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View Full Version : Racism Debate

07-27-2015, 10:57 AM
The formatting and structure and time, and opening from me will be different. Just no time for me. This is between Perianne and Augusto. It will be unlimited posts for now. Peri - you and August PM one another and decide who goes first.

A reminder to others - posting in here is ONLY FOR THEM 2. Anyone else will have post deleted and thread banned. Please respect their debate. You guys decide, and good luck!!

07-27-2015, 11:34 AM
Thank you.

Since there is no post limits, I guess I don't need to use PM.

Perianne, please start by explaining the position you are going to defend and setting the stage.

07-27-2015, 04:57 PM
First, let me make clear: if there is profanity the debate will end.

First of all, I don't consider what many people think of as racism to actually be racism. It is no more racist to say that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites than it is to say that whites are physically inferior to blacks. The NBA is majority black. Upper level track and field is majority black. The fastest runners in the world are consistently black.

On the other hand, it is clear that when issues of intelligence are involved, whites are superior. I am guessing that about 99% of all the world's inventions are by whites or Asians.

None of this is to say there cannot be high-performing whites in sports, or high-performing blacks in intellectual circles.

As far as brown skinned people like we have south of our border, I am in little position to stake out a position. I will state what I know to be true. When I was an Emergency Room nurse I consistently found the Latino patients to be the most appreciative and respectful of all.

Does anyone really think we would have the advanced society we have if blacks had been the dominant force throughout history?

To me these thoughts are not racist.

07-27-2015, 05:23 PM
Well, those thoughts ARE racist.

The thing is that it is true that there are many things called racism. If, for instance, you limit yourself to especulate regarding certain qualities, you are simply using your brain on a polemic subject. If, by the other hand, you are using those ideas to sustain a feeling of hatred or racial superiority toward other groups, then that's an agressive way of racism.

Another possible application of the word might be when, let's say, a white man is extra polite to a black man just because of his skin color, but that's a little bit ridiculous. The situation, however, seems to escalate to extremes such as "talking about about illegal immigrants is racist"...

Let me start by throwing you a hypothesis: what if latino people are actually the superior ones? Taking into consideration that the original skin color was black, or near black, and asians and whites came after that, it should be interesting to notice latinos are the newest "race".

What are they made of?

1. European soldiers and warriors.
2. Natives who survived genocide and wars.
3. African slaves who came from africa and endured a lot.

You might think of what happened in the new continent as some sort of agressive natural selection process, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that our women are big favorites in contests and our people have managed to occupy all kinds of spheres in no time. I think I read there are more Venezuelans at NASA than people from any other country.

What do you think about that? I'm implying evolution at work, meaning that latino people have been taking over white people in relative little time.

Also it is worth noticing that latinos have been populating every continent a lot faster than any other race. Could it be that we, horny as we are usually labeled, end up being the majority in less than a century?

07-27-2015, 05:36 PM
My thoughts are racist yet your hypothesis of Latino evolutionary superiority is not?

07-27-2015, 06:48 PM
I did not say I was not a racist myself.

I just said your OP is racist, like... "making it clear." You are free to disagree, but if you ask people on the street they would tell you the same.

It's okay, tho. I wanted to discuss the subject with you precisely because of that. It makes things more interesting. So, what do you say to my hypothesis? Don't you think latinos are taking over in all kind of areas world wide faster than any other race? Don't you think our genetics should be stronger due to what happened here 500 years ago?

I mean, you could still be a racist, but an objective one, and become a fan of us... if you follow a logical way of thinking rather than an emotional approach.

07-27-2015, 07:57 PM
I mean, you could still be a racist, but an objective one, and become a fan of us... if you follow a logical way of thinking rather than an emotional approach.

Again, if only I use logic then I will see things your way?

So, what do you say to my hypothesis? Don't you think latinos are taking over in all kind of areas world wide faster than any other race? Don't you think our genetics should be stronger due to what happened here 500 years ago?

