View Full Version : Can't Play Nice On Killing Animals

08-03-2015, 08:27 AM
Nope. As usual, you are wrong. It isn't snobbish to see the pointlessness to wasting an animal for a trophy. It's humane, and common sense.

Reminds me of dickhead 2ndLts that don't care who they have to kill or get killed to get a stupid medal.

All trophy hunters don't waste. In fact, few of them do. And there's nothing wrong with wanting a challenge. Stop being a covetous snob.

08-03-2015, 08:44 AM
All trophy hunters don't waste. In fact, few of them do. And there's nothing wrong with wanting a challenge. Stop being a covetous snob.

Stop being a blind idiot. Most trophy hunters are defined by their tag: "TROPHY hunter".

I'm not a snob at all. I hate people that waste natural resources. Using them is fine. Wasting them isn't. Trophy hunters that go to Africa for a head are going to Africa for a head. End of fucking story.

You're the snob. I have yet to come upon a topic you don't think you're an expert on. Funny thing is, you usually don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

08-03-2015, 08:58 AM
Stop being a blind idiot. Most trophy hunters are defined by their tag: "TROPHY hunter".

I'm not a snob at all. I hate people that waste natural resources. Using them is fine. Wasting them isn't. Trophy hunters that go to Africa for a head are going to Africa for a head. End of fucking story.

You're the snob. I have yet to come upon a topic you don't think you're an expert on. Funny thing is, you usually don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Good grief, stop boo hooing. It's embarrassing. The truth is you're jealous of the factyou've never bagged a big one. I know trophy hunters and guides. They aren't wasteful and they're no more egotistical than anyone...and a lot less egotistical than you. The ones I know are in it for the challenge. Guides always have an outlet for the meat if the hunters don't want it. Your limited exposure to the hunting culture has led you to stupidly conflate idiot poachers with trophy hunters and legal guides. That's ok, you're just a small minded, egotistical jackass...nobody expects you to act like anything else.

08-03-2015, 09:04 AM
Good grief, stop boo hooing. It's embarrassing. The truth is you're jealous of the factyou've never bagged a big one. I know trophy hunters and guides. They aren't wasteful and they're no more egotistical than anyone...and a lot less egotistical than you. The ones I know are in it for the challenge. Guides always have an outlet for the meat if the hunters don't want it. Your limited exposure to the hunting culture has led you to stupidly conflate idiot poachers with trophy hunters and legal guides. That's ok, you're just a small minded, egotistical jackass...nobody expects you to act like anything else.

You want to push this? I've bagged human beings that can fight back, bitch.

My so -called "limited exposure" surpasses yours. Taking a life is a serious matter to me, and it has nothing to do with my ego and lot to do with making something living dead. Maybe you don't have a soul. but some of us do and we understand the ramifications of our actions.

Oh, and you're a narrow-minded stupid bitch. Always have been. If I could throw your fat ass off the fantail of an LHD, I would. But I can deadlift only 600 pounds.

08-03-2015, 09:21 AM
You want to push this? I've bagged human beings that can fight back, bitch.

My so -called "limited exposure" surpasses yours. Taking a life is a serious matter to me, and it has nothing to do with my ego and lot to do with making something living dead. Maybe you don't have a soul. but some of us do and we understand the ramifications of our actions.

Oh, and you're a narrow-minded stupid bitch. Always have been. If I could throw your fat ass off the fantail of an LHD, I would. But I can deadlift only 600 pounds.

Lol I will attribute your lack of debate and social skills to the fact you spent most of your life in a bottle, thus halting your development at the age of 14. Killing ppl isn't hunting, you loon, and in no way compares to hunting culture. Shut up and sit down, you're making a spectacle of yourself, getting all worked up into a dry drunk tantrum.

