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View Full Version : Mexicans more conservative than liberal

07-20-2015, 06:36 PM
Something most no know is Mexicans identify more with Republican values than Democrat. Most no understand how can be true since most vote Democrat. If look at major issues you see they agree with right most times. Start with abortion. Almost all Mexicans Roman Catholic so very pro life. Death penalty another one. Even though Mexico no have death penalty most Mexicans support it and want see back in use. Gay marriage another. Because they Catholic they see marriage in traditional way between man and woman. I can go on and on but you get idea.

So why most Mexicans vote Democrat? Being Mexican I get ask this question alot. It simple. Immigration. It seem strange Mexicans would vote for party they no agree with on majority of issues but immigration one they very passionate about and what cause them support Democrats. If not for immigration most Mexicans would vote Republican because they represent their values best.

This make me wonder why Republicans no change stance on immigration. Hispanic and Latino second most group in America. It almost 20% population and growing fast. I understand having principles and standing by them but make no sense alienating over 50 million people over one issue. What you think? Should Republicans change stance?

Abbey Marie
07-20-2015, 06:43 PM
I think most people when it comes down to it are 1-issue voters, so this doesn't surprise me.

Your point about immigration is well-taken, since there are very few if any politicians who won't choose election/re-election over the good of the country or principles.

07-20-2015, 06:45 PM
The Democrats know that the country is filled with legal and illegal folks from Mexico, they see y'all as votes, so they try to sweeten the pot so to say and make like they are doing so much for the immigrants. GW tried to do this when he was in office, he seen it as well and tried to do things to help make the illegals ( I don't think legal ) but give them drivers licenses and then have them pay taxes, it was really a good plan I thought ( hell you aren't getting rid of the illegals ) but he was shot down.

This is exactly why Obama wont do anything about securing our southern border, heck if he does that then Mexicans that live and VOTE here may decide to vote republican.

07-20-2015, 07:22 PM
I think most need to understand, the issue is certainly not with Mexicans, but rather the gaping hole in our borders and those that refuse to enter legally. Then add in the issues with those who work and those who don't. Those who don't are still able to siphon off of the American taxpayers to survive. Those that do work, they don't pay taxes into the federal system as others do. Yes, of course I know they shop and keep communities going with their spending, but they're still illegal and the harm goes to the American taxpayers.

Most would simply like to see folks come here in a legal manner. Personally, my original belief if toss everyone out who is here illegally, and that would apply to "illegals", not Mexicans in general. It's obvious that this will not happen for a variety of reasons.

With that said, I would/could support some sort of program to integrate those here illegally. They would need to be identified and brought into some sort of program. Pay a sizable penalty, and of course start paying taxes almost immediately. Their "fair share" to Uncle Sam needs to happen without delay. The penalty can have an allotted time to pay (I didn't make this up, I read portions from others). If a "former illegal" refuses to become legal and pay into our system, deport them. If this former illegal refuses to pay the penalty, deport them.

My problem has never really been about Mexican folks, or folks that come from anywhere around the world - but rather the crimes committed in getting here, and whatever crimes are committed to remain here, and whatever drain it comes to the American taxpayer.

And last but not least, and again, directed at illegals - we can't avoid the issue of crime. The ability to be illegal, and then slip and disappear into the crowd, has allowed for criminal activity, and then for the activity to repeat itself, unfortunately, based on our crappy laws.

Someone having an issue with illegal immigration doesn't mean we take issue with LEGAL immigration, or that we take issue with all folks of the country where illegals come from.

07-20-2015, 07:27 PM
I think most need to understand, the issue is certainly not with Mexicans, but rather the gaping hole in our borders and those that refuse to enter legally. Then add in the issues with those who work and those who don't. Those who don't are still able to siphon off of the American taxpayers to survive. Those that do work, they don't pay taxes into the federal system as others do. Yes, of course I know they shop and keep communities going with their spending, but they're still illegal and the harm goes to the American taxpayers.

Most would simply like to see folks come here in a legal manner. Personally, my original belief if toss everyone out who is here illegally, and that would apply to "illegals", not Mexicans in general. It's obvious that this will not happen for a variety of reasons.