Perhaps if one uses survival of the fittest as the basis for which society/race is best, then an argument can be made in your favor. The Latino population in the USA is growing leaps and bounds. Whites will soon no longer be a majority of population directly related to the influx of Latinos. In your view, perhaps that will improve the intellectual status of America? Again, I am talking about the average intellect of society, not who can have the most babies. The greatest nations have been lead by and dominated by whites. I see a Latino society which is coming to America by the millions, infecting our fragile society and turning America brown. I have not seen any way it can be beneficial to this country of whites but I can see many ways it will be beneficial to Latinos.

Whites have dominated intellectual endeavors for hundreds of years despite being in the minority in world populations. I contend that the populations that have darker skin tend to have lower average IQs. I have yet to see a study that refutes that.

07-27-2015, 08:08 PM
Serve yourself. This video is about black people:


Back on the latino subject, I read somewhere that there are various Venezuelans working at NASA in your country. Only from Venezuela, there is a very considerable number of professionals in USA, Canada and all Europe.

Notice that latinos are populating the whole world, not like homeless people, but in all social spheres. So I ask you again: from an evolutionary point of view, are latinos superior or not? White people have been here for thousands of years and now latinos are taking over in a matter of decades, and I repeat: IN ALL SPHERES.

Still waiting for your answer.

07-27-2015, 08:39 PM
Serve yourself. This video is about black people:


Back on the latino subject, I read somewhere that there are various Venezuelans working at NASA in your country. Only from Venezuela, there is a very considerable number of professionals in USA, Canada and all Europe.

Notice that latinos are populating the whole world, not like homeless people, but in all social spheres. So I ask you again: from an evolutionary point of view, are latinos superior or not? White people have been here for thousands of years and now latinos are taking over in a matter of decades, and I repeat: IN ALL SPHERES.

Still waiting for your answer.

"I read somewhere" does not constitute proof. Please provide a link, then we will discuss.

07-27-2015, 09:19 PM
Some hardcore Venezuelan guys I found:

Humberto Morán (NASA): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humberto_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Mor%C3%A1n

Manuel Blum (computer scientist): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Blum

Carlota Perez (economist teorist): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlota_Perez

Aldemaro Romero (scientist): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldemaro_Romero_Jr.


How Venezuelans are spreading world wide on a picture:



This is just from one shitty country. Venezuela is not the whole latinoamerica. Now, I wonder if your people would do so well comming from the botton, specially in so little time.

A list of notable Venezuelans in all kinds of stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Venezuelans

So, are you willing to admit the objective superiority of latinos from the evolutionary angle or you are planning to fall in denial?

07-27-2015, 09:34 PM
So, are you willing to admit the objective superiority of latinos from the evolutionary angle or you are planning to fall in denial?

I must admit you have me at a disadvantage. I had never considered that Latinos think of themselves as superior to anyone. Regardless, this thread was intended to be about racism itself, not the "superiority" of Latinos.

Let's just say that you win.

Jim, I am finished here. You can open it up to the rest of the forum.

07-27-2015, 09:39 PM
No, please. Wait a little bit. I still haven't finish.

Would you wait?

07-27-2015, 09:59 PM
No, please. Wait a little bit. I still haven't finish.

Would you wait?

I am finished, but you can continue with others who wish to participate.

07-27-2015, 10:12 PM
Okay. I thought it was going to last more, but I like to see you were a reasonable person.

I simply wanted to debunk the "white supremacy" traditional position by putting latinos and asians avobe white people before using my real argument.

My conclusion is that races do not really exist from the scientific perspective. A black person might be genetically closer to certain white person or group than to black people. The gen responsible for skin color is noticeable but is not actually a big deal.

The differences you see between blacks and whites are simply the result of social oppresion. There is an interesting finding about the efect of being poor in the brain. It diminishes IQ about 10%... now imagine a poor black guy full of resent and without a proper condition to educate himself. It would be the same thing if the guy were white.

I hope you come to understand this thing at some point in your life. Racism is an empty ideology. Nothing else.

07-27-2015, 10:48 PM
Oh, and I forgot to post this... just for the sake of it and because I enjoyed saying nice things about my country:

"Venezuela is on the global radar like never before. But this shouldn't be a surprise, as many of the world's most famous people come from Venezuela. Here is a list of the 5 most influential celebrities from Venezuela. They have incredible careers and their dreams came true".
