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06-26-2015, 01:33 PM
I frequently have patients who have serious health issues brought on by their own actions and lifestyles. The most difficult for me to emphasize with are drug addicts who inject themselves with dirty drugs, using dirty needles, then get free health care because they now have endocarditis and bad heart valves.

Likewise, I have difficulty feeling pity for someone who voted twice for Obama and then complains about how bad his policies are.

A study commissioned by the National Black Chamber of Commerce, which represents 2.1 million black-owned businesses in the United States, found that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan would increase black poverty by 23 percent and cause the loss of 7 million jobs for black Americans by 2035.

The study also found that the EPA' plan would increase Hispanic poverty by 26 percent and cause the loss of 12 million jobs for Hispanic Americans by 2035.

I feel like saying boo-friggin-hoo to them. I believe in living with the consequences of the choices you have made. But on the other hand, they are people who need jobs and don't want to live in poverty. I suppose nevermind that they voted for Obama and probably would vote for him forever.

Any thoughts?


06-26-2015, 01:39 PM
I think when thinking 'policies' our political philosophies always come into play.

When we are talking to anyone caught up in the machinations of those policies, whether by their own hand or by the situation, we see them as human. We empathize. Only sociopaths wouldn't.

I do think most conservatives understand that 'cutting' or 'eliminating' any programs will involve hurting real people. The alternative is to continue to spending ourselves to oblivion.

Alternatives must be found, I believe the really needy will get it on the local level-through private or municipal means.

What I don't see ever acknowledged by those on the left that the current trajectories are not sustainable and what cannot be sustained will not be.

06-26-2015, 01:40 PM
I'm going to guess that regularly intimating their inferiority is not going to be a winning strategy to get them to embrace conservatism.

06-26-2015, 02:10 PM
I'm going to guess that regularly intimating their inferiority is not going to be a winning strategy to get them to embrace conservatism.

I am not sure what that has to do with the OP, but thanks for sharing.

06-26-2015, 02:16 PM
I frequently have patients who have serious health issues brought on by their own actions and lifestyles. The most difficult for me to emphasize with are drug addicts who inject themselves with dirty drugs, using dirty needles, then get free health care because they now have endocarditis and bad heart valves.

I shake my head at people who yell and scream about teen pregnancy. Yet we don't tell teens how to prevent pregnancy.
Bombarding teens with sexual imagery and then telling them not to have sex is like putting a blindfold on a driver and telling them not to have an accident.
I would like to see mandatory birth control until girls are 18. For the simple reason that modern birth control does more than prevent pregnancy. It helps alleviate cramps and a lot of other menstrual problems.

A lot of smokers get access to free health care. Along with heavy drinkers.
Some adults get hooked on drugs through legal means. Ask anyone who has chronic problems that involve pain killers. Once their prescription runs out, some turn to illegal drugs.

06-26-2015, 02:23 PM
Some adults get hooked on drugs through legal means. Ask anyone who has chronic problems that involve pain killers. Once their prescription runs out, some turn to illegal drugs.

I know that is true, but it still bothers me.

06-26-2015, 03:51 PM
I am not sure what that has to do with the OP, but thanks for sharing.

Likewise, I have difficulty feeling pity for someone who voted twice for Obama and then complains about how bad his policies are.


06-26-2015, 04:15 PM
I shake my head at people who yell and scream about teen pregnancy. Yet we don't tell teens how to prevent pregnancy.
Bombarding teens with sexual imagery and then telling them not to have sex is like putting a blindfold on a driver and telling them not to have an accident.
I would like to see mandatory birth control until girls are 18. For the simple reason that modern birth control does more than prevent pregnancy. It helps alleviate cramps and a lot of other menstrual problems.

A lot of smokers get access to free health care. Along with heavy drinkers.
Some adults get hooked on drugs through legal means. Ask anyone who has chronic problems that involve pain killers. Once their prescription runs out, some turn to illegal drugs.

PARENTS....Don't tell teens how to prevent pregnancy. PARENTS, or the LACK of them in a family situation IS, and should ALWAYS be the FIRST place young women, and girls learn about prevention of pregnancy. But today. It seems PARENTS fear they will be threatened IF...they are not FRIENDS with their children who...in many cases, know they can SUE their parents, or have them arrested IF the Parents fail to keep the BRATS happy.
Most of the pregnancies where NO FATHERS are present...sadly, and Honestly (we all know it) take place in Lower-income communities. But we...the white folks, are not permitted to Actually Talk about such things...lest we be called RACISTS again.
The PAIN KILLER Drugs are just another EXCUSE for all kinds of people to PRETEND they need the ILLEGAL DRUGS...because their Invisible Doctors...who refuse to write more Scripts...MAKE THEM SEEK ILLEGAL DRUGS.
And to that I say. BULL, DOUBLE-BULL, or just plain Bulls*it!

