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10-25-2010, 06:47 PM
What hatred and bile?

Why, I'm glad you asked! Allow me to demonstrate :

Even a bunch of brain dead alleged military heroes should realize that.

I can tell from some of the responses in this thread that some DP kids are doomed to repeat the ignorance and idiocy of their parents.

If anyone should know about big black dicks filling manly holes, it's a military aviator.

It is pretty sad. But if you talk to a lot of ConReps and teabaggers on DP, they would agree totally. Hate and prejudice are a way of life with them.

Today, we call them idiots.

You can't be stuck in the 60s and 70s and still continue to be effective. Many of the members of DP are proof of this.

Some of you are so wrapped up in your pseudo-patriotism that you can't understand that politics has no place in baseball. It's a worldwide game that appeals to everyone. Even teabaggers and gun nuts.

Depends on what your priorities are. I don't know about you, but I am not raising my kid to be stupid. Then again, my kid has educated parents. Unlike some of you who value military indoctrination over practical learning.

Why is that, Mrs. Kurts? At least you have something worthwhile to say once in a while.

Get rid of all the crazy hateful Con Reps and Teabaggers. That would help greatly.

...but God placed Hitler as God placed Bush...

And let's not forget how the Reagan supported covert CIA operations in Afghanistan taught the Taliban some basic terrorism, including hidden land mines and flying airplanes into buildings.

If you do, you are a sick person. A sick, backwards, ignorant, prejudicial person.

I don't see anything criminal about what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. I find it more deviant how some adults masturbate over their gun collections.

We should pray that namvet gets the mental help he needs.

Whoever has the gold (and pays for the board) makes the rules. I bitch and complain about this a lot, but mostly for my own selfish benefit. I know this is Jim's board and he and his appointed flunkies can do whatever they want.

Originally Posted by glockmail
I'm an equal opportunity asshole
There, I fixed it for you.

I think you people need to re-vote for member of the month. Perhaps choose someone who actually deserves it this time.

This one just because it's so damn funny :

Have you ever wondered by there are very few left-winger blogs or commentators? Or why the Dems don't have their own radio talk shows or TV news network?
It's because we are too busy thinking for ourselves. We don't bother establishing a party line or parroting each others viewpoints.

Not everyone is content with being trailer trash like you are.
Abby and I are married to wonderful, intelligent men. As opposed to trailer trash content to sitting around masturbating to porn.

Being intelligent does place you in the minority on this board.

She must be in pretty bad shape if a court has given you custody.

Does everyone there love the Witch Queen of Wasilla?

Let's see... that's only 4 months worth, when you were off your meds and your bolts loosened up it was much worse. Let's see if I can find a few of those gems.

10-26-2010, 03:08 PM
You never know what idiocy the male mind is going to come up with next.

There are too many of you who criticize without thinking. Or just don't think at all.

What remarkable stupidity. Another uneducated right-wing nutcase.

If you want to teach your kids hatred and bigotry, that is fine with me. It has obviously worked well for your family.

I have to be slow and predictable with some of you. Because you wouldn't understand me otherwise.

Tell me about your dad. If you know who he is.

Proves I am at least educated. How about yourself? What is your job?

Good luck with that. Since most extreme right-wing conservatives are blatantly racist. You can read this forum and realize that.

Not expecting any of you mind-locks to read this. Just placing it into consideration.

Unfortunately for cheesey and some of the other here, who obviously would love to see a Muslim blow up a bomb killing hundreds on American soil.

namvet, you and Hitler share a very interesting trait -- Hitler didn't have any balls either.

Sieg Heil namvet. I also knew you had some Hitler leanings in you. He was crazy too, ya know.

I would rather microchip conservative Republicans. That way, we can round them up when we need to.

Since uneducated citizens usually become Republicans.

Far from me to invoke memories of your white trash ghetto upbringing.

The Teabaggers are going nowhere on a broad scale. They attract only the ignorant and mentally challenged minority, of the type that have posted in this thread.

What do you expect her to look like? Perhaps a fat chick who lays around eating all day? (Perhaps someone here has married one).

The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do. It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

Everything Dubya did during his presidency was good. If Obama did the same thing, it is bad.
You have idiots who can't think for themselves.

At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

And why do I leave? I have a job. Unlike those who sit around all day doing nothing.

And that is 2 months worth of venom... still haven't gotten to the rabid ones.

10-26-2010, 03:59 PM
As opposed to Republicans, who celebrate when their political enemies die.

I get upset every time Dick Cheney goes into the hospital.
I get even more upset every time he leaves.
I am waiting for the time that Cheney takes his place next to Nixon and Reagan in front of the eternal fireplace.

They do it so people of low character like yourself don't end up with kids.

Another reason why we are smarter than the rest of the country.

10-27-2010, 12:14 AM
You might want to check your kid's correspondences. He might have been stealing the vehicle to deliver to the local mosque, for use as a car bomb.

Typical conservative attitude. They worship hot women because they don't have one. They dream of sex with hot women because they don't get any. Sucks to be them.

Afghanistan is a worthless cause, just as Iraq has always been a worthless cause. The only reason to still be there is because so many of you enjoy the carnage. It is OK for our soldiers to die, as long as they take opponents with them.

