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View Full Version : YEEhaw! This side-effect of the gay marriage ruling will make liberals EXPLODE

06-28-2015, 12:34 PM
Looks like maybe this gay marrige thing will now make it possible for every legal carry permit holder to carry his/her gun where ever they want, yup the liberals that are celabrating must also realize they opened the door for other folks as well.

Yesterday, as you know, five justices on the SCOTUS redefined what marriage is in America and also found the time to violate the concept of federalism. They decided that an individual’s behavioral choice was grounds to create a new “right” in the U.S. Constitution. Now of course there are those of you who are somewhat despondent, but just know that in every storm there is a rainbow — quite sure y’all get my tongue-in-cheek comment. Yep, since now the SCOTUS has determined it can bequeath a right to marriage across all 50 states, there is an interesting point to be made.
As reported by BearingArms.com (http://bearingarms.com/scotus-ruling-sex-marriage-mandates-nationwide-concealed-carry-reciprocity/), “If you’re following any of the various media outlets this morning, you’re probably aware that the U.S. Supreme Court has just extended gay marriage to all 50 states. The Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry nationwide, in a historic decision that invalidates gay marriage bans in more than a dozen states. Gay and lesbian couples already can marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The court’s ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states, in the South and Midwest, will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage. The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally.”


06-28-2015, 12:38 PM
Looks like maybe this gay marrige thing will now make it possible for every legal carry permit holder to carry his/her gun where ever they want, yup the liberals that are celabrating must also realize they opened the door for other folks as well.


Don't get too excited. The Healthcare law ruling shows that the new legal standard is who the Plaintiff and Defendant are, not the wording of the law.

06-28-2015, 12:52 PM
Don't get too excited. The Healthcare law ruling shows that the new legal standard is who the Plaintiff and Defendant are, not the wording of the law.

I hear ya TF and agree, but I am still keeping my fingers crossed.

06-28-2015, 01:34 PM
I adore Allen West.