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10-25-2010, 06:47 PM
What hatred and bile?

Why, I'm glad you asked! Allow me to demonstrate :

Even a bunch of brain dead alleged military heroes should realize that.

I can tell from some of the responses in this thread that some DP kids are doomed to repeat the ignorance and idiocy of their parents.

If anyone should know about big black dicks filling manly holes, it's a military aviator.

It is pretty sad. But if you talk to a lot of ConReps and teabaggers on DP, they would agree totally. Hate and prejudice are a way of life with them.

Today, we call them idiots.

You can't be stuck in the 60s and 70s and still continue to be effective. Many of the members of DP are proof of this.

Some of you are so wrapped up in your pseudo-patriotism that you can't understand that politics has no place in baseball. It's a worldwide game that appeals to everyone. Even teabaggers and gun nuts.

Depends on what your priorities are. I don't know about you, but I am not raising my kid to be stupid. Then again, my kid has educated parents. Unlike some of you who value military indoctrination over practical learning.

Why is that, Mrs. Kurts? At least you have something worthwhile to say once in a while.

Get rid of all the crazy hateful Con Reps and Teabaggers. That would help greatly.

...but God placed Hitler as God placed Bush...

And let's not forget how the Reagan supported covert CIA operations in Afghanistan taught the Taliban some basic terrorism, including hidden land mines and flying airplanes into buildings.

If you do, you are a sick person. A sick, backwards, ignorant, prejudicial person.

I don't see anything criminal about what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. I find it more deviant how some adults masturbate over their gun collections.

We should pray that namvet gets the mental help he needs.

Whoever has the gold (and pays for the board) makes the rules. I bitch and complain about this a lot, but mostly for my own selfish benefit. I know this is Jim's board and he and his appointed flunkies can do whatever they want.

Originally Posted by glockmail
I'm an equal opportunity asshole
There, I fixed it for you.

I think you people need to re-vote for member of the month. Perhaps choose someone who actually deserves it this time.

This one just because it's so damn funny :

Have you ever wondered by there are very few left-winger blogs or commentators? Or why the Dems don't have their own radio talk shows or TV news network?
It's because we are too busy thinking for ourselves. We don't bother establishing a party line or parroting each others viewpoints.

Not everyone is content with being trailer trash like you are.
Abby and I are married to wonderful, intelligent men. As opposed to trailer trash content to sitting around masturbating to porn.

Being intelligent does place you in the minority on this board.

She must be in pretty bad shape if a court has given you custody.

Does everyone there love the Witch Queen of Wasilla?

Let's see... that's only 4 months worth, when you were off your meds and your bolts loosened up it was much worse. Let's see if I can find a few of those gems.

10-26-2010, 03:08 PM
You never know what idiocy the male mind is going to come up with next.

There are too many of you who criticize without thinking. Or just don't think at all.

What remarkable stupidity. Another uneducated right-wing nutcase.

If you want to teach your kids hatred and bigotry, that is fine with me. It has obviously worked well for your family.

I have to be slow and predictable with some of you. Because you wouldn't understand me otherwise.

Tell me about your dad. If you know who he is.

Proves I am at least educated. How about yourself? What is your job?

Good luck with that. Since most extreme right-wing conservatives are blatantly racist. You can read this forum and realize that.

Not expecting any of you mind-locks to read this. Just placing it into consideration.

Unfortunately for cheesey and some of the other here, who obviously would love to see a Muslim blow up a bomb killing hundreds on American soil.

namvet, you and Hitler share a very interesting trait -- Hitler didn't have any balls either.

Sieg Heil namvet. I also knew you had some Hitler leanings in you. He was crazy too, ya know.

I would rather microchip conservative Republicans. That way, we can round them up when we need to.

Since uneducated citizens usually become Republicans.

Far from me to invoke memories of your white trash ghetto upbringing.

The Teabaggers are going nowhere on a broad scale. They attract only the ignorant and mentally challenged minority, of the type that have posted in this thread.

What do you expect her to look like? Perhaps a fat chick who lays around eating all day? (Perhaps someone here has married one).

The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do. It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

Everything Dubya did during his presidency was good. If Obama did the same thing, it is bad.
You have idiots who can't think for themselves.

At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

And why do I leave? I have a job. Unlike those who sit around all day doing nothing.

And that is 2 months worth of venom... still haven't gotten to the rabid ones.

10-26-2010, 03:59 PM
As opposed to Republicans, who celebrate when their political enemies die.

I get upset every time Dick Cheney goes into the hospital.
I get even more upset every time he leaves.
I am waiting for the time that Cheney takes his place next to Nixon and Reagan in front of the eternal fireplace.

They do it so people of low character like yourself don't end up with kids.

Another reason why we are smarter than the rest of the country.

10-27-2010, 12:14 AM
You might want to check your kid's correspondences. He might have been stealing the vehicle to deliver to the local mosque, for use as a car bomb.

Typical conservative attitude. They worship hot women because they don't have one. They dream of sex with hot women because they don't get any. Sucks to be them.

Afghanistan is a worthless cause, just as Iraq has always been a worthless cause. The only reason to still be there is because so many of you enjoy the carnage. It is OK for our soldiers to die, as long as they take opponents with them.

Terrorists attacked the U.S. on Sept 11, 2001. There were warnings. It could have been stopped. Only thing is, some idiot pretending to the POTUS was too busy figuring out how to depose the lunatic who insulted his daddy to pay attention.
As a result, thousands died in NYC and DC. Thousands more have died since. The blood is on Dubya's hands. Not that he cares.

Prejean is the biggest media whore since Sarah Palin.

If you host any Black Jews, make sure you find a kosher watermelon.

History is best viewed in hindsight. Reagan was much more of a "cult of personality" than Obama is now. Reagan fooled so many people with his "folksy charm" that few recognized what a lying and cheating con artist he was.

Return to the time when the U.S. military comprised the best and brightest. (OP not included)

Probably gotten more blow jobs in nine months than Bush got in eight years.

And Christians are busy...hiding cameras in bathrooms?

You are an incredibly sick person. God would despise your blatant hatred. You need mental help.

Most women are smarter than men.

Jeff, it is obviously that you know zero about Islamic extremism, their ideals and what they want to accomplish. You are just here blowing out drivel and sucking up rep points.
It is obvious that you are not the smart member of the family on this board.

Sorry RSR, but you are much too dense to understand Global Warming. Perhaps if you were intelligent enough to think for yourself and not just cut and paste what suites you, we could discuss it.

Namvet is delusional and filled with hatred. He enjoys seeing people killed. On both sides. The current conflict plays out like a porn flick for nammie. The death count is his own personal money shot.

And then there are truly psychotic nuts. Such as the OP.

Perhaps if some people here were actually educated and could think for themselves, they would know that.

If you enjoy watching our soldiers die everyday, then you want the conflict to continue. That is why Bush started this war. He knew the common soldier was "expendable." He never cared.

Another brilliant cut and paste debacle from the man with no brain or common sense.

Global warming is the temperature of the earth. It has very little to do with snow, freezing temperatures or other normal seasonal atmospheric events.
Of course, ConRep idiots won't acknowledge this because it cuts into their bullshit spewing.

If idiots like RSR had basic reading and comprehension skills, perhaps they would grasp this.

Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

Chessy, I would consider you in the same class as a dog, but that would be an insult to the dog, who is both smarter and more reliable.

First of all, let me state that there is NOTHING I could learn in the military.

10-27-2010, 01:36 AM
Why would any woman be envious of a man? I would think it would be the other way around. Since men are no longer our equals.

I think it is wonderful! Kids should be brought up to worship our liberal leaders.

Now, now Noir! Glock has either never consider incest, or he has a really ugly daughter.

Women need to meet the right man before they can enjoy sex. Which rules out a lot of you guys.

Obviously your parents (?) placed little thought into raising you with values and moral convictions. So sad.

Doesn't apply to you RSR, since I doubt you have any interaction with women.

Martin, you dislike education for the same reason that many here dislike education. Because you are uneducated. Stupidity is a great deterrent to progress.

You have to remember that, as an upper tier university, Cal is very selective and very expensive. You can't be stupid and get into Cal. It is only for elite students.
I attended Cal on an academic scholarship. I got two degrees there.

Again, too damn funny to pass up :

You ever wonder how the Islamic militants learned about proper placement of roadside bombs and flying planes into buildings? The CIA taught them during the Chechnya insurgency.

whewwww... damn, my sides hurt. Twit! To continue (this next one kills me) :

Because so many DP members are on the other side of the fence, they believe my views are ignorant and unfounded.

You can be old and still be incredibly stupid. Read the board on a daily basis and you will see what I am talking about.

Perhaps you should go back to the tea party with the other elderly ladies. Call for delivery of some nice finger sandwiches. Finish knitting that bonnet for the dog. Pick up the heart medication from the pharmacy.

Gotta spread the pseudo-patriotic knee jerk reaction bullshit first. Sure, we will never forget the dead. And we should never forget that none of them should be dead.
George W. Bush is a buffoon, mass murderer and war criminal.

Do you spit or swallow?

I have no respect for idiots who sit in a circle jerk and blow each other in between rehashing old glories. Stop acting like you are sacred cows and do something worthwhile.

I work with trouble kids who need guidance. Perhaps if namvet had a good high school counselor (if he finished high school), he wouldn't be such a pathetic excuse for a person.
Obama and Ted Kennedy were and are better people that Dubya ever was. Though I can't expect brain dead ConReps to ever understand that.

Reagan was morally decrepit from the beginning and is roasting in hell now because of it.

Let's not bury Dubya or Cheney anyplace honorable. Since they both dodged the draft.
I would like to see Dubya buried next to Saddam. Since they both delighted in sending people to their deaths.
I consider Reagan less honorable than Ted Kennedy. At least Teddy wasn't a born liar. Or a vegetable.

And there are many on this board that are already so dumb, it a little more will hardly be noticeable.

If the Bush administration had proposed similar health care reforms, you guys would have already jerked a river in supporting it.

That's enough for now... I'm only 1 year back in time on page 40.

Reading this repulsive person's words has made me feel dirty, somehow. Going to take a shower and have a shot of whiskey.

