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View Full Version : Texas Town Erupts Over Plan for Muslim Cemetery

07-22-2015, 06:32 AM
You have to love Texas !! They want to open a Muslim cemetery north of Dallas and the locals are saying no way, one guy even threatened to pour dead pig parts all over the area. If more folks would forget about being PCed like this we may not be in the trouble we are in this Country.

(BBC) – The proposed site in Farmersville, 40 miles (64 km) northeast of Dallas, was put forward by a local Islamic group.
Critics say they have concerns over Muslim burial procedures and fear it could lead to a mosque being built.
A spokesman for the Islamic Association of Collin County said misinformation and confusion is behind the opposition.


07-22-2015, 06:44 AM
I'll respect the dead as they pile up somewhere, but until then is a different story. As I said, polite and keep an eye open. I simply can't trust them anymore based on their actions nationally and around the world of course, but also based on my own many interactions. Radicals and terrorists worldwide and I see really very, very little being done by the Muslim world to stop it. Radicals are starting to appear more and more in nations around the world, and not just Islamic nations.

As for Texas, that's their decision and the folks from that particular township. I suppose they have to be buried somewhere. I certainly wouldn't want it in my neck of the woods either. I'd move before having an influx of Muslims nearby, no thanks.

07-22-2015, 06:48 AM
So where should they burry the dead, Jeff?

07-22-2015, 06:56 AM
So where should they burry the dead, Jeff?

How about in their homelands, Noir I do understand what you are saying but with all that is going on in the world with these animals wanting to kill innocent folks and all, I can honestly say I don't want them coming in and out of my neighborhood. I guess to me it isn't the dead I truly worry about ( although the article does explain worry there as well ) but the folks that this cemetery will bring to the area is what worries me.

07-22-2015, 06:59 AM
How about in their homelands, Noir I do understand what you are saying but with all that is going on in the world with these animals wanting to kill innocent folks and all, I can honestly say I don't want them coming in and out of my neighborhood. I guess to me it isn't the dead I truly worry about ( although the article does explain worry there as well ) but the folks that this cemetery will bring to the area is what worries me.

Well i think you'll accept that flying american citizens to some other country for burial is not exactly realistic.

So, where should they be buried?

07-22-2015, 07:08 AM
Well i think you'll accept that flying american citizens to some other country for burial is not exactly realistic.

So, where should they be buried?

How about anywhere but my neighborhood. Honestly Noir I wouldn't of let them into the country in the first place, and yes times being what they are I don't want a steady stream of people that I don't feel easy around coming in and out of my hometown.

07-22-2015, 07:19 AM
Dead Muslims are good Muslims. But their graves attract live ones, so I understand the town's reluctance to allow dead ones in the ground.

07-22-2015, 07:28 AM
I have 2 ideas for them:



07-22-2015, 07:40 AM
How about anywhere but my neighborhood.

I saw a wonderful TED talk about the 'not in my neighbourhood but somewhere else' will try and dig it up.

Honestly Noir I wouldn't of let them into the country in the first place, and yes times being what they are I don't want a steady stream of people that I don't feel easy around coming in and out of my hometown.

And what about the ones born here?

07-22-2015, 07:42 AM
I saw a wonderful TED talk about the 'not in my neighbourhood but somewhere else' will try and dig it up.

HA! In a thread about Muslim cemeteries. :)

07-22-2015, 07:47 AM
HA! In a thread about Muslim cemeteries. :)

I thought it might have been too subtle, but well spotted ^,^

Max R.
07-22-2015, 09:01 AM
I'll respect the dead as they pile up somewhere, but until then is a different story. As I said, polite and keep an eye open. I simply can't trust them anymore based on their actions nationally and around the world of course, but also based on my own many interactions. Radicals and terrorists worldwide and I see really very, very little being done by the Muslim world to stop it. Radicals are starting to appear more and more in nations around the world, and not just Islamic nations.

As for Texas, that's their decision and the folks from that particular township. I suppose they have to be buried somewhere. I certainly wouldn't want it in my neck of the woods either. I'd move before having an influx of Muslims nearby, no thanks.
Agreed to a large degree. This comes down to a First Amendment issue. If we allow anyone to violate another's religious rights by popular vote, then how long before we have enclaves of Muslims disallowing the burial of Jews or Christians in their cities?

This nation was founded, in part, by those seeking freedom of religious persecution. Religious persecution is one of the big problems in the ME right now. We'd be wrong to violate our own Constitution by emulating them.

Additionally, we have thousands of Muslims serving in our military. Who here would deny their burial wherever their family desires should they be killed on active duty?

At least 6,024 U.S. service members who declared Islam as their faith have served honorably in overseas war deployments since the 9/11 attacks, and 14 Muslim-American troops have been killed in action, all in Iraq, the Pentagon informed the Committee’s Majority Staff. We honor these American heroes, four of whom are buried in nearby Arlington National Cemetery, for making the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation.

07-22-2015, 09:17 AM
You have to love Texas !! They want to open a Muslim cemetery north of Dallas and the locals are saying no way, one guy even threatened to pour dead pig parts all over the area. If more folks would forget about being PCed like this we may not be in the trouble we are in this Country.

I thought Texas was a bastion of respect for private property.

