View Full Version : A Gabs Troll: The liberal invasion of England

07-08-2015, 09:03 PM
My daughter and I are going on vacation for about three weeks. So, whatever your anger type, you will need to express it at someone else for a while. :cool:
We are making a quick side excursion to Milan, to visit the World's Fair and see my college roommate's new offspring. And to eat. Those people can cook.
But mostly we need to watch my best friend's daughter play football, and then take in The Ashes at Lord, where the Poms will attempt to take down the Aussies.

I need to get me a new shirt while I am there. Don't know what I did with the first one I got.


07-08-2015, 10:04 PM
My daughter and I are going on vacation for about three weeks. So, whatever your anger type, you will need to express it at someone else for a while. :cool:
We are making a quick side excursion to Milan, to visit the World's Fair and see my college roommate's new offspring. And to eat. Those people can cook.
But mostly we need to watch my best friend's daughter play football, and then take in The Ashes at Lord, where the Poms will attempt to take down the Aussies.

I need to get me a new shirt while I am there. Don't know what I did with the first one I got.


Ah, Gabby. I see your talent for being gratuitously offensive hasn't slipped by so much as a millimetre.

I suppose it depends where you go, what you do, who you encounter, as to whether - or, even, IF - anyone would care a jot about your 'Witch' shirt. My guess is that you'd get some odd looks, partly because a great many Brits see Margaret Thatcher as our 'ancient history' (she did lose power over two decades ago, and she's even been dead a while ..) !

You say you're going to Lord's. I'd regard such a shirt as inappropriate attire for that locality, and occasion. Still, we Brits are a tolerant lot. If you were wearing one, you might well get away with it.

No, what you'd really need to do is go to somewhere like Liverpool wearing it, or maybe one of the old coalmining areas of Yorkshire, home of that arch-Leftie anti-democracy Union bolshie insurrectionist troublemaker and all-round thoroughly nasty piece of work, Arthur Scargill. In either of these areas, I'm sure hatreds of Margaret Thatcher still simmer, on account of how she took on Leftie extremism in both of those areas, and triumphed against it so magnificently ....

A word of caution, regardless. If you [I]have to speak, I suggest you try to imitate a British accent. Whoever you encounter will think it 'odd' that an AMERICAN, of all people, is wearing a shirt like that. It's possible it'll be taken as an attempt, misguided or not, to openly insult the UK, if coming from a foreigner.

By the way, we have anti-Hatespeech laws here ! Just a suggestion, but you might consider staying as silent as possible to avoid all possibility of arrest:laugh:. Especially as you hold views which will NOT be regarded as Left wing here ... you'll be maybe suspected of being a fraud if you express them whilst professing Leftie allegiances or sympathies.

Here's your most recent example of what I'm talking about ...

If you feel like you no longer love your partner, fine. Move out. But divorce is not acceptable. Re-marriage is especially not acceptable.

Let me assure you that if you utter that to the average British Leftie, and assert you're a Left winger yourself, you'll be thought of as an outrageous fraud, or just plain nuts. There are even some CONSERVATIVES here who'd consider it too Right-wing a thing to believe !

Hope all of this this helps. Enjoy your visit !:rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-09-2015, 07:13 AM
Ah, Gabby. I see your talent for being gratuitously offensive hasn't slipped by so much as a millimetre.

You should have stopped right there. She trolled with that shirt and you grabbed a treble hook into your lips. Hurry up and remove it and run as fast as you can from this thread, which is only meant to rile those with a respect for Thatcher and her passing. She did the same with Reagan and calling him all kinds of funny things based on his alzheimers.

07-09-2015, 07:16 AM
Moving to appropriate forum.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-09-2015, 12:41 PM
Moving to appropriate forum.
ahhhh, just when the fun was about to begin....;)--Tyr

07-09-2015, 04:41 PM
You should have stopped right there. She trolled with that shirt and you grabbed a treble hook into your lips. Hurry up and remove it and run as fast as you can from this thread, which is only meant to rile those with a respect for Thatcher and her passing. She did the same with Reagan and calling him all kinds of funny things based on his alzheimers.

Oh, well .. I hope she had herself some fun. On the back of a dead politician, and a stellar one, at that.

