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View Full Version : Dems Are Terrified of Scott Walker-They Should Be

07-14-2015, 07:54 AM
Indeed, reaping the whirlwind:

Eight years ago Barack Obama bound his own party to what proved to be a successful class warfare platform–for him, at least. Unfortunately, and largely due to him, that binding turned out to be more of a hamstringing: there isn’t much of the party he brought along with him left in Washington. Obama’s constant narrative of division by wealth, sex, race and geography (urban vs. suburban/rural, coasts vs. heartland), is wholly dependent upon grooming and molding enough elected talent within the party to keep it growing. And yet all that’s left of the vibrant, rising, seemingly invincible party that Obama took over in 2008 are a few surviving aged has-beens, Democratic lifers in safe blue states, and a handful of accidental Senators. (Thanks, midterms!) The social media powerhouse that once was Cory Booker now languishes Senate irrelevance and anonymity. Julian Castro, formerly a figurehead mayor and now a figurehead cabinet member, is on a meteoric rise thanks to the Democratic Party’s desperate need to create unprepared and inauthentic (yet demographically appropriate) stars.


Obama and the Democrats asked for a class war and it’s a class war they got: they sowed the seeds, and now they’re reaping the whirlwind in the form of blue-collar conservative, union busting, arch-nemesis Scott Walker.

Imagine winning three elections (one being a recall election that public sector unions poured thousands upon thousands of dollars into) in four years in the deeply divided blue-collar progressive Utopia of Wisconsin. Imagine breaking the back of the organized heart and soul of the Democrat party and dispatching AFL-CIO leader Richard “Morrie The Wig Salesman” Trumka back to the White House to show the President the “W” shaped scar carved into his forehead as a warning to anyone else who stepped foot in the state.

Imagine doing all this after Democratic state legislators fled for the safe harbor of Illinois to avoid voting on your legislation. Imagine having woken up every day to phone calls relating tales unionized shock-troops on your parents’ front lawn and threats not only on your life but the lives of your kids. Now imagine having the real heroes, the brave national media, mock and ridicule you over this. Imagine accomplishing all of this while a partisan Milwaukee District Attorney authorizes the illegal invasion of the homes of your friends, supporters and aides, lawlessly confiscating private property, all while colluding with Lois Lerner and the IRS.

Now. Having gone through all of that, imagine still having the desire to face down and defeat that kind of contumacious Alinskyism on a national scale.

"We don't want a president who will reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats. We want someone who will break what's left of their tired, aged minority in Congress."

Democrats are terrified of Scott Walker, and they should be.


07-14-2015, 08:21 AM
There are 3 they are terrified of...and rightfully so ...goes against their grain.

red state
07-14-2015, 10:03 AM

If you have the "bags" you will strongly go after these three major weaknesses that has caused much of the moral and security decay of our Nation.
If you aren't strong on these three, in my humble opinion, you are simply carrying the same ole bag of tricks that has also contributed to our fall.

I also look for candidate who give the liberals a pass when it comes to cutting our military. That and the watering down of our religious rights or freedoms of expression under the master of "equality", PC crap, "tolerance" and lack a full sack to go after those who HATE us within our borders.

I have a list but the above is my top three. Many try to disclaim abortion but fail to realize the decay of society that abortion represents. Borders and the attack on our 2nd Amendment are our last line of defense and BOTH have been breached in a major way. If #1 & #3 are totally taken from us, there will likely be no limit as to where the LEFTISTS will take #2 (old/useless people, so-called haters, homeland security threats, or simply religious nuts who still cling to the idea that this Nation is a predominantly Christian Nation, founded by Christians and established under Christian doctrine to worship, love, secure and care for your fellow man while expecting/demanding the same from others.

I hope I'm wrong but with the changing tide of stupidity and outright evil......I believe HELLary has it in the bag. I would have never thought B.O would have been elected with all of his comments and lack of ANY experience but he not only served one term but was elected again after much scandal, lies and insults directed toward the American People (REAL AMERICANS).

God help us to have the LEADERSHIP we need.....not the leadership we deserve.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2015, 10:05 AM
Indeed, reaping the whirlwind:

If Walker and Trump joined forces to run together they would be totally unstoppable.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2015, 10:11 AM

If you have the "bags" you will strongly go after these three major weaknesses that has caused much of the moral and security decay of our Nation.
If you aren't strong on these three, in my humble opinion, you are simply carrying the same ole bag of tricks that has also contributed to our fall.

I also look for candidate who give the liberals a pass when it comes to cutting our military. That and the watering down of our religious rights or freedoms of expression under the master of "equality", PC crap, "tolerance" and lack a full sack to go after those who HATE us within our borders.

I have a list but the above is my top three. Many try to disclaim abortion but fail to realize the decay of society that abortion represents. Borders and the attack on our 2nd Amendment are our last line of defense and BOTH have been breached in a major way. If #1 & #3 are totally taken from us, there will likely be no limit as to where the LEFTISTS will take #2 (old/useless people, so-called haters, homeland security threats, or simply religious nuts who still cling to the idea that this Nation is a predominantly Christian Nation, founded by Christians and established under Christian doctrine to worship, love, secure and care for your fellow man while expecting/demanding the same from others.

