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07-23-2015, 05:13 PM
I like salami better than Islam. :) Anyway, some food for thought.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2015, 06:00 PM
I like salami better than Islam. :) Anyway, some food for thought.


Have you no heart!??? :rolleyes:
You now cry out against the ever so peaceful muslims and want us to blame them for the select few!?? :rolleyes:
Spread your hate and watch it grow, while Islam's 1400 + years and murder of 270 million people was just getting rid of the bad people my friend. Can't you see what a favor they did the world???

Wake up and bow your ass down to Allah and his child molesting prophet the piece of shit called Mohammad or else lose your stinking infidel head!
For now you are one of the bad people deserving of the fate of those 270 million people given Allah's justice before you!

Have you not heard the great bambastard say , the world does not belong to those that slander the PROPHET MOHHAMMAD("the stinking child molester"/rapist, murderer)?--Tyr

07-30-2015, 11:31 PM
Personally, unless they assisted our military during our wars I would boot every Muslim out of our country. But that's just me and I'm a bad man.

I like salami better than Islam. :) Anyway, some food for thought.


07-31-2015, 06:58 AM
You know we put a entire breed of dog down because some of them are nasty, and lets face it, I believe it has been shown that it is how you bring the dog up. But anyway we have pounds all over America that if they get a stray Pit bull or Rott they put them down and these animals haven't done a fraction of what the animals called Muslims have, just a little food for thought.