View Full Version : Freethought

07-29-2015, 06:41 PM
I've been thinking about sharing with the community the way I see the world and how I interact with it in hopes that my personal experience and conclusions are useful to others.

The idea would be working a series of posts, each one dealing with a particular subject.

The first one... mmm... the vote. Simple enough.

I don't vote. It comes to my mind that voting deeply relies in the illusory idea that you count as an individual. While it is obvious that if everyone would think like me democracy would be impossible, it is also important to notice that by voting you are taking part in a little game that actually has nothing to do with you as an individual.

From this perspective, it is far more significative to talk about politics and share your view with others in hopes of learning (if you're wrong) or helping others understand the situation as you see it.

At the end, politics is a dirty game and voting is just you using part of your day in something absolutely intrascendental and potentially ridiculous. If one really want to help out society or do something idealistic, it makes more sense planting a tree, adopting a homeless dog or using that time to talk to your loved ones, specially your kids, to understand them, to tell them something or to do some activity worth remembering.

In a way, voting is like praying for things to be better. It will do nothing, and even if our candidate wins, one if often dissapointed by their choices when they reach power.

This is the kind of thing that, when one take the time to meditate, offers pleasure. A little truth, a little piece of individuality and understanding of those things that politics and society planted in our brain. The pleasure relies, in this case, in recovering a little bit of independence to make a better use of the time whe have in this world.

07-29-2015, 06:48 PM
It would be better if you put all your all ideas in one post. Then others can state whether they agree or disagree.

07-29-2015, 07:12 PM
One can do both. Pamphleteering and voting are not mutually exclusive. One can do both.

07-29-2015, 07:17 PM
Methinks Augusto is preoccupied with his own thoughts, and assumes that the thoughts of others are less enlightened. He also assumes that everybody else is as fascinated as he is by his aggrandizing.

07-29-2015, 08:11 PM
gabosaurus: I'm not sure at this point how many ideas I'm going to post on this thread. I thought it was better to post one by one.

tailfins: That is correct. However I was trying to say a little bit more than that.

AllieBaba: I'm just sharing. If you don't like it, don't read it. Hopefully others will appreciate having something else to read or discuss. A contribution to the forum is still a contribution, even if you don't like it for whatever reason. Also, feel free to share your own ideas. This thread is not necesarily meant to be a personal blog. It can be used to discuss the issues I bring or contributions of other members.

07-30-2015, 05:33 AM
"You don't have to stand up and be counted, you can sit down and be ignored if you like" Philomena Cunk

07-30-2015, 08:43 AM
When thinking about life, it seems "the best" is most of the time in direct correlation with "the hardest". This can be seeing when one wants to eat healthy, when one seeks to earn recognition or when one desires to marry and be happy with that person. The worst part is that we usually know what we should do, but we simply don't pay attention to that, and allow our problems to grow up until we feel sofocated. Of course, this is a way too big issue to cover on a single post.

I'm more interested in the intellectual part. Basically, we want to feel integrated, confortable, and do the minimal effort. We don't think much. We mostly act automaticaly and gravitate to those places, persons or situations we are confortable with, avoiding like the plage, those that make us feel unconfortable. If we cannot avoid a particular undesirable situation, we either get bored (studying for a test) or angry.

Personally, I have noticed that a lot of those undesirable situations are actually good opportunities to grow and to be estimulated intellectually, once we overcome the lazy and negative original feeling. This is part of popular knowledge: "A real friend is not that who makes you laugh, but that who tell you those truth nobody else will". I'm sure you have heard something like that.

In this sense, friendship is defined as opposite to drowning your brain in laughs. Friendship is defined as a relationship that invites you to think and grow.

Over the last few years I developed an interest at listening and thinking about any kind of issues objectively. At the end I can say it payed off. See, I assumed I knew enough about most issues that I cared about. Feminism? = Stupid senseless shit. At least that's what I thought. Recently I came to discuss this subject with two ladies. I was pretty well educated on the matter and knew about feminist theories and history. Yet, because I made an efford at listening, rather than showing those ladies what I knew, I learned new things and managed to see their point of view. I had to make many questions and think hard, but at the end I decided that feminism was still necesary today... in a way.

Because of the sociopolitical and economical situation in my country, I hate Marxism. I am discussing this issue with someone, who is firmly convinced that communism is awesome. I already told him: "Part of me wants to slap you in the face, but part of me chooses to hear what you have to say, and I always listen to that part of me".

So far I'm not convinced. I'm not trying to destroy the man's arguments (why caring about winning online discussions?). Instead, I try to make the right questions to fully understand his position. I still don't think he has anything to say. Probably I wont learn anything from him, but I will go until the very end and find out if I am right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is MORE IMPORTANT to keep an open mind and to always try to understand others, specially when their views are opposite to yours, than to get an academic degree. Studying is cool, but it doesn't guarantee you are not an idiot.