It has some amusement value, though. If it's actually the case that she believes in the things she says she believes in (and I included a recent example of what I mean by that, in my other post) .. and, if she tries to pass herself off as a kindred spirit to British Lefties, AND TELLS THEM WHAT SHE BELIEVES IN, she'll be very lucky indeed to not be called a fraud to her face.

I wish I could be there to witness such an encounter.

Gabby - if you're reading this, I meant what I posted a while back. VISIT HACKNEY AND TOTTENHAM (HARINGEY) IN LONDON. See for yourself where decades of continuous Left-wing administrative handling of each of those boroughs has led.

After all: SURELY, if Leftieism works, if it's the correct system to govern peoples' lives, then a locality living under Leftieism for so very long should be a paradise, by now ... YES ? So, visit them .. and see if what you really witness aren't, in truth, TWO OF THE MOST SQUALID, POOREST, POORLY-RUN, BOROUGHS LONDON HAS.

Yes, Gabby. You've an ideal opportunity to test out what you 'believe in'. See if you can witness its outcome, as those boroughs show it to be, and honestly say afterwards that the effects of Left-wing politics can be any less than a humanitarian scourge. Let's see if you've the guts to face the truth, when it's there, right in front of your eyes.

07-09-2015, 04:50 PM
Oh, well .. I hope she had herself some fun. On the back of a dead politician, and a stellar one, at that.

You're dealing with a special person. A couple from her:

I consider Reagan less honorable than Ted Kennedy. At least Teddy wasn't a born liar. Or a vegetable.

Though I will give Reagan credit for being America's first vegetable president.

And on the same post, I couldn't help but have noticed this lovely one from the past, regarding healthcare:

If the Bush administration had proposed similar health care reforms, you guys would have already jerked a river in supporting it.

07-09-2015, 05:48 PM
Gabby can't help it. People with drastic mental disabilities are unreachable, and incurable.

07-09-2015, 05:59 PM
Gabby can't help it. People with drastic mental disabilities are unreachable, and incurable.

You do realize we have several members/family members that have mental disabilities or illnesses? Not really funny.

07-09-2015, 06:07 PM
You do realize we have several members/family members that have mental disabilities or illnesses? Not really funny. Kathianne. As do I. So yes. And it wasn't intended to be funny. I honestly believe someone like gabby, who constantly pretends to be serious, and uses that to hide her real reasons to troll...has something really, really wrong with them.So. Scold me if you must But despite those we know who have mental problems. I am convinced gabby is showing the same kinds of symptoms Disagree if you must. But then...that is MY HONEST opinion. And I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe it.

07-09-2015, 06:11 PM
You're dealing with a special person. A couple from her:

And on the same post, I couldn't help but have noticed this lovely one from the past, regarding healthcare:

Yes. 'Lovely stuff', to be sure .. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, I know this. I saw a long list of such postings posted recently, I think courtesy of NightTrain. All I can say is - & even if the British Left, once they get a dose of her, may have reason to disagree ? - Gabby is such an instructive example of Leftieism at its most revealingly expressive ....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-09-2015, 06:12 PM
Kathianne. As do I. So yes. And it wasn't intended to be funny. I honestly believe someone like gabby, who constantly pretends to be serious, and uses that to hide her real reasons to troll...has something really, really wrong with them.So. Scold me if you must But despite those we know who have mental problems. I am convinced gabby is showing the same kinds of symptoms Disagree if you must. But then...that is MY HONEST opinion. And I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe it.

So you hold that true for yourself and all others. Good to know. Last I knew, you were retired Navy, not a MD.

07-09-2015, 07:10 PM
So you hold that true for yourself and all others. Good to know. Last I knew, you were retired Navy, not a MD. What would you like me to say Kathianne? Guess you've never had a feeling about someone you met, and those feelings weren't in keeping with what other people thought, or said? I guess having my 96 year old Mother-in-law around, taking care of her for more than ten years (My wife and myself), and seeing her deteriorate with dementia, and the obvious Alzheimer traits that require a nurse to be here every day...Doesn't qualify me to make any comparisons to REAL LIFE???By the way. She was born in Ireland, Donegal, in 1919, and just turned 96 on June 19th. So..does that mean I must be an MD?

07-09-2015, 07:12 PM
What would you like me to say Kathianne? Guess you've never had a feeling about someone you met, and those feelings weren't in keeping with what other people thought, or said? I guess having my 96 year old Mother-in-law around, taking care of her for more than ten years (My wife and myself), and seeing her deteriorate with dementia, and the obvious Alzheimer traits that require a nurse to be here every day...Doesn't qualify me to make any comparisons to REAL LIFE???By the way. She was born in Ireland, Donegal, in 1919, and just turned 96 on June 19th. So..does that mean I must be an MD?

Whatever. I don't want to be accused of 'picking on you.'

07-09-2015, 07:16 PM
Whatever. I don't want to be accused of 'picking on you.' Sorry you felt a need to say that. Seems beneath you. But I understand. Let's ask gabby if you both agree?

07-10-2015, 07:26 AM
I know I've used this several times this week already - "sometimes it's not a one size fits all".

Mental disabilities are not exactly what everyone thinks. Most people hear that term and immediately think of wackos and white coats and being strapped down and such. But then there are things like Aspergers, and bipolar disorders. And yes, they vary on severity, but it's still not what folks think always, even if a "mental disability"

I walk into a school with 83 students. Almost every single one of them is afflicted with some sort of disability, mostly mental disabilities. These are the kindest kids in the world and some of the smartest and hard working kids in the world, and none of them with a mean spirited bone in their bodies. They have issues that they often need help with, but mostly help than most folks don't understand - hence when you see "creepy" kids eating lunch alone, sitting in an open area doing their homework alone, sometimes afraid to seek help, sometimes afraid to raise their hand, or ask for help in a class.

And then yes, there are some overly serious mental issues out there, where some folks need hospitalization. Some folks can even be a danger if not taking appropriate medication. But those kinds of disabilities are much more rare than you would think, and the issues that get exacerbated when off medication, they are rare as well, just make nation news if someone with a mental disability does something and kills someone. But again, very rare.

But your every day person with a typical mental disability, such as Aspergers or bipolar? Much MORE than you think. There are like 6 million people in the USA alone with bipolar. And that's only adults. They say "2 to 3 out of every 1000" have Aspergers. And that's just 2 of the mental disabilities.

Btw, I believe they are ALL incurable. Unfortunately, it's a lifetime of medication and learning. But it doesn't make us all nutcases. I'm a nutcase for a totally different reason!! :)

07-10-2015, 07:51 AM
I know I've used this several times this week already - "sometimes it's not a one size fits all".

Mental disabilities are not exactly what everyone thinks. Most people hear that term and immediately think of wackos and white coats and being strapped down and such. But then there are things like Aspergers, and bipolar disorders. And yes, they vary on severity, but it's still not what folks think always, even if a "mental disability"

I walk into a school with 83 students. Almost every single one of them is afflicted with some sort of disability, mostly mental disabilities. These are the kindest kids in the world and some of the smartest and hard working kids in the world, and none of them with a mean spirited bone in their bodies. They have issues that they often need help with, but mostly help than most folks don't understand - hence when you see "creepy" kids eating lunch alone, sitting in an open area doing their homework alone, sometimes afraid to seek help, sometimes afraid to raise their hand, or ask for help in a class.

And then yes, there are some overly serious mental issues out there, where some folks need hospitalization. Some folks can even be a danger if not taking appropriate medication. But those kinds of disabilities are much more rare than you would think, and the issues that get exacerbated when off medication, they are rare as well, just make nation news if someone with a mental disability does something and kills someone. But again, very rare.

But your every day person with a typical mental disability, such as Aspergers or bipolar? Much MORE than you think. There are like 6 million people in the USA alone with bipolar. And that's only adults. They say "2 to 3 out of every 1000" have Aspergers. And that's just 2 of the mental disabilities.