06-26-2015, 04:22 PM
PARENTS....Don't tell teens how to prevent pregnancy. PARENTS, or the LACK of them in a family situation IS, and should ALWAYS be the FIRST place young women, and girls learn about prevention of pregnancy. But today. It seems PARENTS fear they will be threatened IF...they are not FRIENDS with their children who...in many cases, know they can SUE their parents, or have them arrested IF the Parents fail to keep the BRATS happy.
Most of the pregnancies where NO FATHERS are present...sadly, and Honestly (we all know it) take place in Lower-income communities. But we...the white folks, are not permitted to Actually Talk about such things...lest we be called RACISTS again.
The PAIN KILLER Drugs are just another EXCUSE for all kinds of people to PRETEND they need the ILLEGAL DRUGS...because their Invisible Doctors...who refuse to write more Scripts...MAKE THEM SEEK ILLEGAL DRUGS.
And to that I say. BULL, DOUBLE-BULL, or just plain Bulls*it!

There was a time you would be right about the out of wedlock pregnancies between the poor and others. The sexual revolution really did change that. The poor still go through with pregnancies more than others, but abortion has changed the morals of all.

Personally I don't think that putting all girls on the pill is the answer, there are many reasons not to. I do believe in sex ed, from 4th/5th grade up. I don't believe in sexualizing children from toddlerhood-teens. There are vast differences between teaching a health class to primary students that emphasize safe places and adults to seek out if presented with threatening circumstances to teaching about homosexuality or pedophilia.

Sex ed in upper grades should not be about how to pleasure others or even oneself, but the responsibilities and risks of engaging in sex. Pregnancy and diseases should both be taught, with crossover in science and consumer education classes.

06-26-2015, 05:18 PM
Reminds me of this hypocrite...


06-26-2015, 05:19 PM
There was a time you would be right about the out of wedlock pregnancies between the poor and others. The sexual revolution really did change that. The poor still go through with pregnancies more than others, but abortion has changed the morals of all.

Personally I don't think that putting all girls on the pill is the answer, there are many reasons not to. I do believe in sex ed, from 4th/5th grade up. I don't believe in sexualizing children from toddlerhood-teens. There are vast differences between teaching a health class to primary students that emphasize safe places and adults to seek out if presented with threatening circumstances to teaching about homosexuality or pedophilia.

Sex ed in upper grades should not be about how to pleasure others or even oneself, but the responsibilities and risks of engaging in sex. Pregnancy and diseases should both be taught, with crossover in science and consumer education classes.

Kathianne. I'm really so disappointed in what you failed to mention above. NOT ONCE, did you mention, or include PARENTS.
Sad to say. You listed all of the expected, and familiar excuses used in society today, blaming this stuff on the Sexual Revolution, and placing the parental responsibility on the schools IS WHY THE PROBLEMS HAVE GROWN SO MUCH.
I went to school in the 50's and 60's, and they tried the same tactics then. But...Both of my parents were where I learned the facts. The warnings about STD's, and promiscuity were lightly touched upon in school. TEACHERS today...Should be TEACHING what young people need for their future in society. And Parents, NOT Teachers who are slightly older than the students, should be responsible PARENTS.
Excuses is what this nation is making for everything. And LOOK HOW THAT HAS BEEN WORKING.

06-26-2015, 05:52 PM
Kathianne. I'm really so disappointed in what you failed to mention above. NOT ONCE, did you mention, or include PARENTS.
Sad to say. You listed all of the expected, and familiar excuses used in society today, blaming this stuff on the Sexual Revolution, and placing the parental responsibility on the schools IS WHY THE PROBLEMS HAVE GROWN SO MUCH.
I went to school in the 50's and 60's, and they tried the same tactics then. But...Both of my parents were where I learned the facts. The warnings about STD's, and promiscuity were lightly touched upon in school. TEACHERS today...Should be TEACHING what young people need for their future in society. And Parents, NOT Teachers who are slightly older than the students, should be responsible PARENTS.
Excuses is what this nation is making for everything. And LOOK HOW THAT HAS BEEN WORKING.

Truth is many parents don't do what yours obviously did. In many areas, most parents don't. The majority of kids today do not live with both biological parents, regardless of socioeconomic status.