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07-30-2015, 10:04 AM
I know O'Reilly has everyone on the right wired up to this, but it's pointless. We already have laws concerning illegal aliens. Enforce them and enforce the border and there is no need for "Kate's Law".

So what does another law that won't be enforced going to do?

07-30-2015, 10:39 AM
If there was an "easy" answer to illegal immigration, the issue would have been solved by previous administrations. None of whom would touch it.

The only real answer to illegal immigration is to shut down employers who hire illegals.
Right now, everyone blames the guy who crosses the border looking for work. If he gets caught, he gets deported. If a business gets caught hiring illegals, they get a slap on the wrist fine and sent on their way.
My cousin and her husband confront these problems every day. Businesses hire lawyers. They curry favor with government officials. They under pay workers, who labor under poor conditions.
Employers are rarely prosecuted because of concerns that "it would cost jobs and harm the economy." It is far easier to blame the people who just want to feed their families.

Laws are useless if no one enforces them.

07-30-2015, 10:41 AM
There IS an easy answer. Build a fence. Enforce laws when you catch illegals crossing illegally. Deport those caught committing crimes in the USA. Maybe you can't deport ALL, but at least the caught criminals. The fence, the enforcement... that alone would solve TONS of issues - but politically correct crap stops it.

07-30-2015, 10:45 AM
There IS an easy answer. Build a fence. Enforce laws when you catch illegals crossing illegally. Deport those caught committing crimes in the USA. Maybe you can't deport ALL, but at least the caught criminals. The fence, the enforcement... that alone would solve TONS of issues - but politically correct crap stops it.

There is a fence. It is constantly being breached.

If you have a large ant mound outside your home, do you solve the problem by catching all the ants? You seem to believe so.

07-30-2015, 10:49 AM
If there was an "easy" answer to illegal immigration, the issue would have been solved by previous administrations. None of whom would touch it.

The only real answer to illegal immigration is to shut down employers who hire illegals.
Right now, everyone blames the guy who crosses the border looking for work. If he gets caught, he gets deported. If a business gets caught hiring illegals, they get a slap on the wrist fine and sent on their way.
My cousin and her husband confront these problems every day. Businesses hire lawyers. They curry favor with government officials. They under pay workers, who labor under poor conditions.
Employers are rarely prosecuted because of concerns that "it would cost jobs and harm the economy." It is far easier to blame the people who just want to feed their families.

Laws are useless if no one enforces them.

There's an easy answer. Enforce the law. I find this topic two-sided on BOTH sides. Everyone wants to cherry-pick which Federal law they wish to disobey. However, Gabs, the Federal laws the left wish to disobey are destructive to this nation.

The right disobeys laws like Texas enforcing its own border. And if you commit murder in this state, you get put on death row. We don't care if you came from Mexico or OK. Our state has the 12 largest GNP in the WORLD. We're supporting y'all's BS welfare-ass states.

The left has sanctuary cities, legalized marijuana, and incite blacks to riot.

Truth doesn't matter though, does it?

07-30-2015, 10:50 AM
There IS an easy answer. Build a fence. Enforce laws when you catch illegals crossing illegally. Deport those caught committing crimes in the USA. Maybe you can't deport ALL, but at least the caught criminals. The fence, the enforcement... that alone would solve TONS of issues - but politically correct crap stops it.

Shit, put TSA on the job. Tried getting on a plane lately? You can't even get a tube of toothpaste through.

07-30-2015, 10:53 AM
If there was an "easy" answer to illegal immigration, the issue would have been solved by previous administrations. None of whom would touch it.

The only real answer to illegal immigration is to shut down employers who hire illegals.
Right now, everyone blames the guy who crosses the border looking for work. If he gets caught, he gets deported. If a business gets caught hiring illegals, they get a slap on the wrist fine and sent on their way.
My cousin and her husband confront these problems every day. Businesses hire lawyers. They curry favor with government officials. They under pay workers, who labor under poor conditions.
Employers are rarely prosecuted because of concerns that "it would cost jobs and harm the economy." It is far easier to blame the people who just want to feed their families.

Laws are useless if no one enforces them.

Oh, and typical leftwingnut answer. Blame the employers. Not that I don't hold them accountable, but they aren't the only ones employing illegal aliens. Under Obama, illegal aliens employ illegal aliens.

07-30-2015, 10:56 AM
There's an easy answer. Enforce the law. I find this topic two-sided on BOTH sides. Everyone wants to cherry-pick which Federal law they wish to disobey. However, Gabs, the Federal laws the left wish to disobey are destructive to this nation.

The right disobeys laws like Texas enforcing its own border. And if you commit murder in this state, you get put on death row. We don't care if you came from Mexico or OK. Our state has the 12 largest GNP in the WORLD. We're supporting y'all's BS welfare-ass states.