06-25-2015, 11:49 PM
Not a complete list, but since a few members have questioned Gabby's venom-spewing past around here, I thought I'd give her a Greatest Hits thread.

I'll update when I have time, there's a lot more.

06-26-2015, 12:04 AM
Not a complete list, but since a few members have questioned Gabby's venom-spewing past around here, I thought I'd give her a Greatest Hits thread.

I'll update when I have time, there's a lot more.

NightTrain. For our new members. It might just be easier to tell them the truth about gabby's parents, and how they never had any children....that lived???:laugh:

06-26-2015, 01:49 AM
NightTrain. For our new members. It might just be easier to tell them the truth about gabby's parents, and how they never had any children....that lived???:laugh:

*choke* :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-26-2015, 01:51 AM
Not a complete list, but since a few members have questioned Gabby's venom-spewing past around here, I thought I'd give her a Greatest Hits thread.

I'll update when I have time, there's a lot more.

Now I understand. I have to ask what the people who got banned did???

06-26-2015, 06:24 AM
Yea she is a real sweat heart HUH, and that doesn't even touch the surface of her personal attacks.

06-26-2015, 07:17 AM
Now I understand. I have to ask what the people who got banned did???

1) Continuously derail thread after thread
2) Continuously pick fights with staff
3) Advertise other message boards

Jim won't ding you for being a moron, but he'll ding you for being a malicious moron.

06-26-2015, 08:01 AM

Wow I just read through all the trash and what struck me funny was she has the nerve to call people Trailer trash, trash, stupid and so on, and then post about Dicks and well hell read it, it's all in black and white.

You know think about this, Gabby travels the world ( usually on another quest to find info to teach us about ) :rolleyes: She talks of the umpteen degree's she has, the mansion she lives in, her fabulas husband thats makes millions, the fact that she is some kind of counselor at a school ( which if y'all remember I argued back a year or so ago that if she truly was a counselor that was to stop kids from committing suicide or what ever she claimed that they wouldn't shut down for the summer , yup she was off just like a lunch room attendant, but just last night she posted how she works full time and goes to work daily.... not sure and I will give her the benefit of the doubt but most schools are closed just like a year ago or so when she was off of work ) see nothing Gabby has to say adds up, I haven't seen a picture of anything she claims, honestly I have seen 2 pictures of her one of a not ugly but not beautiful either woman with a adorable little girl, and then a picture of a stone cold fox, both had different color hair and both are suppose to be Gabby, again in all fairness maybe the first was without makeup and all, but someone that is far above the rest of the world , well you think with all the bragging she wants to do and all that she might want to really rub peoples faces in it and show pictures, personally I smell a fake. But hey what ever floats your boat.

06-26-2015, 08:11 AM

Wow I just read through all the trash and what struck me funny was she has the nerve to call people Trailer trash, trash, stupid and so on, and then post about Dicks and well hell read it, it's all in black and white.

You know think about this, Gabby travels the world ( usually on another quest to find info to teach us about ) :rolleyes: She talks of the umpteen degree's she has, the mansion she lives in, her fabulas husband thats makes millions, the fact that she is some kind of counselor at a school ( which if y'all remember I argued back a year or so ago that if she truly was a counselor that was to stop kids from committing suicide or what ever she claimed that they wouldn't shut down for the summer , yup she was off just like a lunch room attendant, but just last night she posted how she works full time and goes to work daily.... not sure and I will give her the benefit of the doubt but most schools are closed just like a year ago or so when she was off of work ) see nothing Gabby has to say adds up, I haven't seen a picture of anything she claims, honestly I have seen 2 pictures of her one of a not ugly but not beautiful either woman with a adorable little girl, and then a picture of a stone cold fox, both had different color hair and both are suppose to be Gabby, again in all fairness maybe the first was without makeup and all, but someone that is far above the rest of the world , well you think with all the bragging she wants to do and all that she might want to really rub peoples faces in it and show pictures, personally I smell a fake. But hey what ever floats your boat.

I hope you are right. I know I wouldn't want her around my kids. She is a toxic person.

06-26-2015, 08:17 AM
I hope you are right. I know I wouldn't want her around my kids. She is a toxic person.


06-26-2015, 10:18 AM
Now I understand. I have to ask what the people who got banned did???

The above is the barest tip of the iceberg.

It does take a lot to get banned around here, and that's due to Jim's tolerance.

06-26-2015, 10:24 AM
It does take a lot to get banned around here, and that's due to Jim's tolerance.

I'm a nazi - and I also don't do jack shit! :dunno:

06-26-2015, 10:34 AM
If another Dubya-witted buffoon comes into power and does a vengeful military jerk-off, no one might be left to regret it.

Who taught the leaders of AQ and the Taliban about the concept of crashing airplanes into large structures?
We did, while they were fighting against the Russians in Chechnya.

Jesus won over disbelievers with love and compassion. He didn't go around being hateful, vulgar and disrespectful.
You two would get more respect if you would turn your verbal swords into plowshares.
LOL! Hypocrite much?? ^^

It's called "having responsibilities." Perhaps you have none and can't relate.
It's not my fault if you don't have a family. Perhaps it's for the better.

