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View Full Version : "'Kirk was Republican / Picard was Democrat'"

07-24-2015, 09:25 PM


`Kirk's idea of diplomacy was a phaser set to kill and a smirk.

Picard danced his way across the galaxy playing a flute.

Enough said.`:thumb:

07-24-2015, 10:08 PM
In point of fairness, Picard actually held more to the Prime Directive than Kirk did. He was a big proponent of staying out of the affairs of other worlds where possible, whereas Kirk basically pissed on the thing whenever the whim suited him.

Additionally, Picard's time is one where Replicators are commonplace, rendering most direct labor irrelevant, so there's no particular need to worry over giving people this or that, cause they can literally "just make more" by hitting up the replicators, whether it's clothing, food, meds, or whatnot. The Federation's "economy" only matters in how it interacts with other empires and species still dependent on currency exchanges.

This I think is the essential issue of the liberal viewpoint: They want that Star Trek TNG future, but they're not realizing the rather important point that the technologies that make it possible to transcend traditional economics just don't exist yet. Yeah, it'd be great if/when they do (A lot of Star Trek science has come to pass, or is now considered to be possible, including creating a warp bubble), but trying to do it without the supportive infrastructure is trying to put the cart before the horse.

07-24-2015, 10:47 PM
In point of fairness, Picard actually held more to the Prime Directive than Kirk did. He was a big proponent of staying out of the affairs of other worlds where possible, whereas Kirk basically pissed on the thing whenever the whim suited him.

Additionally, Picard's time is one where Replicators are commonplace, rendering most direct labor irrelevant, so there's no particular need to worry over giving people this or that, cause they can literally "just make more" by hitting up the replicators, whether it's clothing, food, meds, or whatnot. The Federation's "economy" only matters in how it interacts with other empires and species still dependent on currency exchanges.

This I think is the essential issue of the liberal viewpoint: They want that Star Trek TNG future, but they're not realizing the rather important point that the technologies that make it possible to transcend traditional economics just don't exist yet. Yeah, it'd be great if/when they do (A lot of Star Trek science has come to pass, or is now considered to be possible, including creating a warp bubble), but trying to do it without the supportive infrastructure is trying to put the cart before the horse.

If you noticed...I put it in the Lounge...Just having fun ...:)

07-25-2015, 07:31 AM
Kirk banged green spacewomen, drank strong drinks, and fought monsters.......



07-25-2015, 07:33 AM


07-25-2015, 07:48 AM
Was Cruz's daddy Rainier Wolfcastle? :)


07-26-2015, 09:00 PM
I always suspected Spock of being a Klingon sympathizer.