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07-04-2015, 09:51 AM
The fallout continues. NBC, Univision, Macy's, Camping World... and it will continue.

But honestly, MY opinion? Mostly for nothing, for speaking the truth. Just look at the massive problem we have coming from Mexico, and the deportations and them returning, and the crime attached to illegals, including rape as he stated. I think he spoke the facts, and people didn't like to hear it. So now he pays a huge price for speaking the facts. Of course that's the right of those boycotting now, I know that. And of course it also brings on a lot of editorials and opinion stories. But at the end of the day, the facts are on his side.

So kill businesses, and relationships, and pageants and so many other things - in the hopes of preventing others from stating the facts. The same has happened time and time again to ME, and so many others, that dare speak facts about black crime, for example. People don't like FACTS, so they turn around and vilify the person presenting them, and declare them racists.

I'm not voting for Trump. never was going to, but I support his comments 50,000,000%.

Trump said Mexican immigrants are "bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some, I assume, are good people." He called for building a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Calling for a wall has been going on for a long, long time. Facts EASILY support his claim of crime, rapists and drugs.

So what's the issue? Should he have ignored it? Should he have stated they are bringing over money and roses?

I say good for you, Donnie!!

07-04-2015, 10:08 AM
I enjoy watching the "Trump" show. There's enough evidence that his statements are based in truth!

But I saw this and couldn't help but laugh :laugh:


07-04-2015, 10:33 AM
"Man who keeps shooting himself in the foot doesn't walk very far."

07-04-2015, 10:37 AM
"Man who keeps shooting himself in the foot doesn't walk very far."

And yet Obama keeps shuffling along :laugh:

07-04-2015, 12:11 PM
And yet Obama keeps shuffling along :laugh:

Ad while he does shoot himself in the foot at times, in the eyes of those who disagree, he does get along just fine. People have been calling for his demise and predicting his business failures since at least the 80's. He'll not reach the presidency, but not because of his remarks, but because I don't think that was his goal to begin with. Donny loves attention. He likes to see himself in the news, I think. But he's worth some billions for a reason, and he's worked for an awful lot of what he has.

And he's entitled to his opinions like the rest of us, but has more to lose. It sucks watching someone lose anything at all for speaking up about illegal immigration and the criminal facts surrounding it.

Weird world we live in when pointing out the facts, which are obvious, gets you ostracized and condemned, and is considered to be shooting ones self in the foot. Whodda thunk it, I would have thought shooting ones self in the foot was for when folks lie about things, like Hillary for example, or our current sitting president. People would prefer to be coddled, and lied to, and have roses shoved up their asses than hear the truth, even if it's not nice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-04-2015, 12:37 PM
Trump speaks the TRUTH and does so boldly and openly. He will be criticized for this on a determined and massive scale for it is a cardinal sin to those wielding the power now and their allies.-Tyr

07-04-2015, 02:01 PM
And he's entitled to his opinions like the rest of us, but has more to lose. It sucks watching someone lose anything at all for speaking up about illegal immigration and the criminal facts surrounding it.

People would prefer to be coddled, and lied to, and have roses shoved up their asses than hear the truth, even if it's not nice.

THAT's on target!

07-04-2015, 05:01 PM
Trump speaks the TRUTH and does so boldly and openly. He will be criticized for this on a determined and massive scale for it is a cardinal sin to those wielding the power now and their allies.-Tyr

*Trump Gets in...*Bet your ass I'm voting for him...he says it like it is....and not a politician...I be willing to bet there are millions of "others" who are not willing to say they will...(cause its not fashionable .... "hip" or Politically Cool) *BUT WILL vote for him when the time comes...

1) Trump

2) Cruz

07-05-2015, 07:46 AM
I enjoy watching the "Trump" show. There's enough evidence that his statements are based in truth!

But I saw this and couldn't help but laugh :laugh:


LOL, cracked me up
I don't think he has a chance but I like his straight up tell it like it is. I think the people are tired of being lied to. Especially after this administration of nasty lying Progressives

07-05-2015, 07:53 AM
Might be nice to have a president that actually tells it like it is, that isn't afraid of the liberal media, that actually know how a business works, at least how one should make money. I am keeping my eye on Trump and as of right now I think most Americans should be, he will draw a real line in the sand and if crossed someone will pay the price, might be just what America needs to get us back to where we should be.

07-05-2015, 11:05 AM
I read a article from the tea party today, they just asked the question of what ya thought of a Trump cruz ticket and all where for it except one, he said something about Trump being a nominee . :confused0058:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-05-2015, 11:58 AM
I read a article from the tea party today, they just asked the question of what ya thought of a Trump cruz ticket and all where for it except one, he said something about Trump being a nominee . :confused0058:


07-05-2015, 01:51 PM
The MSM, politicians, and millions of Brainwashed Americans who DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH, are joining together to destroy TRUMP.

Truth is...and I thought I would hesitate to admit this; but TRUMP is the ONLY person running for POTUS in 2016 who isn't afraid to TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH to Amerians.

He's admitted he's not a Politician. And that just TWEAKS everybody's shorts into huge knots. Which means, TRUMP has nothing to lose in this race. He's a billionaire, and NOBODY can buy him for any price.

If AMERICANS are serious about GETTING the OLD AMERICA back, and reversing all the WRONGS Obama, and the Dems have done. Trump (in my honest opinion) IS the only one who can do it.
Screw the REPUBLICANS who are complaining.
If any of them decide to start TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH...like Trump. They stand a chance of Beating Hillary.

07-05-2015, 04:17 PM
Whatever happened to Sarah Palin ? I liked her style !

07-05-2015, 04:28 PM
Whatever happened to Sarah Palin ? I liked her style !

She moved on...Life marriage ...kids...hubby....she will be a promoter....promote "Americans" ....which is fine.

07-05-2015, 04:36 PM
She moved on...Life marriage ...kids...hubby....she will be a promoter....promote "Americans" ....which is fine.

Still, the full potential within her was never realised. A pity for her, and quite a pity for America's future, in my humble opinion.

07-05-2015, 05:50 PM
Still, the full potential within her was never realised. A pity for her, and quite a pity for America's future, in my humble opinion.

She would of made the best President out of all involved when she ran for VP, but Obama turned his liberal nitwits against her quickly, they enjoyed attacking her kids, and everything else they could, when truth be told she was the only one with any executive experience. And now with election around the corner I see the liberal media again has her daughter in the lime light, seems she is pregnant again. Personally I don't see what her kid being pregnant has to do with anything, hell Obama's kids are off limits but the Bush girls surely weren't angels, and honestly if you look at Obama's oldest going to concerts and all, she also is no different than any other kid, we try to do our best with our kids but sometimes they take a detour, sometimes a mistake is made, but by no means should that ruin you.

07-05-2015, 05:59 PM
She would of made the best President out of all involved when she ran for VP, but Obama turned his liberal nitwits against her quickly, they enjoyed attacking her kids, and everything else they could, when truth be told she was the only one with any executive experience. And now with election around the corner I see the liberal media again has her daughter in the lime light, seems she is pregnant again. Personally I don't see what her kid being pregnant has to do with anything, hell Obama's kids are off limits but the Bush girls surely weren't angels, and honestly if you look at Obama's oldest going to concerts and all, she also is no different than any other kid, we try to do our best with our kids but sometimes they take a detour, sometimes a mistake is made, but by no means should that ruin you.

I wholeheartedly agree with that bolded part.

She wasn't ready for the position and I blame McCain for putting her in that position. I don't know if she wouldn't listen to handlers or they had decided to just 'let her rip.'

Bobby Jindal has some of the same issues of speaking off the top of his head-that remark about getting rid of SCOTUS nearly immediately after the ruling was a reason he'll have to wait again.

Palin seemed to turn up the voice and public appearances after the election, which is fine. However, she also tended to take herself out of politics when doing so.

It's not like it's a secret that the Democrats have an army just waiting to pounce on any misspeaks. I damn sure hope we're going to hear Obama using the N word during the coming cycle.

If the Republicans aren't ready to use everything they have against Clinton and there is so much, they deserve to lose. The Democrats would never underplay the emails, Benghazi, the Foundation.

07-05-2015, 07:01 PM
Still, the full potential within her was never realised. A pity for her, and quite a pity for America's future, in my humble opinion.

Sir Drummond. Unfortunately. Palin almost instantly became a dangerous target to females who are liberally full of hatred for any woman that is successful, and in the other party.
The press, and Democrats did a FULL COURT PRESS on Palin that would normally cause anyone to die from Political Suicide...caused by the hatred, and selfishness of our ever-present growing dangers of ILLITERACY, due to lousy educational training that Liberals are still convinced...can only be saved with MORE MONEY. Like everything else.

07-06-2015, 04:58 AM
Does anyone really believe Trump is serious about running rather than just promoting himself?

07-06-2015, 06:59 AM
Does anyone really believe Trump is serious about running rather than just promoting himself?

That's what I thought from day one. I like him, and I think he would do well, but I don't think he has a chance and he knows it. And now thanks to folks who like to change the story a tad, and don't like to hear the facts, his promotion just fell extremely flat!!

07-06-2015, 08:55 AM
Does anyone really believe Trump is serious about running rather than just promoting himself?

Obama been doing it for years (I,I, I ,I...Me, me, me,)...Bla ...bla...bla...

Trump is Promoting America and saying all things are possible....He doesn't have to... he has all the money and notary he needs......For Love of Country! Go Trump....continue saying it like it is....don't stop pushing...:cool:

07-06-2015, 09:30 AM
I've asked in general before, what do you know about Trump's past political positions?


Alright, alright. People are going to call me a “RINO” no matter where I line up on this one, so please, hold your hate mail until you read the points below. Is that fair? Let’s go.

– Donald Trump gave over $100,000 (http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/14/donald-trump-donated-at-least-100k-to-clinton-foundation/) to the Clinton Foundation. Despite the fact that he openly criticizes the foundation and the Clinton’s lack of transparency regarding it. Now we don’t have the exact numbers, we only know that his contributions number over $100,000 and under $250,000. Also this may be a good time to note that he personally supported Hillary Clinton’s senate campaign. Just had to give you a heads up, you know, because I’m a “RINOz” and all.

– Over the years, he has consistently supported Democrats over Republicans. Since 1990, Trump has given (http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/14/donald-trump-donated-at-least-100k-to-clinton-foundation/) $541,650 to Democrats—more than he gave to Republicans over the same period of time. Kind of odd for someone who claims to be such a gung ho Republican these days, wouldn’t you say?

– In 2008, Donald Trump supported (http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/Trump-Obama-class-warfare/2011/10/19/id/414955/) Obama’s campaign. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but here’s a quote from 2011 for good measure. “I was his biggest cheerleader,” “If you go back three years, I’m saying, ‘Do a great job.’ … ” “I thought he was a positive person, always,”

– Trump has switched parties at least (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/16/donald-trump-changed-political-parties-at-least-fi/) five times since the 1980s. Three times since 2001. Trump is a new kind of politician. He’s what the progressives call “party-fluid.”

– His disgusting abuse of government power/eminent domain. Michelle Malkin (http://michellemalkin.com/) has covered this extensively. Here’s the thing, with Trump this isn’t a one-time thing. It’s seemingly an integral part of his business model. In 1997, he even went as far as to use eminent domain (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/265171/donald-trump-and-eminent-domain-robert-verbruggen) to try and evict an elderly widow—so that he could build a limousine parking lot. I hate to play identity politics here but… what a dick.

– Donald Trump, in 2000 supported (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings%2021) gun control, abortion, higher taxes and socialized healthcare. Do I… Do I really need to add anything here?

– Donald Trump Stood against Pro-1st amendment Conservatives when facing radical Islam. Yep, Trump even went as far as to slam (http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/donald-trump-garland-shooting) Pamela Gellar for her cartoon contest in Texas. Now, regardless of whether you think Pam Gellar’s event is tasteless, the woman faced violence from radical Islam. I don’t know a single, self-respecting Conservative who deemed it appropriate to slam her, standing arm-in-arm with angry Islamists. Not one. Unless you count Trump?

– He wants (http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/245165-trump-wants-oprah-on-his-ticket) Oprah Winfrey on his ticket. Yes, the same Oprah who supported Obama, called all of his critics out as racist and yes, the same Oprah who said that all racists were white, and that they “all need to die.” (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/oprah-winfrey-is-delusional-about-racism-white-and-black/article/2539535)Welcome your new VP.

– Most importantly… his hair. Sorry, this is still LouderWithCrowder.com (http://louderwithcrowder.com/) We had to bring this down a childish notch. On a serious note, can a man who won’t even reveal his true hairline truly be trusted as president? Hard questions. We ask them.

By the way, please do click on all those hyperlinks for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. You’ll find that everything there is in order. Now, with all of the evidence at hand, we’re left with two possible conclusions. Either…

A) Donald Trump suffers from a severe split-personality disorder. Or…

B) Donald Trump is a fraud. A man devoid of principles who bases all of his decisions on the winds of political expediency.

At best, he’s a bold, entertaining voice of opposition. At worst, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Don’t be fooled. Do your research.

07-06-2015, 09:36 AM
*Ted Cruz on Donald Trump: I ‘Salute’ Him!

`However, to his credit, Cruz resisted a golden opportunity to go after a Trump candidacy in a very public forum on Sunday. In an interview with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, Cruz refused to rise to the bait and attack his rival.....Now, when it comes to Donald Trump, I like Donald Trump,” said Cruz. “He's bold, he's brash. And I get that -- that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. I ain't gonna do it. I'm not interested in Republican on Republican violence.”....“I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration,” Cruz said. “The Washington cartel doesn't want to address that. The Washington cartel doesn't believe we need to secure the borders. The Washington cartel supports amnesty and I think amnesty's wrong.`


*Go Trump and Cruz....!

07-06-2015, 09:39 AM
*Ted Cruz on Donald Trump: I ‘Salute’ Him!

`However, to his credit, Cruz resisted a golden opportunity to go after a Trump candidacy in a very public forum on Sunday. In an interview with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, Cruz refused to rise to the bait and attack his rival.....Now, when it comes to Donald Trump, I like Donald Trump,” said Cruz. “He's bold, he's brash. And I get that -- that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. I ain't gonna do it. I'm not interested in Republican on Republican violence.”....“I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration,” Cruz said. “The Washington cartel doesn't want to address that. The Washington cartel doesn't believe we need to secure the borders. The Washington cartel supports amnesty and I think amnesty's wrong.`


Cruz is right. This is primaries and eventually one person is going to run against the Democrat. Control is needed, the only one not exercising backbiting is Trump.

07-06-2015, 09:42 AM
Cruz is right. This is primaries and eventually one person is going to run against the Democrat. Control is needed, the only one not exercising backbiting is Trump.

*Trump is not a politician...has nothing to prove....has all he needs ...loves the country *and could care-less on whats politically correct...and how he appears to folks *who have their own agenda...

07-06-2015, 09:44 AM
I don't know if Trump is really serious about the whole idea yet.

I think he's tired of seeing everyone pussy-footing around, afraid to call a spade a spade. He's not a politician and has nothing but contempt for people afraid to point out that the Emperor has no clothes.

His opening salvo about our ridiculous border has been received remarkably well, considering the blunt manner and language he deliberately used. The liberals are out of their minds over it and their Offended Meters are pegged - and that's what he intended to do.

I suspect he may be simply throwing down the gauntlet to all the GOP contenders to start talking seriously about real issues instead of being afraid of offending someone. There are some very big issues that need to be addressed in blunt terms instead of timidly wallowing around making speeches that don't have any real meaning at the end of the day.

I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say about the worldwide islam problem. That's sure to be a fiery conversation full of nuggets designed to offend.

Does anyone think that Teddy Roosevelt would pussyfoot around like all politicians today, or would he jump out there swinging a big friggin' stick?

07-06-2015, 09:45 AM
*Trump is not a politician...has nothing to prove....has all he needs ...loves the country *and could care-less on whats politically correct...and how he appears to folks *who have their own agenda...
Nice thought, you have then researched a bit on where the non-political has taken stands?

07-06-2015, 09:47 AM
I don't know if Trump is really serious about the whole idea yet.

I think he's tired of seeing everyone pussy-footing around, afraid to call a spade a spade. He's not a politician and has nothing but contempt for people afraid to point out that the Emperor has no clothes.

His opening salvo about our ridiculous border has been received remarkably well, considering the blunt manner and language he deliberately used. The liberals are out of their minds over it and their Offended Meters are pegged - and that's what he intended to do.

I suspect he may be simply throwing down the gauntlet to all the GOP contenders to start talking seriously about real issues instead of being afraid of offending someone. There are some very big issues that need to be addressed in blunt terms instead of timidly wallowing around making speeches that don't have any real meaning at the end of the day.

I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say about the worldwide islam problem. That's sure to be a fiery conversation full of nuggets designed to offend.

Does anyone think that Teddy Roosevelt would pussyfoot around like all politicians today, or would he jump out there swinging a big friggin' stick?
TR would have been in Syria himself, no doubt.

Trump is throwing red meat to very angry 'conservatives' and it may not be a bad thing in making some of the gazillion others take a stand. However, if he is in the debates, kiss 2016 goodbye.

07-06-2015, 09:51 AM
Sir Drummond. Unfortunately. Palin almost instantly became a dangerous target to females who are liberally full of hatred for any woman that is successful, and in the other party.
The press, and Democrats did a FULL COURT PRESS on Palin that would normally cause anyone to die from Political Suicide...caused by the hatred, and selfishness of our ever-present growing dangers of ILLITERACY, due to lousy educational training that Liberals are still convinced...can only be saved with MORE MONEY. Like everything else.

The BBC never did have a good word to say about Sarah Palin, doing their damndest throughout to paint her as a leader of a 'fringe extremist' wing of the Republicans, and one supposedly deficient of brain cells.

Contrast that with the almost gushing reverence they had for Obama's recent eulogy speech. Exactly as I expected, they spent much of the weekend on reruns of it in their domestic news broadcasts.

The only time the BBC really seemed to be 'anti' Obama was at the time of the BP oil accident, where Obama went out of his way to sound anti-British. And stupidly so, at that ... BP certainly did have British roots, but these days is very definitely multinational. The last I heard, an American was running it ...

07-06-2015, 10:05 AM
A lighter note .... anyone disapproving of Trump's hairstyle should know that it reminds me of a stalwart Conservative on my side of the Pond .. BORIS JOHNSON. Boris may not be perfect, but he gave Ken Livingstone (Leftie, IRA and Hugo Chavez supporter) a trouncing, when he kicked Livingstone out of the London Mayor job. Boris is tipped as a future Conservative PM ... and is a personal friend of David Cameron. [Also once held dual American and British nationalities]


07-06-2015, 10:41 AM
That's a bad hairstyle, but Trump's is worse.

Funny thing about Trump's hair... he's made the statement that "Everyone hates it, but I like it." He really doesn't give a crap about what other people think and he doesn't cater to their opinions.

07-06-2015, 12:00 PM
Trump's 2000 foray into being 'non-political':


Trump on health care: “We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.”

On guns: “The Republicans walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions. I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.”

On abortion: “I support a woman’s right to choose, for example, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures.”

On taxes, Trump supported a “one-time 14.25 percent tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $ 10 million.

07-06-2015, 12:27 PM
I'm not voting for Trump. never was going to, but I support his comments 50,000,000%.

Trump said Mexican immigrants are "bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some, I assume, are good people." He called for building a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Calling for a wall has been going on for a long, long time. Facts EASILY support his claim of crime, rapists and drugs.

So what's the issue? Should he have ignored it? Should he have stated they are bringing over money and roses?

His spoken premise is that all are doing as he suggests where maybe some are "good people." Hyperbole is not going to win an election.

Trump speaks the TRUTH and does so boldly and openly. He will be criticized for this on a determined and massive scale for it is a cardinal sin to those wielding the power now and their allies.-Tyr

Not even close to TRUTH.

07-06-2015, 01:33 PM
I find it highly interesting to see how so many people feel about Trump. Calling him names, making fun of his hair, or the way he says things that upset everyone who WISHED...they could, or had said it first.

Trump...like it or not, is a messenger...of his own design, hoping to get the REAL attention of the Conservative, Republicans who are running for President.

He has admitted many times...he's not a politician. BUT...how many of them are willing to admit...HE'S JUST TELLING TGHE TRUTH??

07-06-2015, 04:10 PM
I find it highly interesting to see how so many people feel about Trump. Calling him names, making fun of his hair, or the way he says things that upset everyone who WISHED...they could, or had said it first.

Trump...like it or not, is a messenger...of his own design, hoping to get the REAL attention of the Conservative, Republicans who are running for President.

He has admitted many times...he's not a politician. BUT...how many of them are willing to admit...HE'S JUST TELLING TGHE TRUTH??

Americans for a long time have been looking for that someone that shoots straight...straight talk..no pretty-boy smooth BULLSHIT....we all have faults and have made mistakes in the past....folks looking for that Perfect person can bring up all the petty shit they want....on Trump...they will never find a "Mr perfect"....The Truth is we are all capable of improving...changing for the better.....

....Every one learns over time .....and that includes Donald Trump...He see`s where this country is headed ......and sees and understands the fear of many that refuse to speak up....Donald Trump does not have that fear....he doesn't have to worry about losing a job cause he doesn't say the right "PC" things....*he has made it to the top and doesn't have to worry about the bullshit.....In closing God bless Donald Trump and wish him the best....and God Bless Ted Cruz (another good man with a vision) for understanding and not acting like a bitch Rhino.....

07-06-2015, 04:14 PM
His spoken premise is that all are doing as he suggests where maybe some are "good people." Hyperbole is not going to win an election.

He was speaking of ILLEGALS, and it's a shame when we have to pander to criminals, and coddle them, and not point out the obvious - which is they are ALL criminals for starters. Some call it hyperbole, I call it speaking the truth and not mincing words and not being politically correct in order to garner votes or kickbacks. He's been pointing out the criminal activity of illegals and costs, and the wall, for a long time now.

07-06-2015, 04:20 PM
He was speaking of ILLEGALS, and it's a shame when we have to pander to criminals, and coddle them, and not point out the obvious - which is they are ALL criminals for starters. Some call it hyperbole, I call it speaking the truth and not mincing words and not being politically correct in order to garner votes or kickbacks. He's been pointing out the criminal activity of illegals and costs, and the wall, for a long time now.

​Say it Jim....!

07-06-2015, 04:29 PM
​Say it Jim....!

I'm like 'ol Donny in that respect, not "really" running and don't care what others think about my opinions. Of course his are going to cost him $$$. But he's never held back before either. Folks and their delicate sensibilities would never vote him into office.