Texas has NEVER enforced its own border. In his time as governor, Rick Perry supported immigration reform in the Valley and vowed to stop it while in the Metroplex. Dubya totally ignored the problem of illegal immigration for eight years.

Shut down employers who hire illegals and no one will cross the border.

red state
07-30-2015, 10:58 AM
Especially after 911, Bush should have treated our borders and coasts like a war zone because we were at war and in war, you MUST defend your perimeters. I can't say that I disagree with those saying; "take it to THEM so that they don't bring hell to US". First thing, in my opinion, when your village already has burning huts from an attack is to leave your family and go looking for what is STILL just a thin red line from burning more and finishing what THEY started on your own turf.

Secure the freakin' border and coasts with EXTREME PREJUDICE.......just make sure people know that what they are doing or attempting to do will likely cost them their lives. It isn't rose-E but, thanks to B.O. and other turds before him, it has come to this (or should). Women are being targeted for a reason from getting the back of their heads blown off to shot in the middle of a tourist attraction. THEY are now getting extremely bold and BOLDNESS must be met.

We bring in muSLUMs yet allow Christians and Europeans to meet death and persecution. I now, most definitely, have proof that this president (IS) a traitor and (IS) doing all that he can to undermine and destroy this Nation through catastrophes or the VOTE. I also see b.o. increasingly BOLD and now believe, more than ever, that what a few of us stated years ago could very well come into play (an all out WAR among Americans and those pretending to be Americans). Nuff said....

07-30-2015, 11:06 AM
Texas has NEVER enforced its own border. In his time as governor, Rick Perry supported immigration reform in the Valley and vowed to stop it while in the Metroplex. Dubya totally ignored the problem of illegal immigration for eight years.

Shut down employers who hire illegals and no one will cross the border.

Want to bet? The Texas Rangers were put on it for one. Extra money was given to County Sheriffs to hire additional personnel, and there are Texas National Guardsmen on the border. I don't know what what a "dubya" is. Is that like a current Curious George who speaks with forked tongue and is dumber than a brick Occupying the faggot-colored House?

So why don't you try telling me where I live again? Might want to stick to where you live and what you think you wish you knew up there in Pelosi country and not be telling me what we're all about down here.

07-30-2015, 11:07 AM
Sure, the fence is built. :rolleyes: it needs to be MUCH longer. And those that breach, they need to be jailed and/or sent back. The criminals caught, jailed and/or then sent back. The only issue that cannot be easily solved is the illegals here not being found breaking laws. But we can sure as hell extend the fence and extremely aggressively monitor and stop every scumbag who tries to sneak in. We can sure as hell give walking papers to those caught, and especially to those who commit even further crimes once on US soil.

07-30-2015, 11:09 AM
Want to bet? The Texas Rangers were put on it for one. Extra money was given to County Sheriffs to hire additional personnel, and there are Texas National Guardsmen on the border. I don't know what what a "dubya" is. Is that like a current Curious George who speaks with forked tongue and is dumber than a brick Occupying the faggot-colored House?

So why don't you try telling me where I live again? Might want to stick to where you live and what you think you wish you knew up there in Pelosi country and not be telling me what we're all about down here.

You have to understand the liberal mentality, and the dumber ones especially.

"me read blog. blog always right. i then know better than everyone else. me right and you wrong"

Fucking idiots.

07-30-2015, 11:15 AM
You have to understand the liberal mentality, and the dumber ones especially.

"me read blog. blog always right. i then know better than everyone else. me right and you wrong"

Fucking idiots.

I understand Gabby. People seem to read a post and forget it. I don't. My mother could make Gabby think she's a conservative. I was raised on the left right up to Carter. I know what they're not thinking right from the get-go.

07-30-2015, 05:50 PM
There is a fence. It is constantly being breached.

Yes, building a fence is a waste of time and money. They should use armed drones to patrol the border with...


07-31-2015, 07:11 AM
If there was an "easy" answer to illegal immigration, the issue would have been solved by previous administrations. None of whom would touch it.

The only real answer to illegal immigration is to shut down employers who hire illegals.
Right now, everyone blames the guy who crosses the border looking for work. If he gets caught, he gets deported. If a business gets caught hiring illegals, they get a slap on the wrist fine and sent on their way.
My cousin and her husband confront these problems every day. Businesses hire lawyers. They curry favor with government officials. They under pay workers, who labor under poor conditions.
Employers are rarely prosecuted because of concerns that "it would cost jobs and harm the economy." It is far easier to blame the people who just want to feed their families.

Laws are useless if no one enforces them.

This is exactly what I have been telling you about gun control and all the new laws Obama wished to put on the books, I guess this only makes sense when Obama says it. :rolleyes: