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07-22-2015, 08:40 AM
Italy forced to recognize gay marriage


The European court for civil rights issued a decree that obliges the Italian authorities to legally recognize unions between people of the same sex. In the country, considering the opinion of the European structures, violated the right to respect for family and private life.

The liberal attitude of European guidelines for the privacy of the population of the region sometimes turns the opposite problem, when the configuration in the act shall be made not at the request of the society, but the decision of those or other structures, sometimes even without considering public opinion. The pretext for scrutiny of the European court of human rights (ECHR) to Italy was the conversion of 3 homosexual couples.

The applicants considered that their rights are being violated because legally issue its own relationship to them does not allow the Italian legislation. The ECtHR considered the arguments of homosexual couples meaningful and agreed that they "have the same need for recognition and protection of their relationships as heterosexual couples".

In this regard, the Tribunal ordered Italy to legally recognize unions between people of the 1st floor, reports RIA Novosti. The precedent that today same-sex marriages were not legal in the country of recognition, violates the right to respect for family and private life. The ECHR said that a civil Union would be "more appropriate" method of recognition of gay relationships.

"Italy and other powers which have ratified the European Convention for the protection of civil rights and core freedoms, should honor their fundamental right to receive a form of recognition, which essentially equated to marriage," said the Tribunal. With all this, that statement applies to both hetero-and homosexual couples.

The decision of the Strasbourg court, however, is not classified final - Italian authorities may challenge him for 3 months after issuance. However political figures in Italy, probably to deny the legalization of gay marriage in one form or another do not intend to.



07-22-2015, 09:00 AM
This was the sort of thing that opponents to joining the EU were saying would happen.

Looks like they were right and they've given up sovereign decision making powers to the collective EU authority. I'm thinking this sort of thing will get much worse, and quickly.

07-22-2015, 09:35 AM
The virus is spreading.

07-22-2015, 10:51 AM
It will be interesting to read up on the recent history of civil rights in Italy, at first glance it looks like Italy has been heading down this path at its own pace. The Monti, Letta, and Renzi governments have all oversaw or promoted changes in the law.

The Mayors of Rome, Milan, and Bologna have all been vocal about how Italy is lagging behind in civil rights for some of its citizens.

In one sense, Italy is being 'forced' but i think that casts a shade of 'the Italians don't want this' over the discussion, which doesn't appear to match the reality of the situation, certainly if you take the election of concurrent governments that have been supportive of such a change with any weight.