Think about it. When was the last time you saw a candidate sit down with someone like one of us, and answer the REAL hard questions? They don't. Everything is screened. It's all crap, from all of them. Every time someone answers a tough question, you can almost answer it yourself ahead of time, as you know the BS you're about to hear. Trump makes his comments and no one else in the field says anything. Then the other day, other people start stating that the others in the field "better" or "have to" condemn Trump's comments. And of course, they bow and do so pretty much the next day. These days what is spoken seems to be solely what the people want to hear, politically regurgitated incorrect crap.

07-06-2015, 05:14 PM
He was speaking of ILLEGALS, and it's a shame when we have to pander to criminals, and coddle them, and not point out the obvious - which is they are ALL criminals for starters. Some call it hyperbole, I call it speaking the truth and not mincing words and not being politically correct in order to garner votes or kickbacks. He's been pointing out the criminal activity of illegals and costs, and the wall, for a long time now.

I do that all the time and get called a racist for doing so.

07-06-2015, 07:13 PM
A SCOTUS decision that actually resurrected the Federalist system for awhile. State legislatures rushed to fix the laws that made the decision possible. Eminent domain used against the little guy for the rich, is not good for those wanting to be elected:


Donald Trump and Eminent Domain
by ROBERT VERBRUGGEN April 19, 2011 3:30 PM


Donald Trump’s covetous nature is not in dispute, but what many may forget is that he’s no great respecter of the admonition not to steal, either: The man has a track record of using the government as a hired thug to take other people’s property.

This is called, of course, “eminent domain.” The Constitution’s Fifth Amendment allows the government to take private property for “public use,” so long as “just compensation” is paid.

In the infamous 2005 Kelo decision, the Supreme Court held that “public use” could include, well, private use, so long as the new property owner paid more in taxes than the previous one. In other words, it allowed developers and the government to gang up on homeowners. The developer gets more land, the government gets more tax money. The only losers are the original owner and his property rights.


Perhaps the only upside to this story is that in neither case did Trump succeed. The Bridgeport plan fizzled. Coking fought in court, and — in part because these were the days before Kelo was decided, no doubt — she was lucky enough to win. In 1998, a judge threw out the case.

In 2005, however, Trump was delighted to find that the Supreme Court had okayed the brand of government-abetted theft that he’d twice attempted. “I happen to agree with it 100 percent,” he told Fox News’s Neil Cavuto of the Kelo decision.

Can Republicans support someone with so little regard for the property of others? Let’s hope not.

07-06-2015, 09:04 PM
A vicious illegal murdered Kathryn Steinle.



Those who say this murder validates what Trump was saying were rebuked today by Paul Begala (former adviser to Bill Clinton):

It's a horrendous murder. Republicans and Democrats ought to join and not allow Mr. Trump to get away with using this murder in San Francisco to smear an entire ethnicity. Nobody used the South Carolina shooting to smear white people.

"Nobody used the South Carolina shooting to smear white people." I wonder what world Begala is living in.


07-07-2015, 04:54 AM
Whatever happened to Sarah Palin ? I liked her style !

So did McCain...

McCain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsLPWCoAfbY)

07-07-2015, 05:01 AM
Tells it like it is...

Point Made (http://video.foxnews.com/v/4340971866001/the-vilification-of-donald-trump-over-illegal-immigration-/?intcmp=watchnow#sp=show-clips)

07-07-2015, 01:40 PM
He was speaking of ILLEGALS, and it's a shame when we have to pander to criminals, and coddle them, and not point out the obvious - which is they are ALL criminals for starters. Some call it hyperbole, I call it speaking the truth and not mincing words and not being politically correct in order to garner votes or kickbacks. He's been pointing out the criminal activity of illegals and costs, and the wall, for a long time now.

I know he's talking about illegals. There is a difference between not pandering and his implication that they bring drugs, crime, etc. and that only "some" are good people. He engages in hyperbole and is merely a populist in raising this type of rhetoric. As Kathianne keeps pointing out he's got all this support when he has supported Democrats more than Republicans in the past and has suggested some very non-conservative solutions for problems.

Abbey Marie
07-07-2015, 01:48 PM
With a nod to Kathianne's post above, thanks for reminding me that I could never put a RE developer in the Oval Office.

07-07-2015, 01:58 PM

This report demonstrates the difficultly in trying to come to any conclusion about the extent of immigrant criminality. Problems with data collection and contrary results characterize information about the link between immigrants and crime. A new estimate from ICE’s Secure Communities Initiative and data from the 287(g) program tend to show high rates of immigrant crime. This directly contradicts earlier academic research based on census data and other demographic and generic crime reporting data. A comparison of the 2000 census and government estimates shows how difficult it is to draw conclusions about immigrant criminality. Results from the 2000 census imply that only about 4 percent of prisoners in jails and prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal), but the new ICE estimates show it is 20 percent. What’s more, an audit by an outside firm of eight million inmate records paid for by ICE found that about 22 percent of inmates are immigrants. But questions remain regarding all of these numbers.

As we have shown in this report, the Census Bureau was unable to collect good immigrant data for prisoners in 1990 and 2000 and was forced to guess their citizenship more than half the time in 2000. Thus two recent studies looking at this data are essentially measuring the Bureau’s guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration. As for the Secure Communities Initiative estimate, ICE has not published a detailed methodology statement on the estimates, and what information is available is difficult to interpret. Even data that should be somewhat comparable produces very dissimilar results. For example, the SCAAP program reimburses jails for the costs of incarcerating illegal immigrants, and the 287(g) program and related efforts identify incarcerated illegal aliens by having trained officers investigate the immigration status of prisoners. But the two programs show very different levels of illegal alien incarceration in the same jails.

Some opinion surveys show that the public thinks immigrants overall or illegal aliens in particular have high rates of crime. On the other hand, a number of academic researchers and journalists have argued that immigrants have low rates of crime. In our view, poor data quality and conflicting evidence mean that neither of these views is well supported. Given the limitations of the data available, it is simply not possible to draw a clear conclusion about immigrants and crime. If the 287(g) program is widely and consistently applied, it offers the best hope for getting a better handle on this question, at least with regard to non-citizens. Because trained officers actually investigate the immigration status of prisoners and inmates, the data are almost certainly of the highest quality. While at present the program has found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some county jails, only a tiny number of communities are part of the program. Even if more jails were part of the program, it would have to be applied in a systematic way to all persons arrested or jailed to be useful to researchers.

Further implementation of the Secure Communities inter-operability initiative might produce more data to shed light on the question, as the initiative will provide screening in places not previously covered well by ICE. However, the program is automated and identifies only those with a previous immigration history — that is, some previous contact, lawful or unlawful, with U.S. immigration authorities. The best way to gather complete data is for correctional institutions to screen all inmates using ICE databases. As more communities and state prisons move toward more comprehensive screening for immigration status a clearer picture of illegal alien criminality may emerge.

In conclusion, we find that it would be a mistake to assume that immigrants as a group are more prone to crime than other groups, or that they should be viewed with more suspicion than others. Even though immigrant incarceration rates are high in some populations, there is no clear evidence that immigrants commit crimes at higher or lower rates than others. Nevertheless, it also would be a mistake to conclude that immigrant crime is insignificant or that offenders’ immigration status is irrelevant in local policing. The newer information available as a result of better screening of the incarcerated population suggests that, in many parts of the country, immigrants are responsible for a significant share of crime. This indicates that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement agencies to determine the immigration status of offenders and to work with federal immigration authorities.

07-07-2015, 02:14 PM

I can't imagine any Leftie not wanting to applaud you for posting this.

What I get from the post is that there's no real acknowledgment of anything definite. Which means, ultimately, precisely nothing.

Nonetheless, Lefties would use a report like this to promote ultra-tolerance towards immigration and immigrants. It's what they do.

07-07-2015, 02:18 PM
I can't...


Statistics are leftie now?

07-07-2015, 03:30 PM
A vicious illegal murdered Kathryn Steinle.http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/03/06/2A305E9300000578-3147942-image-a-19_1435900080442.jpghttp://www.rushimg.com/cimages//media/images/see-trump-told-you-2b2/1393981-1-eng-GB/See-Trump-Told-You-2b.jpgThose who say this murder validates what Trump was saying were rebuked today by Paul Begala (former adviser to Bill Clinton):"Nobody used the South Carolina shooting to smear white people." I wonder what world Begala is living in.http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/07/06/see_trump_told_you_so Anyone who has listened to Begala in the past knows. He is a staunch Mouthpiece for everything the Clintons do, and have done. Begala is the epitome of Hypocrisy, and he knows how to convince the EASILY-LED to believe almost anything he says. Personally. I can't trust Begala any more than I would dare to trust Obama, or Hillary.I refuse to become a hypocrite here...just to make some happy.

07-07-2015, 03:46 PM

First, let's add from your link, and this is just what I can see on my screen without scrolling:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.

Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.

The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:

Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.

A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.

Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.

An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.

The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.

The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.

In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.

Most studies comparing crime rates and immigration levels across cities show no clear correlation between the immigrant share of a city’s population and its level of crime. This is one of the strongest arguments that immigrants do not have high crime rates. However, such studies generally measure only overall crime, not crimes specifically committed by immigrants, so their value is limited. And a 2009 analysis by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Immigration Statistics found that crime rates were higher in metropolitan areas that received large numbers of legal immigrants, contradicting several older cross-city comparisons.

From 1998 to 2007, 816,000 criminal aliens were removed from the United States because of a criminal charge or conviction. This is equal to about one-fifth of the nation’s total jail and prison population. These figures do not include those removed for the lesser offense of living or working in the country illegally. The removal and deportation of large numbers of criminal aliens may reduce immigrant incarceration rates because many will not return and re-offend, as is the case with many native-born criminals.


How about studying the IMPACT of who we KNOW are illegals coming here. I'd quote this, but it's far too large. And the data is dated here too, but it would be dumb if we dismissed this and/or thought it has went down since. I'm betting all things up.


07-07-2015, 03:47 PM

Statistics are leftie now?

I've been told many times that apparently they can be racist! :)

07-07-2015, 03:55 PM
I've been told many times that apparently they can be racist! :)Jim. You forgot the most important point in all of this. The Left, Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, and Socialists ONLY BELIEVE the DATA, and so-called FACTS....Only they want to believe in as accurate, and factual.And, at the same time we must also remember the words of Joe Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” The_Craven Joseph Goebbels quotesThose are the words DEMOCRATS/SOCIALISTS like BERNIE SANDERS, and HILLARY abide by.

07-07-2015, 09:02 PM
First, let's add from your link, and this is just what I can see on my screen without scrolling:


How about studying the IMPACT of who we KNOW are illegals coming here. I'd quote this, but it's far too large. And the data is dated here too, but it would be dumb if we dismissed this and/or thought it has went down since. I'm betting all things up.

But that isn't what Trump is doing, or he's doing it very badly, he's making broad brush statements which aren't backed up. I completely agree we should study the impacts and we should control the borders but there is a way to run for office and a way to not run for office; I think he's doing the latter all too well. Besides, he's probably covering for the fact that he isn't really a conservative and has no chance.

I've been told many times that apparently they can be racist! :)

I'm not sure who told you that. What you make of statistics may be however. :)

07-07-2015, 09:18 PM

Statistics are leftie now?

Nope just you are. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

LIBERAL :laugh::laugh:

I bet you have a picture of Hillary on your bed room wall. :laugh:

07-07-2015, 10:03 PM
Nope just you are. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

LIBERAL :laugh::laugh:

I bet you have a picture of Hillary on your bed room wall. :laugh:

Come and visit to check it out, I'll bet you a set of apes. :poke: Besides, I don't even have a dart board I besmirch with her image.

07-08-2015, 07:04 AM
But that isn't what Trump is doing, or he's doing it very badly, he's making broad brush statements which aren't backed up. I completely agree we should study the impacts and we should control the borders but there is a way to run for office and a way to not run for office; I think he's doing the latter all too well. Besides, he's probably covering for the fact that he isn't really a conservative and has no chance.

Oh, I think that's exactly what he's doing, and the nation is in a tizzy for him not being politically correct. And it would be badly if he truly wanted to be the next president, which I don't think he wants to. I think he wants to get notoriety and speak his mind to the American people. Whatever money he loses, won't make much of a dent. He could retire tomorrow and spend a million dollars a day and still die a billionaire.

If I had that much money, and can get my message out nationally, instead of just being on DP, I would do it. :)

I'm not sure who told you that. What you make of statistics may be however. :)

The one that gets me labeled a racist in 9 out of 10 places is usually just a question, without me even giving an answer...

"Why is it that black folks make up less than 15% of the nation, but have such a high percentage of crime, specifically violent crimes and drugs, make up the majority of welfare and such a huge percentage in prisons?"

Now mind you, there are endless reasons for this, and the debate can go on forever. But the majority of times? I'm labeled a racist for even asking. The last time I asked, just the other day, a black person responded wanting to know why ALL white folks were child rapists.

07-08-2015, 09:41 AM
Oh, I think that's exactly what he's doing, and the nation is in a tizzy for him not being politically correct. And it would be badly if he truly wanted to be the next president, which I don't think he wants to. I think he wants to get notoriety and speak his mind to the American people. Whatever money he loses, won't make much of a dent. He could retire tomorrow and spend a million dollars a day and still die a billionaire.

If I had that much money, and can get my message out nationally, instead of just being on DP, I would do it. :)

Covering that he's not a conservative? Or not really running for office? Either way he's not helping the remaining Republican candidates.

The one that gets me labeled a racist in 9 out of 10 places is usually just a question, without me even giving an answer...

"Why is it that black folks make up less than 15% of the nation, but have such a high percentage of crime, specifically violent crimes and drugs, make up the majority of welfare and such a huge percentage in prisons?"

Now mind you, there are endless reasons for this, and the debate can go on forever. But the majority of times? I'm labeled a racist for even asking. The last time I asked, just the other day, a black person responded wanting to know why ALL white folks were child rapists.

Then they do so ignorantly. You just need to point out that there aren't endless reasons and that crimes stats say what they say because those damn lefties and the War on Poverty including urban renewal, etc. that destroyed the family structure of those most at risk. There are countless ways to sell conservatism without having to defend against some phantom racism charge.

OTOH I can see why you get that response when you ask that question. That's a question you should already know the answer too.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-08-2015, 09:59 AM
First, let's add from your link, and this is just what I can see on my screen without scrolling:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.

Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.

The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:

Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.

A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.

Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.

An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.

The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.

The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.

In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.

Most studies comparing crime rates and immigration levels across cities show no clear correlation between the immigrant share of a city’s population and its level of crime. This is one of the strongest arguments that immigrants do not have high crime rates. However, such studies generally measure only overall crime, not crimes specifically committed by immigrants, so their value is limited. And a 2009 analysis by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Immigration Statistics found that crime rates were higher in metropolitan areas that received large numbers of legal immigrants, contradicting several older cross-city comparisons.

From 1998 to 2007, 816,000 criminal aliens were removed from the United States because of a criminal charge or conviction. This is equal to about one-fifth of the nation’s total jail and prison population. These figures do not include those removed for the lesser offense of living or working in the country illegally. The removal and deportation of large numbers of criminal aliens may reduce immigrant incarceration rates because many will not return and re-offend, as is the case with many native-born criminals.


How about studying the IMPACT of who we KNOW are illegals coming here. I'd quote this, but it's far too large. And the data is dated here too, but it would be dumb if we dismissed this and/or thought it has went down since. I'm betting all things up.

Jim, those facts are and will be dismissed/ignored by the "usual suspects"!!!
On that you can bet the farm and your first born my friend. They usually find leftist/liberal academic spin to sling in the mix that they will claim refutes those facts when it refutes nothing.
Tis how these deluded and corrupted asshats always operate!
Nothing penetrates their self-delusion of grandeur and supreme intellect...... I call them delusional idiots...
Dangerous delusional idiots! --Tyr

07-08-2015, 10:01 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-08-2015, 10:05 AM
Oh, I think that's exactly what he's doing, and the nation is in a tizzy for him not being politically correct. And it would be badly if he truly wanted to be the next president, which I don't think he wants to. I think he wants to get notoriety and speak his mind to the American people. Whatever money he loses, won't make much of a dent. He could retire tomorrow and spend a million dollars a day and still die a billionaire.

If I had that much money, and can get my message out nationally, instead of just being on DP, I would do it. :)

The one that gets me labeled a racist in 9 out of 10 places is usually just a question, without me even giving an answer...

"Why is it that black folks make up less than 15% of the nation, but have such a high percentage of crime, specifically violent crimes and drugs, make up the majority of welfare and such a huge percentage in prisons?"

Now mind you, there are endless reasons for this, and the debate can go on forever. But the majority of times? I'm labeled a racist for even asking. The last time I asked, just the other day, a black person responded wanting to know why ALL white folks were child rapists.

Same gets me called a racist. Truth is racist now my friend. Speak the solid truth about blacks and their culture and its racism as they have now defined it!!
I went thru this over a year ago with my argument with logroller, I stated its impossible for TRUTH to be racist, while he and couple of his allies
balked at that truth.

07-08-2015, 10:07 AM

07-08-2015, 10:18 AM
Same gets me called a racist. Truth is racist now my friend. Speak the solid truth about blacks and their culture and its racism as they have now defined it!!

Well said, my friend.

07-08-2015, 11:24 AM
Covering that he's not a conservative? Or not really running for office? Either way he's not helping the remaining Republican candidates.

I don't believe his goal is to help them. I think his goal is to highlight a few of the issues that are personal to him. And to have a huge platform to do so. And to get people talking about him. Fwiw, I don't think any of the candidates are looking to help the other. But since they are much more serious, they will lean a lot more towards politically correct, and also very often towards what the public wants to hear.

Then they do so ignorantly. You just need to point out that there aren't endless reasons and that crimes stats say what they say because those damn lefties and the War on Poverty including urban renewal, etc. that destroyed the family structure of those most at risk. There are countless ways to sell conservatism without having to defend against some phantom racism charge.

Many times I will do so to see the varied responses. I shouldn't have to say something in order to clear up a "racist" charge. I should probably have had to have actually said something racist in order to be labeled as such.

OTOH I can see why you get that response when you ask that question. That's a question you should already know the answer too.

I do, for the most part, and that's that they are guilty of committing crimes. When you commit a crime you end up in jail or prison. I don't think there are prisons full of innocent people. Nor do I believe anyone gets a pass based on circumstances or hardship or anything like that. You do the crime you do the time. No, as to WHY there are so many blacks committing crimes and going to prison, I don't pretend to know the answer to that question. My best guess is that it all starts at home. You have to have good parents, rules, education and a foundation.

07-08-2015, 01:06 PM
... as to WHY there are so many blacks committing crimes and going to prison...

I've posted copious links in other threads. :slap: I was watching a show on Ivan Allen, Mayor of Atlanta during the late 60's, who seems to have been a good mayor overall and was in office during urban renewal and after the fact said about it, "we were trying to help," or some such thing.

07-08-2015, 01:22 PM
I've posted copious links in other threads. :slap: I was watching a show on Ivan Allen, Mayor of Atlanta during the late 60's, who seems to have been a good mayor overall and was in office during urban renewal and after the fact said about it, "we were trying to help," or some such thing.

I've read millions of reasons as to why, and not sure if I'm sold on ANY of them, but could be convinced it's a combination of some.

But out of the many good black folks I've known, and still know.... one thing that all of these friends have in common? A stable family life at home, got their asses whooped if they didn't go to school and get good grades, and then got their asses whooped if they didn't get a J O B, even if it were a damn paper route or Mickey D's to start. If ya can't afford it, county college was cheap as hell and the degrees still got ya damn good jobs. But none of them would have likely went that route had it not been for their stable family lives, and the ass whoopins when you didn't stay on the straight and narrow.

And while acknowledging that some circumstances are more difficult than others, and for some folks it may be tougher to "get out of the ghetto" as they say - one still has a choice as to whether or not they commit a crime. I've heard stories of selling drugs because it pays more, to selling drugs because I have to eat, or feed my family. None of them fly. And as for violent crimes, there is no excuse nor explanation that would cover violent assaults or rapes.

07-08-2015, 01:28 PM
But out of the many good black folks I've known, and still know.... one thing that all of these friends have in common? A stable family life at home, got their asses whooped if they didn't go to school and get good grades, and then got their asses whooped if they didn't get a J O B, even if it were a damn paper route or Mickey D's to start. If ya can't afford it, county college was cheap as hell and the degrees still got ya damn good jobs. But none of them would have likely went that route had it not been for their stable family lives, and the ass whoopins when you didn't stay on the straight and narrow.

You've just anecdotally summed up the reasons; That government programs destroyed the family of those on the lower income scale.

And your "choice" argument ignores the reasons why and what can be addressed. It also ignores the many points that Rev brings up with arrest statistics that show harsher treatments based on race.

07-08-2015, 01:38 PM
You've just anecdotally summed up the reasons; That government programs destroyed the family of those on the lower income scale.

'cept for the part where I didn't blame the government. :) My wife and I can be in debt for millions, and jobless, and I will still do the above with my son, and still beat his ass if he sells drugs. Nothing can change me from instilling good character and responsibility in my son. If you want to argue that it didn't make thing easy for them to succeed, that's fine, but I don't see how a family gets destroyed. The government doesn't force folks to have children out of wedlock, or to be clueless as to the location of a parent.

And your "choice" argument ignores the reasons why and what can be addressed. It also ignores the many points that Rev brings up with arrest statistics that show harsher treatments based on race.

OF COURSE it ignores reason. THERE IS NO REASON OR EXCUSE TO COMMIT CRIMES, as I stated above.

As for treatments... I won't argue that perhaps there are white folks who got better treatment, or even lesser punishment. That's an issue to address. But do I think that changes things with blacks? Not much. Those who committed crimes still committed them. They didn't magically appear simply because whites got better treatment. And as for sentencing... Same thing, and it depends on whether the sentence of the BLACK person was appropriate. If within sentencing guidelines for the crime, then I don't see the issue. Same goes for the white folks. I would see an issue when it's the same judge giving differing sentences, or extreme differences within a particular jurisdiction.

But there's no excuse for committing the crimes themselves that somehow makes them "not a criminal". And certainly NO excuse in the universe if it's a violent crime or rape.

07-08-2015, 01:46 PM
'cept for the part where I didn't blame the government. :) My wife and I can be in debt for millions, and jobless, and I will still do the above with my son, and still beat his ass if he sells drugs. Nothing can change me from instilling good character and responsibility in my son. If you want to argue that it didn't make thing easy for them to succeed, that's fine, but I don't see how a family gets destroyed. The government doesn't force folks to have children out of wedlock, or to be clueless as to the location of a parent.

