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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2015, 05:52 PM
Where is tha gunny, four days now with no posts.. I hope he is ok...-Tyr

06-30-2015, 06:43 PM
Where is tha gunny, four days now with no posts.. I hope he is ok...-Tyr

I second that.

06-30-2015, 07:03 PM
Where is tha gunny, four days now with no posts.. I hope he is ok...-Tyr

*Send him an e-mail...he will answer if alive.....probably taking care of business.

06-30-2015, 08:29 PM
Cut Gunny some slack. It's not easy being a curmudgeon during the summer. :cool:


Abbey Marie
06-30-2015, 08:34 PM
Cut Gunny some slack. It's not easy being a curmudgeon during the summer. :cool:



06-30-2015, 09:00 PM

06-30-2015, 11:11 PM
Where is tha gunny, four days now with no posts.. I hope he is ok...-Tyr

Maybe he ran out of snivels...

07-01-2015, 05:19 PM
I see Gunny posting right now, whatcha talking about? :)

07-01-2015, 05:46 PM
I see Gunny posting right now, whatcha talking about? :)


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2015, 06:12 PM
I see Gunny posting right now, whatcha talking about? :)

For four days he was missing in action. I was just curious and concerned that maybe he had some illness or some dire calamity fallen upon him.
Good to see THAT he is ok..-Tyr

07-01-2015, 06:17 PM
Where is tha gunny, four days now with no posts.. I hope he is ok...-Tyr

THAT is a simple answer. Everyone on here, pretty much, knows I have a temper. Let's start with last time I was on.

You got a bunch of activist blacks, revisionist leftwingers, and PC RINO's calling for the removal of a Confederate battle standard, and the ACLU getting the OK supreme court to call for the removal of the 10 Commandments, while the White House is bathed in rainbow colors. So the fag flag is okay for a bunch of sexual deviants, but the battle standard is NOT because it denotes slavery.

So, if we erase ALL of Southern regional society, then we can erase slavery too, right? Rev? But no, you weak-kneed wimps want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to destroy and/or rewrite our heritage but still hold us accountable for that which YOU destroyed. You might as well join the Dems and be honest.

The Supreme Court has NO RIGHT to rule on marriage one way or the other. It's not in the Constitution, one way or the other. But typical leftwing BS is if you can't get your law enacted, circumvent it through the legislature.

There's a law in the UCMJ that says it is unlawful to obey an unlawful command. So I refuse to recognize gay marriage. Same goes with Obamacare. Neither marriage nor healthcare are covered in the Constitution which means they are covered by the 10th.

In the meantime, Obama's making enemies of our allies and allies of our enemies,

And I don't blame just the left. They're in lockstep. The far right wants to cry "they aren't conservative enough" and not vote. Might as well have voted for Obama. How the Hell do you so-called "far-left" folk think Regan got in office? He appealed to moderates. He was a former Democrat who appealed to a lot of former Democrats who bailed after Carter.

So you silly-ass-headed, so-called "hardcore" conservatives need to get a clue. Your stance on principle has brought us to what we have now. Fuck Israel, and peace with Cuba and Iran.

We have a tyrannical government run my Executive order and judicial decree. Where's this Republican Congress we supposedly have?

The right needs to get its shit together because the left has the right, right where the right had the left in the 80's and early 2000s.

And about those flags rev keeps whining about ... might as well strike that American flag. It was a symbol of this Nation and the Constitution, not the loony tune loser minorities who have managed to hold a tyranny over the majority who are too afraid to take a stand. And that's how Rome fell.

SO Gunny's just been getting pissed that because the far right are acting like ninnies about the moderate right, we have a country that I no longer recognize.

07-01-2015, 06:19 PM
Cut Gunny some slack. It's not easy being a curmudgeon during the summer. :cool:


So what does that make YOU? You voted for Obama. If I was primordial ooze I'd be smarter than you.

07-01-2015, 06:21 PM
Maybe he ran out of snivels...

As long as I have you around there's ALWAYS a snivel. Maybe you ought to learn to use the words you use. In short, you're just snot running down someone's nose.

07-01-2015, 06:39 PM
I see Gunny posting right now, whatcha talking about? :)

You of all people know how pissed I can get; especially, at stupid shit. And since Thursdy=ay, I've felt like we live in the Bizzarro US.

