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View Full Version : Gun Sales Surge in Chattanooga after Shooting

07-25-2015, 06:47 AM
Yes some ( as in Dems ) use these tragedies for political gain, others use them to wise up. It is time to protect yourself, the police can't be everywhere nor can Obama and his band of thugs, and better yet they are protected by armed guards as well as their families, so why shouldn't we be allowed the same.

Seems with in hours of the tragedy in Chattanooga gun sales spiked, Americans are realizing you need to take care of #1 first, no Obama isn't going to protect you, his idea of helping our Hero's ( many just back from over sea deployments ) is for them not to wear their military uniforms and close the blinds, yup just what you would expect from a worm.

It’s interesting to see how people respond differently to tragedies. In the wake of the Chattanooga mass murder, we heard the predictable calls by politicians to crack down on guns. They think that an inanimate object needs to be under more stringent controls so that it’s harder for people to have access to them. This is supposed to be a deterrent for criminals.
Other people see the tragedy as a reminder to better protect themselves and their families by stocking up on guns and ammo. They seem to understand better that criminals are always going to be able to get their hands on guns. And since that’s just the way it is, innocent people had better be able to defend themselves. Incidents like the one in Chattanooga where four Marines and a Sailor were murdered could happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared for such an incident.
In Chattanooga, gun sales have spiked (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/22/gun-sales-surge-in-wake-of-chattanooga-attack/) following the shooting on July 16th