OF COURSE it ignores reason. THERE IS NO REASON OR EXCUSE TO COMMIT CRIMES, as I stated above.

As for treatments... I won't argue that perhaps there are white folks who got better treatment, or even lesser punishment. That's an issue to address. But do I think that changes things with blacks? Not much. Those who committed crimes still committed them. They didn't magically appear simply because whites got better treatment. And as for sentencing... Same thing, and it depends on whether the sentence of the BLACK person was appropriate. If within sentencing guidelines for the crime, then I don't see the issue. Same goes for the white folks. I would see an issue when it's the same judge giving differing sentences, or extreme differences within a particular jurisdiction.

But there's no excuse for committing the crimes themselves that somehow makes them "not a criminal". And certainly NO excuse in the universe if it's a violent crime or rape.

I think for some reason your choosing to ignore the societal aspects of poverty and crime. And now we're talking about generations that have been harmed and those things build on each other. So many large cities didn't have to engage in urban renewal destroying families and neighborhoods, welfare programs didn't have to make certain requirements for eligibility, our schools didn't have to suck for the past 50 years, etc. but they did and now we're stuck with the outcome.

07-08-2015, 02:00 PM
I think for some reason your choosing to ignore the societal aspects of poverty and crime. And now we're talking about generations that have been harmed and those things build on each other. So many large cities didn't have to engage in urban renewal destroying families and neighborhoods, welfare programs didn't have to make certain requirements for eligibility, our schools didn't have to suck for the past 50 years, etc. but they did and now we're stuck with the outcome.

I can NEVER grasp ANY reason that someone commits a crime, unless they are in harms way. You didn't explain how families get ruined? Do fathers leave because of financial issues? Just too difficult? How does this urban renewal do this?

And suppose someone lives in a shiny white rich neighborhood, and are of course white, but they fall on hard times. Do they too get an excuse when it comes to committing crimes? Does it apply to both violent and non-violent crimes? Drug crimes?

Quite frankly, I see it all as nothing more than excuses. I don't care if the family is on the streets. So one turns to dealing drugs? Or your homeless, so there's an explanation for raping someone, or bashing someones head in?

I just can't imagine circumstances where someone commits a crime and it should be excused in any way, shape or form. It was their decision to commit that crime.

All this talk about generations and harm, but not many folks want to talk about the millions, or I think billions, that have been tossed at such things, and where are we?

Abbey Marie
07-08-2015, 06:23 PM
I've read millions of reasons as to why, and not sure if I'm sold on ANY of them, but could be convinced it's a combination of some.

But out of the many good black folks I've known, and still know.... one thing that all of these friends have in common? A stable family life at home, got their asses whooped if they didn't go to school and get good grades, and then got their asses whooped if they didn't get a J O B, even if it were a damn paper route or Mickey D's to start. If ya can't afford it, county college was cheap as hell and the degrees still got ya damn good jobs. But none of them would have likely went that route had it not been for their stable family lives, and the ass whoopins when you didn't stay on the straight and narrow.

And while acknowledging that some circumstances are more difficult than others, and for some folks it may be tougher to "get out of the ghetto" as they say - one still has a choice as to whether or not they commit a crime. I've heard stories of selling drugs because it pays more, to selling drugs because I have to eat, or feed my family. None of them fly. And as for violent crimes, there is no excuse nor explanation that would cover violent assaults or rapes.

One also still has the choice to take education seriously, hang out with decent folks, and not have children out of wedlock and until you can afford them. All of which contributes to economic and social stability.

07-08-2015, 06:56 PM
Read earlier that Trump is now officially in the lead in the NC polling. That must really piss off the liberals and the Mexicans!! :lol:

07-08-2015, 07:03 PM
Read earlier that Trump is now officially in the lead in the NC polling. That must really piss off the liberals and the Mexicans!! :lol:

I suspect people will start getting on board with Trump. I read his first book back in 1988 and it influenced me. I have always been a fan.

07-08-2015, 07:06 PM
I suspect people will start getting on board with Trump. I read his first book back in 1988 and it influenced me. I have always been a fan.

"The art of the deal". Don't remember years or any of that, but always remember the name of his first book. And why? Because my Mom had it, because she was in love with the man!! She was also in love with Elvis and Burt Reynolds too. :)

07-08-2015, 07:16 PM
"The art of the deal". Don't remember years or any of that, but always remember the name of his first book. And why? Because my Mom had it, because she was in love with the man!! She was also in love with Elvis and Burt Reynolds too. :)

​Mom always knows best....In love with a "Business man"...a "singer" and an "actor"...she knew how to take care of business and have fun at the same time.....:)

07-09-2015, 08:04 AM


JULY 9, 2015

WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND BERNIE SANDERS’ BOOM? “He can’t win and he will never be a VP pick, but he is relevant,” (http://pjmedia.com/ronradosh/2015/07/08/whats-really-behind-bernie-sanders-boom/) Ron Radosh writes:

The only real question is this: will Hillary do something to make her candidacy vulnerable, at which point Elizabeth Warren might decide to enter the race herself, forcing Sanders to withdraw and throw his support to her? Or could Joe Biden, for the moment standing in the wings, enter the race and take away from Hillary the moderate voters among Democrats she now has supporting her?

But could Sanders and Donald Trump finally come together to form a bipartisan populist Pangaea presidential bid? Imagine the possibilities!


Andrew Kaczynski
✔@BuzzFeedAndrew (https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew)

Trump-Sanders http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/donald-trump-in-1999-i-believe-in-universal-health-careits-a#.lfPD541j5 … (http://t.co/WH643Tk8MC)
2:31 PM - 8 Jul 2015 (https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew/status/618895309209407488) · Penistone, England, United Kingdom (https://twitter.com/search?q=place%3A0b153207f647de31)


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Adam Baldwin
✔@AdamBaldwin (https://twitter.com/AdamBaldwin)

Sanders v. Trump is the 2016 showdown America has now earned.#InterestingTimes (https://twitter.com/hashtag/InterestingTimes?src=hash)
6:53 PM - 1 Jul 2015 (https://twitter.com/AdamBaldwin/status/616424478583558144)


2727 Retweets (https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=616424478583558144)

4747 favorites (https://twitter.com/intent/favorite?tweet_id=616424478583558144)

Good and hard, as Mencken would say.

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

― H.L. Mencken (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7805.H_L_Mencken), A Little Book in C Major (http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1534261)

07-09-2015, 09:54 AM
I can NEVER grasp ANY reason that someone commits a crime, unless they are in harms way. You didn't explain how families get ruined? Do fathers leave because of financial issues? Just too difficult? How does this urban renewal do this?

And suppose someone lives in a shiny white rich neighborhood, and are of course white, but they fall on hard times. Do they too get an excuse when it comes to committing crimes? Does it apply to both violent and non-violent crimes? Drug crimes?

Quite frankly, I see it all as nothing more than excuses. I don't care if the family is on the streets. So one turns to dealing drugs? Or your homeless, so there's an explanation for raping someone, or bashing someones head in?

I just can't imagine circumstances where someone commits a crime and it should be excused in any way, shape or form. It was their decision to commit that crime.

All this talk about generations and harm, but not many folks want to talk about the millions, or I think billions, that have been tossed at such things, and where are we?

First I didn't think on a conservative leaning forum I'd have to demonstrate how much welfare sucks nor how it destroys families. :slap: Second is the misnomer that race is the causative factor as I've posted in other threads. And we're not talking about excuses, we should be talking about causes and fixing them. Focusing on the wrong thing is not a way to talk about a solution.

Now for a couple of leftie links ;) to prove my posit; first:

For the next few decades (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/06/married-fathers-americas-greatest-weapon-against-child-poverty), means-tested welfare programs (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/09/marriage-america-s-greatest-weapon-against-child-poverty) such as food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, day care, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families penalized (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/09/marriage-america-s-greatest-weapon-against-child-poverty) marriage. A mother generally received (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/09/marriage-america-s-greatest-weapon-against-child-poverty) far more money from welfare if she was single rather than married. Once she took a husband, her benefits were instantly reduced (http://www.citizenlink.com/2010/07/08/commentary-end-the-welfare-marriage-penalty/) by roughly 10 to 20 percent. As a Cato Institute study noted (http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cj16n1-1.html), welfare programs for the poor incentivize the very behaviors that are most likely to perpetuate poverty.[2] Another Cato report observes (http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-ta3-9.html):
“Of course women do not get pregnant just to get welfare benefits.... But, by removing the economic consequences of out-of-wedlock birth, welfare has removed a major incentive to avoid such pregnancies. A teenager looking around at her friends and neighbors is liable to see several who have given birth out-of- wedlock. When she sees that they have suffered few visible consequences ... she is less inclined to modify her own behavior to prevent pregnancy.... Current welfare policies seem to be designed with an appalling lack of concern for their impact on out-of-wedlock births. Indeed, Medicaid programs in 11 states actually provide infertility treatments to single women on welfare.”
The marriage penalties that are embedded in welfare programs can be particularly severe if a woman on public assistance weds a man who is employed in a low-paying job. As a FamilyScholars.org report puts it (http://www.familyscholars.org/publications/?pub=47): “When (http://americanvalues.org/pdfs/researchbrief3.pdf)a couple's income nears the limits prescribed by Medicaid, a few extra dollars in income cause thousands of dollars in benefits to be lost. What all of this means is that the two most important routes out of poverty—marriage and work—are heavily taxed under the current U.S. system.”[3]


There is a widespread belief that race is a major explanatory cause of crime. This belief is anchored in the large disparity in crime rates between whites and blacks. However, a closer look at the data shows that the real variable is not race but family structure and all that it implies in commitment and love between adults. The incidence of broken families is much higher in the black community. Douglas Smith and G. Roger Jarjoura, in a major 1988 study of 11,000 individuals, found that "the percentage of single-parent households with children between the ages of 12 and 20 is significantly associated with rates of violent crime and burglary." The same study makes clear that the widespread popular assumption that there is an association between race and crime is false. Illegitimacy is the key factor. It is the absence of marriage, and the failure to form and maintain intact families, that explains the incidence of high crime in a neighborhood among whites as well as blacks. This contradicts conventional wisdom.


How Urban Renewal Destroys Neighborhoods (http://reason.com/archives/2014/11/03/how-urban-renewal-destroys-neighborhoods#.sn2eye:0bFu)

07-09-2015, 10:07 AM
So the destruction of families in the black community is because they will get more financial help if they remain single? Why do the fathers leave then? Or women DON'T avoid pregnancies and such, because they'll get money out of it?

Sounds to me like the father still CHOOSES to leave. The women CHOOSES to have a baby out of wedlock. The woman CHOOSES to see money in having said baby.

I don't think we'll ever agree on such issues. I believe in self responsibility and choices. These all sound like excuses to me. A father can still stay with their family, with Mom, and teach a child responsibility, all work hard, concentrate on education... And the ass whoopings of course too. These things are all still choices, and sound an awful lot like people CHOOSING to take the easier route - which comes with consequences.

07-09-2015, 10:08 AM
Yes, yes, the black man chooses. It's all so clear now. :rolleyes:

07-09-2015, 10:12 AM
Yes, yes, the black man chooses. It's all so clear now. :rolleyes:

Hmmmm... I thought we were discussing/debating, or choosing to agree to disagree as I hinted to. I didn't realize you would turn into a sarcastic turd. Someone disagrees with your take on things, so roll the eyes and act as if your take MUST be 100% accurate and correct.

Make an excuse for everything and absolve everyone from crimes, and if life is tough, then make excuses and continue with criminal activity. We'll all be better off when we make excuses and reasoning for crimes. It's all so clear now.

07-09-2015, 10:17 AM
Hmmmm... I thought we were discussing/debating, or choosing to agree to disagree as I hinted to. I didn't realize you would turn into a sarcastic turd. Someone disagrees with your take on things, so roll the eyes and act as if your take MUST be 100% accurate and correct.

Make an excuse for everything and absolve everyone from crimes, and if life is tough, then make excuses and continue with criminal activity. We'll all be better off when we make excuses and reasoning for crimes. It's all so clear now.

I thought we were discussing as well but your response is automatic it would seem and you've completely misunderstood what I've been saying if the last paragraph is any indication. And you certainly don't have to agree with me but I've made the effort to include support for my statements.

07-09-2015, 10:27 AM
I thought we were discussing as well but your response is automatic it would seem and you've completely misunderstood what I've been saying if the last paragraph is any indication. And you certainly don't have to agree with me but I've made the effort to include support for my statements.

Here, have a cookie...

You yourself stated you posted such things before. So have I, but supporting my beliefs. I really don't give a fuck if you read it when I posted it or not. But posting a few things that agree with your stance hardly even comes remotely close to meaning jack shit, other than you won a cookie for being able to find something that supported your stance.

Besides, now that you displayed your pocket card, why would anyone bother? I can post endless articles that show my stance on marriage, family environment, choices, out of wedlock, welfare and SO many other things. And you'll reply with "It's so clear now". No thanks.

I'll simply agree to disagree and let you have your cookie.

07-09-2015, 10:40 AM
Here, have a cookie...

You yourself stated you posted such things before. So have I, but supporting my beliefs. I really don't give a fuck if you read it when I posted it or not. But posting a few things that agree with your stance hardly even comes remotely close to meaning jack shit, other than you won a cookie for being able to find something that supported your stance.

Besides, now that you displayed your pocket card, why would anyone bother? I can post endless articles that show my stance on marriage, family environment, choices, out of wedlock, welfare and SO many other things. And you'll reply with "It's so clear now". No thanks.

I'll simply agree to disagree and let you have your cookie.

There are beliefs and there are things that support my beliefs. That was my contribution. My apologies for snark. :)

07-09-2015, 11:11 AM
There are beliefs and there are things that support my beliefs. That was my contribution. My apologies for snark. :)

Peace :)

07-09-2015, 12:33 PM
Here, have a cookie...

You yourself stated you posted such things before. So have I, but supporting my beliefs. I really don't give a fuck if you read it when I posted it or not. But posting a few things that agree with your stance hardly even comes remotely close to meaning jack shit, other than you won a cookie for being able to find something that supported your stance.

Besides, now that you displayed your pocket card, why would anyone bother? I can post endless articles that show my stance on marriage, family environment, choices, out of wedlock, welfare and SO many other things. And you'll reply with "It's so clear now". No thanks.

I'll simply agree to disagree and let you have your cookie.

You're FJ's new best friend?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

07-09-2015, 05:14 PM
Oh my!


Donald Trump, 2012: Romney's Policy of Self-Deportation Was "Crazy," "Maniacal;" Romney Lost All the Votes of Those "Inspired to Come Into this Country"

The Art of the Deal (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/donald-trump-mitt-romney-immigration_n_2193252.html?utm_hp_ref=politics) means selling what the public's buying. (Fancy that! Red Meat! for the angry masses!)

"He had a crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal," Trump said. "It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote ... He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country."...

"The Democrats didn't have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants," Trump told Newsmax. "But what they did have going for them is they weren't mean-spirited about it."


"For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they're supporting their family... it's very, very tough to just say, 'By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out,'" he said during an appearance on Fox News. "I'm one of the world's very conservative people, but I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that's lived in this country for 20 years."

When he had nothing to gain either way from his policy, he said that self-deportation was maniacal, crazy, mean-spirited, and "very tough" (as in hard, or terrible, to do).

Now that he wants your vote he's "severely conservative" on the issue.

Hey, you all believe what you all gonna believe. You do you, as they say.

Trump is also telegraphing an interest in a third-party run, (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-im-not-thinking-third-party-for-now/article/2567803) saying he's not thinking about a third party run -- "yet."

07-09-2015, 05:53 PM
Oh my!


Perhaps Trump has had a change of heart.

07-09-2015, 05:57 PM
Perhaps Trump has had a change of heart.

You keep telling yourself that. So no problem with Hillary and the Confederate Flag or amnesty, etc.?

07-09-2015, 07:14 PM
"Donald Trump, 2012:"
`The left is working harder than ever to try and smear Trump....and for some reason..some Americans seem to enjoy feeding on old news....

*In 2012...I stepped in Dog shit once...it was nasty and It stunk bad....wasn't paying attention...but as a human...and an American I learn fast and know what to look for when walking in tall grass....In this life we never stop learning....

07-09-2015, 07:17 PM
"Donald Trump, 2012:"

`The left is working harder than ever to try and smear Trump....and for some reason..some Americans seem to enjoy feeding on old news....

*In 2012...I stepped in Dog shit once...it was nasty and It stunk bad....wasn't paying attention...but as a human...and an American I learn fast and know what to look for when walking in tall grass....In this life we never stop learning....

Sounds just like Hillary, yesterday! :clap:

07-09-2015, 07:26 PM
Sounds just like Hillary, yesterday! :clap:


As Americans .....we can make changes and learn from our mistakes and never afraid to say so....Liberals (leftists) dont / wont do that....

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw the first stone".......

07-09-2015, 07:27 PM

As Americans .....we can make changes and learn from our mistakes and never afraid to say so....Liberals (leftists) dont / wont do that....

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw the first stone".......

Some 'conservatives' too.

07-09-2015, 07:42 PM
Some 'conservatives' too.

Such is life dear friend......its all about numbers.... adjustments and making the correct moves for improvement.

07-09-2015, 07:46 PM
Such is life dear friend......its all about numbers.... adjustments and making the correct moves for improvement.
True dat.

IMO, the best way to get a good candidate elected and beat Hillary, is to know what these men and women have said and done.

I don't hate Trump as someone said. I think his purpose is not what most folks are looking for. TF may have had it right and Trump is acting at best as a democrat surrogate; actually will try a Perot if necessary.

07-09-2015, 07:58 PM
True dat.

IMO, the best way to get a good candidate elected and beat Hillary, is to know what these men and women have said and done.

I don't hate Trump as someone said. I think his purpose is not what most folks are looking for. TF may have had it right and Trump is acting at best as a democrat surrogate; actually will try a Perot if necessary.

​As far as beating Hilary...the sides have been chosen already....Now ...IMO....its about a fair election and who will be able to vote.....

In North Carolina Trump is #1 and growing fast....I believe Americans are fed up...and starting to understand....its no time to be picky and PC....

Trump / Cruz..... either way....But I lean toward trump ...Cruz is good...Trump is more thirsty in crushing the left ...and doesn't depend on anyone.... or give a damn in offending Leftists....

07-09-2015, 08:06 PM
​As far as beating Hilary...the sides have been chosen already....Now ...IMO....its about a fair election and who will be able to vote.....

In North Carolina Trump is #1 and growing fast....I believe Americans are fed up...and starting to understand....its no time to be picky and PC....

Trump / Cruz..... either way....But I lean toward trump ...Cruz is good...Trump is more thirsty in crushing the left ...and doesn't depend on anyone.... or give a damn in offending Leftists....

PC has nothing to do with it. Repeating McCain/Palin does.

I haven't a clue to whom I'll vote for, there's too many to winnow down. When that happens, I'll choose the candidate that most closely is aligned with my positions on my key issues. I won't vote for someone who comes close to sounding like Hillary and 'a vast conspiracy.' Someone who's donated more of his money to Democrats than Republicans. Nope, not going to happen.

07-09-2015, 08:22 PM
PC has nothing to do with it. Repeating McCain/Palin does.

I haven't a clue to whom I'll vote for, there's too many to winnow down. When that happens, I'll choose the candidate that most closely is aligned with my positions on my key issues. I won't vote for someone who comes close to sounding like Hillary and 'a vast conspiracy.' Someone who's donated more of his money to Democrats than Republicans. Nope, not going to happen.

"PC" has EVERYTHING to do with it.....many are scared....to say the wrong thing...from the Military and every branch in our government where people work....they are afraid for many reasons....

*Ya I get it already... you dont like Trump or Cruz....

("I haven't a clue to whom I'll vote for")

*I know which direction I want the country to go....and know who I will vote for....I am beyond...
"Que Sera Sera"


07-09-2015, 08:23 PM
Trump is a reactionary Obama for some. I just can't endorse that, no matter how 'popular':


In 2008, egged on by a media swooning with romantic feelings of hope and change, the country made a willful decision to elect an unqualified celebrity to the Oval Office. Since then, America’s number one export has been fame and its politicization: we have politicized fame. Advances in social media have made intolerable and talentless pop stars and D-list cable attention leeches alike into permanent fixtures of pop culture, and have rendered the concept of “statesmanlike decorum” extinct. Now a President slinging a selfie stick or a candidate doing Simpsons impersonations are just a web-click away. Pop singers are humanitarians. Reality TV stars are political scientists. And funny (albeit creepy-looking) clowns in bowties are climatologists. The 2002 California gubernatorial recall race, which if you recall saw Arnold Schwarzenegger beat out a porn star and and a muppet resembling Arianna Huffington, turns out to have actually been a prescient instruction manual for our national politics.


Ultimately, conservatives who entertain the idea of Donald Trump, or encourage his continued participation in a generational election, are no different than Occupiers dropping corporate dollars for their Guy Fawkes mask off eBay. They don’t really care what Trump believes (just as the Left doesn’t really care what Hillary Clinton believes), only what he says. But people don’t tune into the Kardashians on E! every week, or day, to hear what any given member of that family of manatees believe. We ceded academia and culture long ago before Donald Trump was appearing with Hulk Hogan and on the David Letterman show promoting his book.

Our media is demanding coliseum-style entertainment and they will flock to the showmen that are willing to give it to them. Barack Obama is more than happy to appease them. Someone needs to fill that void when he leaves office and Trump believes it to be him. Conservative critics of Trump who drop their money at conferences or tune into his television show need to realize that they are part of the show as well. As long as we’re willing to abide a circus of politainment, there will always be someone auditioning to be the ringmaster. Right now that ringmaster is Donald Trump.

And the circus isn’t leaving town any time soon.

07-09-2015, 08:33 PM
Trump is a reactionary Obama for some. I just can't endorse that, no matter how 'popular':


Go Trump! Go Cruz.....They understand all about the the Daily Poison put out by the left....They know who the left fears....They are not afraid....they refuse to be brain-washed...they understand the country is going to hell....:cool:

*Tell us again how much you hate Trump....:thumb:

Ya know I love ya Kat....Im just trying to help....:laugh:

07-09-2015, 08:34 PM
That's it, time to kill myself, labeled 'liberal.' LOL!