08-03-2015, 09:26 AM
Lol I will attribute your lack of debate and social skills to the fact you spent most of your life in a bottle, thus halting your development at the age of 14. Killing ppl isn't hunting, you loon, and in no way compares to hunting culture. Shut up and sit down, you're making a spectacle of yourself, getting all worked up into a dry drunk tantrum.

My debate skills far surpass yours. I never claimed to have any social skills. I call cowshit when I see it.

But we can go here. You think killing people isn't hunting? You mean because you have an adversary that is capable of striking back instead of some dumb deer? Maybe you ought to think about how stupid you sound.

So YOU shut up and sit down and spin on your favorite device. When I get around to getting drunk, I'll let you know, sorry-ass bitch.

08-03-2015, 09:28 AM
You want to push this? I've bagged human beings that can fight back, bitch.

My so -called "limited exposure" surpasses yours. Taking a life is a serious matter to me, and it has nothing to do with my ego and lot to do with making something living dead. Maybe you don't have a soul. but some of us do and we understand the ramifications of our actions.

Oh, and you're a narrow-minded stupid bitch. Always have been. If I could throw your fat ass off the fantail of an LHD, I would. But I can deadlift only 600 pounds.

Lol I will attribute your lack of debate and social skills to the fact you spent most of your life in a bottle, thus halting your development at the age of 14. Killing ppl isn't hunting, you loon, and in no way compares to hunting culture. Shut up and sit down, you're making a spectacle of yourself, getting all worked up into a dry drunk tantrum.

My debate skills far surpass yours. I never claimed to have any social skills. I call cowshit when I see it.

But we can go here. You think killing people isn't hunting? You mean because you have an adversary that is capable of striking back instead of some dumb deer? Maybe you ought to think about how stupid you sound.

So YOU shut up and sit down and spin on your favorite device. When I get around to getting drunk, I'll let you know, sorry-ass bitch.

Really, can you two please leave past fighting at other places there? Really don't want to have to send posts to cage. Thanks.

08-03-2015, 09:34 AM
My debate skills far surpass yours. I never claimed to have any social skills. I call cowshit when I see it.

But we can go here. You think killing people isn't hunting? You mean because you have an adversary that is capable of striking back instead of some dumb deer? Maybe you ought to think about how stupid you sound.

So YOU shut up and sit down and spin on your favorite device. When I get around to getting drunk, I'll let you know, sorry-ass bitch.

Back to the topic, nut, trophy hunting is not the same as....whatever it is that you claim to have done. And every stupid cliche you've spouted here paints a clear picture of your ignorance of the topic. The real topic, that is. Take your bizarro ptsd bs and grow a pair. My twelve year old daughter is tougher than you, wuss. Try to impress someone else, I think you're a low functioning ninny and am not impressed. Meanwhile, guides and trophy hunters enjoy a quality of life and mental and financial stability that you will never attain. Just accept it and move on.

08-03-2015, 09:36 AM
It's great to see you're still all about employing intimidation and insults when you're faced with a woman who knows what she's talking about. Start chewing or you might choke on your foot, pig.

08-03-2015, 09:41 AM
Back to the topic, nut, trophy hunting is not the same as....whatever it is that you claim to have done. And every stupid cliche you've spouted here paints a clear picture of your ignorance of the topic. The real topic, that is. Take your bizarro ptsd bs and grow a pair. My twelve year old daughter is tougher than you, wuss. Try to impress someone else, I think you're a low functioning ninny and am not impressed. Meanwhile, guides and trophy hunters enjoy a quality of life and mental and financial stability that you will never attain. Just accept it and move on.

Oh that's back to topic. :laugh:

Something I always wanted to tell you, Kosher Girl, from way back when .... you're an embarrassment to anything conservative. You don't know jack shit but you continue to live in your own little world like you matter. You're a distraction and a loser, and your every word is evidence.

I'm not trying to impress you. You're a dumbass and not worth impressing. So why don't you take your sorry fat ass elsewhere? You're a disgusting fat pig with less brains than most pigs have. You couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. Oh but wait ... you can't go to any other boards, can you? You're not welcome. Everyone else is wrong but not you.

