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View Full Version : Los Angeles bans large capacity ammo mags

07-28-2015, 10:48 PM
It starts in Los Angeles and will soon be the law everywhere. :cheers2:

Defying sharp warnings from gun rights groups, Los Angeles thrust itself into the national debate over gun control Tuesday, as city lawmakers voted unanimously to ban the possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Such magazines have been “the common thread” in almost all the mass shootings that have devastated the country, from Newtown to Virginia Tech to Columbine, said Juliet Leftwich, legal director for the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Backers of the plan said it was a small but meaningful step to minimize the bloodshed, by forcing attackers to at least interrupt their rampages to stop and reload.


07-28-2015, 11:00 PM
Such magazines have been “the common thread” in almost all the mass shootings that have devastated the country
That's not the only "common thread" in the mass shootings.

Nearly all the mass shooting have been committed by males of voting age. So, following the OP's logic, we should ban males. Or perhaps ban voting.

All the mass shooters have been breathing at the time. And have drunk water at least once in the month preceding their shootings. So, by little gabby's line of reasoning, we should clearly ban respiration, and/or ban drinking water.

And don't forget that nearly all the mass shooters drove to the scenes of their crimes in a car. Ban Ford, Toyota, Chrysler and the rest.

These "ideas" are just as "valid" as the conclusion that we must ban magazines greater than a certain capacity.

The OP reveals the completely shallow and empty-headed "logic" that substitutes for reasonableness and practical common sense in our legislators, at least in Los Angeles. And it is fitting that it is brought to the forum by a similarly-minded member such as little gabby.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2015, 11:36 PM
It starts in Los Angeles and will soon be the law everywhere. :cheers2:


Lets ban all those damn cars, I heard a rumor that they kill people with anger in their mufflers and blood oozing of their wicked tires!
Quick send this to the nearest liberal nut-house for a moronic case to be built.

NO HIGH CAPACITY MAGS == Just buy more mags. And keep 'em very handy.-Tyr

07-29-2015, 05:50 AM
It starts in Los Angeles and will soon be the law everywhere. :cheers2:


If you think it's a law that will do anything to help, you are a retard. :)

07-29-2015, 07:05 AM
It starts in Los Angeles and will soon be the law everywhere. :cheers2:


Please tell us how many Criminals will obey the law and use reduced capacity magazines......

07-29-2015, 07:15 AM
This law was put into play years ago. Los Angeles isn't the first place it started, years ago back in NJ they made it where ( If I remember right ) a mag couldn't hold more than 7, well other states laughed at them, as they will at the land of fruits and nuts. That has to be one of the stupidest laws the libs have ever made, it takes all of about 3 seconds to drop a mag slap another in and keep firing, yea it does a real bang up job to stop mass murders :rolleyes: What it does do is make just about every gun on the market ( besides single shot ) illegal, this goes back to what I was telling you the other day Gabbs, all the BS laws y'all cheer aren't aimed at anything the idiots are telling you they are for, the long range mission is to take weapons from law abiding citizens. OO a yea, if you ever return to the BS post you start you may have read that.

07-29-2015, 07:16 AM
Please tell us how many Criminals will obey the law and use reduced capacity magazines......

Further - if she can explain how carrying 3 ammos with 10 rounds each would drastically change damage-done compared to one 30-round magazine

07-29-2015, 07:55 AM
Further - if she can explain how carrying 3 ammos with 10 rounds each would drastically change damage-done compared to one 30-round magazine

Good point... I'd just carry 9 magazines with 9 rounds each in them....

I can change a Magazine in less than 2 seconds.

07-29-2015, 10:55 AM
Tell me why you need a gun that uses a magazine with more than 10 rounds.
Self defense? Sport? Makes you feel more manly?


07-29-2015, 01:33 PM
Limiting mag capacity will no reduce incidents we see. South Carolina church shooter reloaded 5 times. He used Glock 41 which hold 13 rounds. Having law limit to 10 would no have made difference. Also many criminals no get weapons legally so mag limit would no help.

07-29-2015, 02:54 PM
I would just have the same gun and carry 10 mags. It would take about a second to reload. The folks that think this does a damn thing are brain dead.

07-29-2015, 03:20 PM
Tell me why you need a gun that uses a magazine with more than 10 rounds.

TRANSLATION: I don't have an answer for any of the points you have made or any of the questions you've asked. So, rather than admit I'm wrong, I'll hastily change the subject and pretend you have some nefarious purpose in wanting normal accessories for a gun. And I'll throw in a sexual insult, too, to make sure you answer my question instead of concentrating on the ones you asked.

07-29-2015, 03:30 PM
Suppose a decent shot of a scumbag sneaks into your home/yard. You ain't the greatest shot, but you have a gun to protect your family. God forbid you FOR WHATEVER REASON don't take down the scumbag with 10 rounds. I guess you're just supposed to die then if you don't get him within the first 10. :rolleyes:

Now folks in retarded areas like this will just buy more mags and be more prepared.

Laws are being made by retards, folks who are clueless about guns, and have an agenda and think banning these mags will somehow solve anything. Effing idiots.

07-29-2015, 04:10 PM
let me get this straight. their dying of thirst and worried about guns???