07-09-2015, 08:40 PM
Go Trump! Go Cruz.....They understand all about the the Daily Poison put out by the left....They know who the left fears....They are not afraid....they refuse to be brain-washed...they understand the country is going to hell....:cool:

*Tell us again how much you hate Trump....:thumb:

Ya know I love ya Kat....Im just trying to help....:laugh:

I am not all in for Trump. But he is the only one battling the only issue that matters: illegal immigration. As the goddess Ann Coulter said, "We lose everything if we lose immigration". If the illegals are granted citizenship, Democrats will rule the day, month, year, decade, century, etc. It will be over for us and Obama is laying the groundwork now.

07-09-2015, 08:40 PM
That's it, time to kill myself, labeled 'liberal.' LOL!

Kat you know better that...were just having fun here dear...:poke:I understand it takes time in decision making...I will never forget the lessons I learned from my wife when shopping...and her decision making....she shops by herself now....:laugh:

07-09-2015, 08:42 PM
Kat you know better that...were just having fun here dear...:poke:I understand it takes time in decision making...I will never forget the lessons I learned from my wife when shopping...and her decision making....she shops by herself now....:laugh:

Some take these discussions more seriously than others.

07-09-2015, 08:42 PM
I am not all in for Trump. But he is the only one battling the only issue that matters: illegal immigration. As the goddess Ann Coulter said, "We lose everything if we lose immigration". If the illegals are granted citizenship, Democrats will rule the day, month, year, decade, century, etc. It will be over for us and Obama is laying the groundwork now.

Im all in for Trump / Cruz...You know the reasons....Just in case ya forgot....:laugh:

07-09-2015, 08:43 PM
Some take these discussions more seriously than others.


07-09-2015, 08:45 PM
Some take these discussions more seriously than others.

I know when to add and 'LOL' or a :laugh2:. I did.

It's not I that takes myself or even my opinions too seriously. I just try to bring some info to the site, usually do alright.

In this case, the audience just doesn't want to hear. Doesn't mean I will STFU though. :laugh2:

07-09-2015, 09:07 PM
I know when to add and 'LOL' or a :laugh2:. I did.

It's not I that takes myself or even my opinions too seriously. I just try to bring some info to the site, usually do alright.

In this case, the audience just doesn't want to hear. Doesn't mean I will STFU though. :laugh2:

Yup...This is what we do here talk about things...:2up:

Check this out:

Donald Trump:

(Full Interview) NBC News

*​NBC trying to play the gotcha game...
`Donald Trump sat down with Katy Tur to discuss his presidential campaign.`


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-09-2015, 09:08 PM
I know when to add and 'LOL' or a :laugh2:. I did.

It's not I that takes myself or even my opinions too seriously. I just try to bring some info to the site, usually do alright.

In this case, the audience just doesn't want to hear. Doesn't mean I will STFU though. :laugh2:

Da mo' info da better says I.

We have a large field of good candidates Id say at least any combo of any two of that six will do.
Any such combo will almost certainly run on reversing much of this deliberately destructive insanity the bamtraitor has been dishing out.
As far as I am concerned, he should be tried for treason and sentenced accordingly, if that means execution--fine by me--as long as its all legal.
The man is a damn traitor, I'd bet my life and everything I own on that fact!!! -Tyr

07-09-2015, 09:31 PM
Da mo' info da better says I.

We have a large field of good candidates Id say at least any combo of any two of that six will do.
Any such combo will almost certainly run on reversing much of this deliberately destructive insanity the bamtraitor has been dishing out.
As far as I am concerned, he should be tried for treason and sentenced accordingly, if that means execution--fine by me--as long as its all legal.
The man is a damn traitor, I'd bet my life and everything I own on that fact!!! -Tyr

No need to 'bet' anything. An act of giving strategically useful information to an enemy, as Obama did about forthcoming troop withdrawal plans at the start of his Presidency, can't constitute anything less than proof of treason. Openly, with maximum advance notice, broadcasting military intentions to the enemy of the forces you ultimately command (!!) .. it's obviously nothing else.

Imagine the tremendous shock everyone would have felt, had Churchill ever supplied advance information to the Germans about the allied 'D' Day landings, in Normandy ?? It's much the same nature of betrayal, and of course, Churchill would never have dreamed of such a thing. You do NOT supply news of your military intentions, to your enemies !!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2015, 10:15 AM
I can NEVER grasp ANY reason that someone commits a crime, unless they are in harms way. You didn't explain how families get ruined? Do fathers leave because of financial issues? Just too difficult? How does this urban renewal do this?

And suppose someone lives in a shiny white rich neighborhood, and are of course white, but they fall on hard times. Do they too get an excuse when it comes to committing crimes? Does it apply to both violent and non-violent crimes? Drug crimes?

Quite frankly, I see it all as nothing more than excuses. I don't care if the family is on the streets. So one turns to dealing drugs? Or your homeless, so there's an explanation for raping someone, or bashing someones head in?

I just can't imagine circumstances where someone commits a crime and it should be excused in any way, shape or form. It was their decision to commit that crime.

All this talk about generations and harm, but not many folks want to talk about the millions, or I think billions, that have been tossed at such things, and where are we?
The fact that there are so many extremely wealthy blacks shows the lies they and their ilk scream out to defend the crimes by those to lazy, too stupid or too corrupt to work to care for family and advance in life like the rest of us.
Its damn sickening to me to see anybody defend such activities with that old and tired lie about how its always whitey's fault that they engage in crime at such a high rate!
How come the poor whites aren't matching them in crime and corruption?
They can never answer that question! -Tyr

07-12-2015, 10:11 AM
The Donald is really stirring the pot :

Since Trump accused Mexico last month of sending rapists and criminals to the United States, numerous businesses have cut ties with him, including NBC Universal, Univision, and NASCAR.

He defiantly made fun of each of them, recounting in detail a phone conversation during which Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren told him the retailer would drop its Trump menswear line.

His rally, originally planned for a hotel ballroom, was moved to a convention center after more than 9,000 people asked for tickets, organizers said.

Numbers inside the standing-room-only room were far smaller than that total, although Trump said "thousands" could not get in. Trump was joined at the rally by local sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been sued by the Justice Department for racially profiling Latinos.

Trump said his degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, his 12 bestselling business books, his track record on reality television and his wealth were evidence of his qualifications for the nation's highest office.

"I'm really smart," he said.

He told the crowd he would be able to get hostages returned "in an hour" and would tax Mexico each time someone crossed the border illegally. He said he could convince the head of Ford Motor Co to move a plant back to the United States from Mexico overnight, with a couple of phone calls.

"It's so simple," he said.

A Reuters-Ipsos poll released on Saturday showed Trump neck-and-neck with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush atop the large field of contenders for the Republican nomination.

"How could I be tied with this guy? He's terrible!" Trump said in his speech.

"If you people go with Bush, you're going to lose," he said.

Other targets in his off-the-cuff speech: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama and U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. He mocked Secretary of State John Kerry for breaking his leg in a bike accident.

"We have stupid leaders, OK?" he said.

He also criticized the Mexican government and the "dishonest" press. He called civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton a "con man."

Outside the rally, Democrats from Tucson shared water bottles with about 100 protesters, who chanted "No more hate! No more hate!" to the beat of a drum.

"The only thing I can tell you is that it is awakening the Hispanic community," said Eduardo Sainz, 22. "We're keeping a tally of who is on our side and who isn't. The Hispanic community won't forget in 2016."

Protesters briefly raised a banner inside the speech reading "Stop the hate" but it was quickly pulled down amid pushing and shoving, and they were escorted out.

"I wonder if the Mexican government sent them over here. I think so," Trump said.

More : http://news.yahoo.com/relishing-polls-trump-rails-against-u-presidential-race-022702683--finance.html

I'm still thinking that he's not very serious about the President thing, he's using his 'candidacy' to say things that terrify your average politician.

07-12-2015, 10:47 AM
The Donald is really stirring the pot :

More : http://news.yahoo.com/relishing-polls-trump-rails-against-u-presidential-race-022702683--finance.html

I'm still thinking that he's not very serious about the President thing, he's using his 'candidacy' to say things that terrify your average politician.

*Mr Trump (along with Ted Cruz and one other maybe) is the most serious of all that we have....no nit-picking...and "if...ands..and but`s"... here...straight up....we aint got time for maybe this and maybe that crap...Trump says it like it is....and doesn't depend on anyone or "their" money...."Americans" are seeing this....and the communists and Rhinos are worried...

07-12-2015, 11:03 AM
The Donald is really stirring the pot :

More : http://news.yahoo.com/relishing-polls-trump-rails-against-u-presidential-race-022702683--finance.html

I'm still thinking that he's not very serious about the President thing, he's using his 'candidacy' to say things that terrify your average politician.

I don't think he's fully serious about ever seeing the WH unless but a visitor. But I was just thinking... Look at the flag issue, and then the gay marriage issue. People didn't stop, just kept pushing the tough issues on people till they wanted to puke. Kept with the stories to make the point as well. We see the attempts with guns now as well.

Maybe 'The Donald' wants to make a point, and will keep pointing out as well when bad things happen regarding illegal immigration, and stay negative, and just keep hammering the issues, then perhaps get "some" media doing the same, then others get pissed, and then maybe there will even be a slight change, if not an even larger change if someone with a brain gets in office.

Imagine Tyr or Gunny running for Prez with unlimited funding. Do you think we would hear any passionate things from them, or things that will make people raise their eyebrows and say "WTF did he just say?"

I WANT someone that's going to speak their minds and not worry about offending others with some facts. I want someone that is willing to attack the problems, even if he/she isn't liked as a result.

I just don't think he's the one to do so. BUT, maybe he'll get people talking.


Kinda OT - but who else thinks like I do - that the Dems are already enrolling illegals to vote next year, paying them off, giving the homeless freebies... No doubt illegals will be voting next year, no doubt at all in my mind.

07-12-2015, 11:04 AM
I know when to add and 'LOL' or a :laugh2:. I did.

It's not I that takes myself or even my opinions too seriously. I just try to bring some info to the site, usually do alright.

In this case, the audience just doesn't want to hear. Doesn't mean I will STFU though. :laugh2:

I want to hear this stuff about Trump because I like to win. Trump needs to listen to people who know how not to lose an election. Why cheer a liability?

Here's some more:

The Trump Sideshow Plays Right into Democrats’ Hands

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420974/donald-trump-immigration-controversy-helps-democrats?target=topic&tid=1707

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2015, 11:26 AM
I want to hear this stuff about Trump because I like to win. Trump needs to listen to people who know how not to lose an election. Why cheer a liability?

Here's some more:

The Trump Sideshow Plays Right into Democrats’ Hands

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420974/donald-trump-immigration-controversy-helps-democrats?target=topic&tid=1707

Presenting the TRUTH, exposing the darkness and evil in the dem/lib/leftist agenda is never wrong!
You present appeasement as a virtue which is folly heaped upon insanity IMHO.
What these traitorous asshats are doing to this nation is not only wrong but it is perverse and evil --and simply must be exposed and openly, loudly opposed!
A suggestion, do try not to apply your method of keeping a job to how this nation should be governed..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2015, 11:32 AM
I don't think he's fully serious about ever seeing the WH unless but a visitor. But I was just thinking... Look at the flag issue, and then the gay marriage issue. People didn't stop, just kept pushing the tough issues on people till they wanted to puke. Kept with the stories to make the point as well. We see the attempts with guns now as well.

Maybe 'The Donald' wants to make a point, and will keep pointing out as well when bad things happen regarding illegal immigration, and stay negative, and just keep hammering the issues, then perhaps get "some" media doing the same, then others get pissed, and then maybe there will even be a slight change, if not an even larger change if someone with a brain gets in office.

Imagine Tyr or Gunny running for Prez with unlimited funding. Do you think we would hear any passionate things from them, or things that will make people raise their eyebrows and say "WTF did he just say?"

I WANT someone that's going to speak their minds and not worry about offending others with some facts. I want someone that is willing to attack the problems, even if he/she isn't liked as a result.

I just don't think he's the one to do so. BUT, maybe he'll get people talking.


Kinda OT - but who else thinks like I do - that the Dems are already enrolling illegals to vote next year, paying them off, giving the homeless freebies... No doubt illegals will be voting next year, no doubt at all in my mind.

Imagine Tyr or Gunny running for Prez with unlimited funding. Do you think we would hear any passionate things from them, or things that will make people raise their eyebrows and say "WTF did he just say?"

One thing is for sure were it either one or both of us leading this nation--
It would damn sure be far better off than it has been led by this American hating destroyer!
Hell, I'd serve as the gunny's VP.
Of course some would likely object to the ones I would choose to try in a court of law and happily watched executed if they were legally found guilty of treason by that court(not by me)! --Tyr

07-12-2015, 01:40 PM
One thing is for sure were it either one or both of us leading this nation--
It would damn sure be far better off than it has been led by this American hating destroyer!
Hell, I'd serve as the gunny's VP.
Of course some would likely object to the ones I would choose to try in a court of law and happily watched executed if they were legally found guilty of treason by that court(not by me)! --Tyr

But these days you can't tell or speak the truth and get elected at the same time.

I wish someone would say Eff it, and literally speak their minds (but someone who has a shot, and as of yet, I don't yet think Trump has a shot, nor is fully serious...). Answer the tough questions, and don't take the middle of the road, answer it with the brutal truth. Don't spend 90% of the time attacking opponents, tell me what you're going to do for me and the country. Answer the little people's questions, like we so often see here about candidates. Don't make staff pre-screen questions. Literally take them and answer. The only time questions should be avoided is if it's truly a national security issue, otherwise let them ask and you answer bastards!!

I hate watching question time, or live debates on TV - I'm like "Ask him this, ask her that you dumbass!!" I blame the media just as much for not pushing the issues and allowing candidates and politicians to literally not explain their actions and decisions.

07-12-2015, 02:59 PM
Presenting the TRUTH, exposing the darkness and evil in the dem/lib/leftist agenda is never wrong!
You present appeasement as a virtue which is folly heaped upon insanity IMHO.
What these traitorous asshats are doing to this nation is not only wrong but it is perverse and evil --and simply must be exposed and openly, loudly opposed!
A suggestion, do try not to apply your method of keeping a job to how this nation should be governed..-Tyr

This! ^^^

Tyr....why is it when we finally find a guy who is tough...self sufficient and says it like it is...many get weak...and start saying...maybe this...maybe that..."i dont know"...bullshit...Trump has made it already.....and obviously loves America....Trump hates weakness...*I hate weakness and excuse making...Basically everyone we have is weak except Cruz...and most need "permission" and money to get things done...Trump doesn't....!

*I caint stand If...and`s and butt`s" and again ...weakness....

Go Trump!

07-12-2015, 05:12 PM
This! ^^^ Tyr....why is it when we finally find a guy who is tough...self sufficient and says it like it is...many get weak...and start saying...maybe this...maybe that..."i dont know"...bullshit...Trump has made it already.....and obviously loves America....Trump hates weakness...*I hate weakness and excuse making...Basically everyone we have is weak except Cruz...and most need "permission" and money to get things done...Trump doesn't....!*I caint stand If...and`s and butt`s" and again ...weakness....Go Trump! LongTerm. If I may? And I don't really care what anyone thinks after I say this. But, Today in America. Selfishness, the "ME" generation, and the near total LACK OF A REAL EDUCATION is to blame for all of this.We, here on DP, are such a tiny, tiny portion of the overall, growing population in America that really DOESN'T CARE about almst anything...unless it is for THEM, or if it makes them happy, entertains them, or they find someone who makes promises to make all of their decisions until they die. Short and sweet. A large percentage of America, and Americans are simply SELFISH, and filled with HATRED for anyone who dares to tell them how IGNORANT they actually are.So...I'll wait to hear from all of them now...right here.

07-12-2015, 07:55 PM
Yeah, surprised me too!


Trump Fans, It’s Time for an Intervention by JONAH GOLDBERG July 11, 2015 4:00 AM

Dear Reader (and those of you with better things to do), There have been times in the past when I’ve gotten crosswise with certain segments of the conservative base and/or with the readership of National Review. And, because, like the Elephant Man, I am a not an animal but a human being, I have always had at least some self-doubt. That’s as it should be. People who share principles should not only hear each other out when they disagree; they should be able to see each other’s points and hold open the possibility that one’s opponents have the better argument.

This is not one of those times, at least not for me.

I truly, honestly, and with all my heart and mind think Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters are making a yuuuuuuge mistake. I think they are being conned and played. I feel like a guy whose brother is being taken advantage of by a grifter. I’m watching helplessly as the con artist congratulates him for taking out a third mortgage.

ANGER IS NOT AN ARGUMENT Now, before I go on, let me clarify a few things. I get it. The base of the party is angry. They’re angry about Obama’s lawless chicanery on immigration. They’re angry about the GOP’s patented inability to cross the street without stepping on its own d*ck and then having to apologize for it. They’re angry that the Left’s culture warriors are behaving like an invading army that shoots the survivors even after they’ve surrendered. They’re angry that Republicans have to bend over backward so as not to offend anyone, while Democrats have free rein (and at times free reign) to do and to say as they please.

Enter Trump, stage left. He makes no apologies. He’s brash. I can understand why some see him as a breath of fresh air. If you want to give him credit for starting a worthwhile debate about sanctuary cities and illegal immigration, fine. I think that argument is way overdone, but certainly reasonable enough.


(You'll get the following if you saw that THE Donald said Jonah 'couldn't buy pants.')

’SUP BRITCHES? In words George Will shall never write, this is a good moment to talk about my pants. Earlier this week, Donald Trump attacked Charles Krauthammer and me. By the way, I don’t blame Trump one bit for his hostility. I’d hate me too, if I were him. Still I do marvel at how this supposed Master of the Universe can be unnerved by such criticism. If it takes so little effort for me to set up shop in his head, by all means, let’s give him thermonuclear weapons.

Anyway, when asked about me, he said: I’m worth a fortune. . . . I went out, I made a fortune, a big fortune, a tremendous fortune . . . bigger than people even understand. . . . Then I get called [a failure] by a guy that can’t buy a pair of pants, I get called names?

As the intern said to Bill Clinton, this puts me in a weird position. I don’t like to brag, but I’m actually quite adept at buying pants. I don’t enjoy it. But I can do it. It never occurred to me to put it in my bio or anything — “Jonah Goldberg is a senior editor of National Review, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and a successful pants-buyer” — but maybe I should.


More to the point, what I find so gaudy about Trump is his constant reference to the fact that he made a lot of money, and his expectation that it somehow makes him immune to criticism or means that he’s a better person than his GOP competitors, never mind yours truly.

THE TRUMP-PETS BLARE Moreover, I find it horribly disappointing that his fans like this about him. If you met someone in real life who talked this way, you would think he’s a jerk. But somehow he’s awesome when he does it on TV?


I’ve written many times about how I hate the term RINO because conservatives should consider themselves Republicans in Name Only. The Republican Party is a vessel, a tool for achieving conservative ends. It’s nothing more than a team. Conservatism is different. It’s a body of ideas, beliefs, and temperaments. The amazing thing is that Trump is both a RINO and a CINO. I’m sure he has some authentic and sincere conservative views down in there somewhere. But the idea that he’s more plausibly conservative — or more loyally Republican — than Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or any of the others is just flatly absurd. It is vastly more plausible that he is a stalking horse for his dear friend Hillary Clinton than he is a sincere conservative.

Trump supporters need an intervention. I want to sit them down at the kitchen table, reach into a manila envelope, and pull out the proof that he’s a fraud. The conversation would go something like this:

Immigration: You seem to think he’s an immigration hardliner, and he’s certainly pretending to be. But why can’t you see through it? He condemned Mitt Romney as an immigration hardliner in 2012 and favored comprehensive immigration reform. He told Bill O’Reilly he was in favor of a “path to citizenship” for 30 million illegal immigrants:

Trump: You have to give them a path. You have 20 million, 30 million, nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now, today I hear it’s 11, but I don’t think it’s 11. I actually heard you probably have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that.

Question: Just how many rapists and drug dealers did Donald Trump want to give green cards to?

Abortion: In 1999 he said, “I’m totally pro-choice. I hate it and I hate saying it. And I’m almost ashamed to say that I’m pro-choice but I am pro-choice because I think we have no choice.”

Man, it’s like he’s channeling Thomas Aquinas there.

Now he says he’s pro-life. But I’ll spare the mocking on this because at least he’s flip-flopping in the right direction, and I don’t like to second guess peoples’ professed religious convictions.

Obamacare: The man wrote in his own book and said elsewhere that he was in favor of Canadian-style socialized medicine — which would put him to the left of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and on pretty much the same page as Bernie Sanders.

Hillary: Speaking of her, Trump praised Hillary Clinton and her health-care reform plan — in 2007! She attended his (most recent) wedding. He donated to her campaigns and to the Clinton Foundation. In 2008, he couldn’t get his head around the fact that Obama didn’t pick her for VP. “I’m a big fan of Hillary. She’s a terrific woman. She’s a friend of mine.”

Economics: People tout the guy’s business record. But he represents almost exactly what his supporters think he opposes. He’s a crony capitalist par excellence. He gives to whatever politician can grease the skids for his next deal — and he makes no apologies for it. He’s an eminent-domain voluptuary. He abuses bankruptcy laws like a stack of homemade get-out-of-jail-free cards.


Trump is even less truly conservative, but he’s trying to speak in an even grubbier dialect of conservatism. And, having grown up in the tabloid politics of New York, he’s better at faking it.

Eventually, I suspect, this will be the cause of his undoing. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know about conservatism, and at some point he will say something that even his biggest fans will recognize as a damning revelation about the real man beneath the schtick. The only question is whether he implodes before or after he does permanent damage to the GOP’s chances in 2016.


07-12-2015, 08:21 PM
I don't think he's fully serious about ever seeing the WH unless but a visitor. But I was just thinking... Look at the flag issue, and then the gay marriage issue. People didn't stop, just kept pushing the tough issues on people till they wanted to puke. Kept with the stories to make the point as well. We see the attempts with guns now as well. Maybe 'The Donald' wants to make a point, and will keep pointing out as well when bad things happen regarding illegal immigration, and stay negative, and just keep hammering the issues, then perhaps get "some" media doing the same, then others get pissed, and then maybe there will even be a slight change, if not an even larger change if someone with a brain gets in office.Imagine Tyr or Gunny running for Prez with unlimited funding. Do you think we would hear any passionate things from them, or things that will make people raise their eyebrows and say "WTF did he just say?"I WANT someone that's going to speak their minds and not worry about offending others with some facts. I want someone that is willing to attack the problems, even if he/she isn't liked as a result.I just don't think he's the one to do so. BUT, maybe he'll get people talking.---Kinda OT - but who else thinks like I do - that the Dems are already enrolling illegals to vote next year, paying them off, giving the homeless freebies... No doubt illegals will be voting next year, no doubt at all in my mind. Jim. Agree totally. As I have said here, several times. I wouldn't vote for Trump, and couldn't be convinced to do so. BUT, I honestly believe that Trump has an ulterior motive; more directed at the Growing number of Republican candidates. As in, Trump is being honest by telling ALL OF THEM...they should resort to trying Trumps agenda of SPEAKING the Truth, the way the American people...WHO ARE SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND...want to hear it spoken.Trump would literally be a fool to want to be in the White House as President. He stands to LOSE too much, both financially, and realistically by STEPPING DOWN to become the SERVANT of WE THE PEOPLE.I honestly do believe Trump is simply trying to GET HIS MESSAGE, based on HONEST FACTS out to the nation, and the way he says it..PISSES EVERYBODY OFF. But TRUMP doesn't care since he has nothing to lose as a Billionaire, other than those who pretend to be his friends, and supporters because they All have BROWN NOSES. If Trump stops....they suffocate.