07-01-2015, 06:50 PM
You of all people know how pissed I can get; especially, at stupid shit. And since Thursdy=ay, I've felt like we live in the Bizzarro US.

Yeaaaaaaap. I feel similar, so don't feel bad. And it has. I've watched this country change before my eyes since I was a kid. Some can deny it, but it's true. Maybe a lot of people think that's for the good, but I'm not one of them. I liked things the way they were. I think if the idea of a "good wholesome family", and sadly, you just don't see it as much anymore. ANd quite frankly, I blame the newer generations. Schools, colleges have changed. Entire lines of thinking have changed. Like you alluded to, even a conservative is really no longer a conservative. What kids are being taught as right and wrong, and normal.... compare that to what families were like in the 50's, 60's, 70's.

Some would joke and refer to various places as "the land of the fruits and the nuts". And that's what I'm seeing of our nation as of the past 20-25 years. The abnormal becoming normal, the unacceptable becoming acceptable. No such thing as principles, personal responsibility or self respect.

07-01-2015, 07:51 PM
~ "So you silly-ass-headed, so-called "hardcore" conservatives need to get a clue. Your stance on principle has brought us to what we have now." ~


​*I feel that's a BIG matter of "opinion" Gunny.....Your not the only one here disappointed and with a temper brother.....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2015, 08:18 PM
~ "So you silly-ass-headed, so-called "hardcore" conservatives need to get a clue. Your stance on principle has brought us to what we have now." ~


​*I feel that's a BIG matter of "opinion" Gunny.....Your not the only one here disappointed and with a temper brother.....

I saw that too. We hardcore conservatives want it to be normal not this perverted liberal /leftist crap we have now!So I fail to see how we are to blame for not mellowing down to work with those asshats doing the bad changes.
In my opinion all doing that are nothing but traitors that have no damn loyalty to this nation, our Constitution and they actually should be tried for their stinking treason and then shot for high treason..The Constitution does not ok treason or a complete remaking of this nation!!
Those doing that have made the act of treason to not be a punishable act..
They claim its politics as usual but ITS NOT!!!!!--

Its not and the problem is we conservatives are commanded to give and give and give until inch by inch these cowardly traitorous lying worms achieve their leftist goals!

I do not give an inch on this to anybody on this stinking planet!!!!--Tyr

Gunny is not the only one sick of this crap!!!
I bet Ive been sick of it far longer than he has....

07-01-2015, 08:29 PM
~ "So you silly-ass-headed, so-called "hardcore" conservatives need to get a clue. Your stance on principle has brought us to what we have now." ~


​*I feel that's a BIG matter of "opinion" Gunny.....Your not the only one here disappointed and with a temper brother.....

Not a matter of opinion. Matter of FACT. The fact that far-right wannabe-so-called-conservatives withheld their votes the past two elections have proven nothing except you're willing to let Obama destroy this nation and what it used to stand for because of your personal, petty bullshit.

You got principles? Last I checked, conservative principles are going down the drain at the rapid rate because you hard right wingers can't get a fucking clue. So, the Republicans have the majority in Congress. The Executive branch and judiciary have circumvented it. Y'all can sceam "unfair" all you want. They're getting away with it. And once they do, you'll play Hell undoing it.

Do ANY of you people think things through? Or am I the only military person on the board that can think logically through one end to the other? EVERYTHING I've said would happen HAS happened.

Oh, and you ain't got a temper like me. Trust me.

07-01-2015, 09:13 PM
Not a matter of opinion. Matter of FACT. The fact that far-right wannabe-so-called-conservatives withheld their votes the past two elections have proven nothing except you're willing to let Obama destroy this nation and what it used to stand for because of your personal, petty bullshit.

You got principles? Last I checked, conservative principles are going down the drain at the rapid rate because you hard right wingers can't get a fucking clue. So, the Republicans have the majority in Congress. The Executive branch and judiciary have circumvented it. Y'all can sceam "unfair" all you want. They're getting away with it. And once they do, you'll play Hell undoing it.

Do ANY of you people think things through? Or am I the only military person on the board that can think logically through one end to the other? EVERYTHING I've said would happen HAS happened.

Oh, and you ain't got a temper like me. Trust me.