With that said, I would/could support some sort of program to integrate those here illegally. They would need to be identified and brought into some sort of program. Pay a sizable penalty, and of course start paying taxes almost immediately. Their "fair share" to Uncle Sam needs to happen without delay. The penalty can have an allotted time to pay (I didn't make this up, I read portions from others). If a "former illegal" refuses to become legal and pay into our system, deport them. If this former illegal refuses to pay the penalty, deport them.

My problem has never really been about Mexican folks, or folks that come from anywhere around the world - but rather the crimes committed in getting here, and whatever crimes are committed to remain here, and whatever drain it comes to the American taxpayer.

And last but not least, and again, directed at illegals - we can't avoid the issue of crime. The ability to be illegal, and then slip and disappear into the crowd, has allowed for criminal activity, and then for the activity to repeat itself, unfortunately, based on our crappy laws.

Someone having an issue with illegal immigration doesn't mean we take issue with LEGAL immigration, or that we take issue with all folks of the country where illegals come from.

Or do the right thing as prescribed by law and deport all illegals.

07-20-2015, 07:27 PM
I think most people when it comes down to it are 1-issue voters, so this doesn't surprise me.

Your point about immigration is well-taken, since there are very few if any politicians who won't choose election/re-election over the good of the country or principles.

I think there are a substantial number, likely over half, that just vote 'party.' They don't really have any issues, they just vote (D) or (R). There are some that might take one issue primarily, but usually other issues follow that.

Those that actually 'decide' elections are not 1 issue and related issues voters. They have at least 5-8 issues that they use to evaluate which candidates come closest to where they stand. Increasingly this group is made up of disaffected voters from both major parties. They don't agree with either party on many issues, they are called 'independents' but they mostly lean towards the party they've split with.

07-20-2015, 07:34 PM
Or do the right thing as prescribed by law and deport all illegals.

I don't have much sympathy for anyone that purposely sneaks into our country, or breaks the law to stay, or abuses our various systems. But by our government ignoring the problem for so long, they made the issue so bad, that it makes more sense for people to come here illegally. They really have no reason not to, and in some cases, it makes sense financially.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2015, 07:40 PM
Something most no know is Mexicans identify more with Republican values than Democrat. Most no understand how can be true since most vote Democrat. If look at major issues you see they agree with right most times. Start with abortion. Almost all Mexicans Roman Catholic so very pro life. Death penalty another one. Even though Mexico no have death penalty most Mexicans support it and want see back in use. Gay marriage another. Because they Catholic they see marriage in traditional way between man and woman. I can go on and on but you get idea.

So why most Mexicans vote Democrat? Being Mexican I get ask this question alot. It simple. Immigration. It seem strange Mexicans would vote for party they no agree with on majority of issues but immigration one they very passionate about and what cause them support Democrats. If not for immigration most Mexicans would vote Republican because they represent their values best.

This make me wonder why Republicans no change stance on immigration. Hispanic and Latino second most group in America. It almost 20% population and growing fast. I understand having principles and standing by them but make no sense alienating over 50 million people over one issue. What you think? Should Republicans change stance?
Seems to me to be more like gullibility and ignorance as they believe the lying promises of the dems and vote solely for self interests and immediate gain(failure to see the bigger picture is nothing to brag about methinks) --likely why Mexico is so freaking corrupt and screwed up .

And before you think me racist about this- my niece is half Mexican , my oldest sister married a Mexican.
I just call it the way I see it. -Tyr

07-20-2015, 08:52 PM
Immigration wasnt noticed by most americans until Reagan gave over 3 millon total amnesty. Why did he do it ?

It was the beginning of the plan to dilute americans work force to put downward pressure on wages. The simple truth is it was the republicans who originally promoted illegal immigration and it was business that exploited them for dirt cheap labor. Employers broke every labor law when it came to hiring illegal immigrants. They worked them like dogs for peanuts and paid no overtime gave no benefits and if they got hurt they had no coverage at all.

It was much later the democrats had an epiphany that they could manipulate alot of votes by championing Illegal immigration and Amnesty and giving them benefits.

Neither party has the high road in this and both are complicit.

07-21-2015, 03:32 PM
Something most no know is Mexicans identify more with Republican values than Democrat. Most no understand how can be true since most vote Democrat. If look at major issues you see they agree with right most times. Start with abortion. Almost all Mexicans Roman Catholic so very pro life. Death penalty another one. Even though Mexico no have death penalty most Mexicans support it and want see back in use. Gay marriage another. Because they Catholic they see marriage in traditional way between man and woman. I can go on and on but you get idea.