Btw, I believe they are ALL incurable. Unfortunately, it's a lifetime of medication and learning. But it doesn't make us all nutcases. I'm a nutcase period !!! :)

Fixed it for ya buddy, and yes I can vouch for it. :laugh::laugh:

07-10-2015, 09:09 AM
Fixed it for ya buddy, and yes I can vouch for it. :laugh::laugh:

Well yeah, but it's because of my siblings. :poke: I had to turn into one in order to survive my upbringing alongside you guys! As Clint sorta alluded to, I overcame and adapted! :laugh:

07-10-2015, 02:31 PM
Fixed it for ya buddy, and yes I can vouch for it. :laugh::laugh:

Well yeah, but it's because of my siblings. :poke: I had to turn into one in order to survive my upbringing alongside you guys! As Clint sorta alluded to, I overcame and adapted! :laugh:

Trying to figure out which one of you is wronger.:laugh:

07-10-2015, 03:06 PM
Trying to figure out which one of you is wronger.:laugh:

"The truth shall set you free"

Jeff will admit he tried to kill me several times growing up. No mercy for the weak was his motto, I think. Either way, I had to do what I had to do, and that was overcome and adapt. I was a little guy. and very fast too! A little guy can nail you in the back of the head with a rock and run like hell. Then it's a matter of time on how long you can evade that person until they forget what happened. :)

And damn, that was just Jeff, now John, aka "Sir Evil", now he was the evil bastard. Being around the same age we had a million fights. I was just smarter and learned the best ways to inflict the most punishment, perhaps without not even fighting! He would fight me, and then get to watch his rock albums sit at the bottom of the sewer. I remember several times inviting him outside in front of the neighbors house, and I would tell him "Look in the sewer, what the hell is that down there?" And then of course run like hell once he saw his Iron Maiden album down there!

And while I was the "nutcase", at least I never had my sisters ex boyfriends parents show at the house because "someone" followed him and beat the ever loving shit out of him. Fucker never protected or stood up for me though.

Oh, wait, there was a guy messing with me at 7-11 while playing video games once (Remember Danny Murray from down the road, Jeff?). So I went home and told Jeff and we went back. The guy had his hands on the game playing asteroids, I think. Jeff smashed his hand and broke one of his fingers. That was awfully kind of him. :)

07-10-2015, 03:36 PM
"The truth shall set you free"

Jeff will admit he tried to kill me several times growing up. No mercy for the weak was his motto, I think. Either way, I had to do what I had to do, and that was overcome and adapt. I was a little guy. and very fast too! A little guy can nail you in the back of the head with a rock and run like hell. Then it's a matter of time on how long you can evade that person until they forget what happened. :)

And damn, that was just Jeff, now John, aka "Sir Evil", now he was the evil bastard. Being around the same age we had a million fights. I was just smarter and learned the best ways to inflict the most punishment, perhaps without not even fighting! He would fight me, and then get to watch his rock albums sit at the bottom of the sewer. I remember several times inviting him outside in front of the neighbors house, and I would tell him "Look in the sewer, what the hell is that down there?" And then of course run like hell once he saw his Iron Maiden album down there!

And while I was the "nutcase", at least I never had my sisters ex boyfriends parents show at the house because "someone" followed him and beat the ever loving shit out of him. Fucker never protected or stood up for me though.

Oh, wait, there was a guy messing with me at 7-11 while playing video games once (Remember Danny Murray from down the road, Jeff?). So I went home and told Jeff and we went back. The guy had his hands on the game playing asteroids, I think. Jeff smashed his hand and broke one of his fingers. That was awfully kind of him. :)

LOL! My brother and I were only 18 months apart, I hear you with John. I beat him up constantly, until he got bigger than me, around 6th grade. My dad actually let him really show me 'it was time to stop,' was I pissed!

Once though, one of the neighborhood kids hit my little brother. I must have been 6 or 7. I just flew at the kid who started running, I bit his back. He needed stitches. No one really messed with me, other than my brother, after that.

07-10-2015, 03:49 PM
LOL! My brother and I were only 18 months apart, I hear you with John. I beat him up constantly, until he got bigger than me, around 6th grade. My dad actually let him really show me 'it was time to stop,' was I pissed!

Once though, one of the neighborhood kids hit my little brother. I must have been 6 or 7. I just flew at the kid who started running, I bit his back. He needed stitches. No one really messed with me, other than my brother, after that.

