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View Full Version : All Greek banks to close?

06-28-2015, 02:04 PM
Sounds like the economy of Greece is on its last legs. Massive runs on the banks, etc. etc.

Now they are saying the banks won't open on Monday.

What's the history of this situation? I haven't been paying much attention, we have problems of our own.



Greece crisis live: banks to close on Monday and capital controls imposed after ECB caps funding at current levels

Greek banks will not open on Monday, confirms Alexis Tsipras, who says that ECB not increasing urgent cash was an attempt to 'blackmail' Greeks

Worried Greeks have been queuing to withdraw their money, as fears of Greece leaving the euro grow stronger Photo: AFP

by Elizabeth Anderson

7:41PM BST 28 Jun 2015

• Greek Prime Minister confirms capital controls as people rush to withdraw money from ATMs
• Banks will not open on Monday
• Athens Stock Exchange to also remain shut
• World leaders including Obama urge Greece to stay in eurozone
• Greeks just days away from fatal eurozone rupture
• Greece told they will have to default on June 30 as snap referendum called on July 5
• Iain Martin: Greek madness could yet pay off

Greece's banks are in pretty bad shape, and could close for the whole of next week. Deposits fell to an 11-year low last month and have lost nearly 15pc of their total value since November. Most wealthy Greeks pulled their money out as soon as the Leftist Syriza government came to power in late January, promising to end austerity.