View Full Version : Occult talk crap moved

07-29-2015, 10:08 PM
SPOT ON! From what little I've seen of our new member, it truly would take a weak minded individual to fall for some of that junk. I've so many answers for the questions or points but I've learned to "shake the dust from my sandals" as the old saying goes.

It would be best for Jim to show GC to the door and then lock it but if we'd simply ignore the individual.....he/she may go away. As for GC, has that sumpin' N sumpin' ever responded to "regular" threads? Just askin'. I'm also asking that we do not feed the trolls.

V4R, Jim, NT.......my hat is off to you guys for handling this purty darn good but I'd especially send a shout out to V4R in his approach.

Better an Atheist than a demon-summoning occultist.

07-31-2015, 09:24 AM
Better an Atheist than a demon-summoning occultist.

I am Catholic.... But since all current theist religions are founded on a Pagan foundation it behooves us to understand all faiths and find the similarities we share.

So explain to me how I as a Catholic am a "Demon Summoning Occultist" ?

Or are you referring to someone else here? If you refer to WiccanLiberal you have been warned about calling her that. Seeing she is the only declared pagan on the board and you have called her that on many occasions I assume you mean HER... and not me... I call on The mods to review the warnings you have been given on this matter. And suspend your privileges again if they find you in violation.

If that is the case either speak what you're really thinking or shut your Misogynistic, Holier than thou, want to be morally superior Pie-Hole. You're the original religion troll here.

It surprises nobody that you suck up to Gnoggie, Auggie and all the newbie wannabe pseudo intellectuals. They're the only ones that will pat you on a head and praise you for performing like a trained sea lion barking for a Fish.

Now whats really on your mind.... You want a one on one with me? Lets go...

A One on One Debate... I'll work on the subject and parameters. But it will revolve around tolerance to the faiths of others, Paganism, Christianity and other Monotheistic and poly-theistic faiths.

we'll see how well your understanding of comparative religion and theological similarity is....

but you'll be too chicken to accept...

07-31-2015, 09:35 AM
I am Catholic.... But since all current theist religions are founded on a Pagan foundation it behooves us to understand all faiths and find the similarities we share.

So explain to me how I as a Catholic am a "Demon Summoning Occultist" ?

Or are you referring to someone else here?

I'm referring to ANYONE that messes with Tarot cards, attends witchcraft functions, celebrates pagan days such as solstices, disparages a society's efforts to rid itself of Satanic influences. You individually are not worth my bother. I am speaking to anyone that fits that profile. The Catholic's standards are so low that one could both be a nominal Catholic AND and Occultist.

07-31-2015, 09:43 AM
I'm referring to ANYONE that messes with Tarot cards, attends witchcraft functions, celebrates pagan days such as solstices, disparages a society's efforts to rid itself of Satanic influences. You individually are not worth my bother. I am speaking to anyone that fits that profile. The Catholic's standards are so low that one could both be a nominal Catholic AND and Occultist.

You have been warned repeatedly and even suspended for saying these things on several occasions.

Mods... review this and please address his continued insulting of our only declared pagan member.

07-31-2015, 09:53 AM
You have been warned repeatedly and even suspended for saying these things on several occasions.

Mods... review this and please address his continued insulting of our only declared pagan member.

Pot, meet kettle. This is rich after helping to run off the only declared Muslim member. I would be very surprised if staff engaged in repression based on ideological content. Your perception is not based in reality.

07-31-2015, 09:58 AM
She absolutely does have the capacity to be a great person and I think she does have the intelligence to make worthwhile posts. But she clearly gets more satisfaction from trolling than from honestly posting and bringing reasoned statements to the table.

Gabby is like Tailfins in that regard - making outlandish statements or posting offensive things simply to get a little attention. I guess they both subscribe to the idea that negative attention is better than none at all.

Speculative on my part, I really don't know what kinds of gears go round-and-round in their melons... but I think there's a couple of teeth missing on those sprockets to get the result that we see.

It's not attention getting: It's "trying out" reactions, with the intent of learning what to expect from others that fit that profile. It's a learning exercise. It also indicates which profiles to seek out and which ones to avoid.

Now that I think about it, NT, I should read more about what you do for a living and other things about you so I will better know where you fit. I do get the idea if I visited Alaska and got stuck in the snow, you'd leave me to freeze if you knew who I were.

07-31-2015, 10:03 AM
It's not attention getting: It's "trying out" reactions, with the intent of learning what to expect from others that fit that profile. It's a learning exercise. It also indicates which profiles to seek out and which ones to avoid.

Now that I think about it, NT, I should read more about what you do for a living and other things about you so I will better know where you fit. I do get the idea if I visited Alaska and got stuck in the snow, you'd leave me to freeze if you knew who I were.

You still TESTING us?

That will continue to make people intolerant of you.

might I suggest....


07-31-2015, 10:09 AM
I do get the idea if I visited Alaska and got stuck in the snow, you'd leave me to freeze if you knew who I were.


I would drive several hundred miles to help a fellow human being out of a dangerous life-threatening situation, even someone that I personally disliked.

That's basic_human_decency_v1.0

07-31-2015, 10:15 AM

I would drive several hundred miles to help a fellow human being out of a dangerous life-threatening situation, even someone that I personally disliked.

That's basic_human_decency_v1.0


07-31-2015, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=Voted4Reagan;752472]You still TESTING us?

That will continue to make people intolerant of you.

might I suggest....


According to Guinn's recent biography, Manson took a Carnegie course in prison. He was quite impressed with the methods. Especially the chapter that advocates letting the other person think an idea is his. Certainly allowed him to influence people. So maybe a dangerous book for some people. Just saying.

