Another kettle of fish.

That's maybe the biggest practical issue of the lot - how you identify them. As for what you do with them, well, Fiorina has her solution. They can have a path towards LEGALITY available to them. I've yet to see details of how exactly that'd be arranged. But, clearly, she must have some sort of scheme in mind to facilitate it.

Would that be something that'd be acceptable to truly Conservative thinking ? Well .. you decide. After all, you'd be voting for it, if you vote for Fiorina !

Building a wall would cost money. What would fund it ? Trump has his solution. What's Fiorina's ?

08-12-2015, 07:07 PM
That's maybe the biggest practical issue of the lot - how you identify them. As for what you do with them, well, Fiorina has her solution. They can have a path towards LEGALITY available to them. I've yet to see details of how exactly that'd be arranged. But, clearly, she must have some sort of scheme in mind to facilitate it.

Would that be something that'd be acceptable to truly Conservative thinking ? Well .. you decide. After all, you'd be voting for it, if you vote for Fiorina !

Building a wall would cost money. What would fund it ? Trump has his solution. What's Fiorina's ?

Okay, Drummond. I get your point.

There are only a few candidates who can win (according to the latest polls): Trump, Walker, Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, Fiorina, and Carson.

Bush and Rubio have soft spots for illegals. Kasich is big government guy. Cruz has little chance. Carson has little chance. That leaves Fiorina, Trump, and Walker. Trump is now expressing some sympathy for illegals. Walker has expressed sympathy for them in the past. Fiorina is not clear (in my mind). My eye test tells me to pull for Fiorina or Walker. I would probably be happy if either of them takes on the Democrats.

08-12-2015, 07:59 PM
That's maybe the biggest practical issue of the lot - how you identify them. As for what you do with them, well, Fiorina has her solution. They can have a path towards LEGALITY available to them. I've yet to see details of how exactly that'd be arranged. But, clearly, she must have some sort of scheme in mind to facilitate it.

Would that be something that'd be acceptable to truly Conservative thinking ? Well .. you decide. After all, you'd be voting for it, if you vote for Fiorina !

Building a wall would cost money. What would fund it ? Trump has his solution. What's Fiorina's ?
Trump's open to amnesty.

08-12-2015, 08:42 PM
Trump's open to amnesty.

Can you prove that ? Because this link has him attacking Obama over it !!


On Friday, Donald Trump said that President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty will make illegal immigration even worse than it has ever been and needs to be knocked out.

“Our President broke the law when he did what he did [on executive amnesty],” Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “And you’re going to have to take a tremendously strong action or you’re going to have people just flowing into this country worse than it’s ever been.”

Tump said that illegal immigrants, including those who may have ties to terrorist organizations, are “coming in now by the thousands and it’s only going to get worse.”

“So the Republicans have to toughen up,” he said.

Regarding Obama’s executive amnesty, Trump said he would “knock it out and knock it out fast” if he were president.

“We need strong borders,” he said. “We need a wall.”

I'd say that was pretty unequivocal ! [It also points to him being more Conservative than Fiorino]

08-12-2015, 08:49 PM
Okay, Drummond. I get your point.

There are only a few candidates who can win (according to the latest polls): Trump, Walker, Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, Fiorina, and Carson.

Bush and Rubio have soft spots for illegals. Kasich is big government guy. Cruz has little chance. Carson has little chance. That leaves Fiorina, Trump, and Walker. Trump is now expressing some sympathy for illegals. Walker has expressed sympathy for them in the past. Fiorina is not clear (in my mind). My eye test tells me to pull for Fiorina or Walker. I would probably be happy if either of them takes on the Democrats.

Correct me if you can. But surely, it's too early in the proceedings to be sure who has, or has not, a good or bad chance ? A lot can happen between now and the time of final decision, I'd have thought ? Campaign funds drying up. People quitting prematurely. I seem to recall that happening in the run-up to the last election ?

There's been talk of Trump's conduct. Other candidates might skew favouritism in directions not foreseen. I just think too much can yet happen to be sure of relative certainties (?).

At the end of the day, it'll be voters who decide. Until they do, it's surely an open race ?

08-12-2015, 08:56 PM
Can you prove that ? Because this link has him attacking Obama over it !!


