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06-26-2015, 04:23 AM
More to follow.


France beheading: Man decapitated at factory near Grenoble 'by attacker with Islamist black flag'

A man has reportedly been decapitated at a factory in France.

Local media reports said the suspected attacker was carrying what appeared to be an Islamist black flag at the site near Grenoble.

Several other people were hurt in the attack, although the extent of their injuries is not known, and explosions were heard at the scene.

More soon....

06-26-2015, 05:00 AM


Beheading And Blast Reported At French Factory

A head is reportedly found attached to the gates of a building and banners with Arabic writing are said to be near the body.

A man has been decapitated after an attacker brandishing an Islamist flag raided a French factory in Grenoble, according to reports.

There are also reports of a loud explosion at the factory and several other victims.

The decapitated head had Arabic writing scrawled across it and was found on a fence next to an Islamist flag, a French legal source said.

Other sources said at least one arrest had been made, though there are also reports of two attackers, both carrying Islamist flags.

Le Parisien newspaper reported that shots had been fired and one Islamist had been killed.

Other reports said that at least two men rammed the factory in a car before entering and setting off several small explosive devices. "According to the initial findings of the enquiry, one or several individuals on board a vehicle, drove into the factory. An explosion then took place," said one legal source.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said security was being tightened at "sensitive sites" in response to the attack. Employees at the factory - Air Products - are said to be "very shocked".

Henry Samuel, a correspondent fro the Daily Telegraph, told Sky News: "The person arrested was allegedly carrying a flag of the Islamic State and he said he was a member of the IS. "There are several people wounded."...

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06-26-2015, 05:53 AM
I didn't want to get into what ISIS has been up to lately, as it's nasty, but a few points...

They gathered 4 guys and placed them in a cage, then lowered it slowly into a pool to drown them.
Wrapped explosive wiring around the heads of 8 men together and blew heads off at same time.

And that's just the worst 2 I can think of. They are trying to instill serious fear, and it's working. They are working hard at recruiting worldwide, as well as seeking individuals to commit acts such as this.

I said this a long time back, and there's only really one way to put a stop to this, and that's a REAL international coalition, and massive, and go in and eradicate them.

06-26-2015, 05:58 AM

06-26-2015, 07:21 AM
I didn't want to get into what ISIS has been up to lately, as it's nasty, but a few points...

They gathered 4 guys and placed them in a cage, then lowered it slowly into a pool to drown them.
Wrapped explosive wiring around the heads of 8 men together and blew heads off at same time.

And that's just the worst 2 I can think of. They are trying to instill serious fear, and it's working. They are working hard at recruiting worldwide, as well as seeking individuals to commit acts such as this.

I said this a long time back, and there's only really one way to put a stop to this, and that's a REAL international coalition, and massive, and go in and eradicate them.

Thanks, Kathianne, for adding this thread. I intended to add one myself, but you beat me to it (by a couple of hours).

I've chosen to reply to Jim's post, because of the nature of the main comment I wanted to make.

As you'll appreciate, I have my local media to check with. I woke up to listen to a radio broadcast from LBC, or 'London Broadcasting'. Even though I'm in Wales, LBC, though a local London station, is still carried by the local DAB network, so I still get its feed here. Well .. despite the extent of detail already being reported, guess what ... the commentator refused to even describe it as linked with terrorism ! He claimed that it wasn't known whether the beheading, and the attack on the facility, had been carried out by someone suffering from mental illness.

I checked the BBC's Teletext offering. Plenty of detail there, but no mention AT ALL of the word 'TERRORIST'. I found usage of the words 'attack' and 'attacker', but no mention of TERRORIST.

Look at the story taken from the 'Independent', courtesy of Kathianne. Did the Independent, THEMSELVES, offer the word TERRORIST in their OWN reporting ?? Yes, they, and other news agencies, will report others' use of the word. BUT THEY WILL NOT INITIATE IT THEMSELVES. What's their wording ? 'SUSPECTED ISIS SUPPORTERS.' 'WHAT APPEARED TO BE AN ISLAMIST BLACK FLAG'

That's despite the reporting of a flag being found, carrying 'Islamist slogans'. AGAIN, not reported AS SUCH, as a terrorist flag.

I have the 1PM news playing as I type, again from the BBC. Clive Myrie describes this, right now, as 'said to be linked to terrorism'.

The BBC, themselves, decided years ago to abandon the use of (initiating) the word 'Terrorist', as it possessed 'negative connotations'.

