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View Full Version : Sharpton blasts attorney general over Wilson case

07-05-2007, 06:43 PM
Story Highlights

Sharpton criticized Georgia attorney general for Genarlow Wilson case
Wilson serving 10 years for consensual sex at age 17 with 15-year-old
Judge threw out sentence, but attorney general appealed blocking release
Attorney general concerned appeal would free other sex offenders


I was in support of this kid getting out until Sharpton opened his big fat mouth. He makes a mockery of anything he is involved with. I think the charges and punishment were wrong, but thank's to Sharpton I hope the AG wins.

07-05-2007, 09:13 PM
Story Highlights

Sharpton criticized Georgia attorney general for Genarlow Wilson case
Wilson serving 10 years for consensual sex at age 17 with 15-year-old
Judge threw out sentence, but attorney general appealed blocking release
Attorney general concerned appeal would free other sex offenders


I was in support of this kid getting out until Sharpton opened his big fat mouth. He makes a mockery of anything he is involved with. I think the charges and punishment were wrong, but thank's to Sharpton I hope the AG wins.

While I think minors having sex is a no-no, I can't see giving a minor a 10 year sentence for having sex with a minor. I have REAL issues with this selectively trying minors as adults.

They can't vote nor buy a beer, nor even join the military without parental consent; yet, they can be tried as adults. Bullshit double -standard.

07-05-2007, 09:44 PM
While I think minors having sex is a no-no, I can't see giving a minor a 10 year sentence for having sex with a minor. I have REAL issues with this selectively trying minors as adults.

They can't vote nor buy a beer, nor even join the military without parental consent; yet, they can be tried as adults. Bullshit double -standard.

In some cases I can see them being tried as an adult, but not this one.

07-05-2007, 10:00 PM
Sharkton is just trying to get in on a winning side for a change. This is definately a case where the AG needs to be taken down a notch. If he wants to prosecute somebody he needs to go after sharkton.

07-05-2007, 10:05 PM
Sharkton is just trying to get in on a winning side for a change. This is definately a case where the AG needs to be taken down a notch. If he wants to prosecute somebody he needs to go after sharkton.

Didn't you know Sharpton is above the law?