You are basically a disgrace to your former uniform. I now see the reason why you have no family. You probably disgust them.
What a total embarrassment, to this board and humanity as a whole. You need mental help.

I made the mistake of thinking you could hold coherent thought patterns.

The Bush administration funded both sides of the alleged "war on terror." He gave money to terrorist sympathizers. Then sent thousands of Americans to die fighting them.

Another brilliant tongue-in-ass attempt at right wing logic.

Bush fucked up the country with his war of revenge, his repeated blow jobs to the Arab world and his lack of control over Corporate America.
Someone has to clean up the resulting shit pile. And it is going to take money. Lots of your tax money. Get ready to fork it over.
Along with all of your guns.

Check back with us when your daughter gets pregnant and your son is arrested for smoking pot.

Dubya had to allow the U.S. to be attacked on Sept. 11 in order to salvage his credibility.

Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

When you inform your kids that they can't date, are you going to let them know that you spent your youth screwing every woman you could find?

So if you have divorced your wife, and particularly if you have remarried, you have sinned against God.
You might as well be a faggot.

You gave Bush a chance to kill our soldiers. I'll give Obama a chance to reform health care.

Shouldn't divorced people be looked upon the same as homosexuals?
I would certainly think so.

Feel free to continue and whine and piss and moan as usual this weekend. My husband, my daughter and I are headed to Las Vegas. Since my husband's sister works in a casino, we get free everything.

These next two quotes were directed at a member who was struggling with Autism :

Martin, please don't try to discuss serious and complex subjects.

Martin, unless you adopt a cat, you will never have any experience with pussy.

06-26-2015, 10:48 AM
Some of those statements were over the top. Disagree with me all you want, but NEVER bring my family into it. IMO, doing so should result in penalties, and if it continues, being banned.

06-26-2015, 10:50 AM
Please provide links for all of your quotes. That way, everyone can see the context in which the "hits" were intended.

06-26-2015, 10:52 AM
Please provide links for all of your quotes. That way, everyone can see the context in which the "hits" were intended.

You can kiss my ass.

Do your own research on your vile statements.

06-26-2015, 11:05 AM
You post links, but you don't have sources? Imagine that... :rolleyes:

06-26-2015, 11:08 AM
If you feel you're being misrepresented, then by all means search for your venomous posts like I did and try to defend them.

The really nifty part is that anyone can search for your posts. I just took the time to expose you.

Good luck with that. :dev3:

06-26-2015, 11:37 AM
Anyone is free to take ANY quote and simply do a search on that quote, it will bring back that thread/post. I'll bet anyone anything at all, as I trust Rick 1000000000000000000%. He's a man of his word, and if he did this compilation, they exist. I'll fork over $50 to ANYONE that finds a quote that doesn't exist.

06-26-2015, 11:57 AM
Now I understand. I have to ask what the people who got banned did???:clap::clap::clap:

06-26-2015, 12:02 PM
You post links, but you don't have sources? Imagine that... :rolleyes:

You may have missed it. But .. let me break this to you gently. The sources(s) ... please take notes ... 'are' (is) .. DEBATE POLICY.:duh5::duh5:

.. No charge, Gabby. Happy to help ...:rolleyes:

06-26-2015, 12:07 PM
Now I understand. I have to ask what the people who got banned did???

Are you kidding? Jim's the only person I know that bans less people than me. He only bans dickheads. I've been one of them. :)

06-26-2015, 12:31 PM
I'll fork over $50 to ANYONE that finds a quote that doesn't exist.

I'll kick in another $50.

There you go, Gabby, you can make a quick Ben Franklin, clear your name and publicly expose me for a fraud!

Now that's a win-win-win for you.

Come get that free money.

Abbey Marie
06-26-2015, 12:39 PM
Are you kidding? Jim's the only person I know that bans less people than me. He only bans dickheads. I've been one of them. :)

That's true.

(not saying which part ;))

06-26-2015, 12:43 PM
Are you kidding? Jim's the only person I know that bans less people than me. He only bans dickheads. I've been one of them. :)

Off the track a bit with this...

I wonder why people use names of genitals to describe other people? I find it amusing. lol

Okay, carry on. :)

06-26-2015, 12:43 PM
That's true.

(not saying which part ;))

He's banned me, twice! LOL!

06-26-2015, 01:37 PM
He's banned me, twice! LOL!

You got banned twice? I feel neglected. :laugh:

06-26-2015, 02:06 PM
I have been banned... um ... multiple times. :dunno:
But I have been banned from a lot of boards. I have been banned from Democratic Underground. Twice.
And I have earned all of them. Not proud of it. Just saying that I get really pissed sometimes.
To Jim's credit, he is an equal opportunity administrator. He banned one of his brothers once. Might have banned both of them.

I was just reading over many of my "greatest hits." Some of them are extremely filthy and nasty. Most are offered without context.
As I look over them, I think inwardly and reflect on my purpose and meaning.
Then I decide that...

