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07-19-2015, 08:51 AM
Look at crime stats SOLELY. Now have a convention to fight back against crime, and try to save white lives from senseless death each year.

How well do you think this convention will go over in the black community? Or in the political community? Hell, just overall? Imagine one of this years GOP candidates states as much? It would likely be an election killer for that person.

It's no longer OK for white folks to point out things harmful to them or the community, if it means pointing a finger at another race. But it's almost mandatory for other races to do the opposite. The point here isn't to point fingers at other races, or to point specifically at blacks in comparison to the 'black lives matter'. The point is that white folks can't speak up about such a matter, or any matter for that fact. If you chime in about the "black lives matter" issue, you are a racist. If you say white lives matter and point out ANY type of statistic, you are a racist. Yet other races all do the same and it's ok and excuses made to why it's ok.

What a bunch of crap.

I'm tired of all the babying and coddling. If you point out that illegals are an issue - read that again - ILLEGALS - or dare even say they are ILLEGAL - you get nailed for it. How dare you point that out!! But as an American, who has broken now laws - you get chastised for pointing out these fucking idiots. The illegals matter. The Muslims matter. Queers matters. Transgendered cuckoos matter. The flavor nutcases of the day all matter.

But who is it that DOESN'T matter? I'll give you a few guesses. But unless you gave up your gun, became a liberal, changed your gender, painted your face black or illegally entered our country - you have no rights.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2015, 08:57 AM
Look at crime stats SOLELY. Now have a convention to fight back against crime, and try to save white lives from senseless death each year.

How well do you think this convention will go over in the black community? Or in the political community? Hell, just overall? Imagine one of this years GOP candidates states as much? It would likely be an election killer for that person.

It's no longer OK for white folks to point out things harmful to them or the community, if it means pointing a finger at another race. But it's almost mandatory for other races to do the opposite. The point here isn't to point fingers at other races, or to point specifically at blacks in comparison to the 'black lives matter'. The point is that white folks can't speak up about such a matter, or any matter for that fact. If you chime in about the "black lives matter" issue, you are a racist. If you say white lives matter and point out ANY type of statistic, you are a racist. Yet other races all do the same and it's ok and excuses made to why it's ok.

What a bunch of crap.

I'm tired of all the babying and coddling. If you point out that illegals are an issue - read that again - ILLEGALS - or dare even say they are ILLEGAL - you get nailed for it. How dare you point that out!! But as an American, who has broken now laws - you get chastised for pointing out these fucking idiots. The illegals matter. The Muslims matter. Queers matters. Transgendered cuckoos matter. The flavor nutcases of the day all matter.

But who is it that DOESN'T matter? I'll give you a few guesses. But unless you gave up your gun, became a liberal, changed your gender, painted your face black or illegally entered our country - you have no rights.

But who is it that DOESN'T matter? I'll give you a few guesses. But unless you gave up your gun, became a liberal, changed your gender, painted your face black or illegally entered our country - you have no rights.
That is the goal, that is the obama agenda. And yes, millions of gullible brain-dead whites(dem/lib/leftists) voted for that scum twice!
Dem party is an enemy to this nation. A fact. -Tyr

Abbey Marie
07-19-2015, 01:34 PM
I will tell you who do not matter: White, Christian males.

The rock has overturned, and a culture of envy and victim-mentality is crawling out from under.

I often wonder with anxiety what kind of country we are leaving to our children.

07-19-2015, 01:40 PM
I will tell you who do not matter: White, Christian males.

The rock has overturned, and a culture of envy and victim-mentality is crawling out from under.

I often wonder with anxiety what kind of country we are leaving to our children.

I highly recommend white Christian males visit a repressive nation and learning from those who refuse to participate. Making anti-Castro contacts in Florida then seeing how their relatives "count themselves out" was a life changing experience. Learning to be a world-class finagler is a MUST. It was so cool seeing an illegal satellite dish installer make 50 times what a physician makes. Imagine not being able to see the satellite dish until you were about 4 feet away.

07-19-2015, 08:37 PM
When election time comes, a black guy will vote for candidate X because he's going to advance black interests, a gay guy will vote for candidate Y because he's going to advance gay interests. However, the white middle class person is expected to vote for candidates who are opposed to his interests in the name of fairness, equality, and to make up for slavery, and other wrongs that neither he nor his ancestors had any part of.

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

07-20-2015, 01:19 AM
Look at crime stats SOLELY. Now have a convention to fight back against crime, and try to save white lives from senseless death each year.

How well do you think this convention will go over in the black community? Or in the political community? Hell, just overall? Imagine one of this years GOP candidates states as much? It would likely be an election killer for that person.