Imagine that, take a chunk out of just one guy, and get a reputation! :laugh2:

Same with me though, and even after growing up! I don't give a F - if I'm in a street fight - EVERYTHING goes. It'll be fists, and wrestling - but if I'm getting my butt kicked? Don't come too close, I'll bite, scratch, poke, prod, elbow, kick, headbutt or whatever it takes to either win, or at least stop the ass kicking I am receiving! :laugh:

07-10-2015, 03:56 PM
Imagine that, take a chunk out of just one guy, and get a reputation! :laugh2:

Same with me though, and even after growing up! I don't give a F - if I'm in a street fight - EVERYTHING goes. It'll be fists, and wrestling - but if I'm getting my butt kicked? Don't come too close, I'll bite, scratch, poke, prod, elbow, kick, headbutt or whatever it takes to either win, or at least stop the ass kicking I am receiving! :laugh:

Yep, always watch out for the littlest ones, they have no bounds. Kinda why I relate to Derek's dachshund, Julia Roberts.


07-10-2015, 04:13 PM
One of my favorites of a feisty little guy, and this guy even knew better than to push the issue! LOL


07-11-2015, 09:41 PM
I know I've used this several times this week already - "sometimes it's not a one size fits all".

Mental disabilities are not exactly what everyone thinks. Most people hear that term and immediately think of wackos and white coats and being strapped down and such.

Let people think that: It makes them think twice before messing with you.

07-13-2015, 01:11 PM
My daughter and I are going on vacation for about three weeks. So, whatever your anger type, you will need to express it at someone else for a while. :cool:
We are making a quick side excursion to Milan, to visit the World's Fair and see my college roommate's new offspring. And to eat. Those people can cook.
But mostly we need to watch my best friend's daughter play football, and then take in The Ashes at Lord, where the Poms will attempt to take down the Aussies.

I need to get me a new shirt while I am there. Don't know what I did with the first one I got.


Are you kidding? There are plenty of people to get pissed at besides YOU.

07-13-2015, 04:11 PM
I see Gabs still likes to brag about her European vacations/elitist lifestyle...

07-13-2015, 04:27 PM
I see Gabs still likes to brag about her European vacations/elitist lifestyle... Yes indeed hjmick. In fact. Gabs almost sounds just like Moochell Obama, and how much she enjoys spending OUR money, while still feeling depressed about America not making her proud. But SNOBS usually do that!

07-13-2015, 05:28 PM
"The truth shall set you free"

Jeff will admit he tried to kill me several times growing up. No mercy for the weak was his motto, I think. Either way, I had to do what I had to do, and that was overcome and adapt. I was a little guy. and very fast too! A little guy can nail you in the back of the head with a rock and run like hell. Then it's a matter of time on how long you can evade that person until they forget what happened. :)

Naa I was just kidding around. :cool:

AS for forgetting, thanks for the reminder,OOO did I tell you I was going to take a road trip and come visit, something tells me neither of us is running now a days. :laugh:

And damn, that was just Jeff, now John, aka "Sir Evil", now he was the evil bastard. Being around the same age we had a million fights. I was just smarter and learned the best ways to inflict the most punishment, perhaps without not even fighting! He would fight me, and then get to watch his rock albums sit at the bottom of the sewer. I remember several times inviting him outside in front of the neighbors house, and I would tell him "Look in the sewer, what the hell is that down there?" And then of course run like hell once he saw his Iron Maiden album down there!

I remember the sewer :laugh: Lots of stuff made it down their, heck I remember putting Janeen's Barbie dolls down there. :laugh:

And while I was the "nutcase", at least I never had my sisters ex boyfriends parents show at the house because "someone" followed him and beat the ever loving shit out of him. Fucker never protected or stood up for me though.

Dang that prick cost me $2800 bucks (or I should say cost Dad, although he kept like my next 3 tax checks :laugh:) But seriously that kid deserved it, he tried to run Janeen off the road, I remember when she came and told me, when I caught him in Islein he tried to run, I cut him off into some guys fence and then he wouldn't get out, so I punched his window out and followed through to the side of his mouth, when he came to the house with his father his mouth was twice the size, the glass must of been on my fist and it ripped his mouth open, it almost went to his ear. :laugh: Yup $2500 plus for medical bills and the rest went to fix his Dad's car, they never charged me for his car. :laugh:

Oh, wait, there was a guy messing with me at 7-11 while playing video games once (Remember Danny Murray from down the road, Jeff?). So I went home and told Jeff and we went back. The guy had his hands on the game playing asteroids, I think. Jeff smashed his hand and broke one of his fingers. That was awfully kind of him. :)

