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07-23-2015, 02:06 PM
I can't find the thread we were in. It got buried. But I got a couple of things to say.

You try to make something impersonal that to vets isn't. Ask CSM, namvet or Aboutime about Vietnam.

I could care less what who is doing what in the name of whatever. They blew up my baby girl. The one that begged me for a Cinderella outfit at Disneyworld. Their only saving grace is I wasn't in country at the time. They'd have needed the 1st Marine Division to save the enemy. Y'all like to make fun of my temper, but it ain't funny when you pis me off. And I'm good at what I do.

I'm STILL not blaming a religion. Just the idiots that commit crimes in its name.

07-23-2015, 02:33 PM
Thread - 'Escapism in the UK' under forum 'War and Terrorism' If you fail to recognise Islam as an issue, then that's your mistake to make.

07-23-2015, 03:44 PM
All religions can be bad, and all have been bad. As for Christianity and Islam... One was bad at times in the past, and is now nothing of the sort. One was bad in the past, and is even worse today, if not the same. While some things can be cherry picked to point to violence within Christianity, the Quran and Hadiths are literally littered with it, and excuses as to why it's ok. One religion currently demands and then carries out the subjugation and full on discrimination against women all over the world. <---- Also in their fine book.

"History" in discussing religion is one thing - but if talking today's world and today's society? Not even a comparison to be made. One is evil and still practices death and the desire to take over the world, wants every human on earth to convert to Islam, and still treat women like 3rd class citizens and don't even realize it, and think it's normal. All of these things seem normal to so many of them. Sharia and their entire lives blend into one. Even Jafar stated as much, that they are inseparable.

Watch this video. Yeah, it's a couple of years old, but anyone is kidding themselves if this isn't how they feel, and it's growing. Already "jews" are to be eliminated, as she proudly states with her "FOR". That's the type of people we're dealing with, and what they're religion calls for. At the very least, watch from the 2:50 portion to 3:05 and see how so many feel.


07-23-2015, 10:38 PM
I can't find the thread we were in. It got buried. But I got a couple of things to say.

You try to make something impersonal that to vets isn't. Ask CSM, namvet or Aboutime about Vietnam.

I could care less what who is doing what in the name of whatever. They blew up my baby girl. The one that begged me for a Cinderella outfit at Disneyworld. Their only saving grace is I wasn't in country at the time. They'd have needed the 1st Marine Division to save the enemy. Y'all like to make fun of my temper, but it ain't funny when you pis me off. And I'm good at what I do.

I'm STILL not blaming a religion. Just the idiots that commit crimes in its name.

Gunny..... What HAPPENED???????

07-23-2015, 11:22 PM
All religions can be bad, and all have been bad. As for Christianity and Islam... One was bad at times in the past, and is now nothing of the sort. One was bad in the past, and is even worse today, if not the same. While some things can be cherry picked to point to violence within Christianity, the Quran and Hadiths are literally littered with it, and excuses as to why it's ok. One religion currently demands and then carries out the subjugation and full on discrimination against women all over the world. <---- Also in their fine book.

"History" in discussing religion is one thing - but if talking today's world and today's society? Not even a comparison to be made. One is evil and still practices death and the desire to take over the world, wants every human on earth to convert to Islam, and still treat women like 3rd class citizens and don't even realize it, and think it's normal. All of these things seem normal to so many of them. Sharia and their entire lives blend into one. Even Jafar stated as much, that they are inseparable.

Watch this video. Yeah, it's a couple of years old, but anyone is kidding themselves if this isn't how they feel, and it's growing. Already "jews" are to be eliminated, as she proudly states with her "FOR". That's the type of people we're dealing with, and what they're religion calls for. At the very least, watch from the 2:50 portion to 3:05 and see how so many feel.


All religions have evolved..."L:ove and Peace"....

The cult of islam has evolved also...more death...more threats...more stupidity...Many have been calling "islam" a Religion for a long time.... I feel its time for reality and time for a change....but with the spread of socialism / Liberalism..and the Bull-shit weak worthless UN...it will be hard to do..but possible...

I have seen what these muslim koran-reading roaches can do first hand...leave it at that.

07-23-2015, 11:31 PM
Gunny..... What HAPPENED???????

Here Hummer got hit by an IED. Killed two people and jacked her legs up good.

The military side of me says, hey, you signed up. The daddy part of me says you just screwed with my firstborn child and daddy's little girl.

07-23-2015, 11:36 PM
Here Hummer got hit by an IED. Killed two people and jacked her legs up good.

The military side of me says, hey, you signed up. The daddy part of me says you just screwed with my firstborn child and daddy's little girl.

This was your actual daughter????? How terrible. I simply cannot imagine. I don't care even if she signed up, she is your daughter. I hope she is doing okay?

07-23-2015, 11:47 PM
This was your actual daughter????? How terrible. I simply cannot imagine. I don't care even if she signed up, she is your daughter. I hope she is doing okay?

Yes. My oldest daughter. She was born at 10:02 AM, Monday, March 11. 1985. I raised her by myself from the time she was 9.

She's a 1st grade school teacher now and I have two beautiful granddaughters. Except for her dumbass choices in alleged men, she's fine.

07-24-2015, 12:04 AM
Yes. My oldest daughter. She was born at 10:02 AM, Monday, March 11. 1985. I raised her by myself from the time she was 9.

She's a 1st grade school teacher now and I have two beautiful granddaughters. Except for her dumbass choices in alleged men, she's fine.

When I first read that earlier post I was afraid she was dead. :(

I am pleased that she is doing well. Was it her daughter in the picture I saw of you?

07-24-2015, 12:32 AM
When I first read that earlier post I was afraid she was dead. :(

I am pleased that she is doing well. Was it her daughter in the picture I saw of you?

Uh huh. If you didn't read "Retired Marine Destroys Half of Middle East" she's not dead. I tolerate a lot of crap. Screwing with my baby girl isn't part of that selection.

The pic is me and my youngest granddaughter on her birthday last year.

07-24-2015, 12:35 AM
Uh huh. If you didn't read "Retired Marine Destroys Half of Middle East" she's not dead. I tolerate a lot of crap. Screwing with my baby girl isn't part of that selection.

The pic is me and my youngest granddaughter on her birthday last year.

It was a sweet picture. It almost made you look soft! :)

I look forward to having a granddaughter of my own.