Eh, you probably deserved it. :cool:

06-26-2015, 02:08 PM
I have been banned... um ... multiple times. :dunno:
But I have been banned from a lot of boards. I have been banned from Democratic Underground. Twice.
And I have earned all of them. Not proud of it. Just saying that I get really pissed sometimes.
To Jim's credit, he is an equal opportunity administrator. He banned one of his brothers once. Might have banned both of them.

I was just reading over many of my "greatest hits." Some of them are extremely filthy and nasty. Most are offered without context.
As I look over them, I think inwardly and reflect on my purpose and meaning.
Then I decide that...

Eh, you probably deserved it. :cool:

I got banned from a forum one time. Imagine that!

06-26-2015, 02:55 PM
I have been banned... um ... multiple times. :dunno:
But I have been banned from a lot of boards. I have been banned from Democratic Underground. Twice.
And I have earned all of them. Not proud of it. Just saying that I get really pissed sometimes.
To Jim's credit, he is an equal opportunity administrator. He banned one of his brothers once. Might have banned both of them.

I was just reading over many of my "greatest hits." Some of them are extremely filthy and nasty. Most are offered without context.
As I look over them, I think inwardly and reflect on my purpose and meaning.
Then I decide that...

Eh, you probably deserved it. :cool:

Gabby, I've been looking at your posts today, I think you came pretty close to a near apology. I think you should stop digging regarding all this brouhaha.

I for one, hope you stay. I wish the original post that started all this was indicative of the majority of your posts, it really was very good-whether or not you actually met with the men. The message, IMO was spot on.

I hope you will go forward, recognizing that even those you disagree with, strenuously even, may be hurt by things you say. A bit of thought would go a long way. You sometimes seem to just throw your manners to the side, that's not the way to influence others, a goal of any decent person in education.

With that chastisement, we all lose it from time-to-time; let's try not to have the losing it being the common and the decent being the rare occurrence.

06-26-2015, 03:13 PM
Since I am disliked, and possibly, even hated by gabby here. I will now clear up any doubts about Gabby for all to either agree with, or disagree with.

IMO...Gabby is about as trustworthy with any sense of what is supposed to be an apology, as Obama, saying he Loves All Americans equally. And, to those who believe Obama. That's what you get with gabby.
And, I should remind all of you. Obama has been proven to be a Liar.

06-26-2015, 03:14 PM
I got banned from a forum one time. Imagine that!

I got *unrightfully Banned ...."One" time But my spirit came back and haunted the bastards 4 times... cause... "It" could...and each time "let them know" by playing the song `below` until I got bored...then left them in peace.....*such is life...we all take our chances...make our choices and face the consequences......and finally move on...No big deal.



06-26-2015, 03:26 PM
I got banned from a forum one time. Imagine that!

With great difficulty, Perianne ...

Same here. Not too much to say about my own booting-off experience .. I was on a British forum, one obviously governed by Leftie biases. I lasted all of six weeks before they decided they could take no more of me.

One of their Admin staff, though, followed me across to a Right-wing American forum (the one I was on before joining here). He kept his monicker of 'Marxist Nutter' (says it all). He, too, lasted about six weeks THERE.

He wasn't kicked off, though. He just gave up trying to 'educate' everybody. He's never returned, having skulked off to more familiar and safer territory instead.

06-26-2015, 03:31 PM
With great difficulty, Perianne ...

Same here. Not too much to say about my own booting-off experience .. I was on a British forum, one obviously governed by Leftie biases. I lasted all of six weeks before they decided they could take no more of me.

One of their Admin staff, though, followed me across to a Right-wing American forum (the one I was on before joining here). He kept his monicker of 'Marxist Nutter' (says it all). He, too, lasted about six weeks THERE.

He wasn't kicked off, though. He just gave up trying to 'educate' everybody. He's never returned, having skulked off to more familiar and safer territory instead.

I was also banned several times, then permanently from a liberally driven forum. And, I am actually thankful for the ban because...it helped me find DP.
Being called names, and putting up with perfect idiots has become rather normal to me. In fact. The more perfect strangers use such techniques...the better. It helps to identify the ignorance, stupidity, and whiners...almost instantly. But, not one of them has ever honestly proven their lies are factual. Telling lies, then more lies to hide their previous lies should be a training experience for everyone...except...THE LIARS.

06-26-2015, 03:35 PM
I got *unrightfully Banned ...."One" time But my spirit came back and haunted the bastards 4 times... cause... "It" could...and each time "let them know" by playing the song `below` until I got bored...then left them in peace.....*such is life...we all take our chances...make our choices and face the consequences......and finally move on...No big deal.



... aahhh ... 'FALLEN'. Should've added that earlier (elsewhere) as a favourite film. It so happens that BBC-1 is due to broadcast it, in a little over 2 hours' time, & my recorder is set to record a copy ....

06-26-2015, 03:37 PM
I was also banned several times, then permanently from a liberally driven forum. And, I am actually thankful for the ban because...it helped me find DP.
Being called names, and putting up with perfect idiots has become rather normal to me. In fact. The more perfect strangers use such techniques...the better. It helps to identify the ignorance, stupidity, and whiners...almost instantly. But, not one of them has ever honestly proven their lies are factual. Telling lies, then more lies to hide their previous lies should be a training experience for everyone...except...THE LIARS.:clap::clap:

Remain steadfast, Aboutime. You're a great asset here !