We use to call that kid Melvin :laugh: He turned out to be OK, when he went into the service he was a MP, I remember him telling me at a bar one night, I was happy for him but then he told me to try and whoop him again, so I did. :laugh:

Jim this post cracked me up, I remember the sewer stuff the best, I also remember Dad making me take the sewer cover off and go down and get some of the stuff. :laugh:

07-14-2015, 08:08 AM
"The truth shall set you free"

Jeff will admit he tried to kill me several times growing up. No mercy for the weak was his motto, I think. Either way, I had to do what I had to do, and that was overcome and adapt. I was a little guy. and very fast too! A little guy can nail you in the back of the head with a rock and run like hell. Then it's a matter of time on how long you can evade that person until they forget what happened. :)

And damn, that was just Jeff, now John, aka "Sir Evil", now he was the evil bastard. Being around the same age we had a million fights. I was just smarter and learned the best ways to inflict the most punishment, perhaps without not even fighting! He would fight me, and then get to watch his rock albums sit at the bottom of the sewer. I remember several times inviting him outside in front of the neighbors house, and I would tell him "Look in the sewer, what the hell is that down there?" And then of course run like hell once he saw his Iron Maiden album down there!

And while I was the "nutcase", at least I never had my sisters ex boyfriends parents show at the house because "someone" followed him and beat the ever loving shit out of him. Fucker never protected or stood up for me though.

Oh, wait, there was a guy messing with me at 7-11 while playing video games once (Remember Danny Murray from down the road, Jeff?). So I went home and told Jeff and we went back. The guy had his hands on the game playing asteroids, I think. Jeff smashed his hand and broke one of his fingers. That was awfully kind of him. :)

Gee, I can't imagine why jeff would want to kill you. :laugh:

I won't even give my brother this board's address. But it's like having a pet squid. He's still my brother. I'll f*ck with him all day long. Y'all don't have permission. You just can't train the MF-er. :laugh:

07-14-2015, 08:18 PM
Why do I have a feeling Gabs may end up HERE??


07-15-2015, 05:45 AM
LOL! My brother and I were only 18 months apart, I hear you with John. I beat him up constantly, until he got bigger than me, around 6th grade. My dad actually let him really show me 'it was time to stop,' was I pissed!

Once though, one of the neighborhood kids hit my little brother. I must have been 6 or 7. I just flew at the kid who started running, I bit his back. He needed stitches. No one really messed with me, other than my brother, after that.

Imagine that, take a chunk out of just one guy, and get a reputation! :laugh2:

Same with me though, and even after growing up! I don't give a F - if I'm in a street fight - EVERYTHING goes. It'll be fists, and wrestling - but if I'm getting my butt kicked? Don't come too close, I'll bite, scratch, poke, prod, elbow, kick, headbutt or whatever it takes to either win, or at least stop the ass kicking I am receiving! :laugh:

Why do I have a feeling Gabs may end up HERE??


Nah. People talk a lot of crap on the internet they'd never have the balls to say in real life. You and I have one thing in common ... you're a dick but at least no one has to guess what you're thinking. I at least can appreciate that.

07-15-2015, 06:20 AM
Why do I have a feeling Gabs may end up HERE??


They would throw Gabby out, My goodness imagine being the guard on the tier she was in. :laugh:

07-15-2015, 06:21 AM
Nah. People talk a lot of crap on the internet they'd never have the balls to say in real life. You and I have one thing in common ... you're a dick but at least no one has to guess what you're thinking. I at least can appreciate that.

Gunny, hey man, tell us how ya really feel. :laugh::laugh2::laugh:

07-23-2015, 03:38 PM
Why do I have a feeling Gabs may end up HERE??


Been there many times (.. just never inside !). A stone's throw from St James' Park Tube station. Several pubs are within easy walking distance.

Gabby could've 'chatted up' the locals, declared herself a Leftie, let rip with a few beliefs no Leftie here would identify with, and started a pub brawl .... cue the 'boys in blue' ....

07-23-2015, 03:43 PM
Let people think that: It makes them think twice before messing with you.

Over here, we call it 'Labour Party HQ'.