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View Full Version : UK/France Also With Border Problems

08-03-2015, 11:12 AM
Seems their governments are addressing, not just 'the people':


08-03-2015, 12:37 PM
Seems their governments are addressing, not just 'the people':


This has been dominating our news bulletins for several days (at first, following hard on the heels of an 'exclusive' interview the BBC recorded with Obama, which they kept on repeatedly airing, apparently very proudly). Every night, hordes of would-be migrants do their damndest to get across from France to England. A small proportion of them have been succeeding.

What we have here is the aftermath-effect of Labour Government policy, which made our benefits system increasingly attractive. That's why they don't want to remain in France.

Our Conservatives understand the problem, and are working - albeit very slowly and hesitantly - to do all they can to reverse such perceptions. Just today, they announced a crackdown on landlords who rent properties to 'illegals' ... making it a criminal offence for landlords not to make proper checks and evict illegal immigrants when they're found to be such.

It's an emotive problem. Cameron made a reference, a couple of days ago, to 'swarms' of them coming across from the Middle East and trying their luck. This was seized upon by bleeding-heart liberals as a highly insensitive word to use. Needless to say, Labour are unapologetic about having created this mess ... since they still believe in deferring to anyone BUT indigenous Brits' interests ...

We see the French doing little to really meaningfully crack down on their side of the border, with one report saying that police there aren't motivated to do anything much about them. And Cameron is treading warily, because right now, border controls between Calais and the UK are carried out in Calais. Cameron's afraid of speaking out, it's thought, in case France insist that border checks be moved out of France and to Dover (in Kent, UK) instead.