06-26-2015, 03:38 PM
I was also banned several times, then permanently from a liberally driven forum. And, I am actually thankful for the ban because...it helped me find DP.
Being called names, and putting up with perfect idiots has become rather normal to me. In fact. The more perfect strangers use such techniques...the better. It helps to identify the ignorance, stupidity, and whiners...almost instantly. But, not one of them has ever honestly proven their lies are factual. Telling lies, then more lies to hide their previous lies should be a training experience for everyone...except...THE LIARS.
:coffee:aboutime got banned several times??? No way!! He is such a nice guy who is so tolerant...forgiving and sweet and puts up with the Leftists scumbags........NOT!!!!

Just kidding my friend....:poke:


06-26-2015, 03:38 PM

Remain steadfast, Aboutime. You're a great asset here !

Thank you, Sir Drummond. That makes TWO of us.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-26-2015, 05:45 PM
I have been banned... um ... multiple times. :dunno:
But I have been banned from a lot of boards. I have been banned from Democratic Underground. Twice.
And I have earned all of them. Not proud of it. Just saying that I get really pissed sometimes.
To Jim's credit, he is an equal opportunity administrator. He banned one of his brothers once. Might have banned both of them.

I was just reading over many of my "greatest hits." Some of them are extremely filthy and nasty. Most are offered without context.
As I look over them, I think inwardly and reflect on my purpose and meaning.
Then I decide that...

Eh, you probably deserved it. :cool:

Lol, Gabs some people def don't get your humor. :laugh2:

06-26-2015, 06:43 PM
I have only been banned once. I suspect because I figured out that when Jim says to back off, it's time to BACK OFF!!


06-26-2015, 07:14 PM
I have only been banned once. I suspect because I figured out that when Jim says to back off, it's time to BACK OFF!!


You Don't Mess Around With Jim!...You dont tug on supermans cape!:cool:


06-26-2015, 09:31 PM

06-26-2015, 09:52 PM

06-27-2015, 12:30 AM
Are you kidding? Jim's the only person I know that bans less people than me. He only bans dickheads. I've been one of them. :)

I am glad I read the second part of your post, cause I was one as well. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-27-2015, 12:32 AM
That's true.

(not saying which part ;))

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Gunny's a dickhead... I know what part you where talking about.:laugh::laugh:

06-27-2015, 06:51 AM
Hell, I've banned myself once before too. Couldn't literally do it, but said I would, left and didn't come back until the "ban" was up. I got Jeff, I got my brother John a few times, and my sister was once banned for life. What's right is right at times.

BUT - all of them, and everyone posting here - STILL members and friends and family. So it couldn't have been so bad!! :beer:

Max R.
06-27-2015, 08:32 AM
I have been banned... um ... multiple times. :dunno: .....
Easy to see why. :cool:

06-27-2015, 07:50 PM

LongTerm. Remember how Obama promised all of us his administration would be the Most Transparent in History?? Gotta thank Obama for allowing his cabinet meeting (above) to be recorded, and show to the American public.....AT LAST!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-28-2015, 12:39 AM
You can't expect the Bushies to actually care how many Americans die in Iraq.

You can't blame any member of the Bush administration for being a liar. Not when their commander in chief is a habitual liar.

If Conservative Republicans didn't enjoy the deaths, they wouldn't be so anxious to continue sending new troops to the slaughterhouse.

Typical party split here. The Dems want American troops to come home. The GOP wants them to continue dying in Iraq.

So you make light of someone who had a deadly disease because you didn't agree with his politics? Absolutely disgusting.

I know. I am becoming more Republican with each passing day. :cool:

Consider the next 3 quotes :

Though I will give Reagan credit for being America's first vegetable president.

The more I read about Reagan, the more I am convinced that he was an idiot.

I give Reagan credit for being a very shrewd and intelligent person.
^^ Which is it, smart one?

How many slaves do you have?

Just trying to help out. I figured if you got tired of porn, you could use this clip instead.

Cheney and Powell could get their jollies from live tortures instead of having to watch them on film.

With Saddam no longer hanging around, Bush has taken his place as the world's favorite international terrorist.

Not only was Clinton a popular president, he was able to get blow jobs whenever he wanted to.

I am glad your husband allows you to use the internet.

Not me. It's just the conservative Republicans who hate blacks.

Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone with intelligence.

Dubya sent this nation to war over a slight against his daddy. He might as well hide daddy's secrets as well.

Now Halliburton can profit from the injured as well as the dead. How convenient.

Even the NY Post fails to slurp and swallow at times.

She's probably just upset that, like most other men, He came too soon.

Abnormal is abnormal. No emotion required to figure out that simple little fact.
That is what I intend to teach my child about conservative Republicans.

Only the conservatives and fundies lie about themselves and their needs.
The rest of us have vibrators and detachable shower heads.

Men know ZERO about pregnancy, childbirth or early development, but that doesn't prevent them from having opinions.

You are one of the funniest and least enlightened persons on this board.

Seems as though there have been some GOP lawmakers who have done some cock fighting with Congressional pages.