Terrorists attacked the U.S. on Sept 11, 2001. There were warnings. It could have been stopped. Only thing is, some idiot pretending to the POTUS was too busy figuring out how to depose the lunatic who insulted his daddy to pay attention.
As a result, thousands died in NYC and DC. Thousands more have died since. The blood is on Dubya's hands. Not that he cares.

Prejean is the biggest media whore since Sarah Palin.

If you host any Black Jews, make sure you find a kosher watermelon.

History is best viewed in hindsight. Reagan was much more of a "cult of personality" than Obama is now. Reagan fooled so many people with his "folksy charm" that few recognized what a lying and cheating con artist he was.

Return to the time when the U.S. military comprised the best and brightest. (OP not included)

Probably gotten more blow jobs in nine months than Bush got in eight years.

And Christians are busy...hiding cameras in bathrooms?

You are an incredibly sick person. God would despise your blatant hatred. You need mental help.

Most women are smarter than men.

Jeff, it is obviously that you know zero about Islamic extremism, their ideals and what they want to accomplish. You are just here blowing out drivel and sucking up rep points.
It is obvious that you are not the smart member of the family on this board.

Sorry RSR, but you are much too dense to understand Global Warming. Perhaps if you were intelligent enough to think for yourself and not just cut and paste what suites you, we could discuss it.

Namvet is delusional and filled with hatred. He enjoys seeing people killed. On both sides. The current conflict plays out like a porn flick for nammie. The death count is his own personal money shot.

And then there are truly psychotic nuts. Such as the OP.

Perhaps if some people here were actually educated and could think for themselves, they would know that.

If you enjoy watching our soldiers die everyday, then you want the conflict to continue. That is why Bush started this war. He knew the common soldier was "expendable." He never cared.

Another brilliant cut and paste debacle from the man with no brain or common sense.

Global warming is the temperature of the earth. It has very little to do with snow, freezing temperatures or other normal seasonal atmospheric events.
Of course, ConRep idiots won't acknowledge this because it cuts into their bullshit spewing.

If idiots like RSR had basic reading and comprehension skills, perhaps they would grasp this.

Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

Chessy, I would consider you in the same class as a dog, but that would be an insult to the dog, who is both smarter and more reliable.

First of all, let me state that there is NOTHING I could learn in the military.

10-27-2010, 01:36 AM
Why would any woman be envious of a man? I would think it would be the other way around. Since men are no longer our equals.

I think it is wonderful! Kids should be brought up to worship our liberal leaders.

Now, now Noir! Glock has either never consider incest, or he has a really ugly daughter.

Women need to meet the right man before they can enjoy sex. Which rules out a lot of you guys.

Obviously your parents (?) placed little thought into raising you with values and moral convictions. So sad.

Doesn't apply to you RSR, since I doubt you have any interaction with women.

Martin, you dislike education for the same reason that many here dislike education. Because you are uneducated. Stupidity is a great deterrent to progress.

You have to remember that, as an upper tier university, Cal is very selective and very expensive. You can't be stupid and get into Cal. It is only for elite students.
I attended Cal on an academic scholarship. I got two degrees there.

Again, too damn funny to pass up :

You ever wonder how the Islamic militants learned about proper placement of roadside bombs and flying planes into buildings? The CIA taught them during the Chechnya insurgency.

whewwww... damn, my sides hurt. Twit! To continue (this next one kills me) :

Because so many DP members are on the other side of the fence, they believe my views are ignorant and unfounded.

You can be old and still be incredibly stupid. Read the board on a daily basis and you will see what I am talking about.

Perhaps you should go back to the tea party with the other elderly ladies. Call for delivery of some nice finger sandwiches. Finish knitting that bonnet for the dog. Pick up the heart medication from the pharmacy.

Gotta spread the pseudo-patriotic knee jerk reaction bullshit first. Sure, we will never forget the dead. And we should never forget that none of them should be dead.
George W. Bush is a buffoon, mass murderer and war criminal.

Do you spit or swallow?

I have no respect for idiots who sit in a circle jerk and blow each other in between rehashing old glories. Stop acting like you are sacred cows and do something worthwhile.

I work with trouble kids who need guidance. Perhaps if namvet had a good high school counselor (if he finished high school), he wouldn't be such a pathetic excuse for a person.
Obama and Ted Kennedy were and are better people that Dubya ever was. Though I can't expect brain dead ConReps to ever understand that.

Reagan was morally decrepit from the beginning and is roasting in hell now because of it.

Let's not bury Dubya or Cheney anyplace honorable. Since they both dodged the draft.
I would like to see Dubya buried next to Saddam. Since they both delighted in sending people to their deaths.
I consider Reagan less honorable than Ted Kennedy. At least Teddy wasn't a born liar. Or a vegetable.

And there are many on this board that are already so dumb, it a little more will hardly be noticeable.

If the Bush administration had proposed similar health care reforms, you guys would have already jerked a river in supporting it.

That's enough for now... I'm only 1 year back in time on page 40.

Reading this repulsive person's words has made me feel dirty, somehow. Going to take a shower and have a shot of whiskey.