View Full Version : Arranged marriages : Gabs one COLD S.O.B.

07-03-2015, 08:37 AM
My wife and to a lesser extent myself, can spot imported wives a mile away. We know several couples like this. One is a 60+ farmer that rarely leaves his farm. Others are single fathers. 90% of them are good guys. When we meet the other 10%, we do something about it. For example, I had the cops confiscate the weed of one abusive husband and procured out of state court records to prove his aggravated DUI conviction to help her keep custody of their son.

I have met some autistic guys that are attracted to women, but are homosexual because they don't have the social skills for difficult American women. Would you prefer they stay homosexual? I bet yes. Then there's burn victims. There's guys with mobility issues (leaving home with a walker is quite difficult). And on and on and on. I think Gab just wants men to suffer.

07-03-2015, 08:49 AM
I think you're better off trying to explain why you feel it's not a bad idea in extreme circumstances as you and I discussed. Or, simply not taking her bait. I knew exactly who those comments were directed at as well. And then YOU look like the bad guy for responding, as others likely don't know who she is referring to, if at all. She pushed your buttons, and now you responded. Seriously, learn from past experience and learn who gets you riled and who doesn't, and then ignore those who get you riled. I know it's easier said than done, but it's a path that will save aggravation for you.

As an Fyi, this will go to the cage before long...

07-03-2015, 08:57 AM
I think you're better off trying to explain why you feel it's not a bad idea in extreme circumstances as you and I discussed. Or, simply not taking her bait. I knew exactly who those comments were directed at as well. And then YOU look like the bad guy for responding, as others likely don't know who she is referring to, if at all. She pushed your buttons, and now you responded. Seriously, learn from past experience and learn who gets you riled and who doesn't, and then ignore those who get you riled. I know it's easier said than done, but it's a path that will save aggravation for you.

As an Fyi, this will go to the cage before long...

Your message board expertise is appreciated. You reminded me what to expect.

07-03-2015, 09:34 AM
Your message board expertise is appreciated. You reminded me what to expect.

Generally speaking, threads calling out other members should or could end up in the cage. It's generally nothing more than one large argument from the beginning. I can't imagine this thread actually going well.

Abbey Marie
07-03-2015, 12:55 PM
I just saw this phenomenon elsewhere:


07-03-2015, 03:37 PM
WTF does this thread have to do with me? :dunno:

07-03-2015, 03:41 PM
WTF does this thread have to do with me? :dunno:

cause some are thinking about you and your secretly loved and admired and they cant stop thinking about you....:laugh2:


07-03-2015, 03:43 PM
cause some are thinking about you and your secretly loved and admired and they cant stop thinking about you....:laugh2:


Because this happens all the time on this board. :lol:

07-03-2015, 03:46 PM
Because this happens all the time on this board. :lol:

Yes it does gabs..."your still here" and appreciated (at times):thumb:.... by some...:)

07-03-2015, 04:05 PM
Because this happens all the time on this board. :lol:

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and refresh your supposed poor short term memory.


Once again ... why should it bother you? :dunno:
I was married in the presence of God. I don't need a special term for my marriage. I don't consider my marriage to be better or worse than that of any other couple.
I define "marriage" as the union of two adults who love each other. Two adults. Not three or more. Not children. Not animals. Not inanimate objects.
Like I have said before, I am much more disgusted by forced marriages. Or arranged marriages. I don't care who you are, what your physical or mental condition is or what drawbacks your life is saddled with. If you can't meet someone through personal contact, you likely don't need to be married. Simple as that.
I don't see same sex marriage as "sick." A 60-year-old rich/famous person picking up a 20-something partner is sick. Mail-order brides are sick. Giving someone money or property to marry their kid is sick. Dumping your current wife/husband to marry someone younger is sick.

What's next, Gab's? Deny people reasonable employment? While feminists like you whine about a "glass ceiling", there's guys gathering shopping carts and bagging groceries with Master's degrees and PhDs. You're a bigot against the disabled. Why not just cut to the chase and advocate euthanasia?

07-03-2015, 04:12 PM
Gonna move to cage...

my further advice, tailfins, is to drop the subject. Don't take her bait, and certainly don't start threads about her or others.

07-07-2015, 12:10 PM
My wife and to a lesser extent myself, can spot imported wives a mile away. We know several couples like this. One is a 60+ farmer that rarely leaves his farm. Others are single fathers. 90% of them are good guys. When we meet the other 10%, we do something about it. For example, I had the cops confiscate the weed of one abusive husband and procured out of state court records to prove his aggravated DUI conviction to help her keep custody of their son.

I have met some autistic guys that are attracted to women, but are homosexual because they don't have the social skills for difficult American women. Would you prefer they stay homosexual? I bet yes. Then there's burn victims. There's guys with mobility issues (leaving home with a walker is quite difficult). And on and on and on. I think Gab just wants men to suffer.

So riddle me this, riddle me that ....

You can tell the difference between an "imported" bride and a Marine/Sailor married to a filipino or Army/USAF married to a German? I want to see THIS handbook.

And Gabby pulls your chain because you let her. It's no more difficult than THAT.

07-23-2015, 11:02 AM
Fact - Despite her Politics...Gabs is well liked.

Fact - because of his proclamations of Misogyny and religious intolerance... TAILFINS is NOT.

Tailfins is just Jealous.