So why most Mexicans vote Democrat? Being Mexican I get ask this question alot. It simple. Immigration. It seem strange Mexicans would vote for party they no agree with on majority of issues but immigration one they very passionate about and what cause them support Democrats. If not for immigration most Mexicans would vote Republican because they represent their values best.

This make me wonder why Republicans no change stance on immigration. Hispanic and Latino second most group in America. It almost 20% population and growing fast. I understand having principles and standing by them but make no sense alienating over 50 million people over one issue. What you think? Should Republicans change stance?

We are a country with rules and laws. We welcome immigrants in the thousands every year. With that said, people who either sneak in or over stay there visa's are here illegally and that is the problem.

We can not afford to take in everyone who wants to come here with no way of supporting themselves and their families, this country would go bankrupt. Republicans don't want to alienate anyone, what we want is for people to either come here legally or stay home.

As far as the hispanic vote is concerned Republicans won 36% of their vote in 2014, 30% in 2012 and 38% in 2010. It seems they do pay attention to more than immigration.

07-21-2015, 06:33 PM
Something most no know is Mexicans identify more with Republican values than Democrat. Most no understand how can be true since most vote Democrat. If look at major issues you see they agree with right most times. Start with abortion. Almost all Mexicans Roman Catholic so very pro life. Death penalty another one. Even though Mexico no have death penalty most Mexicans support it and want see back in use. Gay marriage another. Because they Catholic they see marriage in traditional way between man and woman. I can go on and on but you get idea.

So why most Mexicans vote Democrat? Being Mexican I get ask this question alot. It simple. Immigration. It seem strange Mexicans would vote for party they no agree with on majority of issues but immigration one they very passionate about and what cause them support Democrats. If not for immigration most Mexicans would vote Republican because they represent their values best.

This make me wonder why Republicans no change stance on immigration. Hispanic and Latino second most group in America. It almost 20% population and growing fast. I understand having principles and standing by them but make no sense alienating over 50 million people over one issue. What you think? Should Republicans change stance?

Is this a trick question? So are Cubans. I think the left pulled 3 or 4 out 300 or more counties in Texas to put Abbott in office.

Mexicans are stupid about immigration. They don't care about the facts, just their relatives.

07-21-2015, 07:24 PM
Immigration wasnt noticed by most americans until Reagan gave over 3 millon total amnesty. Why did he do it ?

It was the beginning of the plan to dilute americans work force to put downward pressure on wages. The simple truth is it was the republicans who originally promoted illegal immigration and it was business that exploited them for dirt cheap labor. Employers broke every labor law when it came to hiring illegal immigrants. They worked them like dogs for peanuts and paid no overtime gave no benefits and if they got hurt they had no coverage at all.

It was much later the democrats had an epiphany that they could manipulate alot of votes by championing Illegal immigration and Amnesty and giving them benefits.

Neither party has the high road in this and both are complicit.

*But a lot has "changed" since Reagan....Especially with the "Democrat" Party....which has made things worse 10 fold ` in the last 6 plus years...` a clear thinking human cannot deny that...

Max R.
07-21-2015, 07:42 PM
Something most no know is Mexicans identify more with Republican values than Democrat. Most no understand how can be true since most vote Democrat. If look at major issues you see they agree with right most times. Start with abortion. Almost all Mexicans Roman Catholic so very pro life. Death penalty another one. Even though Mexico no have death penalty most Mexicans support it and want see back in use. Gay marriage another. Because they Catholic they see marriage in traditional way between man and woman. I can go on and on but you get idea.

So why most Mexicans vote Democrat? Being Mexican I get ask this question alot. It simple. Immigration. It seem strange Mexicans would vote for party they no agree with on majority of issues but immigration one they very passionate about and what cause them support Democrats. If not for immigration most Mexicans would vote Republican because they represent their values best.

This make me wonder why Republicans no change stance on immigration. Hispanic and Latino second most group in America. It almost 20% population and growing fast. I understand having principles and standing by them but make no sense alienating over 50 million people over one issue. What you think? Should Republicans change stance?

An excellent post. While don't abide by illegal immigration, I also know that there is plenty of blame to go around for why the problem persists.

As you noted, Hispanics would make great Republicans: they're traditionalists, they love family values, they are very religious and they have one of the best work ethics I've ever seen.