I hope I'm wrong but with the changing tide of stupidity and outright evil......I believe HELLary has it in the bag. I would have never thought B.O would have been elected with all of his comments and lack of ANY experience but he not only served one term but was elected again after much scandal, lies and insults directed toward the American People (REAL AMERICANS).

God help us to have the LEADERSHIP we need.....not the leadership we deserve.

Borders, Guns and the very evil muslim menace.. Are my top three. If that third one is not addressed seriously and soon this nation will fall.--Tyr

red state
07-14-2015, 10:21 AM
You are correct, TYR. I mentioned the second one because it reveals who a nation is. If you can ignorantly or purposefully MURDER developeing human beings then you can or will do most anything.....and that is a frightening thought. The other two are VASTLY important that no sane person can deny.....a no-brain-r if you will. You can debate abortion if you like but you CAN NOT debate border security or a person's right to defend themselves.

I didn't have much respect for Rick Perry to begin with but he totally lost any future respect I may have for him by attacking TRUMP and siding with the LEFT on Trumps accurate account and statements regarding those illegal border invaders. I'm not big on Trump because, as smart as he may be financially, did back B.O. at one point (I believe).

Tyr, I'd like to see Cruz get it and then announce TREY GOWDY as his DP. I'll take Walker but I'd rather have two Southerm boys kick @$$. Cruze looks shady but I do like much of what he says and has done. As for TREY GOWDY; I may be wrong and have missed some things about him but he's the TIGER we need right now.......I don't know of anything he's done to earn my disloyalty. Yet.

We have WAY too many running and should have had our choice down to three major candidates a year ago!!!!! We all know who WILL BE on the dim ticket but those on the RIGHT and in the LIGHT still fear another "mittens" or "McSHAME" and that is so very wrong and shouldn't be.

08-01-2015, 08:22 AM
How terrified? Very.


<header class="article-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; width: 1215.890625px; max-width: 80rem; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px 440px 0px 220px;">For the presidential candidate from Wisconsin, politics is a win-at-any-cost competition for power.


John Nichols (http://www.thenation.com/authors/john-nichols/)Twitter (https://twitter.com/@NicholsUprising)

JULY 29, 2015

</header><section class="article-body abody-182043" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px 320px 0px 140px; width: 1128px; max-width: 70.5rem; margin: 0px auto; color: rgb(17, 17, 17);"><aside class="left full-width-mobile image wide indent" style="box-sizing: border-box; max-width: calc(110% + 200px); margin: 20px 0px; position: relative; padding: 0px; left: calc(-200px - 10%); width: calc(110% + 200px); font-family: 'Mercury Display A', 'Mercury Display B'; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; float: left !important;">http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Walker-Steve-Brodner_img.jpg (http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Walker-Steve-Brodner_img.jpg)(Steve Brodner)
Scott Kevin Walker, fresh from a free-spending yet folksy campaign in which he carried his lunch in a brown paper bag and promised to create 250,000 jobs, delivered his first inaugural address as governor of Wisconsin on January 3, 2011. “I stand before you not as the governor of one party or another, or the governor of one part of the state or another,” he declared. “Today, I stand before you as the governor for all of the people in the state of Wisconsin.”

Days later, Walker traveled from Madison, the state capital, to Beloit, a working-class town battered by plant closings. But he wasn’t reaching out to laid-off workers or confirming his commitment to a city that hadn’t voted for him. He was meeting with Diane Hendricks, the billionaire who would become his most generous campaign donor. A political compatriot of the Koch brothers, Hendricks had a question for him: “Any chance we’ll ever get to be a completely red state, and work on these unions, and become a right-to-work [state]?” This was an explicitly political question about destroying unions, which generally back Democrats, as part of a strategy to turn the swing state of Wisconsin into a Republican bastion. Walker didn’t blink. “Yes…we’re going to start in a couple weeks with our budget-adjustment bill,” the new governor confided. “The first step is, we’re going to deal with collective bargaining for all public-employee unions, because you use divide-and-conquer….”
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08-01-2015, 10:09 AM
No one is terrified. Walker has zero percent chance of winning because he is too far right.


Why Walker appeals to the far right. Which is precisely why he can't win.


08-01-2015, 10:13 AM
No one is terrified. Walker has zero percent chance of winning because he is too far right.


Why Walker appeals to the far right. Which is precisely why he can't win.


He's got a GOOD chance of winning because he isn't part of the corrupt Washington bureaucracy and his name isn't Clinton.

08-01-2015, 10:22 AM
Well folks, Im a true independent and moderate. I cant stand either party and I dont identify with either. I am registered NPA

I agree with republicans on some issues and democrats on others. There are issues that I am very passionate about. My main passion is the working man, I am for anything for the working an middle and lower income and I am completely against anything or anyone that works against the working man.

Having said that I wouldnt spit in Scott Walkers face he is the last candidate I would vote for. He is bought and paid for by the Koch Bros super rich super pacs and he was created by them. He would murder this country for the working man. Hes proven that, hes paid to destroy wage structures and keep downward pressure on wages.

I wont apologize for disagreeing with so many on the forum on this issue. I respect all your opinions and I hope you will respect mine :)