It's no longer OK for white folks to point out things harmful to them or the community, if it means pointing a finger at another race. But it's almost mandatory for other races to do the opposite. The point here isn't to point fingers at other races, or to point specifically at blacks in comparison to the 'black lives matter'. The point is that white folks can't speak up about such a matter, or any matter for that fact. If you chime in about the "black lives matter" issue, you are a racist. If you say white lives matter and point out ANY type of statistic, you are a racist. Yet other races all do the same and it's ok and excuses made to why it's ok.

What a bunch of crap.

I'm tired of all the babying and coddling. If you point out that illegals are an issue - read that again - ILLEGALS - or dare even say they are ILLEGAL - you get nailed for it. How dare you point that out!! But as an American, who has broken now laws - you get chastised for pointing out these fucking idiots. The illegals matter. The Muslims matter. Queers matters. Transgendered cuckoos matter. The flavor nutcases of the day all matter.

But who is it that DOESN'T matter? I'll give you a few guesses. But unless you gave up your gun, became a liberal, changed your gender, painted your face black or illegally entered our country - you have no rights.

This fills me with sadness. There was at one time so much hope; for a time I marched with other whites and blacks for the cause of civil rights, and it has misfired so very, very badly. From this vantage point I sense a growing distrust and resentment amid the perception or reality of blacks being given carte blanche to take and bitch and demand some more.

On the other side, I sense a growing anger, which I do not understand, which seems now aimed at white people generally as opposed to specific issues. It is troubling that in the last few years, less than a decade, we hear more and more about slavery and renewed blame for 150 year old conditions which were out of the control of that generation let alone today's. However, within that dynamic there is also legitimacy in that inner city conditions have actually worsened, not improved.

And my gut tells me this isn't about skin color anymore...

07-20-2015, 05:06 AM
I will tell you who do not matter: White, Christian males.

The rock has overturned, and a culture of envy and victim-mentality is crawling out from under.

I often wonder with anxiety what kind of country we are leaving to our children.

Abbey you can look back to the day Obama was voted in on my Fb account, it states " Good bye to the white Christian male " Obama was out to make us pay, we held the black man down, after all once upon a time we floated our ships over to Africa and caught them in the jungle and made them our slaves :rolleyes: Yes this is the black mentality, forget holding yourself accountable, blame whitey, it must be his fault. And what is the biggest group of whites to hit, Christians, and why males, well if they solely attacked females then they wouldn't look right ( not that the females aren't attacked in other ways.)

This fills me with sadness. There was at one time so much hope; for a time I marched with other whites and blacks for the cause of civil rights, and it has misfired so very, very badly. From this vantage point I sense a growing distrust and resentment amid the perception or reality of blacks being given carte blanche to take and bitch and demand some more.

On the other side, I sense a growing anger, which I do not understand, which seems now aimed at white people generally as opposed to specific issues. It is troubling that in the last few years, less than a decade, we hear more and more about slavery and renewed blame for 150 year old conditions which were out of the control of that generation let alone today's. However, within that dynamic there is also legitimacy in that inner city conditions have actually worsened, not improved.

And my gut tells me this isn't about skin color anymore...

The outspoken blacks have always blamed whitey, they where few and far between that simply wanted equal rights, heck I worked with one black guy years ago that told me life will never be equal unless we give blacks big jobs, I asked him what about all the blacks in congress, lawyers, doctors you name it,I told him blacks can now do anything they put their mind to, and his answer was well look at Bill Gates, we should take his company and give it to a black man. This all took place while Daddy Bush was in office, so my friend said we should remove Bush and put a black man in office, I finally asked if he felt the only way for things to be equal was to let blacks run everything and his answer was yes, y'all ran it all for X amount of years, so to make things equal it's our turn now. Yes the Black mind, a terrible thing to have. :laugh:

07-20-2015, 05:16 AM
Abbey you can look back to the day Obama was voted in on my Fb account, it states " Good bye to the white Christian male " Obama was out to make us pay, we held the black man down, after all once upon a time we floated our ships over to Africa and caught them in the jungle and made them our slaves :rolleyes: Yes this is the black mentality, forget holding yourself accountable, blame whitey, it must be his fault. And what is the biggest group of whites to hit, Christians, and why males, well if they solely attacked females then they wouldn't look right ( not that the females aren't attacked in other ways.)

