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View Full Version : Gay Pride Event Bans Cross-Dressing because It Might Offend Transgender People

07-24-2015, 07:01 AM
OK this is really getting confusing, now the fags aren't happy with other fags, imagine that even more things they can't make their mind up about. Am I a guy or a girl, how much of the opposite sex am I, and now they get mad at other fags because they are in different stages of their gayness, I say let them all have a parade and then mow them down, it would be doing the world a favor.

But the best part is people ( some ) feel these idiots that can't even decide how gay they are should be able to decide to get married, a yea, they ought to be at the Docs getting theirs heads examined not getting marriage licenses.

Now, why would that offend transgender people? I thought these people were all one big happy family.
Here’s the thing. You’ve got “cisgender” people, who are those who happen to identify with the gender they were born with. In other words, if you’re a male, and you also identify as a male, you’re considered cisgender. That has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Some of those cisgender people (straight or not, but mostly not straight) who attend these “gay pride” events like to dress as members of the opposite sex. A man who dresses and makes himself look like a woman is called a drag queen. So, you would call him a “cisgender drag queen.”
You also have “transgender drag.” That would be where, say, a transgender woman (a man who “identifies” as a woman) dresses like a woman. (In reality, it’s a man dressing like woman.)
There was one of these gay pride events in Glasgow, Scotland called Free Pride Glasgow, and the “Trans/Non-Binary Caucus” – non-binary are those who say they don’t fit into any socially constructed gender category – decided to ban drag performances at the event. This is interesting, considering that drag performances have been a staple at such events. Their reason for wanting to ban drag performances? Because they might offend the transgender crowd.


07-24-2015, 07:28 AM
Infighting within the wackjobs.

But I thought it was all about "tolerating one another" and "love". How can one member of their community possibly offend another?

07-24-2015, 07:33 AM
If you lump "fags" into one group of Borg-like hive-thought then it's not surprising you're confused. It would be akin to lumping Christians into one group and then being confused that some Christians are racist and others aren't.

07-24-2015, 07:44 AM
"accept others for who they are"

Of course until you're lumped into the same place as them. Then it's ok to be upset. Then accepting them is out the window, and one of them needs to be banned. :rolleyes:

07-24-2015, 08:09 AM
It is somewhat remarkable, but not all that uncommon, you don't have to go far to find a gay person who is insistent that 'bi-sexuality isn't a sexual orientation' or who feels it is acceptable to use trans* slurs etc.

07-24-2015, 08:19 AM
'cept this isn't just one gay "person" but rather the entire event banning a group of folks.

Is it common to find entire events in the LBGT community where they ban others from the LGBT community - after they cry about equality and tolerance for so many years? LOL

07-24-2015, 08:26 AM
In the same way that you will find racist homosexuals, you will find transphobic homosexuals and so on. I have spent more time than you would of apparently considered trying to convince such people of the wrongness and irony of their position. But people's views are not so easily changed.

07-24-2015, 08:33 AM
Interesting to know that some LGBT groups are against a certain sect of their own members. Will have to remember that one for future reference. Not you, but THOSE folks are the most hypocritical idiots ever. The amount of screaming over the past 10 years about the equality, and toleration, born this way crap - and now some of them want to ban others? It's so retarded that it's actually funny.

07-24-2015, 08:37 AM
I need some coffee. just shoot the bastards. end of story

07-24-2015, 10:48 AM
"accept others for who they are"

Of course until you're lumped into the same place as them. Then it's ok to be upset. Then accepting them is out the window, and one of them needs to be banned. :rolleyes:

Okay, we'll break it down: Every group of people, at some point, develops a faction, we'll call them the "asshat" faction for point of reference. Even within your beloved Steelers fans, I'm willing to bet there's a certain breed of Steelers fan that makes you hang your head and go, "Oh God, they're talking again".

In Gamer culture, there's a backlash against female gamers, trying to assert that they are "fake geek" girls, who are just there for attention, because for some reason, attractive women are having far more trouble these days getting the attention of eligible men to where they must go to conventions, and "manipulate" the vulnerable male geeks. Then, there's the schism between the hardcore gamers, and the "filthy" casuals. And then, miraculously, there's yet another schism between console people and the "PC Master Race", and then a two way schism in console folks, over XBOX or PlayStation.

No matter what, we will find a way to create sides, and divide ourselves between them.

07-24-2015, 11:16 AM
When in fighting starts like this.... the cause is forgotten and the group breaks apart.

Abbey Marie
07-24-2015, 01:39 PM
I've long thought that gays (men) and lesbians generally don't like each other.
Anyone know if that's true?