Jim, Kathianne & folks ... with this insane political correctness dominating us, what on earth makes you think that we're within light years of taking meaningful action, on any more than 'a case by case basis' .. ???

There'll be an enormous amount of discussion in the days ahead. Some tough talking, I expect. But this underlying imperative of refusing to acknowledge the extent, depth, even the very nature of the problem, will not go away. It will persist, and for the sake of political correctness, will never be abandoned.

06-26-2015, 08:08 AM
One more point I'd like to add, concerning our 'PC' language, and the maximum avoidance of recognising the extent, nature, applicability, of terrorism and terrorist acts, especially in linkage to Islamism.

I suggest that attention is paid to British reporting at this time. If/when our media outlets decide on the free usage of association to terrorism in this developing story, note particularly the strenuous efforts made to describe it as 'extremist', the perpetrators 'extremists'.

There will be a great deal of effort made to employ language usage so that what has happened is separated out from 'actually' being bona fide 'Islamic'. Terrorists, you see, are automatically separated out from supposed 'mainstream' Islamism, which, as we will continue to be assured, 'is a religion of peace'.

It doesn't matter how many attacks are made, it doesn't matter what the, ahem, 'attackers' say is true of their motives. It doesn't matter what nature of attack is made. None of this 'matters' ... because, in our cloud-cuckooland media, none of it will ever 'truly' be Islamic.

So it is that our, and European, politicians CAN and WILL continue to chicken out of actually TACKLING THE PROBLEM.

And our Left would accuse any dissenting politician of being 'bigoted', 'racist', and if ever taken to the military level, the politician (as Blair was labelled, for his support of Bush) will be a 'war criminal'.

06-26-2015, 08:28 AM
Bully for France, they seem to not be so judicial with words:


...• French President Francois Hollande confirmed that the incident at a factory in southeastern France was a "pure terrorist attack."


06-26-2015, 08:43 AM
Bully for France, they seem to not be so judicial with words:


Very good !

Meanwhile, the BBC is inching forward toward an acknowledgment of something akin to a slight glimpse of reality. Their latest way of putting it is, I quote, '... has been described as an act of terrorism'.

This is encouraging. You see, in BBC-world, beheading someone is probably more easily describable 'an act of extremist bad temper' (.. not quite the done thing in polite company ..). 'Terrorism', though ... steady on !!! ...

They may, just, have started coping with the truth before the day's out ... possibly. You know, it's been a while since I've even heard them use the word 'insurgent' ..

06-26-2015, 12:22 PM
More to follow.


More workplace violence.

Abbey Marie
06-26-2015, 12:24 PM

06-26-2015, 12:53 PM
More workplace violence.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I'm sure that the only reason the BBC haven't categorised that beheading in quite that way is because nobody there has yet thought of it.

By this time tomorrow, though .....

06-26-2015, 12:54 PM

Great one !

06-26-2015, 02:16 PM
Thought I'd check back with BBC News to see what latest description they were giving for 'the attackers'. Instead of their hourly news summary, they've abandoned that in favour of - live, relayed as I now type - a speech Obama is giving about the Charleston shooting.

It's rare to see the BBC abandon their summaries on the BBC News channel, which they'll do only in relatively 'emergency' situations, such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, 7/7 ... oh, and when Obama is giving a newsworthy speech. Such as now, apparently.

They're not even interrupting it to cover any other current story. It's still being relayed, live, the very second I'm typing these words ...

Anyway, I checked the BBC's Red Button Teletext feed. STILL no mention of the word 'TERRORIST' in the BBC's summary. The current wording that gets the nearest is .. 'links to Islamist radicals'.

It's back to the 'we must separate them out completely from mainstream Islam, whatever else we do' imperative that the BBC is Leftily enslaved to.

-- My God. When WILL Obama shut up .. ????? They really ARE going to screen the whole thing, without interruption !!

P.S .. he's using it to comment about 'gun violence'; back on his 'stringent gun control' and 'racism' hobbyhorses ... the Leftie git ...

06-26-2015, 02:20 PM
Thought I'd check back with BBC News to see what latest description they were giving for 'the attackers'. Instead of their hourly news summary, they've abandoned that in favour of - live, relayed as I now type - a speech Obama is giving about the Charleston shooting.

It's rare to see the BBC abandon their summaries, which they'll do only in relatively 'emergency' situations, such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, 7/7 ... oh, and when Obama is giving a newsworthy speech. Such as now, apparently.

