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View Full Version : Investigator: Oklahoma Wal-Mart manager helped steal $75,000

07-10-2015, 01:05 AM
And now...the rest of the story...

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`Investigator: Oklahoma Wal-Mart manager, stepdaughter helped steal $75,000 from store`

n Oklahoma Wal-Mart store manager and his stepdaughter played key roles in allowing a man disguised as an armored truck driver to walk into the store and stroll out with about $78,000, police said Thursday.
Store manager Rico Robertson, 43, and his stepdaughter Mariah Bustamonte, 21, helped coordinate the Fourth of July theft, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agent Derek White said in court documents. They were arrested late Tuesday on suspicion of felony grand larceny and were being held at the Creek County jail Thursday on $75,000 cash-only bonds. The man who walked out with the money hasn't been identified and is still at large.
Authorities said the unidentified man entered the Bristow Wal-Mart, located in the rural community about 35 miles southwest of Tulsa, dressed like a Loomis armored transport employee. They said he went to the cash office, signed for the money and walked out of the store. Employees called police when the real Loomis employee arrived about 45 minutes later."