You're a fucking moron. I got a dog that chases butterflies that's smarter than you.

08-03-2015, 10:02 AM
Oh that's back to topic. :laugh:

Something I always wanted to tell you, Kosher Girl, from way back when .... you're an embarrassment to anything conservative. You don't know jack shit but you continue to live in your own little world like you matter. You're a distraction and a loser, and your every word is evidence.

I'm not trying to impress you. You're a dumbass and not worth impressing. So why don't you take your sorry fat ass elsewhere? You're a disgusting fat pig with less brains than most pigs have. You couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. Oh but wait ... you can't go to any other boards, can you? You're not welcome. Everyone else is wrong but not you.

You're a fucking moron. I got a dog that chases butterflies that's smarter than you.
Like you are in a position to judge anyone. Oh, and you've told me all of that before. Pretty much every time I accurately point out your narrow minded idiocy....which has been many, many times. You were probably in black out phase...induced either by alcohol or dumb rage. That's okay, it's priceless every time you trot out your boring, rote insults.

08-03-2015, 10:05 AM
that's kind of funny....YOU making fun of somebody else for not being welcome....bwahaha. That's rich, I'll share it with the boards you can't go to, they'll all get a kick out of it.

08-03-2015, 10:08 AM
that's kind of funny....YOU making fun of somebody else for not being welcome....bwahaha. That's rich, I'll share it with the boards you can't go to, they'll all get a kick out of it.

I can go to any board I want. I choose to not hang out with losers.

And unlike you, I always know where I came from and who my friends are.

08-03-2015, 10:42 AM
I can go to any board I want. I choose to not hang out with losers.

And unlike you, I always know where I came from and who my friends are.

Uh huh. I also took a look around the steel cage..guess what? You're in here a LOT. I wonder why that is? I personally think it's because you're an anti-social retard, but what do I know, I'm just a 51 y.o. grandmother social worker. I probably don't know batshit crazy when I see it.

08-03-2015, 10:47 AM
Really, really don't want the past to infect this board. Really don't want this board brought up on other boards. Really want people to play nice together or ignore each other.

All I can say is looky who wants to keep this cage thread going...

08-03-2015, 10:48 AM
Uh huh. I also took a look around the steel cage..guess what? You're in here a LOT. I wonder why that is? I personally think it's because you're an anti-social retard, but what do I know, I'm just a 51 y.o. grandmother social worker. I probably don't know batshit crazy when I see it.

You mean because I don't take no shit off fuckwits like you? Now want to try again? i asked this be moved here. fatass. Want to try your next best loser trick?

08-03-2015, 10:56 AM
You're trash.

08-03-2015, 11:03 AM
You mean because I don't take no shit off fuckwits like you? Now want to try again? i asked this be moved here. fatass. Want to try your next best loser trick? Poor, poor Gunny. Get it out of your system, then take a nap: http://38.media.tumblr.com/772fd1189036945bfb9b510b21d08920/tumblr_inline_nbsn8oLFyZ1sne5pn.gif

08-03-2015, 11:05 AM
Poor, poor Gunny. Get it out of your system, then take a nap: http://38.media.tumblr.com/772fd1189036945bfb9b510b21d08920/tumblr_inline_nbsn8oLFyZ1sne5pn.gif

Gunny did make the request, to avoid derailing the thread. Props on that.

Seriously, did you come here to participate or just attack Gunny?

08-03-2015, 11:18 AM
I have a sneaky suspicion that the majority of these harsh feelings come from prior interaction, at a place I heard of once before...

It's not my beef and I don't even want to know. I would hope that it stays in this thread though. I would ask that someone place the other on ignore, but I'm gonna save my fingers from bleeding this time. No one wins, ever, and the board loses, always. But you know the drill, if one MUST, then please keep it here. Please don't do it elsewhere and expect us to move it, it's not fair.