Conservatives have to be told what opinions to be wrong about.

Just another example of the fundies wishing death on people who violate their moral standards.

If you said the things you say in my neighborhood, you would be stabbed.

I would never say anything in a message board that I wouldn't say in person.
Nor would I ever say anything that isn't truthful.

Your daughter is free to come have abortions with us.

If the Bushies keep our troops over in Iraq for long enough, they won't have to deal with as many coming back. Which is probably the primary objective.

I am going to be a horrible mother. I will teach tolerance, respect and equality for all people. Which is, in fact, one of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"I am the God of all people."
I will leave the teaching of hate, fear, bigotry and racism to fundies.

I agree. He's always looked gay to me.

Bush was short of enemies, so he made some more. Not including bin Laden, who is Bush's dear friend for life.

Bush will never be able to repay bin Laden for the favor that bin Laden did him on Sept. 11.

Why do Republicans hate the troops?

There is no danger. It is a figment of Bush's imagination. He loves being the "War President." He loves the death and destruction. That is why he thanks God every day for the continuing spectre of Sept. 11.
It's the reason why the Bushies don't want to capture bin Laden. Why would you want to kill someone who did you the biggest favor of your life?

Death and carnage are patriotic. God bless our heroic body bags. :salute:

The confederate flag is the American swastika.

So? Who cares if some cute guy offers my daughter hearts and flowers? Kind of normal, if you ask me.
Wait til he offers to take her to a cock fight. That will be the interesting part.

If Shrub ever launches an attack on Iran, he will mobilize the largest mass protest in the history of the United States.
It's been in the planning stages for almost two years. If put into motion, it would paralyze every major city in the country. Including Washington DC.
Shrub would need that helicopter he jacked around in on Sept. 11 again.

The Attorney General of the United States should be protecting the rights of the people instead of the rights of the President.
Gonzales needs to turn in his knee pads and resign.

I can't wait for the rats to come to your neighborhood. They will infiltrate your neighborhood, attend your schools and start dating your kids.

As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do.

Dillo, our esteemed conservative collegues here probably know a lot about pimpin and skills and such.

I am not one to mock Sarge. He's probably suffering the effects of Agent Orange.

When is the last time you had an actual lucid thought?

What a complete f*cking idiot. Michael Savage needs to have hateful kids with Malkin or Coulter.

Since when do the Bush apologists care about the troops? They just enjoy seeing people getting killed.

Too bad we can't figure out a way to destroy both Iran and Israel. That would get rid of a ton of the world's problems. And a lot of terrorist groups.

Too bad there is not a safe prenatal treatment for being a redneck. They could make it available to every female in Arkansas over the age of 12.

More gross stupidity. Don't you ever get tired of parroting the party line?

It is a shame that certain people choose to remain ignorant.

They need to come up with the military e-card, sent directly from the White House on special occasions.
"Sorry I killed your kid. You'll get over it."

More subterfuge and dishonesty, courtesy of the Death Head administration that specializes in it.

Thanks for proving your stupidity about the subject.

The same students can get an education in bigotry by reading boards like this one. Not to mention lessons in racism and intolerance.

Conservative trolls don't often see the errors of their ways.

There is nothing about God, Jesus or The Bible that can be authenticated.

Consider the next 3 quotes :

I actually believe Bush has good intentions and loves his country

Much of the American populace has also accept that the Iraq conflict is wrong and that the Bushies are war-loving terrorists.

The Bushes have followed the money for years. The money from Saudi terrorists, war-mongering defense contractors and the bin Laden family.
I wonder if "Bandar Bush" still communicates with his old pal Osama. He sure as hell isn't trying to find him.
Which is it, enlightened one?^^

Well, I was exaggerating a tiny bit.
Most Arkie girls don't start having kids until they are 14.

Only the close-minded hicks and idiots refuse to consider opposite points of view.

I can't believe that both Stephanie and Hobbit hate our troops. You two need to take the next plane to Iran, so you can hang with your mullah friends

The only reason for a continued American presence is to produce more deaths -- ours and theirs. Which is what the Bushies want. Continued death and destruction is Republican porn.

You can either question the story, or you can line up, work the kneepads and swallow.

No word as to whether Gonzales also got blow jobs from interns.

06-28-2015, 12:41 AM
Then again, many kids also known how to spell common words. Unlike ignorant rednecks like Hogtrash.

Being intelligent does place you in the minority on this board.

You have become rather well know for your spelling errors and your atrocious butchery of the English language. Perhaps you should have paid more attention before you dropped out of school.

Of course, you can't explain any of this to a Hog who has lived most of his life in a trailer park.

So do things the American way. Get out your white sheets and go protest.

I am very thankful that he has never had kids. Perhaps his kind will eventually die out.

Where you can wreck havoc on each others and raise your offspring in the ignorant, backwoods style that you have become accustomed to.

In case you missed it (or were too dimwitted to understand), the more enlightened among us tend to ghettoize those with backwards racist viewpoints as "trailer trash." A less PC term would be "white nigger."

Not everyone is content with being trailer trash like you are.

