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07-07-2015, 07:57 AM
Under de Blasio the crime rates are returning to the 70's. Oh joy!

ROGER KIMBALLThe ’70s Again, with a Transgender Bonus
Muggers are prowling Central Park once more while public nuisances shake down New York's motorists and crime soars. Welcome to the increasingly bruised Big Apple of Mayor Bill de Blasio, his progressive agenda -- and the inevitable results


07-07-2015, 08:04 AM
I hadn't been to the city in quite sometime and went a few years back, I actually seen a cop ( a detective ) chase a guy that was selling illegal jewelry out of a briefcase ( in all the years I had been to the city I have never seen the cops do anything but walk around huddled 8 to 10 deep scared to death.) Well I was shocked and said so when I went to visit Jim, and he told me the crime was still in the city it had just moved to different area's, hell even 42nd street was now one large Disney store, at one point it was one large hooker heaven. :laugh: I guess as the police ( as they are doing all over ) start slowing down on doing their jobs in fear of what may happen, the crime is creeping back into the city.

07-07-2015, 08:07 AM
I hadn't been to the city in quite sometime and went a few years back, I actually seen a cop ( a detective ) chase a guy that was selling illegal jewelry out of a briefcase ( in all the years I had been to the city I have never seen the cops do anything but walk around huddled 8 to 10 deep scared to death.) Well I was shocked and said so when I went to visit Jim, and he told me the crime was still in the city it had just moved to different area's, hell even 42nd street was now one large Disney store, at one point it was one large hooker heaven. :laugh: I guess as the police ( as they are doing all over ) start slowing down on doing their jobs in fear of what may happen, the crime is creeping back into the city.

De Blasio has stopped all the programs Giuliani began and Bloomberg had the sense to keep in place. The squeegee men are back, along with a new version that disrupts church services until they are paid off. Stop and frisk has been forbidden.

It's working out so well.

07-07-2015, 08:40 AM
I hadn't been to the city in quite sometime and went a few years back, I actually seen a cop ( a detective ) chase a guy that was selling illegal jewelry out of a briefcase ( in all the years I had been to the city I have never seen the cops do anything but walk around huddled 8 to 10 deep scared to death.) Well I was shocked and said so when I went to visit Jim, and he told me the crime was still in the city it had just moved to different area's, hell even 42nd street was now one large Disney store, at one point it was one large hooker heaven. :laugh: I guess as the police ( as they are doing all over ) start slowing down on doing their jobs in fear of what may happen, the crime is creeping back into the city.

Yeah, I was highly upset in the early 90's when I took a trip to 42nd, and all the hookers and sex shops were gone! LOL

De Blasio has stopped all the programs Giuliani began and Bloomberg had the sense to keep in place. The squeegee men are back, along with a new version that disrupts church services until they are paid off. Stop and frisk has been forbidden.

It's working out so well.

People complained about the police. Liberals made changes. Now crime is back again. That's what happens when you give into the PC crowd. People may not have liked Giuliani, but the facts are, crime was down. Some would rather crime increase and people die, so long as they don't get looked at the wrong way as they walk around free to continue criminal actions.