07-12-2015, 08:48 PM
Jim. Agree totally. As I have said here, several times. I wouldn't vote for Trump, and couldn't be convinced to do so. BUT, I honestly believe that Trump has an ulterior motive; more directed at the Growing number of Republican candidates. As in, Trump is being honest by telling ALL OF THEM...they should resort to trying Trumps agenda of SPEAKING the Truth, the way the American people...WHO ARE SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND...want to hear it spoken.Trump would literally be a fool to want to be in the White House as President. He stands to LOSE too much, both financially, and realistically by STEPPING DOWN to become the SERVANT of WE THE PEOPLE.I honestly do believe Trump is simply trying to GET HIS MESSAGE, based on HONEST FACTS out to the nation, and the way he says it..PISSES EVERYBODY OFF. But TRUMP doesn't care since he has nothing to lose as a Billionaire, other than those who pretend to be his friends, and supporters because they All have BROWN NOSES. If Trump stops....they suffocate.

************************************************** ******

~ "I wouldn't vote for Trump, and couldn't be convinced to do so" ~

Disagree with you TOTALLY....The Man can Love his country and all its given to him...He doesn't have to do this but he is...He has trusted people / advisers to run his businesses ....So what are you saying....we need a Dumb..broke..weak gutless schmuck with nothing to lose to be POTUS?

...I TAKE THIS SHIT very seriously... no time to be picky and petty...Trump is the only one feared...has the ability and making the moves to make the maggots squirm.....Cruz is fine...and maybe Walker.....but both depend on others for money and other things....Trump depends on no one....I am tired of the ( "maybe`s...I don't know...and If ands and buts...." ) We as a Country are in a war for its survival...dont need any dependent broke dick....wishy-washy Gutless wanna-bee`s to go against pure evil that this country is dealing with...

07-12-2015, 08:52 PM
Yeah, surprised me too!


Didnt bother reading this^^^...what are you pumping out...??? More Bullshit anti-Trump propaganda???

*You still trying to "decide" who you like???

07-12-2015, 08:59 PM
Didnt bother reading this^^^...what are you pumping out...??? More Bullshit anti-Trump propaganda???

*You still trying to "decide" who you like???

You and I both have the right, last time I checked, to vote for whom we choose. Here, we also have the right to express our opinions or the opinions of others we agree with. We have the right to disagree with each other, I just choose to do so civilly, you choose for yourself.

red state
07-12-2015, 09:01 PM
Good GAWD! I'd rather "WRITE IN" Perot before voting for Rubio. Would you consider McCain if Cruz asked him to be his 2nd in command? I might consider Cruz & Walker but my dream ticket right now would be Trey Gowdy and Allen West (not gonna happen tho). If Rubio gets in I believe I'll simply vote for my State Representative and be done with it......just not gonna vote "lessor of two evils" anymore. And I already know of several folks who are VERY patriotic yet don't feel obliged to vote if it come to "lessor of two evils" (AGAIN). With B.O. in for 8 years, we need better to simply STOP what he's put in place.....with another 16 years to reverse this train disaster. Rubio.....a watered down rhino in my opinion.

07-12-2015, 09:13 PM
You and I both have the right, last time I checked, to vote for whom we choose. Here, we also have the right to express our opinions or the opinions of others we agree with. We have the right to disagree with each other, I just choose to do so civilly, you choose for yourself.

*Hey....and I gave you my firm legal opinion....I called it like it was....civilly.

07-12-2015, 09:17 PM
Good GAWD! I'd rather "WRITE IN" Perot before voting for Rubio. Would you consider McCain if Cruz asked him to be his 2nd in command? I might consider Cruz & Walker but my dream ticket right now would be Trey Gowdy and Allen West (not gonna happen tho). If Rubio gets in I believe I'll simply vote for my State Representative and be done with it......just not gonna vote "lessor of two evils" anymore. And I already know of several folks who are VERY patriotic yet don't feel obliged to vote if it come to "lessor of two evils" (AGAIN). With B.O. in for 8 years, we need better to simply STOP what he's put in place.....with another 16 years to reverse this train disaster. Rubio.....a watered down rhino in my opinion.

` he he he....Understand...we all have our dream tickets friend....But in the end its going to boil down to *who goes against the hard core Lefty.......And I will vote for them...all emotions aside for the win:cool:

07-12-2015, 10:06 PM
*Watch this and listen to the guest speaker Trump has ..and listen what this guest speakers says...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2015, 10:08 PM
Good GAWD! I'd rather "WRITE IN" Perot before voting for Rubio. Would you consider McCain if Cruz asked him to be his 2nd in command? I might consider Cruz & Walker but my dream ticket right now would be Trey Gowdy and Allen West (not gonna happen tho). If Rubio gets in I believe I'll simply vote for my State Representative and be done with it......just not gonna vote "lessor of two evils" anymore. And I already know of several folks who are VERY patriotic yet don't feel obliged to vote if it come to "lessor of two evils" (AGAIN). With B.O. in for 8 years, we need better to simply STOP what he's put in place.....with another 16 years to reverse this train disaster. Rubio.....a watered down rhino in my opinion.

What about Trump? Think he would not be far, far better than any dem and even a Huckabee or Perry?
Allen West is not running or he'd be my number one pick. Trust nobody in is perfect but some 3 or 4 are much better than the rest IMHO. I'd back a blind 90 year old wino against Hellory or any stinking dem!!!
This no time to abstain my friend IMHO. -TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2015, 10:14 PM
You and I both have the right, last time I checked, to vote for whom we choose. Here, we also have the right to express our opinions or the opinions of others we agree with. We have the right to disagree with each other, I just choose to do so civilly, you choose for yourself.

In my opinion this is what we all should do and that is get firmly behind whichever Republican wins the nomination. Set all political bickering aside after the primaries.
Last time two times we let division among ourselves give victory to the nation destroyers- then these guys , McSame and Romney, both ran weak campaigns and neither one was a great conservative. In fact, McSame was a damn shame, he lost me when he told that old lady that obama was an honorable man! Such utter stupidity and outright blindness I could not stand. -Tyr

red state
07-12-2015, 11:15 PM
` he he he....Understand...we all have our dream tickets friend....But in the end its going to boil down to *who goes against the hard core Lefty.......And I will vote for them...all emotions aside for the win:cool:

Yeah......well, Rubio ain't that guy.

And to Tyr, Trump is a clown. I like him, he tells it like it is and is a good business man. Both he and the DEMON of KISS are disgusted with B.O. but I believe both supported B.O. We are losing left and right over FAKES so I don't see how it matters now (one way or another) if HELLary gets it or if one of the fakes (like Rubio, Fatso, Mittens, McShame or whomever else we've had to vote for or will have to vote) if that person is not someone we actually NEED. The Republicans have been in long enough to get something done (unless they are so afraid of being brown shirted that they do nothing). YES, I know that West isn't running.......and that is part of America's problem. If Trump was a real stand up guy, he'd put his money on a proven American. I believe TRUMP simply want's an "accomplishment" and although he talks a good walk, I'm not sure he walks the walk good enough for me.

On one side.....we die a quick death and and the other we're tortured to death........BUT, the more drastic and immediate threat (HELLARY) may be just the thing to give us what Thomas Jefferson said was a good thing from time to time. Screw it......I'm in now. I'd like to see America go out in a blaze of glory.....not die a coward's death.

Naw.....you think of the cartoon below before you start telling me how Rubio is a lessor of two evils. Hos, he ain't even that in my opinion.


red state
07-12-2015, 11:27 PM
Tyr I'm not angry.....just disgusted. And for the record......West may not be running because he's had the chair kicked out from under him when the music stopped and he's also been shoved UNDER the bus.......not to the back of the bus (by our own dis-honorable Republican Party).

I can only vote for Walker, Cruz and possibly Sanatorum but I don't care for any of them and I doubt they get the nomination *much less win. Heck, the Republicans & Fox were already getting on board with another losing ticket (like Romney). I thought; "GOOD GAWD"! come on people!

I truly believe that we will have no choice but to do "THE THING" again if HELLARY is elected and I truly believe she will be. The Republicans had one last chance and 90% of them blew it. Gowdy, Cruz and very few others showed a little grit but even among those few, I see a giving in and we need a bull headed, don't give a $#!T what happens to them or who says what leader!!!

I like the Doc and I like Huckabee but neither are electable now and again, they don't seem to have the "STUFF".......and the Republicans seem to think the same thing. We're being led by representatives who DO NOT represent US (as in SC) or the "FIVE".

07-13-2015, 12:15 AM
​*Go Trump and Go Cruz....all the others are weak shit-heads with no Balls....

07-13-2015, 12:22 AM
[QUOTE=red state;748950]Yeah......well, Rubio ain't that guy.


Didn't say he was....but if he was...*I would vote for him if there was no other choice...*we all seen what happened last time around when weak-ass Mother-"foking" pussy ass emotions got involved (their guy didn't win) and some pussy ass mo-fo`s stayed home and didn't vote......now were dealing with all this new leftist stinkin change bull-shit.....so ya...Ill be voting.

07-13-2015, 06:03 AM
************************************************** ******

~ "I wouldn't vote for Trump, and couldn't be convinced to do so" ~

Disagree with you TOTALLY....The Man can Love his country and all its given to him...He doesn't have to do this but he is...He has trusted people / advisers to run his businesses ....So what are you saying....we need a Dumb..broke..weak gutless schmuck with nothing to lose to be POTUS?

...I TAKE THIS SHIT very seriously... no time to be picky and petty...Trump is the only one feared...has the ability and making the moves to make the maggots squirm.....Cruz is fine...and maybe Walker.....but both depend on others for money and other things....Trump depends on no one....I am tired of the ( "maybe`s...I don't know...and If ands and buts...." ) We as a Country are in a war for its survival...dont need any dependent broke dick....wishy-washy Gutless wanna-bee`s to go against pure evil that this country is dealing with...

I agree LTG, we need someone with some bags, someone that isn't afraid to say what needs to be sad or do what needs to be done, If it comes down to Trump is serious yes he has my vote, I am afraif though as others have said he has a alternative motive. It could be as simple as making other Rep. do the same as he is, but you have to remember this guy knows how to work the business world and is doing so.

You and I both have the right, last time I checked, to vote for whom we choose. Here, we also have the right to express our opinions or the opinions of others we agree with. We have the right to disagree with each other, I just choose to do so civilly, you choose for yourself.

Agreed, as long as they coincide with my beliefs that is. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2015, 08:22 AM
Yeah......well, Rubio ain't that guy.

And to Tyr, Trump is a clown. I like him, he tells it like it is and is a good business man. Both he and the DEMON of KISS are disgusted with B.O. but I believe both supported B.O. We are losing left and right over FAKES so I don't see how it matters now (one way or another) if HELLary gets it or if one of the fakes (like Rubio, Fatso, Mittens, McShame or whomever else we've had to vote for or will have to vote) if that person is not someone we actually NEED. The Republicans have been in long enough to get something done (unless they are so afraid of being brown shirted that they do nothing). YES, I know that West isn't running.......and that is part of America's problem. If Trump was a real stand up guy, he'd put his money on a proven American. I believe TRUMP simply want's an "accomplishment" and although he talks a good walk, I'm not sure he walks the walk good enough for me.

On one side.....we die a quick death and and the other we're tortured to death........BUT, the more drastic and immediate threat (HELLARY) may be just the thing to give us what Thomas Jefferson said was a good thing from time to time. Screw it......I'm in now. I'd like to see America go out in a blaze of glory.....not die a coward's death.

Naw.....you think of the cartoon below before you start telling me how Rubio is a lessor of two evils. Hos, he ain't even that in my opinion.

Love that political cartoon....

Actually he is not a clown, he is a very shrewd guy. You may doubt his intentions but you would be wise not to doubt his abilities IMHO.
Can you say he'd not turn obama policies on their head?
Our problem is that the field is just too large ! We need to see the weaker candidates drop out soon IMHO.-Tyr

07-13-2015, 08:34 AM
They can never answer that question! -Tyr

It's been answered. You just choose to ignore it.

07-13-2015, 03:53 PM
************************************************** ******~ "I wouldn't vote for Trump, and couldn't be convinced to do so" ~Disagree with you TOTALLY....The Man can Love his country and all its given to him...He doesn't have to do this but he is...He has trusted people / advisers to run his businesses ....So what are you saying....we need a Dumb..broke..weak gutless schmuck with nothing to lose to be POTUS? ...I TAKE THIS SHIT very seriously... no time to be picky and petty...Trump is the only one feared...has the ability and making the moves to make the maggots squirm.....Cruz is fine...and maybe Walker.....but both depend on others for money and other things....Trump depends on no one....I am tired of the ( "maybe`s...I don't know...and If ands and buts...." ) We as a Country are in a war for its survival...dont need any dependent broke dick....wishy-washy Gutless wanna-bee`s to go against pure evil that this country is dealing with... Never said Trump, or anybody else couldn't love his country. I also take all of this very seriously, and it is WAY too soon for anyone to be announcing who they WILL or WON'T vote for. As for Trump. As I have said. I like him, and what he has been saying. It's HONESTY...being thrown out for anyone who wants to listen. But I suspect the DONALD isn't really serious in what he is doing...as far as running. I do remember Trumps past, and we have to acknowledge that. Namely. I remember TRUMP donating, and bragging about how much he admired, and supported HILLARY. Certainly, he, like me, and anyone else can change their mind. But Trump is a very familiar, highly successful, wealthy person who also has the SOLE capability to BUY his place into the White House.Money talks...he knows it, and he has MORE than all the other Candidates from both parties COMBINED.So..when I said I couldn't bring myself to vote for him. That wasn't because I dislike him. As an AMERICAN, VETERAN, TAX PAYER, born here, with no HYPHENS in my name. I just may change my mind before the elections come around....just like DONALD has.

07-13-2015, 05:19 PM
Never said Trump, or anybody else couldn't love his country. I also take all of this very seriously, and it is WAY too soon for anyone to be announcing who they WILL or WON'T vote for. As for Trump. As I have said. I like him, and what he has been saying. It's HONESTY...being thrown out for anyone who wants to listen. But I suspect the DONALD isn't really serious in what he is doing...as far as running. I do remember Trumps past, and we have to acknowledge that. Namely. I remember TRUMP donating, and bragging about how much he admired, and supported HILLARY. Certainly, he, like me, and anyone else can change their mind. But Trump is a very familiar, highly successful, wealthy person who also has the SOLE capability to BUY his place into the White House.Money talks...he knows it, and he has MORE than all the other Candidates from both parties COMBINED.So..when I said I couldn't bring myself to vote for him. That wasn't because I dislike him. As an AMERICAN, VETERAN, TAX PAYER, born here, with no HYPHENS in my name. I just may change my mind before the elections come around....just like DONALD has.

*Understand friend......

...I feel ..Trump is the best chance we got...cause he aint "scared" and has the power and ability...then we have Cruz and Walker...my second and third choices .....But in the end....I will vote even if my choices are not there...

07-13-2015, 05:35 PM
*Understand friend.........I feel ..Trump is the best chance we got...cause he aint "scared" and has the power and ability...then we have Cruz and Walker...my second and third choices .....But in the end....I will vote even if my choices are not there... Can't disagree with that either. We all SHOULD know........what we have now isn't, and won't work. And Hillary will only serve the uneducated young women who only see her as a SHE. Of course. If it came down that Trump became the Candidate to face Hillary, or any other Democrat. TRUMP sure as Sh*t would get my vote in a heartbeat. But I am still convinced it's just too early to make an honest, final decision. Which...most of us also know...REALLY PISSES DEMOCRATS/LIBERALS/PROGRESSIVES, and the Uneducated OFF...To no end!

red state
07-13-2015, 08:37 PM
Love that political cartoon....

Actually he is not a clown, he is a very shrewd guy. You may doubt his intentions but you would be wise not to doubt his abilities IMHO.
Can you say he'd not turn obama policies on their head?
Our problem is that the field is just too large ! We need to see the weaker candidates drop out soon IMHO.-Tyr

110% spot on!!! It is very much a problem with our having 20+ candidates while the liberals usual run two or three. Another problem is in our (the Republicans) worried about how "middle of the isle" our candidate is when the LEFT run the most vile leftist they have without a care in the world.

Good post, Tyr!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2015, 08:50 PM
110% spot on!!! It is very much a problem with our having 20+ candidates while the liberals usual run two or three. Another problem is in our (the Republicans) worried about how "middle of the isle" our candidate is when the LEFT run the most vile leftist they have without a care in the world.

Good post, Tyr!!
Hoss, you and I are Southern boys , born and bred--we can never be too far apart on any issue I can think of as long as we stay with GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY.... Nothing can blast me away from that!!!
Whatever tries to do that I will utterly destroy! A vow I will never break my friend...
Scum had best be aware and scared .. I don't play when its about certain things!

Be it good or be it bad, I can turn bad on a dime and wreck havoc like nobody's business.. A solid gold fact. :beer: :beer: -Tyr

07-13-2015, 08:54 PM
Donald Trump:cool:
Macy's Takes it In the Shorts
...Over Firing

Macy's is paying the price for sacking Donald Trump (http://www.tmz.com/person/donald-trump/), because we've learned thousands of customers are cutting up their Macy's <nobr>credit card (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr> in protest.
Sources connected to the department store tell TMZ, Macy's has received complaints from approximately 30,000 customers since ending its relationship with Trump nearly 2 weeks ago.
We're told the store has been "inundated with complaints" from customers who believe the department store is unfairly punishing Trump (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/01/donald-trump-macys-clothing-line-pulled-mexicans-boycott/) for his views on immigration.
Our sources say thousands of customers have vowed never to shop at Macy's again and many of them say they're cutting up their Macy's credit card to make a statement.
We're told the complaints have come in various ways, including phone, Facebook <nobr>and email (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr>. A Macy's spokesperson would only say, "Our Facebook page is often times used by our customers to express their feelings or points of <nobr>view (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr>. Many times it does not correlate to any action."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2015, 08:58 PM
Donald Trump:cool:
Macy's Takes it In the Shorts
...Over Firing

Macy's is paying the price for sacking Donald Trump (http://www.tmz.com/person/donald-trump/), because we've learned thousands of customers are cutting up their Macy's <nobr>credit card (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr> in protest.
Sources connected to the department store tell TMZ, Macy's has received complaints from approximately 30,000 customers since ending its relationship with Trump nearly 2 weeks ago.
We're told the store has been "inundated with complaints" from customers who believe the department store is unfairly punishing Trump (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/01/donald-trump-macys-clothing-line-pulled-mexicans-boycott/) for his views on immigration.
Our sources say thousands of customers have vowed never to shop at Macy's again and many of them say they're cutting up their Macy's credit card to make a statement.
We're told the complaints have come in various ways, including phone, Facebook <nobr>and email (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr>. A Macy's spokesperson would only say, "Our Facebook page is often times used by our customers to express their feelings or points of <nobr>view (http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/donald-trump-macys-credit-cards-protest-firing-boycott-immigration#)</nobr>. Many times it does not correlate to any action."

If I had such a card, I'd crap on it in a box and mail it back to them. :laugh:--Tyr

07-13-2015, 09:24 PM
If I had such a card, I'd crap on it in a box and mail it back to them. :laugh:--Tyr

Yes...Understand....Just some "Americans" showing the Left what they can do with their "Political Correctness"...like shove it up their sensitive asses....

07-18-2015, 05:20 AM
After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. — HuffPo

HuffPo (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/a-note-about-our-coverage-of-donald-trumps-campaign_55a8fc9ce4b0896514d0fd66)

07-18-2015, 07:50 AM
After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. — HuffPo

HuffPo (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/a-note-about-our-coverage-of-donald-trumps-campaign_55a8fc9ce4b0896514d0fd66)

The left is so stupid ......They're helping him...:coffee:

*Go Donald Trump...!:cool:

07-18-2015, 10:29 AM
Trump in favor of Hillary, Obama, Socialized Medicine, High Taxes

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/07/16/al_sharpton_you_got_him_trump_is_a_secret_democrat .html#ooid=FiN204djq-h_TdkDfPdKwTCv6ydmcj9q

07-18-2015, 11:34 AM
What Donald Trump actually said about Mexican immigrants is "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems... When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." The media and the Dem party, for their own self-serving interests, translated this into "Donald Trump say All Latin people are rapists".
If there are any Latin people on the board, I'd be interested in hearing what their response is to the actual quotes, and if they really find things as offensive as the Dem party says they do. I'd like to find out if legal immigrant Mexicans are offended, and if non-Mexican Latino people are offended.
I'm thinking Donald Trump is not really running for President, he's running for the publicity, but I still think the Dem pundits are taking offense just because they like taking offense at things.

07-18-2015, 11:42 AM
What Donald Trump actually said about Mexican immigrants is "... And some, I assume, are good people." The media and the Dem party, for their own self-serving interests, translated this into "Donald Trump say All Latin people are rapists".
If there are any Latin people on the board, I'd be interested in hearing what their response is to the actual quotes...

I'm not Latin but yeah, it's kind of offensive. The problem is that he speaks in a specific manner that makes it so easy to demagogue what he says. Someone who has run for actual office wouldn't/shouldn't anyway, make that sort of mistake.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2015, 01:48 PM
What Donald Trump actually said about Mexican immigrants is "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems... When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." The media and the Dem party, for their own self-serving interests, translated this into "Donald Trump say All Latin people are rapists".
If there are any Latin people on the board, I'd be interested in hearing what their response is to the actual quotes, and if they really find things as offensive as the Dem party says they do. I'd like to find out if legal immigrant Mexicans are offended, and if non-Mexican Latino people are offended.
I'm thinking Donald Trump is not really running for President, he's running for the publicity, but I still think the Dem pundits are taking offense just because they like taking offense at things.