I came here and created a few topics that are unconfortable. Those topics represent an opportunity to exercise a possitive attitude and to learn how to be openminded. It's just a matter of choice, but by learning and applying it you will become a wiser person. I mean in general, not just in religious areas.

In my opinion, this is the key to become a freethinker.

07-30-2015, 09:46 AM
I've been thinking about sharing with the community the way I see the world and how I interact with it in hopes that my personal experience and conclusions are useful to others.

The idea would be working a series of posts, each one dealing with a particular subject.

The first one... mmm... the vote. Simple enough.

I don't vote. It comes to my mind that voting deeply relies in the illusory idea that you count as an individual. While it is obvious that if everyone would think like me democracy would be impossible, it is also important to notice that by voting you are taking part in a little game that actually has nothing to do with you as an individual.

From this perspective, it is far more significative to talk about politics and share your view with others in hopes of learning (if you're wrong) or helping others understand the situation as you see it.

At the end, politics is a dirty game and voting is just you using part of your day in something absolutely intrascendental and potentially ridiculous. If one really want to help out society or do something idealistic, it makes more sense planting a tree, adopting a homeless dog or using that time to talk to your loved ones, specially your kids, to understand them, to tell them something or to do some activity worth remembering.

In a way, voting is like praying for things to be better. It will do nothing, and even if our candidate wins, one if often dissapointed by their choices when they reach power.

This is the kind of thing that, when one take the time to meditate, offers pleasure. A little truth, a little piece of individuality and understanding of those things that politics and society planted in our brain. The pleasure relies, in this case, in recovering a little bit of independence to make a better use of the time whe have in this world.

Are you for real? You are NOTHING but of product of Judeo-Christian society. Only you're the downside of it. Deal with it.

07-30-2015, 11:23 AM
Why do you say that? I don't think I understand your point. Do you have a point of some sort?

07-30-2015, 04:09 PM
This video, originally posted by Gnostic Christian is probably the most impressive video I've seen in a long time. I think everyone should see it. It's related to policy. Seriously, watch the video...!!!


Again, WATCH THE VIDEO...!!!

07-30-2015, 05:42 PM


07-30-2015, 06:27 PM
gabosaurus: I'm not sure at this point how many ideas I'm going to post on this thread. I thought it was better to post one by one.

tailfins: That is correct. However I was trying to say a little bit more than that.

AllieBaba: I'm just sharing. If you don't like it, don't read it. Hopefully others will appreciate having something else to read or discuss. A contribution to the forum is still a contribution, even if you don't like it for whatever reason. Also, feel free to share your own ideas. This thread is not necesarily meant to be a personal blog. It can be used to discuss the issues I bring or contributions of other members.I read stuff I don't like all the time. That's how I educate myself. In this instance, I'm educating myself about your ignorant arrogance. I do that by reading your nonsense.

07-31-2015, 09:10 AM
old and experienced will beat young and impetuous every single time.

Gnostic Christian Bishop
07-31-2015, 01:33 PM
I've been thinking about sharing with the community the way I see the world and how I interact with it in hopes that my personal experience and conclusions are useful to others.

The idea would be working a series of posts, each one dealing with a particular subject.

The first one... mmm... the vote. Simple enough.

I don't vote.

In engineering, to see if an idea is sound, we try to look at the two extremes of it to see how it looks.

With the vote, we would look at what would happen if all voted as well as if none voted to see which might be the best.

If all voted in the country then all would have a say in how the country was run.
If none voted in the country then only those already in charge would have a say in how the country is run.

If we are to be citizens at all and not just owned slaves to those already in charge, I would say that voting is a superior position to not voting.


07-31-2015, 02:20 PM
old and experienced will beat young and impetuous every single time.

I heard it as "age, experience and treachery will shit all over youth, athleticism and skill every time".

08-01-2015, 07:45 AM



08-01-2015, 07:51 AM

Weird. Seemed like he was looking for a reason to leave from his first post. Then threatened his leaving through a series of posts. Not sure what he was looking for or expected. Odd that he thought he was so much smarter than everyone though. Or maybe should I say delusional. :dunno: Seemed like he came looking for even more trouble and wasn't happy that he didn't get it?

08-01-2015, 08:57 AM
I'm still stunned that he thought he was better than anyone.

08-01-2015, 09:05 AM
He was looking to get banned from the outset, and when he didn't get his 'mark of honor' for getting banned, he took his ball and went home.

I think it's weird he spends all day sitting on his ass, burning up the interwebs telling everyone how stoooopid they are when he and his family are starving. Those are some fucked up priorities if you ask me.

This young lady sums it up regarding Gnostic and Augusto in 5 seconds flat :

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zhexf94LjTw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-24-2016, 06:36 PM

If you decide to browse through DP again, please let me know. I'm thinking of a visit to Venezuela next year. I plan to cross the border at Santa Elena de Uairen and continue by bus on Route 10 if things don't look too dangerous. If it gets too scary, I plan to turn around back to Brazil. Please respond if you see this.