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View Full Version : Half the drivers licenses issued in Calif in 2015 have been given to illegal aliens

07-19-2015, 10:51 PM
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?



Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article27528796.html#storylink=cpy

07-19-2015, 11:18 PM
Half the drivers licenses issued in Calif in 2015 have been given to illegal aliens (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?50719-Half-the-drivers-licenses-issued-in-Calif-in-2015-have-been-given-to-illegal-aliens)

I thought I posted that somewhere, but I can't find it now...

From The Associated Press 17 July 2015:
After a new law went into effect in January, more than half of all new driver's licenses issued in California this year have gone to people who are in the country illegally... The DMV expects to see about one million more applicants over the next three years who are covered under the new law.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_IMMIGRANTS_DRIVERS_LICENSE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-07-17-19-47-13)


07-19-2015, 11:33 PM
I thought I posted that somewhere, but I can't find it now...

From The Associated Press 17 July 2015:
After a new law went into effect in January, more than half of all new driver's licenses issued in California this year have gone to people who are in the country illegally... The DMV expects to see about one million more applicants over the next three years who are covered under the new law.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_IMMIGRANTS_DRIVERS_LICENSE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-07-17-19-47-13)


Use your glasses. The rest of us have to. :laugh:

07-23-2015, 08:17 AM
The DMV expects to see about one million more applicants over the next three years who are covered under the new law.

Journalist Emmarie Huetteman wrote for The New York Times 21 July 2015:
Slamming the Obama administration for failing to penalize cities that shield illegal immigrants, congressional Republicans on Tuesday started to pursue legislation that would withhold federal funds from these so-called sanctuary cities. ...The House is set to vote by the end of the week on a bill introduced by Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, that would withhold some law enforcement grants from jurisdictions that resist federal immigration law or interfere with enforcement efforts.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/22/us/politics/republicans-look-to-penalize-sanctuary-cities-that-shield-illegal-immigrants.html?ref=todayspaper)

Maybe California will begin to realize that catering to illegal aliens is not very prudent after all, and will not proceed with the issuing of driver licenses to those illegal aliens.

07-24-2015, 08:51 PM
We need to cut that state off from the United States. they have broken every law we have on the books for illegal immigrants. man it's sad what that Moonbeam government has done to that state. and I still have relatives living there

07-25-2015, 06:37 AM
Could you imagine sneaking into Iran and then showing up at their DMV and expecting a drivers license PRIVILEGE while being a criminal for ignoring their laws? Or maybe visiting Saudi Arabia and ignoring their visa laws, stay for a few years, leech off of their resources, and then get privileges from them as a reward? Only in America will you see criminals getting extended privileges. Oh, and of course the idiots in Califorimexico have to be the first/worst. :(

07-25-2015, 07:26 AM
Could you imagine sneaking into Iran and then showing up at their DMV and expecting a drivers license PRIVILEGE while being a criminal for ignoring their laws? Or maybe visiting Saudi Arabia and ignoring their visa laws, stay for a few years, leech off of their resources, and then get privileges from them as a reward? Only in America will you see criminals getting extended privileges. Oh, and of course the idiots in Califorimexico have to be the first/worst. :(

The Cancer of Liberalism at its finest...