They're not even interrupting it to cover any other current story. It's still being relayed, live, the very second I'm typing these words ...

Anyway, I checked the BBC's Red Button Teletext feed. STILL no mention of the word 'TERRORIST' in the BBC's summary. The current wording is that gets the nearest is .. 'links to Islamist radicals'.

It's back to the 'we must separate them out completely from mainstream Islam, whatever else we do' imperative that the BBC is Leftily enslaved to.

-- My God. When WILL Obama shut up .. ????? They really ARE going to screen the whole thing, without interruption !!

Drummond, my dear friend, you are silly to ask when Obama will shut up, lol. He never shuts up. I have never seen anyone who loves to hear himself talk more than Obama. He is absolutely in love with his own voice.... and himself. He would be gay with himself if he could swing it. The closest he could get was Mooch.


06-26-2015, 02:27 PM
-- Now, we're treated to Obama singing 'Amazing Grace'. A new low for the BBC .. ???

It's torture, I tell you !!!!!:alcoholic::waaaah::waaaah::omg:

Just finished, now. 'A powerful and moving rendition from President Obama' are the very words the BBC have just offered us. They're now continuing with commentary of the 'pain' the Confederate Flag 'has caused' ...

06-26-2015, 02:33 PM
-- Now, we're treated to Obama singing 'Amazing Grace'. A new low for the BBC .. ???

It's torture, I tell you !!!!!:alcoholic::waaaah::waaaah::omg:

Just finished, now. 'A powerful and moving rendition from President Obama' are the very words the BBC have just offered us. They're now continuing with commentary of the 'pain' the Confederate Flag 'has caused' ...

No disrespect, but the BBC is gay.

06-26-2015, 02:34 PM
Drummond, my dear friend, you are silly to ask when Obama will shut up, lol. He never shuts up. I have never seen anyone who loves to hear himself talk more than Obama. He is absolutely in love with his own voice.... and himself. He would be gay with himself if he could swing it. The closest he could get was Mooch.


Couldn't agree more, Perianne. I'm obviously certifiable to expect anything else !

Still, it's now obvious that someone else loves Obama more than he does himself. I refer to the BBC's entire Fifth Floor at New Broadcasting House, for inflicting this stomach-turning bilge on us all ........

06-26-2015, 02:37 PM
No disrespect, but the BBC is gay.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You've only just noticed ??

None taken. One must always respect the truth ...

06-26-2015, 02:48 PM
I was listening to the eulogy via earphones, not watching. Needless to say, audio i

sn't my best learning method. ;)

It began fine, praising the man and community. I was disappointed that he quickly left that to begin on employment, children in poverty, etc.

There IS time and places for those topics, lord knows that Obama has availed himself to both.

In this case though, I don't see it as the time nor place. The eulogy was necessary due to a horrendous mass shooting by a racist young man. One who considered not doing so, because the people had been so nice and welcoming to him, a white stranger in their church. He did the act in spite of the love they had.

The man being eulogized by all accounts was always extraordinary. A good child, a preacher by 13, ordained a minister very young. Youngest state senator at the time. Gave all to his community, city, and state. A wonderful son, father, husband. Cut down in the prime of his life, a light snuffed out.

The people of the church, the city, even the state came out in an outpouring of grief and forgiveness.

Obama can speak owerfully and there was every reason for him to capitalize on the turning of horror into an example of love and yes, forgiveness. A place for all to start in a quest for a better country, an example given.

I don't want to get into Obama's religious beliefs, what they are or if he holds them. I've always thought that belongs between the soul and God.

06-26-2015, 02:57 PM
I was listening to the eulogy via earphones, not watching. Needless to say, audio i

sn't my best learning method. ;)

It began fine, praising the man and community. I was disappointed that he quickly left that to begin on employment, children in poverty, etc.

There IS time and places for those topics, lord knows that Obama has availed himself to both.

In this case though, I don't see it as the time nor place. The eulogy was necessary due to a horrendous mass shooting by a racist young man. One who considered not doing so, because the people had been so nice and welcoming to him, a white stranger in their church. He did the act in spite of the love they had.

The man being eulogized by all accounts was always extraordinary. A good child, a preacher by 13, ordained a minister very young. Youngest state senator at the time. Gave all to his community, city, and state. A wonderful son, father, husband. Cut down in the prime of his life, a light snuffed out.

The people of the church, the city, even the state came out in an outpouring of grief and forgiveness.

Obama can speak owerfully and there was every reason for him to capitalize on the turning of horror into an example of love and yes, forgiveness. A place for all to start in a quest for a better country, an example given.

I don't want to get into Obama's religious beliefs, what they are or if he holds them. I've always thought that belongs between the soul and God.

For as long as his true religious beliefs do not have a negative impact on America's welfare, I can agree with you. As to whether, or to what extent that is open to question, I'll leave that to the better qualified here to comment on, if they choose to.

But that eulogy was unnecessarily opportunistic.

Oh, and as I type this very minute, the BBC are now REBROADCASTING the 'Amazing Grace' singalong ... no doubt they'll do it again and again throughout the weekend ...

Be still, my churning stomach ....

06-26-2015, 03:06 PM
Maybe Obama's eulogy has sapped the BBC's Leftie discipline. But ... I think they're buckling ...

Back to news summaries .. with the BBC going as far as to use the words 'a day of terror'.

At this rate, they're creeping towards the TERRORIST word, millimetre by millimetre. By this time tomorrow, they may actually be uttering it from their OWN IMPROMPTU INSTIGATION .. !!

Now, back to the eulogy (2nd rebroadcasted segment, so far ..) ...

06-26-2015, 04:13 PM
Commentary just heard on BBC News.

The Victoria Derbyshire show, broadcast much earlier today, was discussing an unrelated subject, when this beheading story first broke (ongoing about suncream labelling, apparently). I've just seen a clip of it ... and rerun it, to be certain ... and she used the exact words, 'Tell us about the Islamic terrorist threat' as her own, faltering, introduction to the new subject she wanted to cover.

'Newswatch' is a BBC programme in which it makes an effort to cover viewer criticisms of other BBC programmes -- that's their remit. This is the programme that was just aired, from which this now comes. So .. they've shown an email text from a viewer, critical of the BBC's 'poor' news coverage. Its wording (I have it frozen on my TV screen, right now), which evades the point somewhat, says (verbatim) ... 'I am writing to express my huge disappointment in the BBC's coverage. All of the other news channels have constant rolling coverage whilst you persist in showing the Victoria Derbyshire show, discussing suncream and the Womens' World Cup. Yes, there were brief updates, but they were completely unsatisfactory compared with other news networks'.

The presenter of 'Newswatch' went on to use this as an excuse to say ... that they hope to be soon talking with the editors of the Victoria Derbyshire show, to discuss how they balance their coverage of breaking news stories'.

06-26-2015, 05:28 PM
Commentary just heard on BBC News.

The Victoria Derbyshire show, broadcast much earlier today, was discussing an unrelated subject, when this beheading story first broke (ongoing about suncream labelling, apparently). I've just seen a clip of it ... and rerun it, to be certain ... and she used the exact words, 'Tell us about the Islamic terrorist threat' as her own, faltering, introduction to the new subject she wanted to cover.

'Newswatch' is a BBC programme in which it makes an effort to cover viewer criticisms of other BBC programmes -- that's their remit. This is the programme that was just aired, from which this now comes. So .. they've shown an email text from a viewer, critical of the BBC's 'poor' news coverage. Its wording (I have it frozen on my TV screen, right now), which evades the point somewhat, says (verbatim) ... 'I am writing to express my huge disappointment in the BBC's coverage. All of the other news channels have constant rolling coverage whilst you persist in showing the Victoria Derbyshire show, discussing suncream and the Womens' World Cup. Yes, there were brief updates, but they were completely unsatisfactory compared with other news networks'.

The presenter of 'Newswatch' went on to use this as an excuse to say ... that they hope to be soon talking with the editors of the Victoria Derbyshire show, to discuss how they balance their coverage of breaking news stories'.


06-27-2015, 08:52 AM

... Well, I prefer 'sick' ....

Truly slimy, manipulative propagandist types will try to get their way through dishonest sanction-seeking, if being transparently straightforward won't help them. In this case, I think it worried the BBC that Victoria Derbyshire had failed to fully do her part as a 'team player'.

Ms Derbyshire is (or has been) more usually a radio host, of phone-in programmes. Her transfer across to include televised discussion or debates is relatively new, and this may be placing stress on her that she still hasn't fully acclimatised to. Besides, the more normal format for her shows is one of preplanned debates where breaking news interruptions don't interrupt the flow of them. Someone must've decided that she could cope with more than that (her radio shows sound very professional) .. so, she failed to be word-perfect when it really mattered.

The news division of the BBC no doubt get regular directives about their outputting style -- they actually WERE, literally, sent a directive to not initiate the word 'TERRORIST' themselves in reports, but only relay it, if they had to, within the context of others' comments. It's reasonable to suppose that Ms Derbyshire may not have been kept in the loop.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-28-2015, 10:38 AM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Abbey again.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::cla p::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:::salute::be er:

I'll tell you how -in one word answer- obama....--Tyr

06-28-2015, 11:55 AM
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::cla p::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:::salute::be er:

I'll tell you how -in one word answer- obama....--Tyr:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap ::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/smilies/beer.gifhttp://www.debatepolicy.com/images/smilies/beer.gif

Can't 'better' that one, Tyr. You're spot on.

06-28-2015, 12:17 PM
Just turned my TV on, in preparation for BBC-1's news broadcast, due to come on in around 15 minutes' time (6.30PM).

Currently, they're screening a programme called 'Nature's Greatest Dancers'. I've just taken a look, and seen ... a rhino plodding along (not the alleged GOP variety, by the way) ...

For the BBC, this is perhaps as convincing as it gets ? I suspect that they're testing the British viewing public's liimits of credulity ...

Over here, we have reports of another terrorist attack, in Tunisia, that's been dominating new broadcasts. I've not been following it as closely as maybe I should've done. Come 6.30 .. I'll begin to remedy that. No doubt the BBC will want to tell us about 'attackers', not 'terrorists' ...

06-28-2015, 12:31 PM
I wonder when, how and what will be the result when the unstoppable force of homosexual "rights" meets the immovable object of Sharia law.

06-28-2015, 12:41 PM
I wonder when, how and what will be the result when the unstoppable force of homosexual "rights" meets the immovable object of Sharia law.

Very funny, in a tragic sort of way. Or, tragic, in a very funny sort of way.

I may need to toss a coin to judge that one ...

06-28-2015, 12:45 PM
I wonder when, how and what will be the result when the unstoppable force of homosexual "rights" meets the immovable object of Sharia law.

True...^^^...What will the left do with their tolerance now....which way will they swing? :)

06-28-2015, 12:47 PM

*Some more Love for Abbey! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c ool:

06-28-2015, 12:49 PM
Well, I've got the BBC's 6.30 news (BBC-1) playing on my TV. Exactly as expected - reports concentrated on the Tunisian terrorist attack.

The BBC has TOTALLY avoided initiating use of the word 'terrorist' in its report, yet again. They refer to 'a gunman'. 'An attacker'. But, the 'T' word is absent.

An interviewee did use it. This, the BBC permits (they'd find it hard not to). They will NEVER initiate it themselves.

The same has extended to an examination of 'the attacker's' immediate past. They describe him as a one-time breakdancing teenager. They say he was later 'radicalised', became an 'ISIS sympathiser'. ISIS, themselves, they've refrained from describing as a terrorist organisation. They've gone so far as to call ISIS 'radicals', however ...

They've just moved on to a report on Greece. PC reporting temporarily suspended (apparently ?) !!

06-29-2015, 10:47 AM
Another day, another bit of BBC propaganda ...

I watched the BBC's 1PM news broadcast a couple of hours ago, with - again - the Tunisian 'attack' dominating our news.

Except ... there's been a subtle change in BBC language.

STILL, no usage of the word 'TERRORIST' initiated by any BBC person ... not one. However, yesterday, they did refer to 'attack' and 'attacker'.

That, too, has now gone.

The BBC has chosen another propagandist tack, instead. Several references to 'GUNMAN' (they now seem obsessed by that single word) and one reference to 'LONE GUNMAN'.

I believe this has purpose to it, which only goes to show how relatively subliminally the BBC likes to work. I think they're riding on the back of Obama's hobbyhorse over the Charleston attack, and furthering an anti-gun agenda. I think the object of the exercise is to drill an association in the British public's minds to associate usage of a gun with that of inexcusable carnage, to create an instinctive revulsion against any gun usage.

We're already far removed from American thinking when it comes to gun ownership and the whole idea of a 'gun culture'. I think our homegrown Lefties believe that gap isn't wide ENOUGH.

Well, I' sure that future 'gunmen' and 'attackers', and - dare I say it - TERRORISTS - will be delighted with the outcome of that, in the future ...