************************************************** ***

~ "The fact that far-right wannabe-so-called-conservatives withheld their votes the past two elections have proven nothing except you're willing to let Obama destroy this nation and what it used to stand for because of your personal, petty bullshit." ~

They were not "conservatives" They were to FOOCKING STUPID.......They let their emotions get the best of them and with-held their vote cause they didn't get their man.......That pissed of many Americans....Myself included.

*With whats happening to our country now...There is no more "PC" feel-good in the 'middle' half way crap...its all or nothing to make it work and fix the damage.....The good thing is I feel many more Americans will come out and vote this time...They learn fast and are tired of the shit spoon fed to them lately...and this time..even if its not "their guy" They will vote....

*As far as Tempers are concerned Gunny...*its not a compliment on who has the worst...but "who" can control theirs the best and focus on the mission for a good ending....

07-02-2015, 12:08 AM
I find this thread to be sad and amusing at the same time.
It must be quite frustrating and unnerving to be 50-plus (or approaching it) and witness the course that the 21st Century has taken.
Power is no longer solely controlled by wealthy white males. Women now have rights. Minorities have rights. Young people have rights.

Want to know what is REALLY scary? Young people don't think like you. They don't care if anyone is gay. They recognize multiple sexual orientations. They get along with black people. And Latinos. They aren't afraid of Muslims.

Here is a quiz for you -- who is the most powerful and influential person in the U.S.?
Hint: It's not Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or anyone in politics.
It's Taylor Swift. She is the Queen of Teen-Age Girls. Who have the most disposable income and control the internet and Twitter-verse.

Want a real time warp? Watch some old TV shows from the 50s on the nostalgia channels. Men always wore suits and ties, even in the bedroom. Women always wore long dresses. Black people were always housekeeping help.
On one comedy, the husband was having a fit because his teen daughter wanted to play basketball. It wasn't lady like! She should be wearing skirts and chasing boys!
On game shows, only the man was asked what he did. The woman was always a "homemaker."

The next president will be elected by women and Latinos. You can't win without their support.
We're all equal now -- men, women, blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, straights, religious and non-religious. Shocking as that seems.


07-02-2015, 12:19 AM
*minion la la land


07-02-2015, 05:50 AM
I find that all the complaints of government over reaching in all facets of our lives is legit. But what I find disturbing is that most people are ok with the so called right to choose. How the left has taken a perfectly good word, and changed it's meaning to allow the shedding of innocent blood. I fought hard for the rights of the unborn. And still do.

The reason I bring this up, is that people are decrying gay rights will be the end of our nation and the removal of the blessings that God had bestowed on our nation as we know it, started the day that government and the "supreme court" sanctioned the murder of millions of babies.

We will have to repent in this generation…not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” ~MLK

God cannot continue to bless a nation that sheds innocent blood. I think people have given up the fight because government has one way or another invade their lives to stop us from the fight. It has become over whelming.

There are many reason our nation has come to this point. It has truly been a domino effect. And we have to choose our poison. Government has become a giant monster.

The Preamble, or Statement of Purpose, of the United States Constitution

“God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson

07-02-2015, 06:01 AM
As long as I have you around there's ALWAYS a snivel. Maybe you ought to learn to use the words you use. In short, you're just snot running down someone's nose.

I figured that the men in the white coats came and took you away kicking and screaming to the looney bin.

07-02-2015, 07:41 AM
I find this thread to be sad and amusing at the same time.
It must be quite frustrating and unnerving to be 50-plus (or approaching it) and witness the course that the 21st Century has taken.
Power is no longer solely controlled by wealthy white males. Women now have rights. Minorities have rights. Young people have rights.

Want to know what is REALLY scary? Young people don't think like you. They don't care if anyone is gay. They recognize multiple sexual orientations. They get along with black people. And Latinos. They aren't afraid of Muslims.

Here is a quiz for you -- who is the most powerful and influential person in the U.S.?
Hint: It's not Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or anyone in politics.
It's Taylor Swift. She is the Queen of Teen-Age Girls. Who have the most disposable income and control the internet and Twitter-verse.

Want a real time warp? Watch some old TV shows from the 50s on the nostalgia channels. Men always wore suits and ties, even in the bedroom. Women always wore long dresses. Black people were always housekeeping help.
On one comedy, the husband was having a fit because his teen daughter wanted to play basketball. It wasn't lady like! She should be wearing skirts and chasing boys!
On game shows, only the man was asked what he did. The woman was always a "homemaker."