07-24-2015, 02:38 PM
Okay, we'll break it down: Every group of people, at some point, develops a faction, we'll call them the "asshat" faction for point of reference. Even within your beloved Steelers fans, I'm willing to bet there's a certain breed of Steelers fan that makes you hang your head and go, "Oh God, they're talking again".

In Gamer culture, there's a backlash against female gamers, trying to assert that they are "fake geek" girls, who are just there for attention, because for some reason, attractive women are having far more trouble these days getting the attention of eligible men to where they must go to conventions, and "manipulate" the vulnerable male geeks. Then, there's the schism between the hardcore gamers, and the "filthy" casuals. And then, miraculously, there's yet another schism between console people and the "PC Master Race", and then a two way schism in console folks, over XBOX or PlayStation.

No matter what, we will find a way to create sides, and divide ourselves between them.

No doubt, no doubt - but the irony and hypocrisy is what I point out. These folks complained of the equality and tolerating for so long. There is always infighting and disagreements, but generally speaking, at least those groups aren't running around demanding equality and toleration from others - and then not give equality and toleration to another.

I would be curious to hear from who and which group made the decision here, and see what THEY have to say about such things.

IMO, it's like someone ranting and raving for years against abortion, and then getting one later, or helping someone get one. Different, yet alike.

Who will be banned next for fear it will offend someone? And what's different between this - and say someone banning gay folks from a particular parade? (which we've seen fights about, especially in NYC). Is it wrong for straight folks to ban gays, and then OK if LBGT folks (or whomever) bans crossdressers? Sounds like someone banning someone deemed "offensive" either way. So now - these people are bigots and some sort of "phobes" correct? Maybe crossdressaphobes? It's the only thing that would make sense based on the LBGT's own stances and words over the years. I can't wait to see how they respond to this, as they have others that were less than tolerating. :)

08-02-2015, 05:52 AM
A friend wrote an interesting wee bit on the story so I thought i'd add -

They didn't ban drag queens from attending, they elected not to bill them as acts. I would have no issue at this decision if it was cited as a step away from contemporary pride events, which have become hyper commercialised. However, citing the reason that some transsexuals find it offensive is unreasonable, and reeks of having been decided by people who grew up with social media. For most of the last century, drag clubs and circuits have been havens and livelihoods for transfolk. While improved legislation social awareness and availability of treatment has removed this necessity *somewhat* it demonstrates a lack of awareness of history to miss this connection, as well as an element of presumption.

Some queens invoke transmysogyny in their acts, and should be called out on it, however that isn't even what the ban targeted, it implied that some transfolk would find critical portrayals of gender norms by virtue of gender being a sensitive topic to them, and gender as a construct needing protecting in public. Personally, I do not feel a subsection of transfolk have the right to police gender for everyone (including other transfolk- whose vocal opposition led to the reversal of the ban) That being said, the retort from vocal gay opponents has been little more than a modified rumble of the colloquialism "It's our Culture." There has been no dialogue, or engaging with the actual issue, and indeed a lot of venom has been aimed at transfolk in general, invoking actual bigotry.

Tl:dr- It should never have happened in the first place, but that doesn't excuse the disproportionate reaction.

08-02-2015, 06:09 AM
^^ Seems even your friend adds in lots of various terms to call certain folks, and one would have thought they ALL be equal and ALL be welcome. :) Just sayin!

08-02-2015, 06:44 AM
I can see where it would be awkward when two males show up wearing the same dress.

Add a few spritzers to the mix and now you've got a wig-pulling contest and smeared mascara.

08-02-2015, 05:07 PM
It was funny, my dad only went to Pride once voluntarily, and pretty much never wanted "to do it the fuck again!"

08-02-2015, 05:26 PM
OK this is really getting confusing, now the fags aren't happy with other fags, imagine that even more things they can't make their mind up about. Am I a guy or a girl, how much of the opposite sex am I, and now they get mad at other fags because they are in different stages of their gayness, I say let them all have a parade and then mow them down, it would be doing the world a favor.

But the best part is people ( some ) feel these idiots that can't even decide how gay they are should be able to decide to get married, a yea, they ought to be at the Docs getting theirs heads examined not getting marriage licenses.


So, normal people can't discriminate against gays, but they can discriminate against themselves?:wtf:

08-02-2015, 07:51 PM
So, normal people can't discriminate against gays, but they can discriminate against themselves?:wtf:

Kind of like you are a racisit if you use the "N" word but walk by a group of young blacks and that's all you hear. :rolleyes:

08-03-2015, 07:35 AM
Kind of like you are a racisit if you use the "N" word but walk by a group of young blacks and that's all you hear. :rolleyes:

They used to call me nigger all the time on the basketball court. I took it as a compliment.:laugh: