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View Full Version : Media: "Trump is rude, offensive!". Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT?

07-07-2015, 01:21 PM
Donald Trump recently said that illegal aliens coming across the border are bringing in diseases. The media immediately jumped all over him, screaming that his words were offensive, rude, "racist", and generally not very nice.

When will they get around to noticing that what he said was TRUE?

And when will they notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?

It almost seems that Trump has handed the media their salvation on a golden platter. Now they don't have to talk about the results of Democrat policies. They can divert attention to the "issue" of whether Donald Trump is a nice guy, and talk exclusively about that, while burying the truth that Democrats have created yet another disaster for the country.

They should thank him!


Article from one year ago:


Doctor: Risk of Diseases Brought by Migrants Not Being Taken Seriously

by Kristin Tate
27 Jun 2014

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet--an experienced physician and nationally recognized speaker--told Breitbart Texas that the risks from diseases being brought over the border are being dramatically downplayed.

Vliet said, "Many people are trying to diminish the seriousness of this. They say, 'We have these diseases in the U.S.' Well yes, we do, but they've been well controlled, we have good hygiene, and most of our parents keep children home when they're sick."

Most of the border minors are being kept in overcrowded facilities ridden with poor hygiene; this is the ideal condition for a viral outbreak, according to Vliet.

So far a slew of sicknesses have been brought into the U.S. by the recent tidal wave of illegal immigrants. Breitbart Texas recently reported on an outbreak of scabies in one housing facility for unaccompanied border minors--the infestation was contracted by numerous Border Patrol agents. Other additional illnesses have also been noted. "We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses," Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera told ABC 15.

Such illnesses "keep increasing logarithmically as long as you have people to infect," Vliet said. "So once the flu bug, TB, or any infectious disease is released--once they are brought across the border--they're just going to keep infecting more people. One person can infect a thousand people, and then that thousand can infect thousands more. There is an exponential increase."

"It's a very real risk," Vliet warned. "It could get out of hand very quickly; but since these are common disease that people have heard of, the risk isn't necessarily taken seriously."

If certain illnesses spread at a rapid rate, public health facilities could become overwhelmed....

07-08-2015, 03:12 PM
YES! I have been saying that since Trump announced. But too many of the perpetually UNINFORMED, who hate Trump. Do not want to be told, or permitted to HEAR THE TRUTH!