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06-30-2015, 05:51 PM
There are often too many awesome+ridiculous threads that I want to start. So I have decided to post them here.

The first one:

Homeland Security: Give Transgender Illegal Alien Detainees Their Choice of 'Undergarments'

After six months of study, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, a division of the Department of Homeland Security, has issued new guidelines on how to care for transgender illegal aliens who end up in detention facilities, awaiting possible deportation.

The goal of the Transgender Care Memorandum is to provide a "respectful, safe and secure environment for all detainees, including those individuals who identify as transgender."

Among the questions to be asked of men who identify as women or vice-versa: "Do you prefer to wear male or female clothing?" "Are there any specific clothing items (e.g. undergarments) that you need that you have not been provided?"

(An attachment to the guidance notes, "The detention standards do not restrict the provision of gender-appropriate clothing. In general, brassieres should be provided to individuals who request them, as appropriate.")


06-30-2015, 05:55 PM
I know this will work out for the best.

Bill de Blasio signs law to ban employers from asking job candidates about criminal history

In front of emotional supporters, Mayor de Blasio signed legislation Monday that will prohibit employers from inquiring about a candidate's criminal record prior to a job offer.


06-30-2015, 06:14 PM
The image recognition software built into Google Photos is impressive. Show it a photo of the Eiffel Tower, and it will know that picture was taken in Paris. Snap an image of a dog or a tree, and it will automatically put them in a group with all your other pictures of dogs or trees.

But the software is far from foolproof. And when it fails, it does so in a spectacular way — as when it recently processed a photo of two black friends and labeled them “Gorillas.”


Jacky Alcine, a 21-year old programmer who lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., was checking out his Google Photos account last night when he saw that the service had automatically generated a folder titled “Gorillas.” It contained nothing but pictures of him and a friend that he had taken in 2013.


06-30-2015, 07:16 PM
I know this will work out for the best.


De-Blowhard-sio is just protecting himself before he gets out of office. As if nobody will know how crooked, dumb, and liberally stupid he was????