View Full Version : Donald Trump

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07-24-2015, 08:23 AM
I wonder about that myself. Like Sarah Palin, I think he likes the freedom of doing as he pleases. Being elected to office ties a person down, they have to follow rules (in this case Constitutional powers) and be held accountable for their actions.
The retinue makes a King. And this is a King's personal responsibility to form a proper "retinue". http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

Max R.
07-24-2015, 02:00 PM
The retinue makes a King. And this is a King's personal responsibility to form a proper "retinue". http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif
That comes into play too. While we elect a person, in reality we're electing a platform and it's cast of characters: the retinue.

07-24-2015, 04:48 PM
the GOP hates his guts but they sure did like the $$$ contributions he's made over the years. if its me i call and tell em no more $$$ kiss my ass and shove it up yours.


ya better start worrying about dumb fuck libtards like this idiot who's gonna set the GOP back 10 generations. he's a wet dream for the DNC

Actually, he had given much more to (D) than (R) up to 2010. Wonder why...


07-24-2015, 05:13 PM
Actually, he had given much more to (D) than (R) up to 2010. Wonder why...


obviously because like you and I and all of us he's tired of seeing our country turned into a 3 world toilet shithole which it is


07-24-2015, 05:14 PM
obviously because like you and I and all of us he's tired of seeing our country turned into a 3 world toilet shithole which it is

Whatever you say.

06-21-2020, 10:23 AM
*Trump Gets in...*Bet your ass I'm voting for him...he says it like it is....and not a politician...I be willing to bet there are millions of "others" who are not willing to say they will...(cause its not fashionable .... "hip" or Politically Cool) *BUT WILL vote for him when the time comes...

1) Trump

2) Cruz

LTG, you have had clarity about Trump right from the get go. Your posts about Trump all the way through this thread are all spot on, and you are still spot on with what you post today. I took the same position on Trump right after he came down the escalator, and switched my loyalty and donations from Cruz to Trump.

It was interesting to have a look at this community when Trump had just announced his campaign. I am not at all surprised at the positions that the current forum members had back then. I have a better understanding of the community now.

06-21-2020, 06:04 PM
There was absolutely no confusion about what Trump's intentions were when he announced his campaign, but it was only crystal clear to certain people. People like Megyn Kelly or McCain dont have the innate circuitry to instantly understand what Trump represents.

06-22-2020, 07:44 AM
I noticed comments in this thread that showed how people noticed right away that Trump spoke the truth, regardless off how ugly it was. I think that this is why Repubs were immediately divided when Trump's campaign got underway. The rhinos became uneasy and started looking for ways to marginalize or shut Trump down, but those of us who knew and wanted the truth doubled down with clarity. Trump was our one shot at the truth, so we immediately went all in. Righties have always been divided, but Trump shined a big spotlight on the divide so that we could all see who is who. The rhinos resent being exposed like that, and to this day they keep trying to hide what they are. Those who couldn't get on board the Trump train from the get go will continue to be an asset to the push in this country toward marxism.

06-22-2020, 09:25 PM
When Trump announced his campaign, he flipped on a YUUUGE floodlight that immediately exposed the Marxists, Democrats, Rhinos, Libertarians, Communists, and everybody who wasn't on board with the values of Western Civilization and our constitution. They violently resented being exposed for what they are, and they have been waging a war to implement Marxism ever since. Some are just supporting the Marxist revolution by respecting kneeling police or respecting mask ordinances that target "conservative" whites, but the real Marxists are well funded and working tirelessly to destroy America and capitalism.

I am really glad to see that there were a lot of members in this community who were able to instantly identify what Trump represented, and how valuable he would be to the future of western civilization, America, freedom, capitalism, and the most advanced civilization and culture in the history of the world.