The outspoken blacks have always blamed whitey, they where few and far between that simply wanted equal rights, heck I worked with one black guy years ago that told me life will never be equal unless we give blacks big jobs, I asked him what about all the blacks in congress, lawyers, doctors you name it,I told him blacks can now do anything they put their mind to, and his answer was well look at Bill Gates, we should take his company and give it to a black man. This all took place while Daddy Bush was in office, so my friend said we should remove Bush and put a black man in office, I finally asked if he felt the only way for things to be equal was to let blacks run everything and his answer was yes, y'all ran it all for X amount of years, so to make things equal it's our turn now. Yes the Black mind, a terrible thing to have. :laugh:

While I don't agree with all you have packed into this post, I do agree with the idea that Obama's election and his subsequent use of the office to 'wage a war of sorts' on white males is real. The trend was evident before he came onto the scene, but he's used that movement in ways that are going to cause great problems within our country, already has.

I don't know where it will go, I don't think most people of any skin tone really want it, but it's moving in a very bad direction.

07-20-2015, 05:25 AM
While I don't agree with all you have packed into this post, I do agree with the idea that Obama's election and his subsequent use of the office to 'wage a war of sorts' on white males is real. The trend was evident before he came onto the scene, but he's used that movement in ways that are going to cause great problems within our country, already has.

I don't know where it will go, I don't think most people of any skin tone really want it, but it's moving in a very bad direction.

Nope not most, just the outspoken and the complete idiots, along with the street thug that will do the dirty work. I spoke of the rally this past weekend ( for the flag ) and yes there where blacks there and they could care less about the flag, we have much more important things to fix in this country ( and GA ) than worrying about a flag or removing General Lee from a Mountain. But again the blacks got the Street thug ( or the idiots ) to do their dirty work and of course the liberals are right in line with them, hell if it is against the norm a liberal is all for it. I checked out some of the liberal media that were at these protest and boy where they fair with their coverage :rolleyes: You would swear by what they covered all whites have no brain no hair and are covered with rebel flags, where as the blacks are such a soft spoken, educated nice bunch of guys. :rolleyes:

07-20-2015, 05:38 AM
Nope not most, just the outspoken and the complete idiots, along with the street thug that will do the dirty work. I spoke of the rally this past weekend ( for the flag ) and yes there where blacks there and they could care less about the flag, we have much more important things to fix in this country ( and GA ) than worrying about a flag or removing General Lee from a Mountain. But again the blacks got the Street thug ( or the idiots ) to do their dirty work and of course the liberals are right in line with them, hell if it is against the norm a liberal is all for it. I checked out some of the liberal media that were at these protest and boy where they fair with their coverage :rolleyes: You would swear by what they covered all whites have no brain no hair and are covered with rebel flags, where as the blacks are such a soft spoken, educated nice bunch of guys. :rolleyes:

I maybe hopelessly optimistic, but I'd love to see a straight talking politician come out and identify the problems needing to be addressed, without demonizing others. I want to hear what they'll do or what they want Congress and 'The People' to do, not what "I" will do, as whomever is elected president can't really do much but influence directions in spite of executive orders or proclamations.

The first is to lament the divisiveness that has developed in the past decade between races; police and citizens; government and citizens, etc.

The tell us what steps need to be taken and lay out how.

Begin to unite us by commonalities, not differences. Lead to identify the problems: WOT, borders, jobs, etc.

State clearly that we need to get over the 'hurts' whether they are months, years, decades, or centuries old. We have to 'fight together' to fix what ails the country now.

07-20-2015, 07:10 AM
All citizens lives matter

07-20-2015, 08:56 AM
You can always tell... Those that come around and bitch the loudest, that are also the most silent at certain times. No need to debate what ya can't debate! :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2015, 10:06 AM
This fills me with sadness. There was at one time so much hope; for a time I marched with other whites and blacks for the cause of civil rights, and it has misfired so very, very badly. From this vantage point I sense a growing distrust and resentment amid the perception or reality of blacks being given carte blanche to take and bitch and demand some more.

On the other side, I sense a growing anger, which I do not understand, which seems now aimed at white people generally as opposed to specific issues. It is troubling that in the last few years, less than a decade, we hear more and more about slavery and renewed blame for 150 year old conditions which were out of the control of that generation let alone today's. However, within that dynamic there is also legitimacy in that inner city conditions have actually worsened, not improved.

And my gut tells me this isn't about skin color anymore...

It is troubling that in the last few years, less than a decade, we hear more and more about slavery and renewed blame for 150 year old conditions which were out of the control of that generation let alone today's.

Less than a decade, yes and that would be the last 6/7 years , with the obama and his minions /allies leading that organized campaigned. His version of divide and conquer. -Tyr

07-20-2015, 12:56 PM
Less than a decade, yes and that would be the last 6/7 years , with the obama and his minions /allies leading that organized campaigned. His version of divide and conquer. -Tyr

How correct you are Tyr, we where on a upswing of sorts in the racisim part, the hate groups ( although always there ) where quiet and things where better than ever, than Obama's racist butt came to town and all hell is breaking loose.