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08-04-2015, 07:11 AM
How true this article is, yes she has done twice what the former CIA director David H. Petraeus did and he was sentenced to 2 years probation and a 100 grand fine, but he needed to get out of the way, got to love politics. But seriously, how in the hell can someone with so much hanging over her even consider running for the highest office in the land, and better yet think of the idiots that will support her.

Hillary Clinton says she’s running for president, but at this point in the inexorably unfolding Clinton Scandals, it may be all she can do to stay out of jail (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/2/hillary-clinton-emails-calls-mount-for-criminal-in/):

With U.S. intelligence officials scrambling to contain damage from potentially hundreds of spy agency secrets in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails, questions are mounting over why the Justice Department has not yet opened a criminal investigation against the Democratic presidential front-runner for mishandling a mountain of classified information.
While some secrecy experts believe Mrs. Clinton will be able to build a strong case that material on her server was not classified at the time it was moving through her emails, others assert that what the former secretary of state did was far more egregious than the mishandling of information that saw former CIA Director David H. Petraeus sentenced to two years probation and a $100,000 fine.
“I don’t see how the Justice Department would be able to avoid at least investigating this,” said Kevin Carroll, a former CIA officer and secrecy lawyer in Washington. “What Petraeus did was really small in comparison, because there was no exposure of any information to any foreign intelligence services.”


08-04-2015, 07:32 AM
Unfortunately, she's too well connected to get charged with anything serious. Plus she's got Slick Willie advising her on the art of avoiding jail time, something he is a master of.

I think she's pretty much destroyed her political chances, though... Thank God.

08-04-2015, 07:40 AM
Time will tell. What is interesting is that there seems to be a push for Biden now to run. That wouldn't be happening if knives weren't being sharpened to take down the presumed coronation queen. If that happens, all bets are off, as she wouldn't be a good enemy to have to those who tore her down for a second time.

08-04-2015, 07:45 AM
Unfortunately, she's too well connected to get charged with anything serious. Plus she's got Slick Willie advising her on the art of avoiding jail time, something he is a master of.

I think she's pretty much destroyed her political chances, though... Thank God.

Honestly NT if we can get at least that out of it I will be happy, but don't under estimate the liberal and/or Democratic mind, I have already heard people talking about what a great president Hilliary will make :confused0058: how folks can be that stupid is beyond me. But some folks know nothing zippo, the goose egg about who they are voting for, they just look for the letter that follows the name, others will vote for her just because she is a she. It's crazy that basically a criminal ( if not a criminal at least we know she is a habitual liar ) can even run for the highest office in the land.

08-04-2015, 07:59 AM
She will be the next president. Never underestimate the foolishness of Democratic voters. Also, we have yet to see how our current president will legalize the illegals.

08-04-2015, 08:11 AM
Time will tell. What is interesting is that there seems to be a push for Biden now to run. That wouldn't be happening if knives weren't being sharpened to take down the presumed coronation queen. If that happens, all bets are off, as she wouldn't be a good enemy to have to those who tore her down for a second time.

LOL, Biden (or Lurch, as I like to think of him) wouldn't have a prayer, IMO. His propensity for gaffes are comedy gold!

I'm thinking Sanders The Commie will take the nomination.

08-04-2015, 08:14 AM
LOL, Biden (or Lurch, as I like to think of him) wouldn't have a prayer, IMO. His propensity for gaffes are comedy gold!

I'm thinking Sanders The Commie will take the nomination.

I disagree about Sanders, the Dems aren't into self-destruction as another party we know is. Sanders is perhaps a warning to the DNC to move left much faster than is good for it, but will not win against Hillary-as the Dems understand he cannot win the election.

08-04-2015, 08:32 AM
I disagree about Sanders, the Dems aren't into self-destruction as another party we know is. Sanders is perhaps a warning to the DNC to move left much faster than is good for it, but will not win against Hillary-as the Dems understand he cannot win the election.

Maybe... but Sanders is drawing much higher numbers - ever increasing - in the liberal crowds at his campaign speeches, something that's pretty embarrassing for the so-called Clinton lock on the nomination.

Time will tell, of course, and I certainly don't understand the mindset of the moonbats. I've just been reading the stories about his gaining momentum

08-04-2015, 08:40 AM
Maybe... but Sanders is drawing much higher numbers - ever increasing - in the liberal crowds at his campaign speeches, something that's pretty embarrassing for the so-called Clinton lock on the nomination.

Time will tell, of course, and I certainly don't understand the mindset of the moonbats. I've just been reading the stories about his gaining momentum

Without a doubt he is getting tremendous response from what would have been expected, but nothing like the numbers Trump is getting in a very crowded field.

Sanders is a socialist, he self-identifies as one. He is getting the young and the old hippies. I'm betting William Ayers is supporting him. It's the far left of the democrat party, which is much more well to do and louder than the far right of the GOP.