07-31-2015, 10:18 AM
It's not attention getting: It's "trying out" reactions, with the intent of learning what to expect from others that fit that profile. It's a learning exercise. It also indicates which profiles to seek out and which ones to avoid.

Now that I think about it, NT, I should read more about what you do for a living and other things about you so I will better know where you fit. I do get the idea if I visited Alaska and got stuck in the snow, you'd leave me to freeze if you knew who I were.

Having visited Alaska on several occasions, and being a USCG Licensed Master, Human life is never ignored... no matter how much you may hate the individual.

I have driven boats dozens of miles through storms responding to distress calls, I would certainly never leave a human being on the tundra to die...

Still Testing huh? we know you are

07-31-2015, 10:21 AM
Pot, meet kettle. This is rich after helping to run off the only declared Muslim member. I would be very surprised if staff engaged in repression based on ideological content. Your perception is not based in reality.

Who??? Jaffar?

I liked Jaffar and always addressed him with respect and courtesy and in formal Islamic form when mentioning Allah and his Prophet (May peace be upon them)..

I cant say the same for your tolerance of others faiths......

07-31-2015, 10:36 AM
Having visited Alaska on several occasions, and being a USCG Licensed Master, Human life is never ignored... no matter how much you may hate the individual.

I have driven boats dozens of miles through storms responding to distress calls, I would certainly never leave a human being on the tundra to die...

Still Testing huh? we know you are

Is it really testing if the subject knows you're trying to learn? Think of it as rehearsing to a cousin how to ask for a date. You're not REALLY asking your cousin for a date.

07-31-2015, 10:49 AM
You still TESTING us?

That will continue to make people intolerant of you.

might I suggest....


That's a great book on how to pass a job interview. In day-to-day life, not so much.

07-31-2015, 11:10 AM
The OT/fighting portions have been moved here to the cage/ I think there's a difference between attacking someone individually, and attacking a religion someone doesn't believe in. I don't believe in the latter either, but we all do it to an extent. If we banned everyone that did so, anyone who has been bashing Christianity would deserve so too, as well as all of us who have bashed Islam. I tend to lean more towards freedoms in that respect.

I honestly do feel bad about it. I think Wiccan is one of the nicest and kindest members we have here. She doesn't even really respond to any tripe sent her way, whether directly or indirectly. IMO, she's one of the rare "can do no wrong" members in my eyes. I would hope tailfins would recognize such, and try and be kinder in speaking about what he doesn't believe, and realize that the way he says things are hurting a valued member and a very kind person.

Let's face facts, and reality - some folks deserve certain treatment and some don't. Almost always based on how that member carries themselves. Wiccan most certainly doesn't deserve to feel slighted or uncomfortable in any way, if it can be avoided.

07-31-2015, 01:00 PM
Is it really testing if the subject knows you're trying to learn? Think of it as rehearsing to a cousin how to ask for a date. You're not REALLY asking your cousin for a date.

here is a hint shit stain... Just ask them to their face... dont have a hidden agenda and guage responses to outlandish statements. Ask your question directly and with courtesy.

Stop acting like youre above everyone else and try acting like 10% of the christian you claim to be instead of acting like a total douche-nugget.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-31-2015, 05:55 PM
The OT/fighting portions have been moved here to the cage/ I think there's a difference between attacking someone individually, and attacking a religion someone doesn't believe in. I don't believe in the latter either, but we all do it to an extent. If we banned everyone that did so, anyone who has been bashing Christianity would deserve so too, as well as all of us who have bashed Islam. I tend to lean more towards freedoms in that respect.

I honestly do feel bad about it. I think Wiccan is one of the nicest and kindest members we have here. She doesn't even really respond to any tripe sent her way, whether directly or indirectly. IMO, she's one of the rare "can do no wrong" members in my eyes. I would hope tailfins would recognize such, and try and be kinder in speaking about what he doesn't believe, and realize that the way he says things are hurting a valued member and a very kind person.

Let's face facts, and reality - some folks deserve certain treatment and some don't. Almost always based on how that member carries themselves. Wiccan most certainly doesn't deserve to feel slighted or uncomfortable in any way, if it can be avoided.
Right you are Jim. I know both Wiccan and V4R from my old forum. There she was same as she is here. Calm respectful, very intelligent.
They both are on my friends list and there because they are good people.
TF should look in the damn mirror a lot more. And maybe start to see that guy looking back at him is often a heartless piece of shit.
Of course maybe he does that and thinks -not heartless enough--let me try harder.
Intelligence without compassion, empathy , love, moral principles or civility is a nasty cold stew served out of a sweaty boot-- only the pigs would enjoy it.--Tyr

07-31-2015, 07:13 PM
Of course maybe he does that and thinks -not heartless enough--let me try harder.

Only for people who are never satisfied. However, I have been thinking about that recently. Zero effort should be the goal, not negative effort. Putting forth negative effort can be like driving a car backwards, hoping it will fill up the gas tank.

07-31-2015, 07:14 PM
here is a hint shit stain... Just ask them to their face... dont have a hidden agenda and guage responses to outlandish statements. Ask your question directly and with courtesy.

Stop acting like youre above everyone else and try acting like 10% of the christian you claim to be instead of acting like a total douche-nugget.

I see your post and think "What would Satan Do?" It's obvious where you get your orders.

08-01-2015, 06:19 AM
I see your post and think "What would Satan Do?" It's obvious where you get your orders.

I don't get my orders from Satan if you're inferring that... But I do believe in Heaven and It's right where I am with a hot and sexy Pagan Witch that I care about and who loves me back...

Oh... and I didn't need to get her by Mail order... unlike some people.