When the TRUTH is found to be"offensive" we must not look at the TRUTH as being the problem but rather at the principles and agenda of the jerks claiming to be offended! Simple and correct logical thinking and that is why the idiots object and cry out to gather support from their stupid lemmings and moronic, lying media supporters..--Tyr

07-18-2015, 03:29 PM
When the TRUTH...

:rolleyes: Bad candidates lose elections. Especially when people make incorrect proclamations of "truth."

07-18-2015, 03:38 PM
:rolleyes: Bad candidates lose elections. Especially when people make incorrect proclamations of "truth."

The statements themselves can be nominally true. However, the wrong focus and/or wrong presentation loses election. Democrats can be easily be presented as accomplices in human trafficking. Not re-framing the immigration issue is a lost opportunity.

07-18-2015, 04:22 PM
I'm not so sure this one is going to go over too well. I'm no fan of Mccain, but I don't think this is a topic that Trump wants to continue to push.


GOP candidate Trump goes after Sen. John McCain's war record

AMES, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized Arizona Sen. John McCain's military record Saturday, saying he was a "war hero because he was captured."

Speaking at a conference of religious conservatives in Iowa, Trump was pressed on his recent description of the 2008 Republican presidential nominee as "a dummy."

McCain served as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War. He was captured after his plane was shot down and was held more than five years as a prisoner of war. The moderator, Republican pollster Frank Luntz, described McCain as "a war hero."

Trump said McCain "is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." The comment drew some boos from the audience.

During a news conference after his appearance, Trump did not apologize but sought to clarify his remarks.

"If a person is captured, they're a hero as far as I'm concerned. ... But you have to do other things also," Trump said. "I don't like the job John McCain is doing in the Senate because he is not taking care of our veterans."


07-18-2015, 04:51 PM
I'm not Latin but yeah, it's kind of offensive. The problem is that he speaks in a specific manner that makes it so easy to demagogue what he says. Someone who has run for actual office wouldn't/shouldn't anyway, make that sort of mistake.

He's not making mistakes, and he certainly doesn't give a shit what you think...

07-18-2015, 05:05 PM
He's not making mistakes, and he certainly doesn't give a shit what you think...

Correct. He is deliberately acting as a Democrat mole and only cares what his accomplices think.

07-18-2015, 05:12 PM
Correct. He is deliberately acting as a Democrat mole and only cares what his accomplices think.
I can't believe we actually have a meeting of the minds on an issue. I believe that Trump is going 'all out, no holds barred' to show just how red meat hungry 'conservatives' are. He is making them look like idiots searching for a head idiot to lead them into Armageddon. That those 'all in' are few, but vocal.

Many more agree with the idea that the borders need to be dealt with; that 'gun free zones' have proven a very bad idea. They are glad to have the issues brought up, want to hear the candidates answer their questions. But vote for Trump, not going to happen.

Whether it's the McCain remarks or something down the line, Trump is going to return to his businesses. The question is, will he effectively 'prove' to independents that the GOP is full of crazies?

07-18-2015, 05:59 PM
I liked his opinion on Illegal Immigration, but him calling John McCain not being a War Hero?

Was the fat bleached-haired ever in the military?

Was he ever shot down and captured?

Was he ever tortured?


That fat-faced shit-head just lost any respect I had for him, which was very low.

I would punch him in the face in an instance...!

07-18-2015, 05:59 PM
Here we are. On a small forum, talking about Trump. Which...if you think about it, is EXACTLY what Trump wants everybody to do. Talk about him.

Look at all the attention he's getting from us here. And does anyone here really think, or believe TRUMP cares, or gives a crap that WE, and others around the nation are giving him so much attention?

He's eating all of this up, and it's FREE ADVERTISING for him. The more everybody talks about Trump, the less they talk about the REAL PROBLEMS we all face.

So...who's really winning?

07-18-2015, 06:05 PM
Let's get serious, and let the hypocrisy go here. Of course, Trump messed up with his wording about McCain. But... here's a reminder for many of the same people now jumping on Trump, and his words about McCain.

Go back and look at how many of the members of this forum actually, and basically SAID EXACTLY THE SAME things during the time McCain, and Palin were running.

Those who didn't like McCain....RIGHT HERE ON DP, said some even more disgusting things than Trump. But we're supposed to OVERLOOK, or IGNORE those things?

Reminds me of the line "Let he who is without sin....cast the first stone!"

07-18-2015, 06:10 PM
Let's get serious, and let the hypocrisy go here. Of course, Trump messed up with his wording about McCain. But... here's a reminder for many of the same people now jumping on Trump, and his words about McCain.

Go back and look at how many of the members of this forum actually, and basically SAID EXACTLY THE SAME things during the time McCain, and Palin were running.

Those who didn't like McCain....RIGHT HERE ON DP, said some even more disgusting things than Trump. But we're supposed to OVERLOOK, or IGNORE those things?

Reminds me of the line "Let he who is without sin....cast the first stone!"

I had two main problems with McCain: 1. amnesty for illegals 2. Choosing Palin as running mate.
Related to the 2nd, he ran a piss poor campaign.
I never doubted his service.

07-18-2015, 06:21 PM
I had two main problems with McCain: 1. amnesty for illegals 2. Choosing Palin as running mate.
Related to the 2nd, he ran a piss poor campaign.
I never doubted his service.

Nor did I, or Trump. I spent 30 years in uniform. Many of them while McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton. Even McCain has personally said...as I have many times..."I am not a hero!" Hero's are members of the military, or civilian life who do things other people won't, or can't do.

The HERO remark Trump was using has cheapened the Real meanings of the word Hero. Look at how the MSM these days calls EVERYONE who plays in any sport...A HERO. Are they the same as the men from the SEALS, who saved the lives of their fellow SEALS from being killed. I THINK NOT!

07-18-2015, 06:33 PM
I liked his opinion on Illegal Immigration, but him calling John McCain not being a War Hero?

Was the fat bleached-haired ever in the military?

Was he ever shot down and captured?

Was he ever tortured?


That fat-faced shit-head just lost any respect I had for him, which was very low.

I would punch him in the face in an instance...!

There were a lot of soldiers captured and tortured during wars. I never heard any of them referred to as "War Hero". Why single out John McCain as a "War Hero"?


07-18-2015, 07:29 PM
*Trump says it like it is....Lets face it no one ever really liked McCain...."Him serving" didn't win him the election...hmmmm?...always been a Rhino most of us know this...he got captured when he served `and a hero for serving` (Trump said that) but McCain has always been a senile old loser....And that is what Donald trump means....LOSER...McCain will remain a "loser"...Heroes are those who went into the Towers when they were hit in 911.... McCain has been riding on his military record for a long time now...with no results..

Most of the anti-Trump talk here is expected from the regular few...Just like Liberals...They caint wait to Jump on anything "perceived" negative on Trump....and like good `closet`- Chest-beating Democrats ...who really` hadn't made any decisions yet` on who to vote for....Foam at the mouth and are quick to attack trump.....

Go Mr Trump!!....:cool:

Go Cruz!!...:cool:

Go Walker....!!!:cool:

07-18-2015, 07:29 PM
There were a lot of soldiers captured and tortured during wars. I never heard any of them referred to as "War Hero". Why single out John McCain as a "War Hero"?


Well said...


Max R.
07-18-2015, 07:58 PM
There were a lot of soldiers captured and tortured during wars. I never heard any of them referred to as "War Hero".....
I have. It's one reason why we have this flag:


and why we have websites like this:

Bud Day: Vietnam War POW Hero
Rhonda Cornum, who was taken POW during the 1991 Gulf War, also recounts some of her experience as a POW. The college curriculum associated with this theme will introduce academic tools and readings that will present the opportunity to read and examine first hand accounts of Dorothy Danner and Rhonda Cornum, POWs respectively during World War II and the Gulf War.

Max R.
07-18-2015, 08:03 PM
FWIW, I think Trump is an ego-maniacal douche bag perform public masturbation of his own ego. That said, he is a good opening act for main act; the real Republican candidates. He's sowing the seeds of what issues should be discussed, anyone who comes after him will seem moderate and sane in comparison (just like Bernie does for Hillary) and, at heart, no intelligent person really believes he'll be President so they can enjoy his performance onstage.

07-18-2015, 09:00 PM
He's not making mistakes, and he certainly doesn't give a shit what you think...

He is if he wants to be president. And if he does want to be president then he does give a S* what I think. But since you say he doesn't give a S* then logically he doesn't want to be president.

07-18-2015, 09:02 PM
...always been a Rhino most of us know this...

Go Mr Trump!!....

I'm pretty sure Trump isn't even a RINO. The best he can hope for is to aspire to that level.

07-18-2015, 09:49 PM
I'm pretty sure Trump isn't even a RINO. The best he can hope for is to aspire to that level.

If you look past the showboating, Trump is politically similar to Michael Bloomberg.

07-18-2015, 10:17 PM
I'm pretty sure Trump isn't even a RINO. The best he can hope for is to aspire to that level.

Go Trump.....

07-18-2015, 10:18 PM
If you look past the showboating, Trump is politically similar to Michael Bloomberg.

Who do you stand behind and support?

07-18-2015, 11:57 PM
Who do you stand behind and support?

Scott Walker.

If he stumbles, I would SETTLE for Rubio or Kasich. Third tier: Rick Perry.

07-19-2015, 12:11 AM
Let's get serious, and let the hypocrisy go here. Of course, Trump messed up with his wording about McCain. But... here's a reminder for many of the same people now jumping on Trump, and his words about McCain.

Go back and look at how many of the members of this forum actually, and basically SAID EXACTLY THE SAME things during the time McCain, and Palin were running.

Those who didn't like McCain....RIGHT HERE ON DP, said some even more disgusting things than Trump. But we're supposed to OVERLOOK, or IGNORE those things?

Reminds me of the line "Let he who is without sin....cast the first stone!"


I was *not* here and refuse to get on any band wagon that looks back at something like you mention from the past.

Anyone that thinks they could be better than McCain should Nut Up, Shut their frikkin' Thumb-Sucker, and run for office themselves.

Disparage a Combat Pilot that *was* shot down, imprisoned and tortured for almost 5 years...gets Silver Star...

McCain is one of the few on Capitol Hill will to work both sides of the aisle. Only a hard head could dislike that.

I do not like his stance on Immigration, but he is a far better man than any swinging dick in this forum that would
not have the balls to face up to him and repeat what they say in a forum, feeling safe behind a keyboard.

07-19-2015, 12:16 AM

I was *not* here and refuse to get on any band wagon that looks back at something like you mention from the past.

Anyone that thinks they could be better than McCain should Nut Up, Shut their frikkin' Thumb-Sucker, and run for office themselves.

Disparage a Combat Pilot that *was* shot down, imprisoned and tortured for almost 5 years...gets Silver Star...

McCain is one of the few on Capitol Hill will to work both sides of the aisle. Only a hard head could dislike that.

I do not like his stance on Immigration, but he is a far better man than any swinging dick in this forum that would
not have the balls to face up to him and repeat what they say in a forum, feeling safe behind a keyboard.

McCain is a war hero. He voluntarily remained a POW to deny the Vietcong a propaganda victory. That being said, he's still a RINO.

07-19-2015, 12:56 AM
Everyone knows my stance on illegals. Or lives in a cave.

Trump and McCain need to shut up. McCain isn't a hero in my eyes. He crashed 4 fighters and let the enemy capture him. Trump's never done anything close but run his suck.

07-19-2015, 04:14 PM
Trump won’t apologize for McCain ‘war hero’ comments

article (https://www.yahoo.com/politics/trump-wont-apologize-for-mccain-war-hero-124495589501.html<br />)

And why should he? After all, if McCain hadn't made the remark that he made, Trump wouldn't have made the remark that he made.

"he fired up the crazies" — John McCain

07-19-2015, 04:30 PM

I was *not* here and refuse to get on any band wagon that looks back at something like you mention from the past.

Anyone that thinks they could be better than McCain should Nut Up, Shut their frikkin' Thumb-Sucker, and run for office themselves.

Disparage a Combat Pilot that *was* shot down, imprisoned and tortured for almost 5 years...gets Silver Star...

McCain is one of the few on Capitol Hill will to work both sides of the aisle. Only a hard head could dislike that.

I do not like his stance on Immigration, but he is a far better man than any swinging dick in this forum that would
not have the balls to face up to him and repeat what they say in a forum, feeling safe behind a keyboard.

Oh, how wrong you are. I actually met McCain, when he was still wearing a uniform. Happened to be in the same office with his Father...who was what we called COMNAVAIRLANT back in the sixties, right on the the Norfolk Naval Air Station...where his office happened to be.
Even McCain has stated, despite his captivity, and brave willingness to remain a prisoner. HE doesn't consider himself a Hero. And for a good reason. McCain served with HERO'S who GAVE THEIR LIVES. And those who hate him for all the excuses they feel so happy to share here...are just big mouths.
If those who now claim Trump DISHONORED McCain, and Veterans in general had any brains. They'd just be quiet.
TWISTING WORDS in politics today, is what EVERYONE seems to enjoy doing the most. It HIDES their stupidity so well.

07-19-2015, 04:40 PM
Might be nice to have a president that actually tells it like it is, that isn't afraid of the liberal media, that actually know how a business works, at least how one should make money. I am keeping my eye on Trump and as of right now I think most Americans should be, he will draw a real line in the sand and if crossed someone will pay the price, might be just what America needs to get us back to where we should be.

We had one once called Teddy Roosevelt. Haven't had one since.

07-19-2015, 06:10 PM
Trump won’t apologize for McCain ‘war hero’ comments

article (https://www.yahoo.com/politics/trump-wont-apologize-for-mccain-war-hero-124495589501.html<br />)

And why should he? After all, if McCain hadn't made the remark that he made, Trump wouldn't have made the remark that he made.

"he fired up the crazies" — John McCain

Funny how that works....

07-19-2015, 06:11 PM
Might be nice to have a president that actually tells it like it is, that isn't afraid of the liberal media, that actually know how a business works, at least how one should make money. I am keeping my eye on Trump and as of right now I think most Americans should be, he will draw a real line in the sand and if crossed someone will pay the price, might be just what America needs to get us back to where we should be.

That will work...amen!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2015, 06:24 PM

I was *not* here and refuse to get on any band wagon that looks back at something like you mention from the past.

Anyone that thinks they could be better than McCain should Nut Up, Shut their frikkin' Thumb-Sucker, and run for office themselves.

Disparage a Combat Pilot that *was* shot down, imprisoned and tortured for almost 5 years...gets Silver Star...

McCain is one of the few on Capitol Hill will to work both sides of the aisle. Only a hard head could dislike that.

I do not like his stance on Immigration, but he is a far better man than any swinging dick in this forum that would
not have the balls to face up to him and repeat what they say in a forum, feeling safe behind a keyboard.

Only a hard head could dislike that.

^^^^^^^ Hoss, there is not a damn man alive anywhere on this planet that I will not repeat what I have said about McCain.
That SOB is a pure sellout now, whatever he was before doesn't exist.
As to his working with the ffing dems--piss on that! We do not want any swinging dk working to appease those ffing traitors.
Think I'll not back my words just try me. I will give my damn address to anybody here that private messages me here requesting it.

I have no quarrel with you but if you want one I am game..
McCain is a damn sellout that I despise. Yet I voted for the appeasing scum because I knew the bambastard was far, far worse. -Tyr

07-19-2015, 06:28 PM
^^^^^^^ Hoss, there is not a damn man alive anywhere on this planet that I will not repeat what I have said about McCain.
That SOB is a pure sellout now, whatever he was before doesn't exist.
As to his working with the ffing dems--piss on that! We do not want any swinging dk working to appease those ffing traitors.
Think I'll not back my words just try me. I will give my damn address to anybody here that private messages me here requesting it.

I have no quarrel with you but if you want one I am game..
McCain is a damn sellout that I despise. Yet I voted for the appeasing scum because I knew the bambastard was far, far worse. -Tyr


I voted for the bastard also...*at least we voted...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2015, 06:31 PM
Everyone knows my stance on illegals. Or lives in a cave.

Trump and McCain need to shut up. McCain isn't a hero in my eyes. He crashed 4 fighters and let the enemy capture him.

McCain isn't a hero in my eyes.

Since doing all that he has repeatedly helped the stinking dems advance their agenda. So why would anybody choose to still call him a hero is beyond me.
And he is a damn dumbass to boot. Back during his presidential campaign he told that old lady she was wrong about obama--That obama was an hon0rable man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad:
He is an ffing moron!!!!! -Tyr

07-19-2015, 06:34 PM
McCain isn't a hero in my eyes.

Since doing all that he has repeatedly helped the stinking dems advance their agenda. So why would anybody choose to still call him a hero is beyond me.
And he is a damn dumbass to boot. Back during his presidential campaign he told that old lady she was wrong about obama--That obama was an hon0rable man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d::mad:
He is an ffing moron!!!!! -Tyr


07-19-2015, 06:49 PM
I can live with being in the minority here, I judge heroes on the criteria I gave earlier: honorable military, police, fire. Of course any of us could be a hero in a second, through a choice of taking courageous action under a dangerous situation. There were plenty during 9/11 for instance.

Then again, a hero may have problems after their courageous actions. They may end up with alcohol or drug abuse. They may not be able to hold a job. Heck, they may not vote for whom I think they should. Damn, they might even be liberal! None of those things mitigate what they've done in the past.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2015, 06:56 PM
I can live with being in the minority here, I judge heroes on the criteria I gave earlier: honorable military, police, fire. Of course any of us could be a hero in a second, through a choice of taking courageous action under a dangerous situation. There were plenty during 9/11 for instance.

Then again, a hero may have problems after their courageous actions. They may end up with alcohol or drug abuse. They may not be able to hold a job. Heck, they may not vote for whom I think they should. Damn, they might even be liberal! None of those things mitigate what they've done in the past.

None of those things are backstabbing one's own political party and aiding the enemy(dems).
Appeasement has become something we can not afford as it has gotten us into the sorry shape we find ourselves in now and it is a PC tool used by the dem/leftists to divide us..
People can go bad and once they do I refuse to pretend blindness and still give the same respect as before!
By any logical reckoning McCain definitely has went bad. He serves himself first not this nation, I will never overlook that myself.

07-19-2015, 07:08 PM
Trump won’t apologize for McCain ‘war hero’ comments

article (https://www.yahoo.com/politics/trump-wont-apologize-for-mccain-war-hero-124495589501.html<br />)

And why should he? After all, if McCain hadn't made the remark that he made, Trump wouldn't have made the remark that he made.

"he fired up the crazies" — John McCain



07-19-2015, 07:35 PM


I really wanted to stay out of this discussion because of how angry this topic makes me. But, I find I must at least offer a tidbit of info I became aware of, many, many years ago. Actually, while trying to find more information about John Kerry, and Hanoi Jane. Some can call me a liar, or another one of those Conspiracy Junkies I despise. But all should take this as a genuine attempt to provide some Truthfulness behind all of this McCain Delay tactics for the POW's.
Truth is. McCain, and other members of Congress at the time were Privy to some Classified information THEY COULDN'T ALLOW to become public, or compromised because it would have EXPOSED certain people in WASHINGTON.
I'll leave it at that. But someday. After all of the B.S. Dust has settled...IF AMERICA survives. Everyone will finally get access to the TRUTH.

07-20-2015, 03:43 AM

I was *not* here and refuse to get on any band wagon that looks back at something like you mention from the past.

Anyone that thinks they could be better than McCain should Nut Up, Shut their frikkin' Thumb-Sucker, and run for office themselves.

Disparage a Combat Pilot that *was* shot down, imprisoned and tortured for almost 5 years...gets Silver Star...

McCain is one of the few on Capitol Hill will to work both sides of the aisle. Only a hard head could dislike that.

I do not like his stance on Immigration, but he is a far better man than any swinging dick in this forum that would
not have the balls to face up to him and repeat what they say in a forum, feeling safe behind a keyboard.\

I'm your huckleberry.

McCain was a lousy pilot. He got shot down and allowed himself to be taken captive by the enemy. He made his name as an independent running as a Republicant going against the people he supposedly represented.

I got a whole shit load of medals in my niece's garage somewhere along with 3 sets of camouflaged utilities, a set a dress blues and my alphas. Even got the NCO saber. Big deal. That and $2 will get me a cup of coffee at the stop n rob. I don't have a silver star (only zero's get that -- enlisted usually have to be dead to get it posthumously) nor have I crashed 4 jet fighters because I can't fly worth a crap.

Being taken captive by the enemy is foreign language. No comprende.

And in case you haven't noticed, that working both sides of the aisle crap has got us what, exactly? A sideshow freak running his mouth as if anyone but the MSM cares what his lame ass has to say. Like we don't have enough of those on the right.

Hillary is going to be the next President and God help us but the right is so dysfunctional and self-destructive it's ridiculous.

07-20-2015, 05:17 AM

I'm your huckleberry.

McCain was a lousy pilot. He got shot down and allowed himself to be taken captive by the enemy. He made his name as an independent running as a Republicant going against the people he supposedly represented.

I got a whole shit load of medals in my niece's garage somewhere along with 3 sets of camouflaged utilities, a set a dress blues and my alphas. Even got the NCO saber. Big deal. That and $2 will get me a cup of coffee at the stop n rob. I don't have a silver star (only zero's get that -- enlisted usually have to be dead to get it posthumously) nor have I crashed 4 jet fighters because I can't fly worth a crap.

Being taken captive by the enemy is foreign language. No comprende.

And in case you haven't noticed, that working both sides of the aisle crap has got us what, exactly? A sideshow freak running his mouth as if anyone but the MSM cares what his lame ass has to say. Like we don't have enough of those on the right.

Hillary is going to be the next President and God help us but the right is so dysfunctional and self-destructive it's ridiculous.

I am scared to death you are 100% correct, the right can't get things right when they run both the Senate and the House, they can't agree on anything and it seems like we put some of the stupidest folks up to bat come election time ( that is exactly why I wont count Trump out, ay least he has some bags, says what he thinks and certainly knows how to make money, but I wonder how serious if at all he is ) But if Hillary gets in, well we might just as well put when in the side of our head, because America is doomed.

07-20-2015, 05:19 AM

I'm your huckleberry.

McCain was a lousy pilot. He got shot down and allowed himself to be taken captive by the enemy. He made his name as an independent running as a Republicant going against the people he supposedly represented.

I got a whole shit load of medals in my niece's garage somewhere along with 3 sets of camouflaged utilities, a set a dress blues and my alphas. Even got the NCO saber. Big deal. That and $2 will get me a cup of coffee at the stop n rob. I don't have a silver star (only zero's get that -- enlisted usually have to be dead to get it posthumously) nor have I crashed 4 jet fighters because I can't fly worth a crap.

Being taken captive by the enemy is foreign language. No comprende.

And in case you haven't noticed, that working both sides of the aisle crap has got us what, exactly? A sideshow freak running his mouth as if anyone but the MSM cares what his lame ass has to say. Like we don't have enough of those on the right.

Hillary is going to be the next President and God help us but the right is so dysfunctional and self-destructive it's ridiculous.

If Hillary is elected or Bernie for that matter, it likely will be because of all those that are currently backing Trump. It's just a matter of time until he chooses to take his reality show of 'buying the Presidency with my own money' to a third party.

07-20-2015, 08:21 AM
... he will draw a real line in the sand ...

He appears to draw silly lines.

07-20-2015, 08:53 AM
He appears to draw silly lines.

That's what many said prior to Obama getting elected. And many said that prior to Trump leading in the current polls.

07-20-2015, 08:57 AM
That's what many said prior to Obama getting elected. And many said that prior to Trump leading in the current polls.

I think your comparison of BO and Trump is apropos.

07-20-2015, 09:00 AM
I think your comparison of BO and Trump is apropos.

So is scoffing at Trump as he leads in the polls.

07-20-2015, 09:01 AM
So is scoffing at Trump as he leads in the polls.

People scoff at BO and he, unfortunately, won twice. Besides, leading in the polls now means little otherwise I think we'd have President Hillary.

07-20-2015, 09:05 AM
First, I think most of you are taking Trump's candidacy seriously when you shouldn't be. He's getting a LOT of press, which he enjoys, but he's also getting some serious dialogue going which is important. He's showing the timid contenders that you can be forceful and have strong opinions and STILL do well in the polls.

He can also stick his foot in his mouth by saying something outrageous and refuse to backpedal like every other politician does in order to appease the perpetually offended, which does no good anyway. The perpetually offended aren't going to vote for you anyway, they're just trying to help bring you down.

Secondly, Aboutime :

Let's get serious, and let the hypocrisy go here. Of course, Trump messed up with his wording about McCain. But... here's a reminder for many of the same people now jumping on Trump, and his words about McCain.

Go back and look at how many of the members of this forum actually, and basically SAID EXACTLY THE SAME things during the time McCain, and Palin were running.

Those who didn't like McCain....RIGHT HERE ON DP, said some even more disgusting things than Trump. But we're supposed to OVERLOOK, or IGNORE those things?

Reminds me of the line "Let he who is without sin....cast the first stone!"

Who here was attacking McCain's record here on DP in '07 / '08? Gabby, Bully, SpidermanTuba and a few other liberal shitheads did, but not one of the regulars here did.

I certainly didn't, and while there were discussions regarding his politics and failure to help fix the border, everyone here respected his service record and especially his time as a POW - he served honorably and only a fool would say otherwise. And the fools that questioned it were rightfully blasted, harshly.

McCain wasn't perfect; no one here claimed that he was. In fact, quite a few said they didn't agree on his politics on some issues and I personally have never cared for his willingness to cave to the liberals... but he was a hell of a lot better for America than the ass clown we currently have, so he was supported faithfully here.

You are way off base by saying that DP members were attacking McCain's service record. That didn't happen.

Lastly, Gunny :

McCain isn't a hero in my eyes.

Where he was heroic, IMO, was his conduct and efforts in saving his fellow POWs while in captivity, despite unimaginable torture that crippled his body and his refusal to accept release while his fellow POWs were left behind. That takes an admirably tough mind, especially in light of the years of torture he'd already suffered.

He crashed 4 fighters and let the enemy capture him.

Some of our greatest aviators crashed more planes than a paltry 4. Yeager had 4 smoking wrecks in the distance before lunch on a good day, and his skills as a pilot are legendary. I'm not sure how crashing 4 fighters detracts from his record? Shit happens in aviation, especially in combat operations as you know.

We had one once called Teddy Roosevelt. Haven't had one since.

^^ This.

07-20-2015, 09:17 AM
In "my" opinion on Mccain, Trump is way off. I didn't speak a lick about his service back in '08 and certainly wouldn't now. Fuck, what the man went through was unimaginable. He was fighting for his country and then ended up in hell for years as a result. He's not a hero in your traditional sense, where he was out there saving lives... but he was serving. He endured. He was a POW for a long, long time. He then came back home to America. He is now trying to do what he thinks is right by the country he loves. He's a MUCH better man than I am, even if he turned into a RINO over the years. I refuse to hate the man for that, or push him about his service. Other servicemen may have that luxury, they know more, seen more, endured more. I can't say as much. In "my" opinion, I see all POW's as heroes. Same as all of those MIA that never came home. When I see this, I instantly think Hero


07-20-2015, 01:05 PM
So is scoffing at Trump as he leads in the polls.

So did Ross Perot. We got Bill.

07-20-2015, 01:10 PM
I think your comparison of BO and Trump is apropos.

I think it is ridicules, one is a man that says what he believes, knows how to make money and has done so for years, on the other hand the other is a lying POS that hasn't done anything other than stir up racism and use tax payers money to give his family a 7 year vacation, can you guess who is who. :rolleyes:

07-20-2015, 01:12 PM
I think it is ridicules, one is a man that says what he believes, knows how to make money and has done so for years, on the other hand the other is a lying POS that hasn't done anything other than stir up racism and use tax payers money to give his family a 7 year vacation, can you guess who is who. :rolleyes:

Not the point. Bad candidates lose elections. The Republicans may have had control of the Senate in 2010 if it weren't for bad candidates. Trump is a bad candidate.

07-20-2015, 01:36 PM
I think it is ridicules, one is a man that says what he believes, knows how to make money and has done so for years, on the other hand the other is a lying POS that hasn't done anything other than stir up racism and use tax payers money to give his family a 7 year vacation, can you guess who is who. :rolleyes:

The problem Trump has created is two-fold: He's alienating a lot of people with his "telling it like it is". And he's attacking Republicans instead of progressive leftwing policies and the media's eating it up. This isn't a prime time TV show and maybe he ought to keep his eyes on the prize instead of bickering with other conservatives.

And again, he'll never accomplish all the things he claims he can. Congress will NEVER buy his John Wayne foreign policy, nor will it back anything that'll piss off the MSM and the left.

Now if he has a plan to grow the GOP a set of balls, I'm all ears. Otherwise, I've already seen this movie. Ross Perot splitting the conservative vote and giving the Dems a win. The "Contract with America" that ended with a do nothing Congress. Bush had the Presidency and both houses of Congress and all they did was flinch at every leftwing accusation.

The last "independent" President we had was Jimmy Carter, running as a Democrat. He couldn't even get the support of Democrats by the time left office.

Same old sh*t, different day.

07-20-2015, 01:40 PM
Oh, how wrong you are. I actually met McCain, when he was still wearing a uniform. Happened to be in the same office with his Father...who was what we called COMNAVAIRLANT back in the sixties, right on the the Norfolk Naval Air Station...where his office happened to be.
Even McCain has stated, despite his captivity, and brave willingness to remain a prisoner. HE doesn't consider himself a Hero. And for a good reason. McCain served with HERO'S who GAVE THEIR LIVES. And those who hate him for all the excuses they feel so happy to share here...are just big mouths.
If those who now claim Trump DISHONORED McCain, and Veterans in general had any brains. They'd just be quiet.
TWISTING WORDS in politics today, is what EVERYONE seems to enjoy doing the most. It HIDES their stupidity so well.

I remember ComNavAirLant. Was at Little Creek for 2 years. But thanks for reminding me of my age. As if my knee wasn't already doing that.:laugh:

07-20-2015, 02:22 PM
... other conservatives.

The "Contract with America" that ended with a do nothing Congress. Bush had the Presidency and both houses of Congress and all they did was flinch at every leftwing accusation.

I see where there's a flaw in your premise. :poke:

But I disagree with the CwA Congress. It definitely wasn't do-nothing though I agree it only really existed until Bush won in '00.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2015, 05:56 PM
This is McCain..... and I have tons more on the Rino.. --Tyr


John McCain Calls Out Tea Party Lies, Says GOP “Did the American People a Great Disservice” October 9, 2013 By Allen Clifton

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/john-mccain-calls-out-tea-party-lies-says-gop-did-the-american-people-a-great-disservice/

It goes without saying that as a liberal, I don’t always agree with Arizona Senator John McCain.
However, I will give him some credit — during his career in
the Senate, he’s usually acted more sane than most within his party and hasn’t been afraid
(at times) to call out the antics of his fellow conservatives.

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/john-mccain-calls-out-tea-party-lies-says-gop-did-the-american-people-a-great-disservice/

Which he did once again by saying Republicans “did the American people a great disservice”
by misleading them about defunding, delaying or
repealing “Obamacare.”

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/john-mccain-calls-out-tea-party-lies-says-gop-did-the-american-people-a-great-disservice/

Which is exactly right. Individuals like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul got tea party Republicans
(and conservatives in general) up in this wild frenzy at the thought that
at the end of the day they could repeal, delay or defund “Obamacare.” They did such a masterful
job at this that millions of Republican voters at this very moment believe they’ll be successful.

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/john-mccain-calls-out-tea-party-lies-says-gop-did-the-american-people-a-great-disservice/

But they won’t. Most Republicans know this and John McCain flat out said so.
Anyone with any common sense knows this has absolutely no chance at being successful,
yet here we are with the government still closed and Republicans claiming this is the fault
of President Obama and Democrats. Yet, Speaker of the House Boehner continues to prevent
the House from voting on a clean version of the Senate’s resolution.

And if this is “Obama’s shutdown,” as many Republicans continue to try to perpetuate, why is it that quite a few Republicans have publicly called out their own party for pushing this “strategy” knowing that it will never work? Which, as McCain said, did a complete disservice to the American people. Because now Republicans (specifically House Republicans) don’t know what the heck to do. They’re in a no-win situation and at this point are acting more out of desperate pride than common sense. But then again, they rarely act with any sort of common sense to beg

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/john-mccain-calls-out-tea-party-lies-says-gop-did-the-american-people-a-great-disservice/



Sean Hannity And John McCain Battle Over Senator’s Anti-Tea Party Remarks
Mediaite ^ | 7/28/11 | Frances Martel
Posted on 7/28/2011, 11:50:13 AM by Nachum

Sen. John McCain ruffled America’s already disheveled political feathers today with a Senate
floor rant mocking the Tea Party’s position on the debt ceiling debate comparing them to
hobbits and disparaging them for turning Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into Republican
nominees. Unsurprisingly, Sean Hannity had a bone to pick with the senator tonight on those
comments, and on his opinion that the Republicans will get the blame for a debt default if
they do not compromise.

Hannity came out swinging at Sen. McCain, wondering why the senator had turned on the Tea
Party– “why not attack the President?” Sen. McCain corrected that he did intend to attack
the Tea Party but that he disagreed with their obstinacy, especially if it would mean a plan
like that of Sen. Harry Reid’s– “one of the most flimsy, transparent, phony spending cut things,
proposals, that I’ve ever seen”– being put into law. The alternative to Hannity, however,
was Republicans “competing with themselves, which infuriates me a little bit.” He noted that
the Rep. Paul Ryan plan in the House was a good start, and that “the House
Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare,” all things it frustrated him not to see in the Senate.

(Excerpt) Read more at mediaite.com ...

We should be asking why the McCain is seeking to divide the party further and why he hates and belittles true patriots like the Tea Party. Not pretend that once a hero , always a hero.
Benedict Arnold turned into a traitor was he still a hero??? History says a resounding -NO!!
YET McSame has done the same and still gets credit as if he has done nothing wrong. I'll never give such scum that respect and credit as it dishonors true heroes in my book!!!!!!!! -Tyr

07-20-2015, 07:03 PM
This is McCain..... and I have tons more on the Rino.. --Tyr



We should be asking why the McCain is seeking to divide the party further and why he hates and belittles true patriots like the Tea Party. Not pretend that once a hero , always a hero.
Benedict Arnold turned into a traitor was he still a hero??? History says a resounding -NO!!
YET McSame has done the same and still gets credit as if he has done nothing wrong. I'll never give such scum that respect and credit as it dishonors true heroes in my book!!!!!!!! -Tyr

Tyr. There is a very easy, simple answer about asking McCain WHY? He is first, and foremost...a Politician.
And, as I have been trying to say here since I arrived. "I do not trust politicians." That should be all we need to know.

07-20-2015, 08:55 PM
Tyr. There is a very easy, simple answer about asking McCain WHY? He is first, and foremost...a Politician.
And, as I have been trying to say here since I arrived. "I do not trust politicians." That should be all we need to know.

Trump hates weak-ass Politicians ....Illegal Parasites...appeasing Rhinos.... and worthless Dumb-asses who cant figure out...How to make good things happen.


07-20-2015, 09:02 PM
Trump hates weak-ass Politicians ....Illegal Parasites...appeasing Rhinos.... and worthless Dumb-asses who cant figure out...How to make good things happen.


Whatever anyones opinion of trump is, he will not be potus, he wont win the nomination and his attack on Mc Cains service is going to kill him with vets.

You can hate McCain as a politician and for what he does as a politician but you cant demean his service which is written in record and verfied by soldiers who served with him.

07-20-2015, 09:14 PM
As a lifelong conservative, the only Republican I could not and did not vote for was McCain. I despise the man. When he was running against Obama, I saw two of the same running. I voted instead for someone who got a few thousand votes.

07-20-2015, 09:29 PM
Whatever anyones opinion of trump is, he will not be potus, he wont win the nomination and his attack on Mc Cains service is going to kill him with vets.

You can hate McCain as a politician and for what he does as a politician but you cant demean his service which is written in record and verfied by soldiers who served with him.

Kathianne. As a 30 year veteran myself. Based on lifelong experience. Trump DID NOT demean McCain. He merely repeated what McCain has said, many times over the years.
i ALSO agree, Trump probably won't be nominated, nor will he become POTUS. But...look at how everyone has been using him as their Favorite PUNCHING BAG...like the Obama's, and Clinton's do for TELLING THE TRUTH.

Anyone who has to call Trump the standard names, or accuse him of being Un-American because he speaks the Truth....deserves another OBAMA, or HILLARY in 2016.
IMO...Generally. AMERICANS across this nation are so INFORMATION starved, or IGNORANT. I won't be surprised if, and when the DEMS win in 2016.
But WE SHOULD ALL FEEL SICK IN OUR STOMACHS for our children, and grandchildren who will see the FALL of this nation. IN PERSON.

07-20-2015, 09:31 PM
Kathianne. As a 30 year veteran myself. Based on lifelong experience. Trump DID NOT demean McCain. He merely repeated what McCain has said, many times over the years.
i ALSO agree, Trump probably won't be nominated, nor will he become POTUS. But...look at how everyone has been using him as their Favorite PUNCHING BAG...like the Obama's, and Clinton's do for TELLING THE TRUTH.

Anyone who has to call Trump the standard names, or accuse him of being Un-American because he speaks the Truth....deserves another OBAMA, or HILLARY in 2016.
IMO...Generally. AMERICANS across this nation are so INFORMATION starved, or IGNORANT. I won't be surprised if, and when the DEMS win in 2016.
But WE SHOULD ALL FEEL SICK IN OUR STOMACHS for our children, and grandchildren who will see the FALL of this nation. IN PERSON.

Umm, you quoted Solo and then spoke to 'me.' Confusing.

07-20-2015, 09:34 PM
Umm, you quoted Solo and then spoke to 'me.' Confusing.

My apologies Kathianne. Wasn't paying attention as I did it. Getting late. Thanks for the heads up!

07-21-2015, 12:11 AM
Kathianne. As a 30 year veteran myself. Based on lifelong experience. Trump DID NOT demean McCain. He merely repeated what McCain has said, many times over the years.
i ALSO agree, Trump probably won't be nominated, nor will he become POTUS. But...look at how everyone has been using him as their Favorite PUNCHING BAG...like the Obama's, and Clinton's do for TELLING THE TRUTH.

Anyone who has to call Trump the standard names, or accuse him of being Un-American because he speaks the Truth....deserves another OBAMA, or HILLARY in 2016.
IMO...Generally. AMERICANS across this nation are so INFORMATION starved, or IGNORANT. I won't be surprised if, and when the DEMS win in 2016.
But WE SHOULD ALL FEEL SICK IN OUR STOMACHS for our children, and grandchildren who will see the FALL of this nation. IN PERSON.

It's the game the left plays, and the right cowers to it. What does McCain's service have to do with his being a lousy politician? McCain has been nothing since he appeared on the screen but divisive. I think Trump's a Ross Perot Jr. But the left and the MSM are sitting back, using this as a distraction, while no one's interviewing Hillary.

Maybe the conservatives ought to focus on the left-bot sheeple rather than attacking themselves?

McCain is a big mouth do nothing that loves attention. If I lost 4 M-16s or 4 Hummers the Corps would have disowned me. And my idea of surrender goes like this: "I'm a United State Marine and I have a K-Bar. Y'all throw down them rifles or it's gonna get ugly."

I'm not denigrating his service. I'm telling it like it is from one serviceman to the next. I just don't know why his service has to be part of this BS. Anyone wants a dickhead that never did anything, get our current Secretary of State on line. He's one of the biggest pussies that ever walked and a total disgrace to the US Naval Service. And now, at the behest of our Dumbshit in Chief, he's made a deal with our worst enemy.

So let's just pick on some service records:

Barrack Towelhead Obama: none. Unless you count being trained by a domestic terrorist and the Reverend Wright.

John the Embarrassment Kerry: A disgrace. He f-ing shot himself. Lied to Congress and threw someone else's medals over the White House fence. Now he sells out the very Constitution he swore to uphold and defend.

Back to McCain ... he gets creds from me for serving. That's a no brainer. I'm just tired of that "hero" word.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2015, 10:07 AM
It's the game the left plays, and the right cowers to it. What does McCain's service have to do with his being a lousy politician? McCain has been nothing since he appeared on the screen but divisive. I think Trump's a Ross Perot Jr. But the left and the MSM are sitting back, using this as a distraction, while no one's interviewing Hillary.

Maybe the conservatives ought to focus on the left-bot sheeple rather than attacking themselves?

McCain is a big mouth do nothing that loves attention. If I lost 4 M-16s or 4 Hummers the Corps would have disowned me. And my idea of surrender goes like this: "I'm a United State Marine and I have a K-Bar. Y'all throw down them rifles or it's gonna get ugly."

I'm not denigrating his service. I'm telling it like it is from one serviceman to the next. I just don't know why his service has to be part of this BS. Anyone wants a dickhead that never did anything, get our current Secretary of State on line. He's one of the biggest pussies that ever walked and a total disgrace to the US Naval Service. And now, at the behest of our Dumbshit in Chief, he's made a deal with our worst enemy.

So let's just pick on some service records:

Barrack Towelhead Obama: none. Unless you count being trained by a domestic terrorist and the Reverend Wright.

John the Embarrassment Kerry: A disgrace. He f-ing shot himself. Lied to Congress and threw someone else's medals over the White House fence. Now he sells out the very Constitution he swore to uphold and defend.

Back to McCain ... he gets creds from me for serving. That's a no brainer. I'm just tired of that "hero" word.

You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice.

Barrack Towelhead Obama: none. Unless you count being trained by a domestic terrorist and the Reverend Wright.

but, O' if only I could......Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2015, 10:11 AM
Whatever anyones opinion of trump is, he will not be potus, he wont win the nomination and his attack on Mc Cains service is going to kill him with vets.

You can hate McCain as a politician and for what he does as a politician but you cant demean his service which is written in record and verfied by soldiers who served with him.

May be but which crystal ball did you use? The shiny pink one or the blue one?
By the way, wasn't that stated about the stinking obama when he first entered his slimy self in the presidential race many centuries ago(or so it now seems).--Tyr

07-21-2015, 10:15 AM
May be but which crystal ball did you use? The shiny pink one or the blue one?
By the way, wasn't that stated about the stinking obama when he first entered his slimy self in the presidential race many centuries ago(or so it now seems).--Tyr


Obama IS a slimy thing. How many pictures are there where flies have landed on his nasty face?

Max R.
07-21-2015, 01:11 PM
Scott Walker.

If he stumbles, I would SETTLE for Rubio or Kasich. Third tier: Rick Perry.

I like that order, although I think Perry has shot his wad. Maybe put Kasich before Rubio, even though I like both.

Max R.
07-21-2015, 01:16 PM
Whatever anyones opinion of trump is, he will not be potus, he wont win the nomination and his attack on Mc Cains service is going to kill him with vets.

You can hate McCain as a politician and for what he does as a politician but you cant demean his service which is written in record and verfied by soldiers who served with him.

Well said and agreed.

I like what Rick Perry said about Trump:
....Mr. Trump’s absurdity reached a new low over the weekend, when he spit in the eye of every American prisoner of war, particularly Senator John McCain. But frankly, we should expect no better from a man who couldn’t be bothered to answer the call to serve his nation when it needed him most.

As a veteran and the son of a veteran, I find Mr. Trump’s brand of vitriol particularly offensive, and I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office. Our nation’s warriors have been let down and left behind by the bureaucratic bungling of the Veterans Administration. They deserve a leader who will stand up for them, not one who ridicules the deadly circumstances they willingly put themselves in when they volunteer to protect our nation....

07-21-2015, 01:26 PM
Gettin' to learn, and love the hypocrisy being demonstrated here on DP.

The IGNORE function can't be used often enough to stop others from actually pretending they are ORIGINAL words.

One reminder to all who play your little games here. Someday..all of you will learn what getting older means. And then you'll see, first-hand, how betrayal actually works.

How sad.

Max R.
07-21-2015, 01:37 PM
What's sad is seeing a fellow vet defend a draft-dodging assh*le who slammed all POWs in an effort to pick up political points.

Rick Perry: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421364/rick-perry-says-trumps-mccain-smear-disqualifies-him
As a veteran and the son of a veteran, I find Mr. Trump’s brand of vitriol particularly offensive, and I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.

Our nation’s warriors have been let down and left behind by the bureaucratic bungling of the Veterans Administration. They deserve a leader who will stand up for them, not one who ridicules the deadly circumstances they willingly put themselves in when they volunteer to protect our nation.

Captain Charlie Plumb, former POW: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/20/john-mccains-fellow-pow-amused-donald-trumps-remar/
Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said Monday that “it’s a bit of a non-issue of calling a person a hero.”