How about anywhere but my neighborhood.

Whew. You're in luck. They chose Texas. :poke:

07-22-2015, 02:14 PM
I thought Texas was a bastion of respect for private property.

Whew. You're in luck. They chose Texas. :poke:

Yes I am.

07-22-2015, 02:25 PM
You have to love Texas !! They want to open a Muslim cemetery north of Dallas and the locals are saying no way, one guy even threatened to pour dead pig parts all over the area. If more folks would forget about being PCed like this we may not be in the trouble we are in this Country.


Texas and PC don't go in the same sentence.:laugh:

07-22-2015, 02:43 PM
I have 2 ideas for them:



I pick option #1. If it was good enough for bin Laden, it's good enough for others.:cool:

Let nobody say I don't consider Muslims !!

07-22-2015, 02:46 PM
And what about the ones born here?

Noir, if they're born here, why are they setting up homes and communities (and the odd terrorist cell ..) over in America ? Eh ? Eh ... ????:eek:

... get outta that one .. !!

07-22-2015, 02:53 PM
I pick option #1. If it was good enough for bin Laden, it's good enough for others.:cool:

Let nobody say I don't consider Muslims !!

They dumped bin Laden at sea so it couldn't be made a martyr/symbol of. I guarantee you the US Navy didn't give him a viking send-off. Probably tied a couple of dogbars around his ankles and tossed him off the fantail.

07-22-2015, 03:07 PM
They dumped bin Laden at sea so it couldn't be made a martyr/symbol of. I guarantee you the US Navy didn't give him a viking send-off. Probably tied a couple of dogbars around his ankles and tossed him off the fantail.

Sounds like they were being too considerate, then. Just another reason to get Obama's mob kicked out.

07-22-2015, 03:12 PM
Sounds like they were being too considerate, then. Just another reason to get Obama's mob kicked out.

I know giving up the dogbars was at the taxpayers expense but you got to make sure he sinks.

God, could you here the MSM now? "SEALS murder bin Laden and toss his body off boat to float in the ocean". The follow-up would be Obama denying he had anything to do with it and blaming Bush.

red state
07-22-2015, 04:43 PM
I pick option #1. If it was good enough for bin Laden, it's good enough for others.:cool:

Let nobody say I don't consider Muslims !!

I agree JIM and to Drummond.......you are spot on. "THEY" truly are setting up the same neighborhoods and when poled, the majority would rather trump the Constitution for sharia law (FACT).

Jim, I have another suggestion......since Drummond brought up the set-up of THEM building their own lil' "arabia" inside America, why not ship all muSLUMS to Dearborne Michagan. Those yankees seem to like muSLUMS and they surely have a grand lil' ole graveyard anyway.

It is a wonder THEY didn't buy up ground Zero and have a mass grave there (adding to the mass grave they created). Heck, in that regard, I say let the TEAMSTER's take care of their bodies like they do the rest of our garbage......so there is two more ideas to add to Jim's excellent suggestions.

I just had another idea before hitting the SUBMIT REPLY button..........I say that the "1st not-so-much-a-lady" use them for her broccoli garden.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2015, 06:12 PM
So where should they burry the dead, Jeff?

In sewers as thats the religion and its commands. They come from pure evil and perversion.
And yes, these insane followers seek to destroy all that is not Islam. Some of us are smart enough to see that understand appeasement or even tolerance is not the damn answer to this truly great evil.
How about creating a muslim pit to pile up their paradise racing murdering asses in.
Evil incarnate are the followers of the child molesting, murdering, rapist , torturing bastard they call Mohammad.
THAT SNAKE MOLESTED A 7 AND 9 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. Poisoned his enemies at a banquet and cause the death of tens of millions.
Delivered commands from Satan himself. Wake up if you ever can . -Tyr

07-22-2015, 06:30 PM
I'll respect the dead as they pile up somewhere... I suppose they have to be buried somewhere.

No they don't...

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49661-Land-Use&p=734802#post734802)

07-22-2015, 07:13 PM
Sounds like another Obama idea. Since he refuses to use certain words like Islamic Terrorists, or Illegals.

Obama's new word for Cemetery...as for his Muslim Brotherhood friends, probably began as LANDFILL.

That town had no reason to erupt if they already had A LANDFILL! :)

07-22-2015, 07:28 PM
How about in their homelands, Noir I do understand what you are saying but with all that is going on in the world with these animals wanting to kill innocent folks and all, I can honestly say I don't want them coming in and out of my neighborhood. I guess to me it isn't the dead I truly worry about ( although the article does explain worry there as well ) but the folks that this cemetery will bring to the area is what worries me.


"How about in their homelands"

07-22-2015, 07:31 PM
:clap::clap::clap: "How about in their homelands"

Where is the "homeland" of a muslim born in America?

07-22-2015, 07:44 PM
Where is the "homeland" of a muslim born in America?

The local dumps ???

07-22-2015, 07:53 PM
Where is the "homeland" of a muslim born in America?

Koran reading muslim..."American" only by a piece of paper...? Islam and western Ideology dont mix.."American" muslim...no such thing..only to a liberal...

Somewhere in the Middle-East...buried near a shit house with their book of peace and their prayer rug...