The next president will be elected by women and Latinos. You can't win without their support.
We're all equal now -- men, women, blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, straights, religious and non-religious. Shocking as that seems.


Gabs I agree with you here, and look at the shape of the country, yup we no longer have morals ( and no I am not talking about woman and minorities having equal rights ) I am talking plain and simple morals, right from wrong, when we are more worried about letting John doink Steve and making everyone have to say it's OK , well then we have terrorist groups crossing the border into our country getting ready to kill thousands.

Letting folks be equal is the way it should be, but we still ought to have common sense, yea lets take down a flag ( a piece of cloth ) because that had to make some sick SOB kill a bunch of innocent folks, NO, how about go after the real culprit and get these sicko's help, naaa we are to bust trying to be politically correct and saying hey John and Steve are such a great couple. That flag didn't kill anyone, lack of morals did, and allowing our country to be made to look like a cheap ass amusment park is exactly why we have no morals. Think about the celebrations over gay marriages, people walking around in public dressed as penises , wearing ass less chaps, yup you call that equal, I call it sick, I call it a generation with no morals.

07-02-2015, 08:40 AM
I find this thread to be sad and amusing at the same time.
It must be quite frustrating and unnerving to be 50-plus (or approaching it) and witness the course that the 21st Century has taken.
Power is no longer solely controlled by wealthy white males. Women now have rights. Minorities have rights. Young people have rights.

Want to know what is REALLY scary? Young people don't think like you. They don't care if anyone is gay. They recognize multiple sexual orientations. They get along with black people. And Latinos. They aren't afraid of Muslims.

Here is a quiz for you -- who is the most powerful and influential person in the U.S.?
Hint: It's not Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or anyone in politics.
It's Taylor Swift. She is the Queen of Teen-Age Girls. Who have the most disposable income and control the internet and Twitter-verse.

Want a real time warp? Watch some old TV shows from the 50s on the nostalgia channels. Men always wore suits and ties, even in the bedroom. Women always wore long dresses. Black people were always housekeeping help.
On one comedy, the husband was having a fit because his teen daughter wanted to play basketball. It wasn't lady like! She should be wearing skirts and chasing boys!
On game shows, only the man was asked what he did. The woman was always a "homemaker."

The next president will be elected by women and Latinos. You can't win without their support.
We're all equal now -- men, women, blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, straights, religious and non-religious. Shocking as that seems.

In other words success will be determined by who one is, not what one does. If religious and non-religious are equal, society has rendered God worthless. I guess those of us who just want quality will be out of luck. Where's the competence?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2015, 08:47 AM
Not a matter of opinion. Matter of FACT. The fact that far-right wannabe-so-called-conservatives withheld their votes the past two elections have proven nothing except you're willing to let Obama destroy this nation and what it used to stand for because of your personal, petty bullshit.

You got principles? Last I checked, conservative principles are going down the drain at the rapid rate because you hard right wingers can't get a fucking clue. So, the Republicans have the majority in Congress. The Executive branch and judiciary have circumvented it. Y'all can sceam "unfair" all you want. They're getting away with it. And once they do, you'll play Hell undoing it.

Do ANY of you people think things through? Or am I the only military person on the board that can think logically through one end to the other? EVERYTHING I've said would happen HAS happened.

Oh, and you ain't got a temper like me. Trust me.

Oh, and you ain't got a temper like me. Trust me.

Trust me on this, I do(maybe once was even worse than yours) but I control mine much, much better. I honesty think mine was worse but who knows. I had mine out of control for over 40 years, got me loads and loads of trouble , fights, etc. I learned how to control it to some adequate degree, so I know exactly why you left for 4 days my friend. Leaving to cool down is a step to take, applaud you for that.
I once beat a man half to death with my bare hands (ok, more than once but that last one was maxed) and that's when I started my search to try to control what is inside of me(constant rage).
Trust me on this--it will kill you if you do not get control of it.. I was blessed to have found the way, feel free to pm me if you would like to know how.--Tyr

07-02-2015, 10:38 AM
Think about the celebrations over gay marriages, people walking around in public dressed as penises , wearing ass less chaps, yup you call that equal, I call it sick, I call it a generation with no morals.

