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View Full Version : Perry On Illegals and Obama's Divisiveness

07-10-2015, 07:40 PM
I don't know if Perry will even make the 10 cutoff for FOX debates, but this is very good. LT, there's a video! I wasn't impressed with him last go round, but will check him out for 2016.



Rick Perry Shows the GOP How It’s Done (https://www.commentarymagazine.com/2015/07/09/rick-perry-race-issues/)

Noah Rothman (https://www.commentarymagazine.com/author/nrothmancommentarymagazinecom/) | @noahcrothman (http://twitter.com/noahcrothman)https://www.commentarymagazine.com/wp-content/themes/commentary/img/twitter_handle.png

07.09.2015 - 10:00 AM


In a video released by Perry’s campaign (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjuA9KQ7JXg) on Wednesday, the former Texas governor took the opportunity to highlight his own considerable record addressing border security and immigration-related affairs in his three terms as governor of one of the Union’s largest states. Perry took the time to detail the steps he has taken, and those that will be necessary, to effectively stem the tide of illegal immigration. It was, as attorney and RedState contributor Dan McLaughlin submitted, a Republican Sister Souljah moment.


This is not the first time Perry has spoken candidly and masterfully on a matter related to race. In a speech last week (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/420845/rick-perry-republicans-and-race)addressing the uniformity with which African-Americans turn out to vote for Democratic candidates on the presidential level, Perry had the boldness to concede that he fully understood why they do so.

“States supporting segregation in the South cited ‘states’ rights’ as a justification for keeping blacks from the voting booth and the dinner table,” the Southern governor confessed after criticizing the GOP’s 1964 nominee Barry Goldwater and his opposition to the Civil Rights Act’s anti-federalist elements.

“As you know, I am an ardent believer in the Tenth Amendment, which was ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights,” he continued. “Too often, we Republicans – myself included – have emphasized our message on the Tenth Amendment but not our message on the Fourteenth – an Amendment, it bears reminding, that was one of the first great contributions of the Republican Party to American life, second only to the abolition of slavery.”

It was a skillful, high-minded appeal to unity – a stark contrast from the divisive way in which this administration has handled issues of race. It’s no small feat to speak eloquently on racial subjects and over the heads of a media establishment that isdeeply committed (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/rick-perry-familys-hunting-camp-still-known-to-many-by-old-racially-charged-name/2011/10/01/gIQAOhY5DL_story.html)to perpetuating the myth that Republicans are, by nature, racially suspect.

Since entering the race for the White House, Perry has been turning in a string of stellar performances. The rest of the Republican field would do well to take a page from his playbook.

07-10-2015, 09:08 PM
I don't know if Perry will even make the 10 cutoff for FOX debates, but this is very good. LT, there's a video! I wasn't impressed with him last go round, but will check him out for 2016.


*Thanks for the share friend.....*Perry is weak and can get un-nerved easily....He screwed up bad last time and showed me his shakey weakness.....I pass....