If I was "cowardly," I wouldn't be making statements under my own name. And I am not afraid of calling out people. Which I did.
Perhaps it is your limited power of reasoning and understanding that prevents you from seeing this.
Socialista C. Gabosaurus, I presume?^^

Your woman is very gracious to allow you access to the bedroom. Obviously she is making a major sacrifice.

Or perhaps looking it was a female whale looking for a male with intelligence and fidelity. That requires a fairly lengthy search.

I'm so good at spreading lies, I should be on the Fox Network. Or at least working at the White House.
Truth ^^

I know the hawks and warmongers will need to find a new way to get their stiffys, but they can work on that later.

Aljazeera does not make endorsements. Because, unlike Fox, Aljazeera is impartial.

Perhaps Edwards is looking for a more inpartial debate than the Fox one.

Perhaps Aljazeera will hold a debate.

More business as usual for the Bush torture regime. Perhaps we should send Scooter there.

06-28-2015, 08:43 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gabosaurus
As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do.

We should be thankful for posts like this. It reminds us what mindset to expect if you ever deal with school employees. A FUTURE school counselor? That's like aspiring to be a McDonald's manager.

06-28-2015, 10:03 AM
This thread has served it's purpose.

Shutting it down and moving to the Cage.

01-09-2017, 07:38 AM

01-09-2017, 10:33 AM
What do I need to do to get my own thread like this? :D

01-09-2017, 12:47 PM
What do I need to do to get my own thread like this? :D

As dumb as you are, Petey, you're still not epic-level-stupid like Gabby here.

I could probably fill up two pages of ignorant quotes from you shooting from the hip and then fleeing the scene when you saw the logic hammer swinging your way. Gabby isn't smart enough to see it coming, whereas you do.

At first you wanted to legitimately debate, but after a few stinging defeats, retreated like all liberals do to rhetoric and guerrilla hit-n-run posting. While in your befuddled mind this is acceptable because you know that you're completely outclassed, to any intelligent person it is not. An intelligent person would learn from the mistakes and modify strategy and try it again (thus, improving oneself), but you've waved the white flag like most liberals do, because you're a coward and you know it.

You've relegated yourself to troll status - and like all trolls, you crave attention whether good or bad, and that's why you just expressed admiration for this thread.

01-09-2017, 08:16 PM
What do I need to do to get my own thread like this? :D

Start your OWN forum, far away from DP.

01-09-2017, 08:50 PM
What do I need to do to get my own thread like this? :D

Lie in every other post, lie about where you live, take information you and I have discussed in private and use it as a pawn when you don't like what I post, troll, troll, troll some more. Write a shitty post, then claim one of your students wrote it. Create a new account and post here claiming it's your child, when of course it's not.

Outside of that, read all of her posts that Rick was kind enough to gather for us. Her scumbaggery is all over.

01-09-2017, 11:34 PM
I'm just waiting on the dirty pics of Gabby. Y;all sure as Hell ain't going about getting them the right way.

01-09-2017, 11:43 PM
I'm just waiting on the dirty pics of Gabby. Y;all sure as Hell ain't going about getting them the right way.

I think this is what you'll find...


01-10-2017, 12:07 AM
I think this is what you'll find...


Was a joke. I like gabby' I know a lot of y'all don't, Your business. Once you figure out someone's game ....

I LMAO at whichever one of them is the girl. I think she;s funny.

01-10-2017, 08:10 AM
I understand that Gabby has just taken delivery of a new keyboard, from which she will gain much inspiration when using it ? Here's a sneak preview.....


01-10-2017, 06:58 PM
I understand that Gabby has just taken delivery of a new keyboard, from which she will gain much inspiration when using it ? Here's a sneak preview.....


Sir Drummond. Thank you. That is really the most accurate jpeg I've seen since the Elections here. Gotta save that one. There are MANY, MANY Liberals over here who DENY what their actual thoughts are...ON A KEYBOARD.:clap:

10-03-2021, 03:42 AM

Jim asked the other day if I still had The List... finally found it in the Lounge, however it got there is beyond me.

Can't believe this thread is 11 years old. Gabby is halfway to retirement now since this thread was assembled; she was an aspiring highschool counselor back in 2010. Those poor children.

Houston should be seeing a spike in pyschopaths in 3... 2...

10-03-2021, 07:00 AM
She seems quite a reasonable person given her unenviable task of mixing with more than a sprinkling of Stupids and Gullibles .

Probably shows she was a little anxious about reaching that age when you are obliged to look after old doddery fools who are sometimes even relatives .

She probably saw this site as a series of rehearsals .

10-03-2021, 10:33 AM
She seems quite a reasonable person given her unenviable task of mixing with more than a sprinkling of Stupids and Gullibles .

Probably shows she was a little anxious about reaching that age when you are obliged to look after old doddery fools who are sometimes even relatives .

She probably saw this site as a series of rehearsals .

Shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Although, stupid and gullible is a fairly accurate description of you.

10-04-2021, 04:06 AM
Shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Although, stupid and gullible is a fairly accurate description of you.

Knew that post was guaranteed when composing .

But could not decide which of the Deplorables was the most predictable and unimaginative .

Glad to see someone who has never had a professional victory at least pick up a raspberry award .