“We were over there in uniform fighting for our way of life,” he said. “We were dedicated to the mission and in some small way, we were in uniform to protect Donald Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s right to free speech.

“And not only that, it kind of occurs to me that I thought about this just immediately when I heard Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s remarks, that if it hadn’t been for men and women in uniform, if we’d all gotten deferments, you know, in college, there’d be no opportunity to be a billionaire in the United States,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

He also said he and his fellow POWs don’t need an apology from Mr. Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/): “We know who we are. We’re very well-adjusted people, and we understand that, first of all, it’s just political rhetoric for the most part — it’s just stirring the pot.”

“So I don’t need an apology,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

“It certainly somehow degrades military people and people in uniform. On the other hand, you have to consider the source. You know, Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) has never served in the military. … We used to call them ‘draft dodgers,’ ” he said.

Other notable Republicans respond: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/trump-republicans-mccain/
"There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably," RNC spokesman Sean Spicer said on Twitter.....

...."Enough with the slanderous attacks," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tweeted. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close friend of McCain's, said Trump had "crossed a line today that will offend most every one that I know," and predicted that American voters would only have this message to Trump: "You're fired."

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that Trump's shot against a man who refused to take early release from the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison because his comrades could not come too disqualifed the billionaire as a potential commander in chief.

07-21-2015, 01:44 PM
What's sad is seeing a fellow vet defend a draft-dodging assh*le who slammed all POWs in an effort to pick up political points.

Rick Perry: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421364/rick-perry-says-trumps-mccain-smear-disqualifies-him
As a veteran and the son of a veteran, I find Mr. Trump’s brand of vitriol particularly offensive, and I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.

Our nation’s warriors have been let down and left behind by the bureaucratic bungling of the Veterans Administration. They deserve a leader who will stand up for them, not one who ridicules the deadly circumstances they willingly put themselves in when they volunteer to protect our nation.

Captain Charlie Plumb, former POW: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/20/john-mccains-fellow-pow-amused-donald-trumps-remar/
Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said Monday that “it’s a bit of a non-issue of calling a person a hero.”

“We were over there in uniform fighting for our way of life,” he said. “We were dedicated to the mission and in some small way, we were in uniform to protect Donald Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s right to free speech.

“And not only that, it kind of occurs to me that I thought about this just immediately when I heard Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s remarks, that if it hadn’t been for men and women in uniform, if we’d all gotten deferments, you know, in college, there’d be no opportunity to be a billionaire in the United States,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

He also said he and his fellow POWs don’t need an apology from Mr. Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/): “We know who we are. We’re very well-adjusted people, and we understand that, first of all, it’s just political rhetoric for the most part — it’s just stirring the pot.”

“So I don’t need an apology,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

“It certainly somehow degrades military people and people in uniform. On the other hand, you have to consider the source. You know, Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) has never served in the military. … We used to call them ‘draft dodgers,’ ” he said.

Other notable Republicans respond: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/trump-republicans-mccain/
"There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably," RNC spokesman Sean Spicer said on Twitter.....

...."Enough with the slanderous attacks," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tweeted. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close friend of McCain's, said Trump had "crossed a line today that will offend most every one that I know," and predicted that American voters would only have this message to Trump: "You're fired."

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that Trump's shot against a man who refused to take early release from the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison because his comrades could not come too disqualifed the billionaire as a potential commander in chief.

All the vitriol aimed at Trump...meanwhile. The MSM and Dem/Republicans say NOTHING about the Vitriol shown, and demonstrated DAILY by Obama.

This is all the Dems want, and need. Keeping the 'R's fighting each other...while HITLERY stays quiet, and ropes off reporters, and cameras to hide her Same Vitriol, and Hatred for the Military.

Can anyone point to Trump sounding like this?

LinK: http://formerspook.blogspot.com/2005/07/hillarys-military-resume.html

Max R.
07-21-2015, 02:12 PM
All the vitriol aimed at Trump...meanwhile. The MSM and Dem/Republicans say NOTHING about the Vitriol shown, and demonstrated DAILY by Obama. ....
I think they are focusing upon finding Obama's replacement....and rightfully so.

Walker? Kasich? Rubio?

07-21-2015, 02:36 PM
What's sad is seeing a fellow vet defend a draft-dodging assh*le who slammed all POWs in an effort to pick up political points.

Rick Perry: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421364/rick-perry-says-trumps-mccain-smear-disqualifies-him
As a veteran and the son of a veteran, I find Mr. Trump’s brand of vitriol particularly offensive, and I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.

Our nation’s warriors have been let down and left behind by the bureaucratic bungling of the Veterans Administration. They deserve a leader who will stand up for them, not one who ridicules the deadly circumstances they willingly put themselves in when they volunteer to protect our nation.

Captain Charlie Plumb, former POW: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/20/john-mccains-fellow-pow-amused-donald-trumps-remar/
Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said Monday that “it’s a bit of a non-issue of calling a person a hero.”

“We were over there in uniform fighting for our way of life,” he said. “We were dedicated to the mission and in some small way, we were in uniform to protect Donald Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s right to free speech.

“And not only that, it kind of occurs to me that I thought about this just immediately when I heard Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/)’s remarks, that if it hadn’t been for men and women in uniform, if we’d all gotten deferments, you know, in college, there’d be no opportunity to be a billionaire in the United States,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

He also said he and his fellow POWs don’t need an apology from Mr. Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/): “We know who we are. We’re very well-adjusted people, and we understand that, first of all, it’s just political rhetoric for the most part — it’s just stirring the pot.”

“So I don’t need an apology,” Capt. Plumb (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/charlie-plumb/) said.

“It certainly somehow degrades military people and people in uniform. On the other hand, you have to consider the source. You know, Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) has never served in the military. … We used to call them ‘draft dodgers,’ ” he said.

Other notable Republicans respond: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/trump-republicans-mccain/
"There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably," RNC spokesman Sean Spicer said on Twitter.....

...."Enough with the slanderous attacks," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tweeted. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close friend of McCain's, said Trump had "crossed a line today that will offend most every one that I know," and predicted that American voters would only have this message to Trump: "You're fired."

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that Trump's shot against a man who refused to take early release from the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison because his comrades could not come too disqualifed the billionaire as a potential commander in chief.

I don't disagree about Trump. I look at this from two angles. Stupid move for Trump to criticize anyone's service since he never served. However, as a former service member, I feel I have the right to criticize McCain's actions as a service member. I don't criticize his service. I also make sure I keep that separate from the trainwreck of a politician he's been.

SO how do you feel about this?

The left and MSM attack Trump for criticizing McCain's service. At the same time, they call Chris Kyle a murderer because he was a sniper.

red state
07-21-2015, 02:45 PM
I don't disagree about Trump. I look at this from two angles. Stupid move for Trump to criticize anyone's service since he never served. However, as a former service member, I feel I have the right to criticize McCain's actions as a service member. I don't criticize his service. I also make sure I keep that separate from the trainwreck of a politician he's been.

SO how do you feel about this?

The left and MSM attack Trump for criticizing McCain's service. At the same time, they call Chris Kyle a murderer because he was a sniper.

:clap::clap::clap::clap:EXACTLY!!!! nutin' to add there.....i guarantee!!!

07-21-2015, 03:18 PM
Gettin' to learn, and love the hypocrisy being demonstrated here on DP.

The IGNORE function can't be used often enough to stop others from actually pretending they are ORIGINAL words.

One reminder to all who play your little games here. Someday..all of you will learn what getting older means. And then you'll see, first-hand, how betrayal actually works.

How sad.

What did I miss? Far too many pages to search when you didn't quote anything. Please tell me what this is about, and PLEASE don't just say forget it!

Abbey Marie
07-21-2015, 03:19 PM
I just had afternoon "tea" with some women friends. Yes, they are all Dems :rolleyes: but still, you should have heard the way they talked about The Donald. They think he is a total jerk. I know that they wouldn't like any Republican candidate, but this was especially disdainful.

Based on my tiny, one-gender focus group, I doubt this guy could get a single swing vote.

07-21-2015, 04:54 PM
I just had afternoon "tea" with some women friends. Yes, they are all Dems :rolleyes: but still, you should have heard the way they talked about The Donald. They think he is a total jerk. I know that they wouldn't like any Republican candidate, but this was especially disdainful.

Based on my tiny, one-gender focus group, I doubt this guy could get a single swing vote.

He IS being a jerk. I think purposefully. And I agree, he's cut himself out of the moderate vote. IMO, he misjudged the political climate. If you could say what you want, I could run for president. But I'd definitely alienate the left and some moderates.

I just wish whoever is doing what would attack Democratic policies instead of eating their own.

07-21-2015, 07:17 PM
May be but which crystal ball did you use? The shiny pink one or the blue one?
By the way, wasn't that stated about the stinking obama when he first entered his slimy self in the presidential race many centuries ago(or so it now seems).--Tyr

​Crystal ball or wishful ball that goes with the blue pill....:laugh:


Max R.
07-21-2015, 07:37 PM
He IS being a jerk. I think purposefully. And I agree, he's cut himself out of the moderate vote. IMO, he misjudged the political climate. If you could say what you want, I could run for president. But I'd definitely alienate the left and some moderates.

I just wish whoever is doing what would attack Democratic policies instead of eating their own.

Agreed on both points. I think Trump is out there for both himself but also to get some issues on the table. He's peaking early, but he's also listing items for discussion by other Republicans. That's a good thing, IMO. His own ego and lack of filter led him to say some stupid shit, but it didn't really cost him anything since he was never going to be the nominee in the first place.

07-21-2015, 09:35 PM
Agreed on both points. I think Trump is out there for both himself but also to get some issues on the table. He's peaking early, but he's also listing items for discussion by other Republicans. That's a good thing, IMO. His own ego and lack of filter led him to say some stupid shit, but it didn't really cost him anything since he was never going to be the nominee in the first place.

Do you really think he isn't going to go 'independent?'

07-21-2015, 10:20 PM
Do you really think he isn't going to go 'independent?'


`McCain Who? Vets Slobber Over Trump`

`Many saw it as proof that Trump is entirely different from the cattle pen of career politicians he’s running against—a billionaire who literally cannot be bought, a truth teller who says what he’s thinking, even when it’s not popular....In nearly two-dozen interviews with veterans outside of Bluffton, S.C., nearly all praised Trump as “not-a-politician,” “a breath of fresh air,” and a straight-shooting, successful businessman......`



07-22-2015, 07:06 AM
I just had afternoon "tea" with some women friends. Yes, they are all Dems :rolleyes: but still, you should have heard the way they talked about The Donald. They think he is a total jerk. I know that they wouldn't like any Republican candidate, but this was especially disdainful.

Based on my tiny, one-gender focus group, I doubt this guy could get a single swing vote.

How Dare you Have friends from that other side. :laugh:

Well I have in laws from that side and they have ripped up every Republican that has ever come into the conversation, heck they even called Palin a whore and all that other trash because her daughter had gotten pregnant before married ( yea I reminded them that my wife's extra large sister did the same, and then asked the mother in law if that doesn't that make her a whore as well as your daughter, just like the Palins. :laugh: Yes my wife is the one normal one in the family ) but ask them about Hillary or Obama and hell you would think they shit roses, yea a Dem mind is a terrible thing to have.

07-22-2015, 08:28 AM
How Dare you Have friends from that other side. :laugh:

Yeah, what gives, Abbey? :slap:

I reminded them that my wife's extra large sister did the same, and then asked the mother in law if that doesn't that make her a whore as well as your daughter, just like the Palins.

Yikes. I'll bet that was a cold Thanksgiving Dinner that year.

Spot on, though.

Bristol went to school with my step daughter and she was a normal girl that made mistakes as a teenager just like millions of other teenagers. But the level of vitriol against Bristol by ordinarily decent people was appalling - I heard women call her a whore when they themselves had a teenage pregnancy or two. It never made any sense. I still get pissed about how the Palin family was treated and talked about, it was very unfair all the way around.

Sarah was a candidate and thus was fair game, but her family was not. The left made them sound like monsters, when in reality they are a good family. Hell, Track was helping my buddy Lee discuss what kind of cabin design would be best just a couple of weeks ago. They've been buddies since childhood, and one of his dirt bikes was stolen from Lee's yard last year. They have the same problems that every normal family faces, but you'd never know that by reading the appalling stories by rabid moonbat 'journalists'.

Abbey Marie
07-22-2015, 08:32 AM
How Dare you Have friends from that other side. :laugh:

Well I have in laws from that side and they have ripped up every Republican that has ever come into the conversation, heck they even called Palin a whore and all that other trash because her daughter had gotten pregnant before married ( yea I reminded them that my wife's extra large sister did the same, and then asked the mother in law if that doesn't that make her a whore as well as your daughter, just like the Palins. :laugh: Yes my wife is the one normal one in the family ) but ask them about Hillary or Obama and hell you would think they shit roses, yea a Dem mind is a terrible thing to have.

:laugh2: There were moments yesterday when I was thinking that myself!

Max R.
07-22-2015, 08:33 AM
Do you really think he isn't going to go 'independent?'
He's certainly got the cash to fund his own race. The fact people are donating to him is an incentive to spend it.

However, the problem for conservatives/RNC is a split vote. Most elections are close since the nation is fairly evenly split. Even though moderates/independents constitute about 40% of the voting public, even they are split fairly evenly between left-leaners and right-leaners.

That said, since Trump would draw conservative voters, he'd split the vote between himself and whoever the RNC nominee is thus, like Perot and Bush in 1992, ensuring a Democrat win.

The same thing happened to the Democrats in 2000. If Nader hadn't drawn off votes from Gore, it would certainly have been a much closer election.


07-22-2015, 08:39 AM
He's certainly got the cash to fund his own race. The fact people are donating to him is an incentive to spend it.

However, the problem for conservatives/RNC is a split vote. Most elections are close since the nation is fairly evenly split. Even though moderates/independents constitute about 40% of the voting public, even they are split fairly evenly between left-leaners and right-leaners.

That said, since Trump would draw conservative voters, he'd split the vote between himself and whoever the RNC nominee is thus, like Perot and Bush in 1992, ensuring a Democrat win.

The same thing happened to the Democrats in 2000. If Nader hadn't drawn off votes from Gore, it would certainly have been a much closer election.


Agreed. If Trump suddenly changes his mind and takes the whole Presidency thing seriously and runs as an Independent, all is lost.

And I think with his ego, that is a very real possibility that he'd change his mind. At this point though, I don't think he's serious about it.

07-22-2015, 09:16 AM
He's certainly got the cash to fund his own race. The fact people are donating to him is an incentive to spend it.

However, the problem for conservatives/RNC is a split vote. Most elections are close since the nation is fairly evenly split. Even though moderates/independents constitute about 40% of the voting public, even they are split fairly evenly between left-leaners and right-leaners.

That said, since Trump would draw conservative voters, he'd split the vote between himself and whoever the RNC nominee is thus, like Perot and Bush in 1992, ensuring a Democrat win.

The same thing happened to the Democrats in 2000. If Nader hadn't drawn off votes from Gore, it would certainly have been a much closer election.


He's got the money, he's got the ego, he may have the incentive of actually being a liberal.

07-22-2015, 11:00 AM



07-22-2015, 11:12 AM
Agreed on both points. I think Trump is out there for both himself but also to get some issues on the table. He's peaking early, but he's also listing items for discussion by other Republicans. That's a good thing, IMO. His own ego and lack of filter led him to say some stupid shit, but it didn't really cost him anything since he was never going to be the nominee in the first place.

His mouth is his own worst enemy. He may appeal to the "tell it like it is" crowd, but that gets you promoted to Gunny, not SgtMaj.:laugh:

red state
07-22-2015, 04:19 PM



Thanks for the video namVET: The only problem is that TRUMP, himself, was/IS one of the "contributors" like China or the Saudis who sought to swap "back scratching" and, like many, I feel that Trump is in it for the 'recognition' only. You make that much money in life......what is the next goal of success.......BE THE MAN! I like Trump fairly well but he's not what we need and he's certainly not a REAGAN. He's full of himself, has a mouth full of FOOT and is simply not the type that this ole Southern gent is interested in as a leader. I know I would never get my dream ticket but WEST and GOWDY would be that ticket. They actually are like what your video guy was talking about when mentioning that movie about an outspoken, tell it like it is, walk the walk while talking the talk kinda guy.

07-22-2015, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the video namVET: The only problem is that TRUMP, himself, was/IS one of the "contributors" like China or the Saudis who sought to swap "back scratching" and, like many, I feel that Trump is in it for the 'recognition' only. You make that much money in life......what is the next goal of success.......BE THE MAN! I like Trump fairly well but he's not what we need and he's certainly not a REAGAN. He's full of himself, has a mouth full of FOOT and is simply not the type that this ole Southern gent is interested in as a leader. I know I would never get my dream ticket but WEST and GOWDY would be that ticket. They actually are like what your video guy was talking about when mentioning that movie about an outspoken, tell it like it is, walk the walk while talking the talk kinda guy.

I hear ya pal. and I would vote for West in a heart beat if he runs :salute:

07-22-2015, 07:46 PM
We have 15 "Republicans" mostly candy asses who have done nothing with Illegal Immigration ...Here comes Trump got people..many people talking about Immigration...and shakin things up...Most of the others are just boring and gutless and same ol same ol.....I hear and see a lot of wishful thinking ...Like Allen West...ya a good one but he is not in...and the rest are way down in the poll count...why? Cause they boring gutless and "most" all basically the same...

*Everybody looking for faults...and Looking for.. "The One" with no faults.....what horse shit...and stupidity...

**But... if Trump don't make it in...I will vote for whom ever is up there and do my part...Our country cant take anymore stinkin Liberalism.......Its killing us....

*Go Donald Trump.

07-22-2015, 08:27 PM
`For all those who still think Rubio & Bush are worthy candidates because of their Latino connections. Please rethink that premise:

Trump said he'd garner more Latino support than any other
Republican candidate and the first trickle of
evidence has come in that he might be right, the new
Nevada poll will have all the followers of politically correct
America both Republican & Democrat politicians & pundits go bonkers!!

*News, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.

With polled Hispanics, Presidential Candidate Trump received 31.4%, higher than his overall performance of 27.7%.
The only other Presidential Candidate to receive double digit support by Hispanics is Scott Walker with 11.4%.

So much for hawking guys like Rubio to supposedly garner a hunk of the latino vote.`

07-22-2015, 08:59 PM
`For all those who still think Rubio & Bush are worthy candidates because of their Latino connections. Please rethink that premise:

Trump said he'd garner more Latino support than any other
Republican candidate and the first trickle of
evidence has come in that he might be right, the new
Nevada poll will have all the followers of politically correct
America both Republican & Democrat politicians & pundits go bonkers!!

*News, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.

With polled Hispanics, Presidential Candidate Trump received 31.4%, higher than his overall performance of 27.7%.
The only other Presidential Candidate to receive double digit support by Hispanics is Scott Walker with 11.4%.

So much for hawking guys like Rubio to supposedly garner a hunk of the latino vote.`

AND....we shouldn't forget how NEVADA always claimed their BLUE Democrat rights on the heels of DIRTY HARRY REID. If Trump now has such power over Hispanics in that state. WHO KNOWS what the 2016 election cycle might bring forth?
Trump, whether many like him or not is STILL SUCCEEDING. Look at all of the attention he is, and has been getting. And the most vocal opponents of Trump have all been REPUBLICANS.
What's wrong with that picture. Other than how the R's are looking more, and more like the D's. JUST THE WAY THE DEMOCRATS LIKE IT.
Eating their own...is what the Liberals Happily Call it.

07-22-2015, 09:11 PM
`For all those who still think Rubio & Bush are worthy candidates because of their Latino connections. Please rethink that premise:

Trump said he'd garner more Latino support than any other
Republican candidate and the first trickle of
evidence has come in that he might be right, the new
Nevada poll will have all the followers of politically correct
America both Republican & Democrat politicians & pundits go bonkers!!

*News, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.

With polled Hispanics, Presidential Candidate Trump received 31.4%, higher than his overall performance of 27.7%.
The only other Presidential Candidate to receive double digit support by Hispanics is Scott Walker with 11.4%.

So much for hawking guys like Rubio to supposedly garner a hunk of the latino vote.`

you know what they say

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11745538_10207243809876667_7876781917380288273_n.j pg?oh=0828a4669bf67437d83115b0ad928964&oe=564A8AFC

Max R.
07-23-2015, 07:44 AM
Agreed. If Trump suddenly changes his mind and takes the whole Presidency thing seriously and runs as an Independent, all is lost.

And I think with his ego, that is a very real possibility that he'd change his mind. At this point though, I don't think he's serious about it.

I wonder about that myself. Like Sarah Palin, I think he likes the freedom of doing as he pleases. Being elected to office ties a person down, they have to follow rules (in this case Constitutional powers) and be held accountable for their actions.

07-23-2015, 08:38 AM
what if he's a liberal dem?? huh?? you know as well as I he's prez. Hitllary is duc taped and locked in a closet and the MSM will elect him prez. just like they did this half breed dumb bastard we're stuck with now. how many people has Obastard hired ?? Trump's hired millions. as he grew bigger he brought more and more people with him. hello conserv...we lose. the candidates we have are not only for sale they've already been bought. by the DNC. what a joke and a collection of big time major losers. if just one of had the balls trump did i'd vote for him or her but.....


god damned you GOP. god damned all you fuckin' disloyal bastards ta hell !!!!

07-24-2015, 06:46 AM
Kathianne. As a 30 year veteran myself. Based on lifelong experience. Trump DID NOT demean McCain. He merely repeated what McCain has said, many times over the years.
i ALSO agree, Trump probably won't be nominated, nor will he become POTUS. But...look at how everyone has been using him as their Favorite PUNCHING BAG...like the Obama's, and Clinton's do for TELLING THE TRUTH.

Anyone who has to call Trump the standard names, or accuse him of being Un-American because he speaks the Truth....deserves another OBAMA, or HILLARY in 2016.
IMO...Generally. AMERICANS across this nation are so INFORMATION starved, or IGNORANT. I won't be surprised if, and when the DEMS win in 2016.
But WE SHOULD ALL FEEL SICK IN OUR STOMACHS for our children, and grandchildren who will see the FALL of this nation. IN PERSON.

"i ALSO agree, Trump probably won't be nominated, nor will he become POTUS."

Why not! Obama made it...

07-24-2015, 08:09 AM
the GOP hates his guts but they sure did like the $$$ contributions he's made over the years. if its me i call and tell em no more $$$ kiss my ass and shove it up yours.


ya better start worrying about dumb fuck libtards like this idiot who's gonna set the GOP back 10 generations. he's a wet dream for the DNC