08-03-2015, 11:26 AM
Gunny did make the request, to avoid derailing the thread. Props on that.

Seriously, did you come here to participate or just attack Gunny? I didn't attack Gunny. I disagreed with him. He sees that as an attack because he's unhinged, which prompted him to start shrieking.

08-03-2015, 11:27 AM
I didn't attack Gunny. I disagreed with him. He sees that as an attack because he's unhinged, which prompted him to start shrieking. Look at the first post in this thread. I didn't make it. He did. Despite the fact that the thread looks like it's *my* thread.

Please read how the thread went down, what I posted, what happened after. Please read Jim's post, feel free to put Gunny on ignore and participate with everyone else.

08-03-2015, 11:45 AM
Please read how the thread went down, what I posted, what happened after. Please read Jim's post, feel free to put Gunny on ignore and participate with everyone else.I know how the thread went down. Here is where Gunny started to lose it (and note that he edited his response this morning at about the same time he whined about the incivility of our exchange): http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by AllieBaba http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=753044#post753044) I've known many non trophy hunters who are egotistical, wasteful pigs as well. It is snobbishness.
GUNNy; Nope. As usual, you are wrong....

<!-- edit note --> Last edited by Gunny; Today at 07:45 AM. Hmmm...why do you think he went back and edited that? Hmm?

08-03-2015, 11:48 AM
I know how the thread went down. Here is where Gunny started to lose it (and note that he edited his response this morning at about the same time he whined about the incivility of our exchange): http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by AllieBaba http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=753044#post753044) I've known many non trophy hunters who are egotistical, wasteful pigs as well. It is snobbishness.
GUNNy; Nope. As usual, you are wrong....

<!-- edit note --> Last edited by Gunny; Today at 07:45 AM. Hmmm...why do you think he went back and edited that? Hmm?

Ok. As Jim said, probably good idea to ignore Gunny, as you seem to have a not so nice past with him.

08-03-2015, 11:57 AM
I didn't attack Gunny. I disagreed with him. He sees that as an attack because he's unhinged, which prompted him to start shrieking.

Try again? You engaged me when I was doing my best to pretend your dumb fucking ass didn't exist. But your fat ass has to stick it in in where it doesn't belong, not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not unhinged which makes you loser of the day. Week. Month. Year. Decade.

I punked your lame ass and you can't stand it. You're as wrong as you ever are which is as usual.

Don't mistake drunk for me wiring down on your lame ass. Haven't had a drink in almost 2 years. Pissed at losers works though.

08-03-2015, 12:42 PM
Try again? You engaged me when I was doing my best to pretend your dumb fucking ass didn't exist. But your fat ass has to stick it in in where it doesn't belong, not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not unhinged which makes you loser of the day. Week. Month. Year. Decade.

I punked your lame ass and you can't stand it. You're as wrong as you ever are which is as usual.

Don't mistake drunk for me wiring down on your lame ass. Haven't had a drink in almost 2 years. Pissed at losers works though.

Oh, brother.

08-03-2015, 03:49 PM
Oh, brother.

Yeah, I ain't your brother. You're the type that would be tattling on me every second if I was.

08-03-2015, 03:53 PM
Yeah, I ain't your brother. You're the type that would be tattling on me every second if I was.
My brothers would find that comment interesting, since it's totally the opposite of what I'm like. But continue with your whine fest.

08-04-2015, 11:42 AM
My brothers would find that comment interesting, since it's totally the opposite of what I'm like. But continue with your whine fest.

You couldn't shut the fuck up if someone superglued your lips together. And speaking of brothers, my brother is the only person I know that thinks he's smarter than you think you are.

*Yawn*. Whine? About YOU? Nah. I just don't have to play admin here and pretend I give a fuck about your stupidity. If you were 1/100th as smart as you think you are you'd be a genius.