You need only to go through the last century of history and see all the events that were considered as "threats to moral fiber of society" and produced a "generation with no morals."
People were horrified when women first wore outfits that showed their knees. Not to mention miniskirts and two-piece swim suits.
The blues was once "the devil's music." Modern jazz was "jungle rhythms." Frank Sinatra was a threat to our children. So was Elvis. And the Beatles.
There was a 60's comedy that showed a female character arguing with her husband for the first time instead of merely docile agreement. I can only imagine how controversial All In The Family was. Especially the episode where Edith slaps Archie.
Somehow, America survived all of this. Once all these "threats" became acceptable, you saw less flounting of the norm.

If religious and non-religious are equal, society has rendered God worthless

You forget about the parts of society that are not religious. Or don't share the same religious viewpoints.
Just as a free society guarantees freedom of religion, it should also guarantee a freedom to not believe in any God. This is what I mean about government not legislating morality. Because morality is different things to different people.

Abbey Marie
07-02-2015, 11:47 AM
I find this thread to be sad and amusing at the same time.
It must be quite frustrating and unnerving to be 50-plus (or approaching it) and witness the course that the 21st Century has taken.
Power is no longer solely controlled by wealthy white males. Women now have rights. Minorities have rights. Young people have rights.

Want to know what is REALLY scary? Young people don't think like you. They don't care if anyone is gay. They recognize multiple sexual orientations. They get along with black people. And Latinos. They aren't afraid of Muslims.

Here is a quiz for you -- who is the most powerful and influential person in the U.S.?
Hint: It's not Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or anyone in politics.
It's Taylor Swift. She is the Queen of Teen-Age Girls. Who have the most disposable income and control the internet and Twitter-verse.

Want a real time warp? Watch some old TV shows from the 50s on the nostalgia channels. Men always wore suits and ties, even in the bedroom. Women always wore long dresses. Black people were always housekeeping help.
On one comedy, the husband was having a fit because his teen daughter wanted to play basketball. It wasn't lady like! She should be wearing skirts and chasing boys!
On game shows, only the man was asked what he did. The woman was always a "homemaker."

The next president will be elected by women and Latinos. You can't win without their support.
We're all equal now -- men, women, blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, straights, religious and non-religious. Shocking as that seems.

Two points:

First bolded part: They should be.

Second bolded part: Christians are already less than equal. And the world doesn't realize how sorry it will be for it.

07-02-2015, 01:12 PM
************************************************** ***

~ "The fact that far-right wannabe-so-called-conservatives withheld their votes the past two elections have proven nothing except you're willing to let Obama destroy this nation and what it used to stand for because of your personal, petty bullshit." ~

They were not "conservatives" They were to FOOCKING STUPID.......They let their emotions get the best of them and with-held their vote cause they didn't get their man.......That pissed of many Americans....Myself included.

*With whats happening to our country now...There is no more "PC" feel-good in the 'middle' half way crap...its all or nothing to make it work and fix the damage.....The good thing is I feel many more Americans will come out and vote this time...They learn fast and are tired of the shit spoon fed to them lately...and this time..even if its not "their guy" They will vote....

*As far as Tempers are concerned Gunny...*its not a compliment on who has the worst...but "who" can control theirs the best and focus on the mission for a good ending....

I'm not looking for a compliment. I'm stating fact. This? This is words on a screen. I'm not going to sit here and try to explain with words on a screen. Let's just say you don't want to be around. ;)

07-02-2015, 01:22 PM
I find this thread to be sad and amusing at the same time.
It must be quite frustrating and unnerving to be 50-plus (or approaching it) and witness the course that the 21st Century has taken.
Power is no longer solely controlled by wealthy white males. Women now have rights. Minorities have rights. Young people have rights.

Want to know what is REALLY scary? Young people don't think like you. They don't care if anyone is gay. They recognize multiple sexual orientations. They get along with black people. And Latinos. They aren't afraid of Muslims.

Here is a quiz for you -- who is the most powerful and influential person in the U.S.?
Hint: It's not Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or anyone in politics.
It's Taylor Swift. She is the Queen of Teen-Age Girls. Who have the most disposable income and control the internet and Twitter-verse.

Want a real time warp? Watch some old TV shows from the 50s on the nostalgia channels. Men always wore suits and ties, even in the bedroom. Women always wore long dresses. Black people were always housekeeping help.
On one comedy, the husband was having a fit because his teen daughter wanted to play basketball. It wasn't lady like! She should be wearing skirts and chasing boys!
On game shows, only the man was asked what he did. The woman was always a "homemaker."

The next president will be elected by women and Latinos. You can't win without their support.
We're all equal now -- men, women, blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, straights, religious and non-religious. Shocking as that seems.


Wrong. Again.

Power is no longer held by those that deserve power. It's held by the weak. If you weak-ass wimps can't legislate us out, you end-run our asses through the judiciary.

If the next President is elected by women and wetbacks, it's just more proof of the travesty and complete joke this Nation has become. You are the weak minority here, sucking off what the strong have built for you. You damned-sure couldn't do it yourselves. You came later when you thought it was safe. And brought your dumbass lawyers with you. You take no pride in being a human that has accomplished something. You only take pride in manipulating the bullshit system you have established.

Yeah, it's sad. Too see a nation built by the strong destroyed by a bunch of weakling cockroaches, huddled in your little cities, thinking the cops will protect you and allowing a complete idiot that holds the Constitution and "We, the People" in contempt. THAT is what is sad.

Because when all the crying is done and you lame asses can't protect yourselves, you'll be looking around for the strong to save you. Better hope it doesn't happen on my watch. My sheepdog days are over. Justice will be you dying by that which you have wrought.

07-02-2015, 01:26 PM
I figured that the men in the white coats came and took you away kicking and screaming to the looney bin.

I missed you too, fuckwit. Kind of like that time I had poison ivy ......

07-02-2015, 01:28 PM
Gabs I agree with you here, and look at the shape of the country, yup we no longer have morals ( and no I am not talking about woman and minorities having equal rights ) I am talking plain and simple morals, right from wrong, when we are more worried about letting John doink Steve and making everyone have to say it's OK , well then we have terrorist groups crossing the border into our country getting ready to kill thousands.

Letting folks be equal is the way it should be, but we still ought to have common sense, yea lets take down a flag ( a piece of cloth ) because that had to make some sick SOB kill a bunch of innocent folks, NO, how about go after the real culprit and get these sicko's help, naaa we are to bust trying to be politically correct and saying hey John and Steve are such a great couple. That flag didn't kill anyone, lack of morals did, and allowing our country to be made to look like a cheap ass amusment park is exactly why we have no morals. Think about the celebrations over gay marriages, people walking around in public dressed as penises , wearing ass less chaps, yup you call that equal, I call it sick, I call it a generation with no morals.

The bolded part in and of itself is a contradiction in terms. The easy way to say it is the left wants to have its cake and eat it too.

07-02-2015, 01:29 PM
Two points:

First bolded part: They should be.

Second bolded part: Christians are already less than equal. And the world doesn't realize how sorry it will be for it.
Let me add the third - the Society starts loosing the taboo borders, gone mad on their "rights" and "equality", raising them to the absolute.

07-02-2015, 01:35 PM
Sup, Gunny. :) :beer:

07-02-2015, 05:20 PM
You need only to go through the last century of history and see all the events that were considered as "threats to moral fiber of society" and produced a "generation with no morals."
People were horrified when women first wore outfits that showed their knees. Not to mention miniskirts and two-piece swim suits.
The blues was once "the devil's music." Modern jazz was "jungle rhythms." Frank Sinatra was a threat to our children. So was Elvis. And the Beatles.
There was a 60's comedy that showed a female character arguing with her husband for the first time instead of merely docile agreement. I can only imagine how controversial All In The Family was. Especially the episode where Edith slaps Archie.
Somehow, America survived all of this. Once all these "threats" became acceptable, you saw less flounting of the norm.

I agree Gabs and um well I am turning into one of those old fuddy duddies that talk that trash with the kids, but those where nothing like what we are seeing today, It's ok to have gay sex ( it's unnatural it's not ok ) what you are talking about althoug on the same lines I don't believe is anything like what we are seeing today.

You forget about the parts of society that are not religious. Or don't share the same religious viewpoints.
Just as a free society guarantees freedom of religion, it should also guarantee a freedom to not believe in any God. This is what I mean about government not legislating morality. Because morality is different things to different people.

07-02-2015, 05:21 PM
I'm not looking for a compliment. I'm stating fact. This? This is words on a screen. I'm not going to sit here and try to explain with words on a screen. Let's just say you don't want to be around. ;)

*I hope your not looking...you wont get any compliments for a foolish hot temper...Your right no one cares for it or wants to be around it...*heed these "words on the screen" they will only help you.....