I'd say that was pretty unequivocal ! [It also points to him being more Conservative than Fiorino]

That was February. Mine was from July 27. Perhaps he's changed again?

08-12-2015, 09:00 PM
Not an enormous amount to choose between them .. although on domestic issues, Walker comes out decisively ahead !

Walker seems a better bet than Fiorina, overall, I'd say (in terms of greater Conservatism expressed).


08-12-2015, 09:09 PM
That was February. Mine was from July 27. Perhaps he's changed again?


OK, point conceded, Kathianne. Since he's shifted his position, it could be argued that his real approach isn't known. Shifting sands could shift again. However, there IS room for serious question.

By contrast, I'd say Fiorino has remained constant. Strangely vague on detail. But her intention to move to something that benefits illegals does seem on the cards.

08-12-2015, 10:08 PM
Make your individual choices. Then consider electability.
No one from the far right has a chance to defeat Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump couldn't defeat Bill Clinton. As a joke, at least Slick Willy was funny. Trump is just scary bad.

08-13-2015, 06:40 AM
Trump's open to amnesty.

I came across this coverage of Trump at border. I thought the wall was supposed to be 'total' with perhaps a 'big door?'


...QUESTION: Are you still in favor of a wall?

TRUMP: Yes, in certain sections, you have to have a wall, absolutely.

And, by the way, the wall -- the wall will save you a tremendous amount of money. But you absolutely -- there are areas that you have to have the wall.


QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) these from El Chapo?

TRUMP: The who?

QUESTION: From El Chapo, the drug cartel leader?


TRUMP: I don't know anything about it.


08-13-2015, 06:50 AM

OK, point conceded, Kathianne. Since he's shifted his position, it could be argued that his real approach isn't known. Shifting sands could shift again. However, there IS room for serious question.

By contrast, I'd say Fiorino has remained constant. Strangely vague on detail. But her intention to move to something that benefits illegals does seem on the cards.

Shockingly the MSM has been near silent in actually covering what candidates are saying, I don't think it's just Trump either, in fairness. Seems we have to catch every newscast to know what the heck they are saying. With Trump it's just a bit worse, as his outrageous statements are all over, while more nuanced not so much:


Aired July 30, 2015 - 08:00 ET
TRUMP: You're supposed to come in legally. I would get people out and I would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal. I would move them out and then move them back in and let them be legal. But they have to be in here legally.

BASH: Legally, like --

TRUMP: Excuse me. Otherwise, you don't have a country. You don't have a country. If people can just pour in illegally, you don't have a country.


08-13-2015, 06:58 AM

TRUMP: MOVE NON-CRIMINAL ILLEGALS ‘BACK IN’ LEGALLY, I’LL ‘DO SOMETHING’ WITH DREAMERS by IAN HANCHETT (http://www.breitbart.com/author/ian-hanchett/)29 Jul 2015
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that after getting out the “bad” illegal immigrants, he would get the others out and “have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal,” because “when somebody’s terrific, we want them back here” legally, adding that with DREAMers “We’re going to something” in an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead.”

Trump stated, “Number one, the first thing we do, is get the bad ones out. we have a lot of bad dudes as I said, you have a lot of really bad people here. They’re in our prisons, and they’re clogging up our prisons. I want to them to go back — and not only Mexico, I want to get them back to the country…and I want them to be in their prisons.”

He added, “Then we have a law, right? You’re supposed to come in legally. I would get people out, and I would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal.”

Trump, then stated that he could find these illegal immigrants and “get them out,” a process that he argued is “feasible if you know how to manage,” and that politicians couldn’t do because they don’t know how to manage.


Trump elaborated that he would give these illegal immigrants, “Legal status,” not citizenship, but, “later down the line, who knows what’s going to happen.” He clarified that this meant citizenship would be “something I would think about, but I would say right now no. I’m not open to it. I would say legal status.”

When asked what he would do with DREAMers, Trump answered, “We’re going to something. I’ve been giving it so much thought, you know you have a — on a humanitarian basis, you have a lot of deep thought going into this, believe me. I actually have a big heart. … I mean, a lot of people don’t understand that, but the DREAMers, it’s a tough situation, we’re going to do something, and one of the things we’re going to do is expedite — when somebody’s terrific, we want them back here, but they have to be legally –.”

08-19-2015, 11:57 PM
I am warming up to Chris Christie.